08/15/2020 (Sat) 11:33:42
Id: 2b38da (4) Prev Next
No. 81772 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>81774 >>87317
>>81771 Because this board is for National Socialists or those making the transition from jewish Pavlovian conditioning, period. Not the indoctrinated. It's not here for the brainwashed. If I allowed insulting National Socialism or Hitler, kikes would flood this board and turn it into what Doonoo/Emmanuel (an actual jew) who used to advertise the old /endpol/ turned it into.
This filth , first two pics related, is what happens to a "free speech" board. End/pol/ is National Socialists' home, where we will not be banned as it frequently happened to us on 8chan either for revealing Trump, Merkel, or revealing any number of jewish conspiracies. And as I have been deplatformed across multiple jewish ran social media networks, jews - when they reveal themselves through their irresistable urge to insult Hitler/NSDAP, are banned here. Kikes don't get to fuck us over across every nation and every media network but then find a haven on this board to shill their degeneracy.
>Why? Jim is a jew because of this. Webm related. Watch the video. When Elle Reeve of VICE B&Eed his home, he did not bring any attention to the fact this bitch is a kike. He immediately went directly to "Nazis bad" when the subject had nothing to do with National Socialists. Nobody even thinks to do that but a jew.