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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

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Meta Thread 6 Anonymous Board owner 02/25/2021 (Thu) 17:27 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No. 84093 [Hide User] [X] >>89269
The rules are these
1. No jews. The enemy is kikes plus traitors, their religion is Judaism and they will be banned. Do not distract from the enemy. It is not possible to remove any other problem until the jewish tumor is excised from our nations.
2. Insulting National Socialism or Hitler, even by implying anything wrong about Hitler, will result in an immediate ban. (No excuses will be tolerated for this. No "but I was just pandering to normies", "I was ironic shitposting" or "you misunderstood muh context".)
3. Threads and posts must not support jewish propaganda. Expose jews, don't empower them. This doesn't matter if you're not jewish.
4. Shills have come here claiming "Not jews run the world but Annunaki" or some other aliens. NO /X/ BULLSHIT

If you want your ban lifted, you must agree not to violate these rules. Calm appeals are accepted. Rage appeals are denied
Typing "Write your appeal" (as AIDSkike does) will not be lifted.
Ocelotte and George_Costanza are forever listed as Volunteers and may return any time they wish with zero expectations

Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply. https://endchan.net/.static/globalRules.html

Previous threads:
#0 - http://archive.fo/zPA9W
#1 - http://archive.fo/cFJEA
#2 - http://archive.fo/rPzLu
#3 - http://archive.is/b4YaS
#3.75 - http://archive.is/3IVu1
#4 - http://archive.is/Hwjb6
#4.75 - http://archive.is/v9zVd (lacking many images due to server migration)
#5 - https://archive.is/RrCJr
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 02/12/2024 (Mon) 04:37.

Anonymous Board owner 03/15/2021 (Mon) 16:25:36 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.84233 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(22.02 KB 790x214 go away.png)
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What board rules? Rule 2. These are all listed pinned on page 1 so anyone can see them coming here.

Anonymous Board owner 05/15/2021 (Sat) 00:06:21 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.84675 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(11.57 KB 730x153 accident but good.png)
Looks like I accidentally set the ban for 5 years again. There's this shithead going around on the board claiming "studies" where he makes Loxist anti-white claims of pure lies because as I'm sure everyone knows, he's an insecure jew. No jew can hold in their Loxism. It's like tourettes to them. When you see the faggot, report him immediately. With the exception of AIDSkike's daily spam or removed extra double/triple posts, screens of deletions are at >>>/endpolmeta/
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/15/2021 (Sat) 09:16:36.

Anonymous 05/21/2021 (Fri) 02:39:42 Id: 74918b (1) [Preview] No.84718 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84725>>84726>>84734
I am disappointed that you deleted the obituary I wrote for the Odinist Lady who died. I realize it was far from poetry, but it was news. She reached a lot of people herself and spread pro-white tribal ideals, you know.

Anonymous 05/21/2021 (Fri) 05:19:54 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.84725 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(20.77 KB 463x418 leit.jpg)
Hmm yeah I was gonna say that you were legit and you were just the Odinist guy from a few weeks ago who also made a thread here earlier on. I didn't know who the woman was and I was gonna ask you about her.

Mistakes happen to the best of us anon. Maybe just make the thread again and ask the BO about it

Anonymous Board owner 05/21/2021 (Fri) 05:21:56 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.84726 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(56.04 KB 501x263 helikesthekikes.jpg)
Yes, let us take a look at the reason for the deletion. It would be the same reason as the ban. There it is. National Socialism promoted positive Christianity. Here you came with the same old "Christcuck" statement as has been repeated for years now. I was tired of this since 2017 and I'm tired of it now. This screenshot was a spammer several had to deal with back then. Read >>84571 where Hitler's words are provided for Christianity. Kikes are typically anti-Christian. There is no way to tell the difference between acting a kike and being a kike through anonymous, so you'll either stop or you'll be targeted. It's that simple. See these videos >>84535 where those facts are proven. An intense hatred and focus against Christianity "just like jews" but "totally not a jew" is too suspicious. There is no stance against Odinism here. I'm aware of the controlled opposition wedge of divide and conquer through so many forms. The method to stir up hatred between the two religions is all too overused. It's the same in Christians vs. Muslims to distract from Judaism. Christian National Socialists have been here on this board. They wouldn't be allowed to stir up shit against worshipers of Odin any more than you being permitted to stir shit against them. If you can continue without raging due to my words, go ahead and put a revised blog-post about Seana Fenner in >>78086 because it's the closest topic I can find, but if you don't like the thread find another related. Do this without saying Christcuck or anything of the sort. If you can't, you're ban evading by a month. I can repeat this penalty any time. Rule 9 has been updated
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/21/2021 (Fri) 05:43:03.

Anonymous Board owner 05/21/2021 (Fri) 14:07:19 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.84734 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84865>>84866
(35.12 KB 1280x720 kikery.jpg)
(5.34 MB 1920x1080 Jim the jew.webm)
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One more thing I forgot yesterday when I said the above, related to the post I deleted.
>"HateChan in it's heyday (it was the most based site where you could be the most offensive, in case you are a newfag and don't know)"
^This is what caused me to suspect the deleted OP and scrutinize it more. Fuck dead 8chan. Hotwheels rent was paid by his jew boss Palmer and Jim is a kike by blaming National Socialists for Elle Reeve the jew's B&E. They were desperate enough to send their actual agents here to attempt to infiltrate this board when the site was active and then shilled 8kun multiple times after it died. Don't praise that pile of shit here.

He >>84718 came back. He raged, despite warning him not to. It was deleted and posted on >>>/endpolmeta/ Now he's penalized for ban evading exactly as I said. The fact that I said he could post about Seanna Fenner again if he both stayed calm and didn't try 'Christcuck' again was very clear. This rarely ever happens. They always come back and have a sperg fit.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/22/2021 (Sat) 01:42:58.

Anonymous Board owner 05/23/2021 (Sun) 05:43:16 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.84744 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
New flags: The Silver Legion of America, Russian Liberation Army, Odin, Asatru and Atomwaffen Fedposting retard.

Anonymous 06/16/2021 (Wed) 23:52:40 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.84865 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84866
Adding some more info to your post anon >>84734

>Fuck dead 8chan. Hotwheels rent was paid by his jew boss Palmer and Jim is a kike by blaming National Socialists for Elle Reeve the jew's B&E.

Both 4chan and 8chan were/still are massive honeypot operations. Hiro actually hired little jimmy when back when 2ch was just getting started. And you can look at all of the info in these pictures if you want. Because there is a lot of shady and backhanded shit going on with them

Anonymous 06/17/2021 (Thu) 00:00:54 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.84866 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84867>>84879
>They were desperate enough to send their actual agents here to attempt to infiltrate this board when the site was active

They're still here anon. All they did was change their name a little. You can see in the second picture I posted. Some people are very upset 8ch's spying capabilities no longer exist

But, they're pretty easy to recognize by now. Just look at the type of threads being made here recently >>84840 >>84859 >>84862

They just have to insult us and call us "nazis" in each thread.

I would be very careful when posting in their threads or going into any random url that gets posted here. You don't know what type of malware they have running in the background

Anonymous Board owner 06/17/2021 (Thu) 09:48:09 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.84867 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84879
I decided not to give the OP of "Nazi explosions will result in mandatory slavery" any notice before the kike trick (by choosing an iron cross flag) was banned. If "Operation Money Temple" OP doesn't come back to address his claim "Hitler didn't flat out lie", which is obviously trying to insinuate he did (which he never did); I'll remove that thread on the 21st. I'm sick of one-off OPs who post vaguely insulting shit then vanish. I may list another rule.

Anonymous Board owner 06/19/2021 (Sat) 20:47:21 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.84873 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84879
(54.09 KB 745x212 moron.jpg)
Appeal denied. This particular troll's post was archived here: >>>/endpolmeta/488
The reason I'm posting this is to get one thing out of the way. I have never claimed this as a free speech board. It is not even close.

Anonymous 06/21/2021 (Mon) 23:34:15 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.84879 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>that assmad response
>Implying none of us remember how bad this board was when it was based on "free speech"

Now I'm 99% sure I know who that niggerfaggot is. His name, his face, his modus operandi for whenever he starts posting shit. Even where the faggot lives at this point.

And now he went and made a /news/ thread trying to bring up q again, which is a movement completely dead at this point >>>/news/17675 . Said movement was also made by jimmy the walking shit, which he conveniently forgot to bring up


Which means that I was right. >>84866 He's still sending his goons around here
OP never responded which was expected so I'm all for getting that shitty /news/ thread deleted and banning the OP. Because why give lil jimmy and his half breed gook son any breathing room around here?

Anonymous 07/07/2021 (Wed) 21:01:41 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.84957 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>84960
Hey BO

A few feds and kikes are stirring shit up on the board again. Yes, it is very obvious Reported everything, but wanted to let the board know and expose them more here.

Also, if you're still the owner of the >>>/pdfs/ board, you may want to look there as well for obvious shill stupidity.

Anonymous Board owner 07/08/2021 (Thu) 17:47:33 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.84960 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85006
I banned them and removed the posts. I've never owned /pdfs/ It looks like unmoderated shit.

Anonymous 07/10/2021 (Sat) 17:48:23 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.84967 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85006
New banners.

Anonymous 07/17/2021 (Sat) 04:52:58 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.85006 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85015
Hmm I thought you were the BO of it. Maybe I had it confused with the /pdf/ board instead

Looks good. Maybe some new users can pitch in and create more banners if possible. Not sure if you're still taking, but I wanted to add a new banner too. It involves our dear old friend, Ben Garrison. It's not too complicated for a banner if you want to see it

Anonymous 07/18/2021 (Sun) 03:25:17 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.85015 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85060
I'll look at it. Ben Garrison isn't a friend. Only altered toons of his against jews are good.

Anonymous 07/25/2021 (Sun) 23:44:29 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.85060 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85061>>85516
(92.39 KB 819x1024 chess.jpeg)
(18.02 KB 653x133 banner_2.png)
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>Yeah I know about how Ben really is, and where his edits came from. No worries.
Was just thinking of adding this screenshot crop as a banner. It's a rough draft, so it needs some work. Let me know if we can work with it

Anonymous 07/26/2021 (Mon) 01:05:40 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.85061 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85516
I think it's fine as it is. The third image has been uploaded to the banners.

Anonymous 08/02/2021 (Mon) 12:00:48 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.85110 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Appeal denied. They ramble on incoherently. They scam call boomers, are the most obnoxious tech support and shit in their own streets. This dementia is a prime example of what happens when an entire nation has been lost to race-mixing.

Anonymous 08/26/2021 (Thu) 05:17:02 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.85262 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Another denied appeal. Nothing to his come-back but a weak squeak after he said "nigger crackers" and posted thug-life Piccolo. Imagine being black saying, "Yes Massa" when the very people who enslaved your ancestors want you to believe thug life (jewish record producers have pushed for decades) is your culture. Not any actual culture from his country of origin. No. Just copying the shit he sees on TV. Even though this fool brought up Africa, he has zero connection to it. This is the typical dumb, uneducated negro who follows along when jews want him to hate the very Aryans who have historically fought against and exiled his slave masters. Traitors obedient to jews, of all races, are scum but this is an entirely different level of pathetic. Everyone's laughing at them. When they make a spectacle of themselves in public. When they kill each other at a higher rate than any other race has ever done because of "thug life". When they followed BLM ran by Marxist mulattos trained by jewish fathers, caused riots, smashed windows, stole and continued murdering their race to "defund the police", all they did was cater to the U.S. government's desire to apply more force. They couldn't even think of the repercussions as their people were led around like sheep. The black golem are clowns for everyone else's amusement and the joke is getting fucking old.

Anonymous Admin 09/03/2021 (Fri) 17:00:38 Id: 87d732 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.85354 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Saw this post, please confirm with role signature.

Anonymous Board owner 09/03/2021 (Fri) 20:37:03 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.85361 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85437
Confirmed. It was a joke, but those don't need to last. I think I'll stay away from that section.

Anonymous Admin 09/06/2021 (Mon) 20:52:50 Id: 87d732 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.85437 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85438
If there's a problem with the board software that should be explored and resolved.
You should try to delete it using different domains - we suspect it could be a domain issue (there were some changes recently). Maybe all the domains need a test but chiefly .gg and .net

Anonymous Board owner 09/06/2021 (Mon) 22:39:31 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.85438 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85445
When I just signed into the account page on .gg, the word filters were all gone. For .net, one still shows up. wikipedia to kikepedia

Anonymous 09/07/2021 (Tue) 06:51:32 Id: 87d732 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.85445 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85450
I think your previous deletion attempts finally registered. We're gonna ponder on the implications what could be the issue, but your request is considered done.

Anonymous 09/07/2021 (Tue) 10:54:04 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.85450 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Yes, thanks. The Moderate Thread link as well holds onto deleted posts sometimes on .net but not .gg Such is the case with the Indian jew who evades bans. Attempting to remove those in that section brings up a constant "you are not signed in" despite being signed in. However, those ghost posts don't show up in the thread itself (outside of Moderate Thread) so it's not really a problem. Just a strange glitch particular to .net
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 09/07/2021 (Tue) 10:57:57.

Anonymous 09/11/2021 (Sat) 19:26:35 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85511 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(44.50 KB 619x235 not freeze peach.jpg)
This is obviously not a free speech board. You typed a sentence and left a link. That made your thread a low effort slide. In the header it says the following: DO NOT CONTINUE UNTIL YOU HAVE READ META THREAD 6
For Rule 3 it says No slide threads or blog-posts as OPs: Slide threads are low effort OPs with one to two sentences or less. Try typing a paragraph. Blog-posting may only be in replies.

You're clearly new here for thinking this board was even close to free speech after the years of slides and attacks it has endured. You did not give a shit about reading anything. Your intent was as the rest of those who post slide threads. Dump and run. The ban has been lifted but I doubt it matters. You didn't plan on sticking around anyway. There will be no excuse for ignoring this thread. Read the rules
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 09/11/2021 (Sat) 19:43:50.

Anonymous 09/11/2021 (Sat) 23:34:41 Id: 854763 (1) [Preview] No.85516 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86171
>sounds good, I've got a lot more written for that section if you're interested.

Actually, I think I can rework it and make it better. I'll repost a newer edition soon

Also wanted to add 3 new banners soon. One with Oswald Mosley in it.

Anonymous 09/17/2021 (Fri) 03:06:25 Id: 4dc48f (1) [Preview] No.85572 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85582
The infographs and webms thread just started autosaging. Guess it's time to make a new one.

Anonymous Board owner 09/17/2021 (Fri) 18:42:39 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85582 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85615
It is past 500 replies. I decided to pin it again. That one anon hasn't even been back after complaining about too many pins.

Anonymous Board owner 09/18/2021 (Sat) 17:54:29 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85598 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85615
Slide threads have been going on for months now, where either someone does a dump and run of one sentence bullshit and they spam a link to some jewish social media or somebody posts a schizo rant about mind controlling aliens. Those will no longer be on page 1. There are multiple pinned threads. I don't care who doesn't like it. Blame the shitheads who continue avoiding the first post of this thread. Pins will be reduced only when the India faggot stops posting. I just deleted and banned another kike insulting Hitler and being under the delusion National Socialists are still in power. If you want your thread pinned here on the first page, make the request ITT.
Scroll all the way up. Read the rules. Make sure you're following them. No cancerous kike threads. Those will never stop being banned and purged.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 09/19/2021 (Sun) 20:28:38.

Anonymous 09/21/2021 (Tue) 22:36:23 Id: 2060b2 (1) [Preview] No.85615 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85633
>It is past 500 replies. I decided to pin it again.

>Slide threads have been going on for months now, where either someone does a dump and run of one sentence bullshit and they spam a link to some jewish social media or somebody posts a schizo rant about mind controlling aliens. Those will no longer be on page 1. There are multiple pinned threads

I said it before, but I think it bears repeating. The only people who complain about too many pinned threads are usually outsiders that want to post their AIDS here. Just go to the bottom page or catalog and watch every thread there if you need to.

Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 21:10:59 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85633 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(87.61 KB 293x727 India retard.jpg)
>The only people who complain about too many pinned threads are usually outsiders that want to post their AIDS here.
It is getting that obvious, yes, and the India faggot has not let up on spamming four threads every single day. This way he's off on page 2 with his pro jew bullshit until I come on and delete them.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 09/29/2021 (Wed) 14:06:55.

Anonymous Board owner 09/29/2021 (Wed) 14:11:14 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85654 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85697
Update: It has been two days since the India Hasbarat has posted four pro-jew spam posts. I have reduced the pinned threads to Germania, this Meta, Joe Biden/Trump containment and QTDDOT. This will change if the piece of shit strikes again.

Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 23:09:53 Id: 77f720 (1) [Preview] No.85697 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85699
Any chance on getting the infographs thread pinned? It's past the bump limit right now so no way to put it back on page 1

Anonymous Board owner 10/02/2021 (Sat) 02:03:39 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85699 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85749
Right, I forgot about that reached bump limit. It has been re-pinned.

Anonymous 10/08/2021 (Fri) 23:05:47 Id: 18e62a (1) [Preview] No.85749 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85764
(133.93 KB 960x960 Didyouknow.jpeg)
Good moderation and a comfy /pol/ board with almost 0 infiltrators. What more can you ask for?
Thanks fren

Anonymous Board owner 10/10/2021 (Sun) 11:57:47 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85764 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Infiltrators will not be able to accomplish much here as long as I am BO of this board. If they come with enemy propaganda, it will be refuted. If they flat out defend jews or promote the Holocaust fraud like the "not jews it's Serbs!" anon I just removed who defended kikes pretty hard, they're out. I know how National Socialist groups have been infiltrated and torn down. Especially the American version unironically calling themselves the Bavarian slur. However, men in my family line die of cardiovascular issues no matter how healthy. You may want to pay close attention if I don't make an appearance any time in the future long enough for the board to become claimable.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 10/10/2021 (Sun) 11:58:21.

Anonymous 10/17/2021 (Sun) 20:15:55 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85800 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
We can follow this fate of Jewry from the earliest prehistory. It is not important if there is truth in every word of the Bible. In general, it gives us at least an extract of the history of Jewry. We see how the Jews present themselves because the Jew wrote these words quite innocuously. It did not appear to him as outrageous when a race, through cunning and deceit, invaded and despoiled other races, was always finally expelled and, unoffended, sought to repeat the same elsewhere. They pimped and haggled even when it came to their ideals, always ready to offer even their own families. We know that not long ago a gentleman was staying here, Sigmund Fraenkel, who has just written that it is quite unjust to accuse Jews of a materialistic spirit. One should only look at their sunny family life. However, this intimate family life did not prevent Grandfather Abraham from pimping off his own wife to the Pharaoh of Egypt in order to be able to do business. As was the grandfather, so was the father and so were the sons who never neglected their business. And you can be sure that they are not neglecting the business even as we speak. Who among you was a soldier, he will remember Galicia or Poland: There, at the train stations, these Abrahams were everywhere. They penetrated into other races for millennia. And we know very well that wherever they stayed long enough symptoms of decay appeared and the peoples could do nothing else than to liberate themselves from the uninvited guest or to disappear themselves. Heavy plagues came over the nations, no less then ten in Egypt – the same plague we experience today firsthand – and finally the Egyptians lost their patience. When the chronicler describes that the Jews were suffering when they finally left, we know differently, for as soon as they were out, they began to long after coming back. It seems that they did not have it so badly. On the other hand, if it’s true they had been forced to help build pyramids, it would mean today forcing them to earn their bread by working in our mines, stone quarries etc. And just as you are not going to see this race voluntarily do it, so there was nothing left to the Egyptians but to force them. What hundreds of thousands of others do as a matter of course, means for the Jew another chapter of suffering and persecution. Still later, the Jew was able to infiltrate the then soaring Roman Empire. We can still see his traces in southern Italy. Already 250 years before Christ he was there in all places, and people began to avoid them. Already, then and there, he made the most important decision and became a trader. From numerous Roman texts we know that he traded, like today, with everything from shoelaces to girls. And we know that the danger grew, and that the insurrection after the murder of Julius Caesar was mainly fomented by the Jews. The Jew knew even then how to make friends with the masters of the Earth. Only when they became shaky in their rule, he suddenly became a populist and discovered his wide open heart for the needs of the broad masses. So it was in Rome, as we know. We know that the Jew used Christianity, not out of love for Christ, but partly because he knew that this new religion questioned all earthly power and so it became an axe at the root of the Roman state, the state which was built on the authority of the public servant. And he became its chief bearer and propagator, without becoming a Christian – he couldn’t, he remained a Jew, precisely as today when he, never stooping to the level of worker, remains a master pretending to be a socialist. He did the same 2000 years ago, and we know that this new Teaching was nothing else than a resurrection of the old truism that people in a state should have legal rights and, above all, that equal duties should give equal rights. This obvious Teaching was gradually turned against the Jew himself, as the similar Teaching of socialism has to turn on the Hebrew race today, its distorters and corrupters. - Adolf Hitler, NSGWP meeting in the Great Hall of the Hofbrauhaus. Friday 15, August 1920

Anonymous 11/03/2021 (Wed) 08:17:02 Id: dfd1e7 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.85887 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85889>>85904
On DMT, I had a breakthrough that showered me in swastikas from the source of childhood experience where my mother shouted at me.

I'm pretty sure I'm National Socialist because of my mum yelling at me as a child kek

Anonymous 11/03/2021 (Wed) 10:26:59 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85889 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85890
(176.45 KB 1886x1445 16.jpg)
Your mockery isn't funny. Imagine not using DMT to ask other worldly entities how to unfuck the world from international jewry. How to gain power to remove the hooknosed parasites by force. I've heard so much about breaking through, but no space cadets ever do anything productive with all the shit they promise they're capable of seeing on DMT. Wouldn't cybernetic elves be advanced enough to learn from? Nah. Lets just put up YouTube videos and compare the experience to the Wachowskis' kike Matrix ripped off of Ghost in the Shell. If trippy shapes is all you fuckers want, buy this. Wasting everyone's time bullshit.

Anonymous 11/03/2021 (Wed) 12:25:47 Id: dfd1e7 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.85890 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85893>>85904

You are a very angry person. Just do DMT, bro. The deep web is available. I'm still NatSoc and I have never met the elves. I am a DMT entity.

I understand that from your perspective, you might take me as a Jewish shill because I am not keeping in line of end/Pol/'s unspoken (and even spoken to some degree, I suppose) guidelines. Have faith, however, that some people here astray from your worldy views, which are specific I might add (since I have been here since 2015 and believe I know who you are) are still attempting to create a better world through National Socialism. I, at first, wanted to go through politics like the goddamn cliché I was; but I realised I have further influence culturally because that is the field I am directly tied to (by pure chance, I might add). You will never know who I am but will probably hear my name. I am very deeply connected in the music world, am still passionately tied to my European roots, and I have not forgotten the obstacles the Jewtopia are still asserting against me. Know I hold malice because of the pseudo-rectification humanity suffers due to their indoctrination, and I have personally and professionally suffered from it - not from what I have said, but what I have done to those who thought they could manipulate a scenario (they have all failed greatly, though, I'll admit, make fantastic examples of pests). I know I have digressed, but basically, BO, if this is who I am talking to, realise we are not enemies, and we both must endure this dystopia. I am trying and I will continue to try, not for you, not for Hitler, not for humanity, but for myself; because as a human, being National Socialist benefits me individually, like it would all individuals.

Psychedelics aren't about the visuals by the way. If you're interested...

LSD opens a cortex in your mind which makes you take in more external information. This is why MKUltra worked.

Psilocybin increases blood flow to parts of your brain influencing your self-identity and depressed/joyful mood.

DMT raises your theta waves above all other brainwaves, bringing your subconscious to the forefront.

However, I'm not neurologist - I'm an artist.

Who knows? Maybe something extraordinary will light inside me if I am obstructed from an artistic career like Uncle Adolf…

Anonymous 11/03/2021 (Wed) 17:00:51 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85893 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85896
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Yeah, you probably should have led with that instead of "I'm a National Socialist because mum yelled at me". You can understand why I thought you were mocking. That and we get the pro-kike shills a lot. The paranoia is real.
>The deep web is available
I'll trust Tor on a cold day in hell, friend. Alright, back to my point. I don't take DMT. I don't usually do any drugs, but that wouldn't stop me if I could get it. It's too rare from the average pot dealer, or cops show up at your door even if you legally buy Mimosa Hostilis root bark. Otherwise, I know the tek is simple chemistry. I have watched a lot of "eyewitness" accounts about DMT. The thing is, there's surface level hallucinations and there is what's described as breaking through to the other side. From the experiences I have seen, I've learned 5-MeO DMT is what makes it seem like you leave your body into space and experience ego death. N-N DMT on the other hand is described with accompanying machine elves, jesters, talking animals like Narnia, beings of pure energy and all that crazy shit.

I don't care that you take hallucinogens. I'm not judging you for that. The thing that pisses me off about DMT users is: If you can break through and contact ancient entities who must have secret knowledge of the universe; what the fuck are you even doing? Why are you not getting answers? What if you could ask for the solution to immortality or become a capeshit at the very least? Those timeless beings, if they even existed, would have such knowledge yet what do people on DMT do? They give the run-around about this sort of thing. I have asked directly. "The machine elves say mankind is not ready" was the answer, which is a cop-out. You can tell, even more than you, I'm very pissed about Zionist Occupied Governments. What I feel about this entire situation, as I experience daily the pinnacle of degeneracy these kikes have pushed for centuries, is a towering rage. You may think that means I'm mad at you. I'm mad at fucking jews. I want solutions, any and every solution, to stop the baby-dick-suckers without resorting to what would throw my mortal life away and grant Homeland Security kikes more power through their crocodile tears. None of us are invulnerable or ageless. So who wants to spend life getting raped in prison for a lone wolf act of violence that barely gets rid of kikes, if at all? Or prison for life without ridding the world of any, like that Oslo shooter retard. All those assholes ever accomplished was getting Congress to pass more laws against "anti semitism".

Anonymous 11/03/2021 (Wed) 22:44:30 Id: dfd1e7 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.85896 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85897
Majority of the folk engaged with psychedelic culture are simpletons, therefore a grandiose realisation to them is something a superior human would consider common sense. For example, "everyone has their own perspective".

>What if you could ask for the solution to immortality
Physical existence, or "being alive" is a physical augmentation of preceding essence. To put it simply, that which has been created (universally speaking) physically manifests and develops a soul until the body expires. There is no death when understanding our alive bodies as a shell for internal development. After expiry, the soul becomes the spirit - an archetype is created as well; a legend - and eventually, when the spirit is capable again, endures physical reality for the sake of growth.

For sake of visualisation, understand it like this;

1D - Point of creation
2D - Creation
3D - Manifestation of creation
4D - Individual point of creation
5D - Manifestation of individual point of creation


And so on... We have potential to be godly, though not be God.

Regarding the Jewish beast, I share your malice. Try to understand Hitler's ambition as a creative pursuit. I believe as a repressed artist, he unleashed his creation into the real world, saving it from redundant forms such as ink on paper. He was forced to live an uncomfortable life after being rejected from art school. The discomfort he suffered awakened his willpower and forced him to create. He was an architectural artist from what I can tell, and thus, he became an architecht for humanity.

Create something that transcends degenerate humanity, be it through literature, politics, music, art, etc. If you have trouble finding it, suffer more; cathart until you are internally pure and free from all superficial notions. I personally believe, if this is BO I'm talking to, that you have created a pure haven for National Socialist ideals. You may not get recognition much but I admire this politically philosophical gem and always return here when I feel the tendrils of the Jew seep in.

Anonymous 11/04/2021 (Thu) 02:13:02 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85897 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85898
Seems a lot like reincarnation, from life to death to the spirit world and back to life. I don't have an objection to the concept. Can't say it's bunk if I have no recollection of life before birth. Science fiction of the 50s No, I'm not that old showed people back then believed human kind would evolve into mental and physical perfection. Yeah, but they also thought everyone would have flying cars, robot maids and floating condos. This board is a good place to escape the jew and not permit him to have a say in anything, but it's honestly backwoods and has few frequent visitors. It's a step, but there's a wall preventing going forward. That wall I speak of is "white flight". It is the result of clearing minds from jewish brainwashing in person.

People flee, seeking greener pastures, thinking they can find somewhere away from the degenerate corruption of culture and values. Any one of us could create books of truth and be censored by nation-infiltrated jews as whatsoever offends them triggers their ADL, SPLC and other kike groups of sinister influence. We could try to get into politics and realize as the rest that you don't rise unless endorsed and subservient to AIPAC plus other wealthy Israel lobbies. Music is corrupted. Art is corrupted. The jew filth is mainstream. No, I'd rather be 50 feet tall and crush international jewry under my heel. Take that as a metaphor if it helps.

If you can break through, do it. I've seen from people speaking about it that it takes more to pass the usual kaleidoscope or novelty visions. Talk to otherworldly beings to discover any method to stop the parasites. Expediting human evolution or contacting something advanced intent on removing kike bastards. Not that I believe in these fast tracks. It's more like imagination, shots in the dark. Sounds like you can get DMT with more ease.

Anonymous 11/04/2021 (Thu) 04:49:38 Id: e1f767 (1) [Preview] No.85898 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85899>>85902
It is reincarnation. Individuals seeking greener pastures seek comfort, thus distracting their will and essentially burying themselves early - they will never create anything. Superficially speaking, this planet is hell and I would even go as far to say none of it is sacred. I have no faith in humanity due to the fact the lowest common denominator is so easily manipulated. However, I like to think of myself as one who has transcended my flesh. This, to me, is a experimental journey. I do not trust those who wish to be grounded in filth. Essentially, this planet is bacterial. I have no place here. Music and other forms of creativity provide a pure sense of will that free you from your flesh. Superficially, the industries are corrupt but the creations themselves are purer than the idea of purity itself.

To crush Jews is to make a mess of them. I personally find desintegration is healthier because the mess is easier to control and it ensures absolute devastation. I do not think humanity will move forward until Judaism no longer exists.

I have broken through plenty of times. Mainly, it is just indicating for me to improve myself. At first, I was encouraged to dance, then quit weed, alcohol, and understand my fame. Majority of my future public reception is folk raising their phones to film or photograph me. Humans are dull and insipid.

Anonymous 11/05/2021 (Fri) 01:45:27 Id: 519dda (1) [Preview] No.85899 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85902
I've always wonder if the smart folk laugh at the dmt users the same way us common folk laugh at the drunken monkeys, far as I know my body is made a the image of the creator and has no need for transhumanist enhancement.

Anonymous 11/05/2021 (Fri) 12:20:59 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85902 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85943
>I personally find desintegration is healthier because the mess is easier to control and it ensures absolute devastation.
Cremation already led to kikes' inflated number of "6 million" they've been pushing for generations before the holocaust fraud. No evidence required for ashes made Germany the perfect scapegoat because idiots can't even perform basic math to realize that many bodies couldn't be incinerated in such a short amount of time. Imagine if one or a few jews were destroyed with the invention of a disintegration ray. The lying pieces of shit would claim it's "anudda shoah" and lie again "6 million". https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1836&date2=1922&proxtext=6000000+jews&x=11&y=17&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic
>I do not think humanity will move forward until Judaism no longer exists.
That is why there needs to be a solid plan to remove the bastards from our media, governments and education systems. The more permanent the better, without martyrdom which grants them more authority.
>Mainly, it is just indicating for me to improve myself. At first, I was encouraged to dance, then quit weed, alcohol, and understand my fame.
>Majority of my future public reception is folk raising their phones to film or photograph me. Humans are dull and insipid.
The brainwashed by kikes are those dull creatures. That's another thing I've noticed about people who use DMT. The "I am self." You are your people. Your people are important. They're being handled badly by jews. Their culture, family values, way of life, it's all crumbling because kikes are intentionally tearing it down.

>my body is made a the image of the creator
The reason for this may be that some describe their breakthroughs as a god being led by another god, teaching them they're capable of creating objects with their minds. To this I say, if that's what they go through, why not create an entire civilization intent on removing the jew? Reveling in the experience like a child with Play-Doh isn't worth anything. Selfishness will not help our people against the parasites.
>and has no need for transhumanist enhancement.
That's where I believe society is headed eventually, if all don't crumble from within due to degeneracy like the Roman and Greek empires. Trannyism will lead to transhumanism. Part of the corrupt jewish media influence is about men being "toxic" and transgenders being "stunning and brave". What happens when these idiots figure out the life ruining surgery doesn't actually turn them into the opposite gender? That all the transition surgery does is mutilate their genitals permanently? Trans lunatics are frequently committing suicide when faced with immovable facts vs their pointless feelings. That is a type which are even pissing off jews and negros with their persecution complexes, which I find hilarious how it's backfiring. Trannies are going to call for a different method of changing what they were born with. The next push for jews' favorite methods towards loss of cultural identity will be transhumanism. Cybernetic bodies. People will want to be less themselves and more machine, when they realize the benefits. There already is 'critical race theory' where retards take "races not real" and "gender not real" as fact. This transhumanism cyberization too will be a form of control. A loss of bloodline which ties us to our ancestors.

Anonymous 11/05/2021 (Fri) 23:25:31 Id: 8483da (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.85904 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85906>>85907
Nah drugs are bad dude

Anonymous 11/05/2021 (Fri) 23:36:27 Id: 8483da (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.85906 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85907
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I looked into it, and it turns out that you North Americans had a really anti drug/jew wise President called Richard Nixon once. Here's what he thinks of all of this.

He sounds pretty smart

Anonymous 11/06/2021 (Sat) 02:43:15 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85907 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Nixon realized kikes held control and here's why he didn't speak as openly: He was President after LBJ which was after JFK's assassination was pay-rolled by jews. Nixon's talking about dope, which was the old reference for cocaine, weed, heroine and opium. Should you come to the states some day, you might realize as other Europeans have, the insane amount of commercials for prescription drugs. This is a drugged up nation with drug pushers. It's extremely degenerate, as I'm sure you may be aware from American mainstream media ran by jewish CEOs. This country's CIA let loose cocaine and LSD into the populace. They guard poppy flowers overseas for the opium trade. Just shithead soldiers standing around with guns guarding whole fields. DMT however, is not magic mushrooms (Psilocybin) nor cannabis, cocaine, LSD or prescription drugs. It's something curious. People tend to describe similar elaborate experiences, and almost all describe breaking through to another dimension with some variety of higher beings. Some claim to "see God". I don't know about the authenticity of any of it. My responses were hypothetical such as "if you could break through, why aren't you learning anything substantial to stop jewish parasites or help your people?" But I never get a direct answer from that line of questioning. It's always along the lines of philosophy. Nothing tangible. Nothing usable. As usual, I'm left with no valuable answers to pull Europeans and descendants of Europe out of the jewish mass-conditioning miasma.

Anonymous 11/14/2021 (Sun) 03:50:41 Id: 43046f (1) [Preview] No.85943 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85957>>85960
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>Trannyism will lead to transhumanism
They've been pushing it for a long time now, and I think it reduces self hating, they teach others to hate themselves, mostly by promoting loxism (funny is the fact that kikepedia doesn't even has info on the word), all the "goy is born to serve us" bullshit, so they bash on all the nations and their offsprings and tell them they are useless and ugly so they should take drugs and chop of the parts they don't like, and that they're better living as slaves to the jew and should believe jews in everything (anyone up for his 4th corona booster?), as you know the jew has advesity to god's creations, so he chop off his sons foreskins and is willling to go the extra mile and even chopping off his sons dicks, they see this as an acceptable practice and even more, they commend it and recommend it, it had to be a jewish medic the one who performed the first dick cut operation, but of course it was a fucking jew, completely violating the hipocratic oat to do no harm, but jews gonna shekel. Lately the push has been coming from the ones like Musk and his brain chip, I still remember the appreciation he got when he posted in twitter something on the lines of "working in a brain chip to make you smarter", it carried the same tone, you are not smart enough, hate yourself for it, now buy my product and become my slave (anyone up for his 5th corona booster?), this being posted on twitter and getting a good reception is even funnier. I've read many comments on the tranny fad dying soon, so I still wonder how they're going to make the goy hate himself now, maybe the vax, maybe another bullshit, I mean, all they have to do is lie and they will find a healthy man or woman who will hates his folk or his family, his nation, his own body, all on promises of happiness.

Anonymous 11/15/2021 (Mon) 01:15:06 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.85957 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85960
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The tranny fad has mainstreamed and became accepted. After trends mainstream, they dial down. In order to determine what comes after, all that's required is to know which filth remained in the Weimar Republic before National Socialists came to power out of people feeling disgust for it all. What this modern society yet lacks but will see soon enough. Pedophilia. Bestiality. Commonplace prostitution. Hyperinflation. Mass starvation and suicides. Well, in the United States, over $18 billion was paid to the primary vaccine companies. Americans think SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are free because they're not paying in stores. They already paid through taxes. The U.S. government will be next to bankrupt. The pedophiles are already pushing for their "rights". Kiddy diddlers now call themselves "MAPs" or "Minor Attracted Persons". Kikes have been known to take a hands-on approach with kids, as well as their Cuck in Chief puppet Biden. Don't think for a second this means just North America. The degeneracy practiced in the United States as a starting point tends to bleed into European nations until the new degenerate way has infected everywhere. Mainstream international fucking media ran by kikes which every brainwashed the world over wants to tune into. Note how Netflix tried "Cuties" but when that didn't blow over well, they detracted. As when Hollywood kikes who started their studios in the early 1900s tried different scenarios with a gradual increase throughout decades until perversions were accepted. They'll go for the same slow beating of the drums approach now as before for every other degenerate concept. If hyper-inflation and starvation does not come first, a normalization of child molestors is next.

Anonymous 11/16/2021 (Tue) 11:19:49 Id: 26ad22 (1) [Preview] No.85960 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>85961>>85967

>Trannyism will lead to
Trannyism is the end-result, the objective being the obtaining of mentally ill, identity-dependant zealots who will never give up their attachment to whatever you give them.

>The tranny fad has mainstreamed
What it is palatable or not to the good Aryan peoples of the US is irrelevant to the jew, that it became mainstream is only a matter of gas-lighting people into believing it is normal.

Reminder that tranny-ism or gender-identity came from tumblr, and there were plenty other *-identity and *-isms to choose from back in the days of tumblr.

I remember two cases, one being planet-kin and the other being animal-kin.
Fat Dykes who identified as goddesses, planets, animals, or whatever else.
In short, this was US university students on tumblr, who used exactly the same intellectual babble to legitimize their "identity".
>I identify therefore I am.
The trick here is that if they didn't have this identity, they'd have nothing at all but their own sad miserable existence, which is where this comes from:
>If you don't validate my identity, you are literally killing/raping me!
This is true of course, because the only two options for someone like them is suicide or self-improvement. The second being too difficult to accomplish!

So, planet-kin (I believe my astral self is that of Pluto, I am the godess pluto!) and animal-kin (I am a squirrel, my children will be squirrels, I eat nuts before winter to fatten up!) being available, the reason they chose trannies (I like masturbating in front of a mirror to myself dressed in a pair of panties and a bra!), is this:
- There's more degenerates with a gender-bender fetish than bestiality fetishists (jews would know, they control porn).
- They probably kill themselves less often as their delusion is minor in amount, but not in kind. (How do you live out the fantasy of being a planet? With trannies you just dress like a woman.)
>inb4 trannies would be more easily accepted.
As if the jew gave a shit about what Aryan liked or didn't.

So, at the end of the psyop, the jew obtains a shock trooper out of university who would rather kys than give up their delusion.

. In conclusion .
The benefit of pedophilia to the jew:
- to engage publicly in what they do privately. The next objective would be blood or cannibalism related.
- gaining zealots, similariy to tranny-ism.

It's mainstreaming involves:
- Loss of revenue for police forces who engage in the prostitution of children, such as the British police force, who uses muslim rape gangs to sell children out to hebes or pedos.
- Loss of blackmailing power over politicians. We are all aware of the mechanisms of this weapon.
- Lastly, pedophilia is a red line for many, it stays a secret because many americans place their red line at it. And this is a real red line. Many would outright attempt to kill them all for it. As is, some already do, explain pedogate to a normie and they will be traumatized.

There are a couple of scenarios when pedo-sexuality becomes mainstream:
- The jew has won completely and there is no point in hiding their desires).
- Some incompetent propagandist decides "fuck it" and push for it anyways, disregarding strategy.
- The jew, known for strategic prudence and subtlety, goes for it anyways (most likely).
- Blackmailing becomes useless, normalized in the US.
- Police force in Europe becomes useless, normalized in the EU.

I don't think it will happen any time soon though. Vax-police states are the main concern now, I think.

* As a last point, don't call it a slippery slope. This is the small bite stratagem, where every day, while no-one is looking, you take a small bite out of the cake. By the time people notice, you've eaten most of the cake, and it is too late to stop you.

* * Have a picture of hitler with blonfi, because we can never have enough of those.

Anonymous 11/17/2021 (Wed) 04:20:07 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.85961 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Nice take. You're right about all of this. The situations involving police, blackmailing, and the red lines I knew about already but failed to consider when I wrote up my response.

Anonymous 11/19/2021 (Fri) 01:19:18 Id: 7dd137 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.85967 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>As a last point, don't call it a slippery slope. This is the small bite stratagem, where every day, while no-one is looking, you take a small bite out of the cake. By the time people notice, you've eaten most of the cake, and it is too late to stop you.

That's kinda what I'm thinking. I don't think it'll end with trannyism. it just never ends with those people anon

Also, it isn't a new thing. The frankfurt school in from the Weimer Republic did it first

Anonymous 11/19/2021 (Fri) 01:21:54 Id: 7dd137 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.85968 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86007
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Yeah, entire site's getting DoDDsed right now by the eternally butthurt GRIDSyid so the rest of /pol/ and I can't really post for now. I guess we'll just have to wait it out for now.

Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 05:23:16 Id: a3b119 (1) [Preview] No.86007 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86011
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Well at least the site's back up now. Few questions

1) Thoughts on getting more /pol/ users? I'm thinking of a few ways to keep new users from costantly arriving and staying here

2) /pol/'s thoughts on R.A.C (Rock against Communism)?

I've seen people from the UK and Germany like it a lot. I've seen a few anons share songs in other imageboards. Not sure what the stance is on that

Anonymous Board owner 11/30/2021 (Tue) 18:33:19 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86011 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86024
>1) Thoughts on getting more /pol/ users?
I'm for it. Though if they don't read the rules, they're banned until they either understand or they fuck off.
>I'm thinking of a few ways to keep new users from costantly arriving and staying here
Why keep them from arriving and staying here? The only thing that has ever kept any from staying here is being butthurt about bans for anti Hitler or pro jew shit, useless low effort slide threads and pointless spammers.
>/pol/'s thoughts on R.A.C (Rock against Communism)?
Not sure if you mean the genre or the band. Nothing promoting violence like Atomwaffen does, and board rules apply to the lyrics, meaning I'll delete anything against Hitler/National Socialism or even slight apologetics for kikes.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 12/01/2021 (Wed) 01:22:38.

Anonymous 12/03/2021 (Fri) 19:09:14 Id: 05435b (1) [Preview] No.86024 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86059>>86063
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>Why keep them from arriving and staying here?

People come and go from imageboards and websites all the time anon. It's just something that always happens.

The trick is to:
A) Keep people finding out about the board and coming here consistently
B) Out of all of the people arriving, just embrace and encourage the people who decide to stay here and post constantly

Not much you can do after that

>Not sure if you mean the genre or the band.
I don't really know about either. I just saw it mentioned once and wanted to know more about it

Anonymous 12/10/2021 (Fri) 03:13:21 Id: e2dce0 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.86059 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86063>>86070
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>People come and go from imageboards and websites all the time anon. It's just something that always happens.

Should have probably expanded on this, but people come and go in the sense that they have busy lives and other obligations, and different timezones too, so posting times vary from person to person and different groups. That's why it's always good to have a sizeable group of people in a forum at most times. So when a few people stop posting for a while, another group of people can post in the meantime.

Also, should we maybe have a music and movie archive of NS related things around here? Lots of things that can be posted(maybe in a new thread)

Anonymous Board owner 12/10/2021 (Fri) 17:57:51 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86063 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Keep people finding out about the board and coming here consistently
I wouldn't have a problem with people finding out about the board and coming here frequently.
>just embrace and encourage the people who decide to stay here and post constantly
It really depends on if they post pro kike shit, slide threads and spam or not.
>posting times vary from person to person and different groups
The issue is, for the most part, it's just you and I. BookAnon comes here rarely for his thread. English anon, the same for his thread. I'm not sure I've seen Tardus post here at /pol/ more than once. I'm just guessing the Global is Shiban for Invitation to Endchan's Fourth Christmas Special! since I've seen them in the chat for movies a few times. This board could use more people. I'll worry about when they make the mistake to be subversive shitheads or not.
>Also, should we maybe have a music and movie archive of NS related things around here?
>Lots of things that can be posted(maybe in a new thread)
Sounds good. Old guard National Socialist music would be ok. Some of Mr. Bond's stuff I would delete, like his music about "gas" or pro Trump. Gassings were always bullshit. Sinead O'Connor (GoyimGoddess) songs are alright.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 12/10/2021 (Fri) 18:02:01.

Anonymous 12/11/2021 (Sat) 04:07:04 Id: 9fe426 (1) [Preview] No.86070 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
A lot of Third Reich movies for anon to watch, all with english subtitles for the non german speaking anons, now if they can't read english either, maybe search for subtitles? don't know if you'll find, most of these movies are a bit hard to come by, so subtitles should be harder to come by. If you want to download them use a program like youtube-dl or search for a site that download videos for you. These aren't my uploads so remember to than the anon who did the job.

Anonymous Board owner 12/25/2021 (Sat) 17:29:35 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86158 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86170
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Merry Christmas / Happy New Year

Anonymous 12/29/2021 (Wed) 18:43:00 Id: e2dce0 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.86170 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86185
Yeah hope everyone here enjoys both days. You make these or buy them?

Anonymous 12/29/2021 (Wed) 18:45:39 Id: e2dce0 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.86171 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86185
(4.61 KB 300x180 Moonman_flag.jpg)

Have not had time to finish these, but I'll do them whenever I can.

Thoughts on getting a Moonman flag added to the board? Like this one? I know some songs aren't really good, but whatever

Anonymous Board owner 12/30/2021 (Thu) 00:24:54 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86185 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86190
I don't own those. That was a stock image for an article on Newsweek about a raid in Zwickau, Germany. My collection will never be photographed
Just the Moonman face has been made into a flag because they're very small. 16x16. I also added that flag as a banner.

Anonymous Board owner 12/30/2021 (Thu) 11:27:10 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86189 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86209
Anyone admitting they're jews or traitors blatantly praising jews get an instant 11 months ban. See >>>/endpolmeta/ where everything deleted is archived except for typos deleted by posters including my own typo posts
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 12/30/2021 (Thu) 11:33:53.

Anonymous 01/01/2022 (Sat) 05:35:02 Id: 3edbe3 (1) [Preview] No.86190 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86209
>Just the Moonman face has been made into a flag because they're very small. 16x16. I also added that flag as a banner.

>I don't own those. That was a stock image for an article on Newsweek about a raid in Zwickau, Germany

Hmm yeah I thought it look too much like a stock photo.

sage sage 01/04/2022 (Tue) 03:53:44 Id: 68f40f (1) [Preview] No.86209 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(37.65 KB 503x443 based.jpg)
>Just the Moonman face has been made into a flag because they're very small. 16x16. I also added that flag as a banner.

Meant to add a personal thanks to that part. I guess that part of my post didn't go through

Anonymous 01/10/2022 (Mon) 16:38:42 Id: 4d5341 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.86239 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86240>>86249
(299.83 KB 726x710 thisguy.png)
(95.19 KB 1333x421 thisguyagain.png)
(60.19 KB 787x552 crk1.png)
(56.16 KB 814x478 crk2.png)
(((this guy))) the aidsjew

He's apparently trying to crack the password and login for this board in order to delete it. >>>/b/38078

He probably has an IP logger for every post that gets made there so maybe don't post in the board

He's so assmad, the guy who spams Endchan daily, that he's doing this now. He has HIV in his ass due to all the ass-sex he gets. (((this guy)))

I saved a copy for most threads and pictures here. Just in case. And all of the pictures I posted in the infodump thread I have saved up elsewhere. The ones I don't have saved up are easy to get.

BO: maybe look into this and be careful. Maybe change your password into something pretty hard to crack if you don't have a strong password already I don't know.

(((this guy again)))

Anonymous 01/10/2022 (Mon) 17:10:27 Id: 4d5341 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.86240 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Also for those just tuning in.

95% chance the person who posted this was just the site spammer again. Who also almost killed sportschan a few months ago

Because nobody else has this type of butthurt while posting

Anonymous 01/10/2022 (Mon) 21:23:26 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86249 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86268
(25.43 KB 608x402 bce.jpg)
Looks more like he's threatening the entire site just about this board. There's no way he's cracking this password. He's talking shit and hopes the threat goes through, because if he could take this board, he'd have done it already. It's very likely a butthurt jew

Anonymous 01/16/2022 (Sun) 20:08:33 Id: 2fbc72 (1) [Preview] No.86268 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86275
(250.82 KB 1271x496 W E W.png)
>. It's very likely a butthurt jew

A big fat, inbred and dumb one at that. Looks like pigfucker is still roaming this site to try and fool people with his Q-larp again. Best to just ignore the washed up dweeb.

Anonymous 01/17/2022 (Mon) 17:51:15 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86275 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86280
(173.23 KB 864x993 the Jim buttkissing.jpg)
(27.58 KB 305x331 Courtney T.jpg)
(136.11 KB 964x661 news.jpg)
I shouldn't be surprised. There's no bigger butthurt jew than Jim pigfucker Watson. Although it could've been this bitch posting his picture so she can fap her lady parts to it. RPD hasn't BOed /news/ since 2017 btw.

Anonymous 01/20/2022 (Thu) 02:00:08 Id: 49e92f (1) [Preview] No.86280 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>There's no bigger butthurt jew than Jim pigfucker Watson.

Maybe it's because he doesn't have enough computers. That could probably be why he's so mad.

>Although it could've been this bitch posting his picture so she can fap her lady parts to it.
>RPD hasn't BOed /news/ since 2017 btw.

Still no border from trump by the way

Anonymous Board owner 01/24/2022 (Mon) 17:48:08 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86305 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I'm re-allowing Tor posting for the post count, which is likely going to result in more shilling and spam crap. Just a heads up on how obnoxious that's going to be.

Edit: It's working exactly as I predicted. More post count. A bickering anti-Christian anti-National Socialist kike was the first example. Yet there was someone defending both of these also on Tor (I refuse to use the service myself so it's hilarious the kike thinks it's me insulting him).
I'm not going to bother archiving every time I delete Tor trolling. IDs will still receive bans for breaking the rules and Tor rule breakers will still receive deletions.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 02/06/2022 (Sun) 15:54:50.

Anonymous 02/12/2022 (Sat) 11:36:06 Id: 20967e (19)Prev Next [Preview] No.86470 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86476
(154.62 KB 1143x855 where do.jpg)

Anonymous 02/13/2022 (Sun) 19:25:09 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.86476 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I don't think they ever take a day off except for the sabbath. (((They))) are literally crazy.

Anonymous 02/20/2022 (Sun) 02:38:52 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.86522 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Hmmmmm maybe having a few threads unstickied would be good. The Christmas invite thread is good, but only mostly needed when there's a stream going on.

These are unpinned Anonymous Board owner 02/20/2022 (Sun) 20:48:24 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86525 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86554
Official Joe Biden is a Zionist cuck piece of shit thread: https://archive.is/HX7Uw
Invitation to Endchan's Fourth Christmas Special!: https://archive.is/ANYDi
/SIG/ Self Improvement General - Rebirth Edition: https://archive.is/TSBT8
Germania – History of the Third Reich Book Release: https://archive.is/VFcRa

Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 04:33:18 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.86554 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(25.96 KB 376x500 Rich smirk.jpeg)
(275.71 KB 1892x440 4th.png)
Looks good for now. Archiving content is also a good idea.

Really like the new banner. Maybe we can add a little more content to it and make it even cooler. Maybe.

I also need to finish the banners I was supposed to be working on. Just remembered that.

Anonymous 03/07/2022 (Mon) 01:34:43 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86715 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(247.77 KB 1203x1189 59.jpg)
(279.33 KB 800x1360 398938.jpg)
(353.73 KB 970x1601 family tree.png)
(493.75 KB 917x620 1594950414822.jpg)
Since there was just an interracial promoting thread I now deleted whom promoted Wolfgang Schäuble (a traitor that approved holocaust lying kikes getting $500 million), I'm going to cover a couple subjects very briefly.
Firstly, if any promote interracial mixing: Fuck you. That's Act like a kike, take a hike behavior. You'll be banned. Secondly, Donald Trump isn't a "superior mixed" as the shill claimed. I'll just clear that up. Most are long tired of hearing about the quarter kike ex-POTUS. Rule 1 is no jews. This means none are allowed here, no promoting them, no distracting from them, no defending them. Only insulting and exposing kikes is permitted. This should have been obvious.
("Look at what this jew has done. It is bad." does not count towards promoting them. This board is all about exposing semitic parasites.)
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 03/07/2022 (Mon) 01:39:34.

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 05:49:39 Id: 454c55 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.86751 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86754
(13.71 KB 768x548 acp.png)
Can you add a Arrow Cross Party flag and banner?

Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 13:11:09 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86754 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86762>>86797
The flag was already here. Look for Nyilaskeresztes Párt Hungarista. This board has so many banners (60), some don't even load. I won't be adding more.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 03/13/2022 (Sun) 13:14:58.

Anonymous 03/14/2022 (Mon) 20:16:04 Id: 0c96e9 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.86762 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86765
>This board has so many banners (60), some don't even load. I won't be adding more.
Thats a quite misfortune because it would be nice to see hlinka guard double cross or eagle here

Anonymous 03/15/2022 (Tue) 00:00:12 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86765 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86770
The Hlinka Guard flag doesn't look great scaled down to 16x16, but it's now a flag choice.

Anonymous 03/15/2022 (Tue) 13:57:45 Id: 0c96e9 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.86770 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86787>>86798
(7.28 MB 1024x576 garda.mp4)
> doesn't look great scaled down to 16x16, but it's now a flag choice.
Nah it suffices and mu h appricieated

Anonymous 03/16/2022 (Wed) 23:08:00 Id: 454c55 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.86787 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86798
(127.79 KB 531x750 hlinkova garda.jpg)

Anonymous Board owner 03/17/2022 (Thu) 13:05:36 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86796 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86797
Again, I'm going to provide facts after rejecting this appeal from the same retard who keeps coming back. Know you will not stay here should you choose to attack any religion but Judaism. This does not count should you attack pathetic Scofield bible Zionist Christian traitors. This means nobody will be permitted to blame Odinists nor other religions except for Judaism. No sewing division by distracting from the jew is the point. You will not come to this board and attack Hitler nor anything he believed in.

Now for why the repeated troll is an idiot.
The oldest version of the OT is the Septuagint dated 132BC in Greek language which modern kikes and those Christians who are delusionally brainwashed by jews call "a translation from Hebrew" yet they do not have solid proof, just as kikes like to cite the fiction book of Esther never once mentioning God as false proof of a jewish princess married to Xerxes I complete with a bullshit "jews were heroic vs genocide!" story. Kikes have a deep rooted fake victim complex. The oldest version of the jewish Tanakh is claimed from 10 AD. That's a lie because the oldest proof they have is the Aleppo Codex (920 AD) and Leningrad Codex (1008 AD). Now for the NT, the oldest version is the Codex Sinaiticus in Greek language dated between 330 to 360 AD. The NT translations into Hebrew were first translated by Elias Hutter (Polyglott -1599 and 1600AD). Before that, the "Epistle to the Hebrews" (1526), widely considered to be an imitation of Paul's writing.

Calling Christianity "judeo" has always been disingenuous. The word "jew" didn't exist in the original Greek. Ἰουδαῖος/Iodaios meant from Judea and the often wicked precursor to modern jewry were Φαρισαίος (Farisaíos/Pharisees). Kikes continue to steal religion from ancient Greeks and claim it as their own.

The oldest proofs of the Old Testament and New Testament are in Greek language.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 03/17/2022 (Thu) 13:10:51.

Anonymous 03/18/2022 (Fri) 02:35:35 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.86797 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86800
>Again, I'm going to provide facts after rejecting this appeal from the same retard who keeps coming back. Know you will not stay here should you choose to attack any religion but Judaism.

I think that's the usual shill thread that we get around here. Practically every month we get the exact same type of thread here.

>This board has so many banners (60), some don't even load. I won't be adding more.

Can we get rid of the azov one? Right now, I don't think the board needs it

Anonymous 03/18/2022 (Fri) 02:41:52 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.86798 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86824
(203.93 KB 1000x654 446546.png)
See, NatSoc ideology managed to do what most monarchies couldn't do with Eastern Europe. Make them stay united and be good with each other.

Now if we manage to get Romania and the Balkans together here, we'd had achieved world peace. I think that's something we can pull off.

Anonymous 03/18/2022 (Fri) 05:55:13 Id: 2c08ea (28)Prev Next [Preview] No.86800 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Can we get rid of the azov one?
I think you mean the Azov flag. Well, there's also these: 4chon loyalist, alt right kike, atomwaffen fedposting retard, feminism (penises make you really angry), ISIS, JIDF kike, journalist (jewish owned mainstream media), Lehi kike, Libertarian retard, MGTOW (vaginas make you really angry), Marxist kikery, Mossad kike, Strasserist traitor, Trumptard MAGApede. I have banned the majority of the above as they used these along with shill messages. Flags don't all exist as welcoming those types. They're identifiers. Funnily enough, shills will use them. Many flags were here before. I simply renamed them for what they represent.

Anonymous 03/19/2022 (Sat) 07:39:14 Id: 0c96e9 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.86824 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86825>>86847
(641.09 KB 1024x750 pickaopicka.png)
>and the Balkans together here, we'd had achieved world peace.
If you manage to create for them a confederacy (not a federation we saw yugoslavia) you would do very well.

>NatSoc ideology managed to do what most monarchies couldn't do with Eastern Europe.
Funnily in case of slovakia we were not supposed to create an independent state but wanted something like hungarians got during AH but situation required to create independent republic (ie that Ribbentrop sentence that zion uses out of context on purpouse "Declare state or perish").

Anonymous 03/19/2022 (Sat) 07:46:32 Id: 0c96e9 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.86825 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86847
Adding sentence that i forgot.

Also NS is for slavs very pleasing since blood and soil teachings with volkseconomics and isolationist policies please to our mindset.

Anonymous 03/21/2022 (Mon) 16:01:15 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.86847 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86899
(19.21 KB 210x240 deano.jpeg)
>Also NS is for slavs very pleasing since blood and soil teachings with volkseconomics and isolationist policies please to our mindset.

People in EE like nature a lot right? Maybe that's why it's so appealing.

>Funnily in case of slovakia we were not supposed to create an independent state but wanted something like hungarians got during AH but situation required to create independent republic (ie that Ribbentrop sentence that zion uses out of context on purpouse "Declare state or perish").


>If you manage to create for them a confederacy (not a federation we saw yugoslavia) you would do very well.
Yeah that would be good. I think Japan did something similar. Didn't they own practically all of Asia at one point in history?

Anonymous 03/26/2022 (Sat) 08:33:26 Id: 85f256 (1) [Preview] No.86899 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86930
>People in EE like nature a lot right? Maybe that's why it's so appealing.
I dont think so thats by naturalism in slavic nations it is for people shocking fact to know that nsdap pioneered animal protection laws and now present nature protection laws, more likely it is by racialist and social security aims combined with isolationism (yes border arguments are still a hot topic even in slovakia in matter of Matra and Oravia provinces)

Anonymous 03/28/2022 (Mon) 00:32:44 Id: 057938 (14)Prev Next [Preview] No.86930 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>86945
(17.26 KB 400x400 all smiles.jpg)
>I dont think so thats by naturalism in slavic nations it is for people shocking fact to know that nsdap pioneered animal protection laws and now present nature protection laws, more likely it is by racialist and social security aims combined with isolationism


>(yes border arguments are still a hot topic even in slovakia in matter of Matra and Oravia provinces)

I'd like to know more on this. Not from Eastern Europe so I don't know

Anonymous 03/28/2022 (Mon) 07:41:22 Id: 85f256 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.86945 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87021
>I'd like to know more on this
Basically with these two it goes like this
Oravia province is a subject of interest of poland because for some reason since stolen horses and animals overall were smuggled there and smugglers with polish merchants buying such product were living there it apparently gives reason to have territory claim
With Matra province it is still grey zone in one place it was mostly slovak populated province but since migrations caused by war and still by that time (interwar and after ww2) open wounds regarding of hungarization era (ie when jew causes cultural replacement in hungarian part of AH ie everyone is hungarian because is under hungary except us jews) caused depopulation of said province with 35% slovak population of Budapest thus giving Matra as subject of interest to Hungary since when its emptied then why not to populate it by us

And this is just a tip of iceberg how many territories of V4 coalition nations have provinces with majority of natives or had but are under different V4 nation
>Inb4 someone appeares with gib back feldvínek and subdanube lowlands with subcarpatian rus
Feldvínek can be given back with uzogorod and mukachevo we dont give a damn and did not gave it since 1938 but subdanube lowland was ours there will not be an Oregon 2.0 ie when settlers outnumber brits up to 6:1

Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 04:15:56 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87021 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Oravia province is a subject of interest of poland because for some reason since stolen horses and animals overall were smuggled there and smugglers with polish merchants buying such product were living there it apparently gives reason to have territory claim
>With Matra province it is still grey zone in one place it was mostly slovak populated province but since migrations caused by war and still by that time (interwar and after ww2) open wounds regarding of hungarization era (ie when jew causes cultural replacement in hungarian part of AH ie everyone is hungarian because is under hungary except us jews) caused depopulation of said province with 35% slovak population of Budapest thus giving Matra as subject of interest to Hungary since when its emptied then why not to populate it by us

I thought Western Europe was bad with all the wars we all had. Man, EE is pretty fucking chaotic. I wish we could somehow resolve territory disputes there. But I don't know

Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 04:22:38 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87022 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87028>>87040
(36.36 KB 540x590 Ring-a-ding_stops.jpg)
One piece of advice I can give since aidskike is around right now: ignore him and report his posts. Again, he wants people in the board arguing over nothing. He lives off other people's emotions and everyone being angry with him. Just don't give him any attention and he's leave eventually. And then he'll go bother someone else in another board like always does, every day.

You'll know it's him since he IP hops all the time and calls himself a bot to deflect blame from his posts so he's easy to spot.

There's an option to hide user posts that you can use to completely ignore him if you really want to upset him.

Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 04:38:59 Id: cec106 (1) [Preview] No.87024 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87028>>87066
I responded to you, you do know he will come back, he always comes back, I just happen respond to him because I wanted to shit on him, the internet is not a safe space, he will never go away, so aswering to him is not going to make him come back or leave, he will come to shill another day, I was the one to call him a bot, and far as I know I ain't no kike, and I ain't got no AIDS either, have a nice one anon. I know you take care of the board and respect you for it.

Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 11:03:58 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87028 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I don't think this anon >>87022 is calling you AIDSkike. To see what messages AK repeats, check this thread: >>>/endpolmeta/476 However, anyone should mock AIDSkike as much as you want. The popularity of this board is determined by post count. All that idiot accomplishes is inflating /pol/'s numbers. Yes it's obnoxious, but the traffic is too low here. Which it would have been higher if I did not ban jews, anti other religions and anti other races divisive posts (also people doing that are kikes), slide threads, jew websites, FEDposting, "everyone everywhere is a kike" idiots and degenerate porn. If I didn't, this board would be as much a pile of shit as 8chan was and 4chan still is. My point: If you want to encourage ignoring shills - bring in more people who are not garbage human beings so this board doesn't fade. Until then, we need post numbers.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/02/2022 (Sat) 11:20:09.

Anonymous 04/02/2022 (Sat) 11:39:15 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87030 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(382.00 KB 1684x1039 social media.jpg)
To explain why I can't do this myself: I know nobody jew-aware in my vicinity I can encourage to come here. I've made many attempts at converting people from a brainwashed state, with mixed results. The successful times always resulted in what is known as "white flight". The freed mind stops listening after realizing the truth, packs up and moves out of their desire to live around a higher percentage of caucasians. Telling them we need to increase numbers or there is no solving this seems to accomplish no resolution in their heads. They're always determined to get out. I have zero social media presence because I grew sick of being banned on their platforms years ago. Kikes own the popular ones. So, all there is, is you who are left here. The few regulars on this board are the opposite of garbage human beings besides AIDSkike. He's trash.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/02/2022 (Sat) 15:09:58.

Anonymous 04/03/2022 (Sun) 09:30:44 Id: 85f256 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.87040 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87066
(304.63 KB 570x625 1631296538162.png)
>He lives off other people's emotions and everyone being angry with him
I sense a very strong NPD disorder from this description

Anonymous 04/07/2022 (Thu) 15:04:01 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87066 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>I sense a very strong NPD disorder from this description

He's crazy and very dumb

>have a nice one anon.
Thanks. You too friend
>I know you take care of the board and respect you for it.
Yeah I do my best

>I just happen respond to him because I wanted to shit on him,
It's best not to encourage him

>the internet is not a safe space,
A big problem with him is that he's a legit fed that posts entrapment threads in between being schizo. Dude's a genuine pest so it's best to report, hide and pay no attention to him

Anonymous 04/07/2022 (Thu) 15:05:39 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87067 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87072
Also, Endchan's crashing right now. So expect some downtime and posts not going through anons. I'm having a hard time posting too so I'm taking a break from posting until the site gets stabilized

Anonymous 04/08/2022 (Fri) 04:52:46 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87072 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
The site was down earlier today. It seems to be fine now.

Anonymous Board owner 04/08/2022 (Fri) 16:15:06 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87075 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(((Tor))) is back on again. Yes I despise allowing this, but the amount of traffic is dismal. All board and global rule breaking posts made on the Tor-kike platform will be removed just as any other posts of the same nature. Rule 6 was updated with an explanation.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/09/2022 (Sat) 03:13:30.

Anonymous 04/11/2022 (Mon) 04:05:05 Id: fdb852 (1) [Preview] No.87087 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
As long as anons can get the information posted here and not get caught by a bunch of IDFs it's ok, just remember anons, TOR was built by jews for jews, be safe in those nations with holohoax denial laws.

Anonymous Board owner 04/15/2022 (Fri) 14:22:42 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87157 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87174>>87249
(59.46 KB 600x200 1588547626187.jpg)
In case any neurotic kike like the schizophrenic 37 posts making jewish OP whom promoted Judaism >>>/endpolmeta/780 "evil as good" and "lies as truth" is confused, thinking they won't be banned on this board: Kikes cannot hide their intentions despite everyone being Anonymous. (((They))) have specific characteristics and will be found out, whether it's common jewish religious traditions, typical jewish neurosis or the tendency to sperg into a flurry of insults after continued conversations of constructive criticism. No jew has ever been able to post here without revealing themselves and I don't care if George Soros, Yair Netanyahu, Jared Kushner or any other kike one day decides to buy out this site. Hypothetically, even if a jew becomes owner or a Global I would die on this hill regardless. All jews will be banned Compromising to let the eternal parasites in has only led to erosion and death throughout history
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/15/2022 (Fri) 14:44:55.

Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 02:03:48 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87174 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87182
Yeah I was going to report that thread. That guy was literal deranged and brain damaged. or he got ordered to make all those schizo posts. Glad he's gone though.

Anonymous 04/18/2022 (Mon) 16:51:58 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87182 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Also it's pretty funny how they literally can't distinguish National Socialists from the Alt Right but mostly obnoxious.

Anonymous Board owner 04/20/2022 (Wed) 16:52:29 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87195 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87213
(1003.99 KB 1806x1817 54424452175076615064.jpg)
(95.29 KB 800x477 paula hitler.jpg)
(235.48 KB 634x851 9955.jpg)
Hitler was born in Austria this day, but in 1889. The world has not witnessed a greater soul throughout history. He loved the German people. He had such heart that he treated children and animals with open kindness. Women adored him. Yet despite all, it was because he took back Germany for German people from the jews that to this day kikes can't stop depicting this great man as a "monster". Even though more than 75 years have passed, degenerate jews cannot stop shitting on his name obsessively. The lies began as "jews made into soap, shrunken heads, gloves, ashtrays and lampshades" and then evolved into the fraudulent gas chambers. This man made peace offers multiple times and was rejected by the vile jew-controlled Allied nations. Yet the majority do not catch on to these facts. His speeches of pure, absolute truth are withheld from the false narratives against him because they do not wish anyone to know what Hitler really had to say. The brainwashed masses continue to live blindly and believe nothing but lies. It is easy to look into his eyes and realize these were not the eyes of a monster, but of a man who cared about his people. Some day, everyone will either wake up to his truth or perish in the never-ending void left of the destruction of nations by international jewry. To wake up as many as possible, consider providing these links to every non-jewish person you meet.





Happy Birthday to Adolf Hitler

Anonymous 04/23/2022 (Sat) 05:58:14 Id: 0abe2a (1) [Preview] No.87213 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
already celebrated the graetest man of the last century
I can really read their descriptions, amazing what a man can achive, a man with an entire party as his side, remember folk he was not alone.

Anonymous 04/30/2022 (Sat) 18:17:26 Id: 124455 (1) [Preview] No.87249 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87252>>87259>>87276
It was me.
I acquired the habit of writting G'd in abbreviation from Jews because it made sense to me
I didn't assume the people at the website were "alt-right". I posted posts like that in several websites.
I am not religiously Jewish
Not I am aware of being ethnically Jewish

Anonymous 04/30/2022 (Sat) 20:24:00 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87252 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87276
>It was me.

>I acquired the habit of writting G'd

The write God instead. God. Write it as a reply. God. Just write it and reply

>in abbreviation from Jews because it made sense to me
Why? Why are you imitating (((them)))? Why are you following anything they do? Whyyyyy?

Anonymous Board owner 04/30/2022 (Sat) 22:35:54 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87259 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87276
The exact breakdown is at >>>/endpolmeta/780 You came to a National Socialist board typing like a jew, promoting Judaism and promoting evil and lies. Following the habits of jews to this extent "makes sense" to you? Then you're the problem this board is against. What are you thinking with this reply? That a 'shabbos goy' cuck would be better accepted? Act like kike, take a hike is Rule 3. Traitors are no better.

"What this /pol/ is not for is the following
Any ideal that is heavily kiked. This includes Zionists, Atomwaffen, the Alt kike Right"
Come on, now. You can type up 37 posts. There is no way you missed the header in big red letters on this board and the rules listed in this thread.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/01/2022 (Sun) 06:05:37.

Anonymous 05/03/2022 (Tue) 04:22:32 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87276 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
So are you ever going to reply to these posts? >>87252


Anonymous Board owner 05/23/2022 (Mon) 15:15:27 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87550 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87593
(159.19 KB 485x293 AIPAC.png)
Attention: Because the U.S. Government is Israel's bitch, calling out the JQ, even if it becomes illegal, will continue to happen as long as I'm BO unless I am forcefully removed from board moderation.
Site admins may not have a choice if it ever comes down to Zionist government limiting speech. I'll still post truth across /pol/ even if I become an outsider. I encourage the few regulars we have to do the same.
This is not a post blaming Globals by any stretch. It is merely a paranoid reaction of recently passed censorship >>>87544 Site admins have been very accepting of letting BOs run our own boards.
The more ZOG tightens their grip, the more important it is to spread messages of the evils of jewry.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/23/2022 (Mon) 17:25:55.

Anonymous 05/27/2022 (Fri) 04:23:39 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87593 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87611
We'll be fine. I'm sure that'll be mostly focused on massive social media

Anonymous 05/27/2022 (Fri) 06:17:07 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87611 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(382.00 KB 1684x1039 social media.jpg)
They don't need to pass House resolutions for that. Kikes already run those websites and have been censoring for years. It's always immediate bans or account termination for National Socialist, Hitler or JQ revealing content.

Anonymous 06/01/2022 (Wed) 17:42:49 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87647 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87671
(44.29 KB 1025x155 bye asshole.jpg)
I usually post appeals at >>>/endpolmeta/ but this needs to be made an example of. My answer is: This anon can go fuck himself. Appeal denied and good riddance.
Coming to a National Socialist board and starting a thread insulting German women is such obvious jewry.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 06/01/2022 (Wed) 17:43:55.

Anonymous Board owner 06/05/2022 (Sun) 16:46:31 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87665 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87666>>87673
https://endchan.gg/boards.js At the time I'm typing this, /news/ ranks 11 down in the boards list and /pol/ ranks 18 down. Besides 2 decent regulars (Spainflag anon and Slovak anon), a couple more post very infrequently and the rest are shills of whom most have been banned. Because of this frequently dead bullshit, all board rules besides no jews and no insulting National Socialism or Hitler and no jewish propaganda have been removed. Every ban related to removed rules has been lifted. If anyone wants the obvious bot AIDSkike gone, invite people who aren't kikes or cucks for kikes. Otherwise, AIDSkike unfortunately keeps /pol/ and /news/ alive when there's a haitus of nobody else posting anything.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 06/05/2022 (Sun) 17:18:23.

Anonymous 06/05/2022 (Sun) 17:54:48 Id: 9567c9 (1) [Preview] No.87666 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87667>>87672
(259.56 KB 1141x932 proxy-image (24).jpeg)
(603.43 KB 501x503 1654403511335.png)
>Because of this frequently dead bullshit, all board rules besides no jews and no insulting National Socialism or Hitler and no jewish propaganda have been removed. Every ban related to removed rules has been lifted.

>Sipping slivovica shot
How long it will take where there will be every second thread with religious argument

Month, week, maybe it will be averted?

Anonymous Board owner 06/05/2022 (Sun) 19:02:18 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87667 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
"The enemy is kikes plus traitors, their religion is Judaism and they will be banned. Do not distract from the enemy."
This means distractions from jews as the enemy will not be tolerated. I now changed rule 3 to the same rule at /news/ because everyone should expose jews by revealing their propaganda. Just not support it.

Anonymous 06/07/2022 (Tue) 03:56:14 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87671 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Coming to a National Socialist board and starting a thread insulting German women is such obvious jewry.

That reply is obvious BS since he's made that same thread on end/b/ before. But at least we didn't fall for his bait

Anonymous 06/07/2022 (Tue) 03:57:27 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87672 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(31.95 KB 263x360 1461772727751.jpg)
>How long it will take where there will be every second thread with religious argument

>Month, week, maybe it will be averted?
>Those trips though
It's been posted (by me mostly) before, but most shills get payed to post those types of threads. They're not "organic" for lack of a better word.

So it's bound to happen .. whenever they decide to do it again. It's been the same thing happening for years also The 2nd picture you posted looks pretty cool Slovak anon

Anonymous 06/07/2022 (Tue) 04:03:38 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87673 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87873
(12.29 KB 340x296 dean.jpeg)
>Otherwise, AIDSkike unfortunately keeps /pol/ and /news/ alive when there's a haitus of nobody else posting anything.
People have friends, families, work and things to do outside of imageboards my friend. We sadly cannot be here posting as often as we'd like

>/news/ ranks 11 down in the boards list and /pol/ ranks 18 down.
I don't know. I've seen boards go up and then disappear afterwards from the years I've been on this site. I think the most important thing is to keep posting constantly, no matter what. It's a little better than being the top board and then falling off because people just stop going to the board. And keep inviting people as often as possible. Just to keep growing. kinda hard sometimes

>If anyone wants the obvious bot AIDSkike gone
No, he's actually not a bot

He's a mossad kike/federal agent that makes infinity spyware imageboards to steal IP info and sell it and also do entrapment threads in them. He already posted his face on /b/ around a week ago. and yes that bald faggot is him. He'll be shitting up imageboards until he's retired from the force,

or dead from his aids lolololololololol
or other diseases gay men get from being so promiscuous

Anonymous Board owner 06/20/2022 (Mon) 18:35:01 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87843 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87844>>87848
It has been awhile since posts, besides AIDSkike sliding. I tried telling the new 8chan(JimKikeCucks) about Endchan and was banned in 1 second. When I get around to banning, it's hours later. Imagine moderation being that pathetic they just sit around the board 24/7. Must be obese losers with no lives.

If you know of any other chan to tell about this board, suggest it here.

Anonymous 06/21/2022 (Tue) 04:17:02 Id: 057938 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.87844 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87846>>87848
(59.71 KB 600x480 smoek2.jpeg)
>besides AIDSkike sliding
Meh. Just ignore him. Bored people love getting attention for being dumb. The hide option for posts is always available for every post made here.

> I tried telling the new 8chan(JimKikeCucks) about Endchan and was banned in 1 second.

Not a good idea to post in that FED site. I know you may like people posting here a lot of times, but that place is pretty fucked and (((compromised)). And of course they'll ban you ASAP They probably have this domain url blacklisted on their side. I wouldn't have do that. Sorry to say it

It's better to be alone than in bad company. So even if the site is slow, it's still better than being near anything (((8ch)) related. Just focus on organic growth and making people feel well enough to keep joining and posting here.

>If you know of any other chan to tell about this board, suggest it here.
Trying to think of something. I do have a few sites so give me some time to search for them

Anonymous Board owner 06/21/2022 (Tue) 19:56:45 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87846 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87873
I was aware new 8chan is a Fed honeypot like 4chan. I'm just not afraid of Feds. They've been here before. They're predictable in their pathetic entrapment attempts. The ban 8chan made was a tailored nonsensical insult, so obviously a fat sweaty lifeless mod. Also yeah that'd be great if you know of anywhere to tell about this place.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 06/21/2022 (Tue) 19:58:06.

Anonymous 06/22/2022 (Wed) 04:53:46 Id: 0cd491 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.87848 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87859>>87873
(90.27 KB 838x546 slovaki.jpg)
>. I tried telling the new 8chan(JimKikeCucks) about Endchan and was banned in 1 second.
Simmilar thing happens in 4chan when endchan is mentioned or any other imageboard like 16chan.xyz

Either post blocker wont let you because its a word that cannot be said
Ban will be imminent if you dare to also write on it .net
Or simply you wont be permited to write the name of imageboard since its "spam" word.

>It's better to be alone than in bad company.
(This is not in context of imageboards just to note)
True, altrough its easy to say it than understand it, looking around is it worth it to associate yourself to a company where you are defenetly not happy or you are complerly diferent than others?

Anonymous 06/22/2022 (Wed) 20:37:01 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87859 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>looking around is it worth it to associate yourself to a company where you are defenetly not happy or you are complerly diferent than others?
Living in the U.S. where there are very few other Caucasians in my region, I can agree with that entirely. It's not worth it. Every time I save up enough to GTFO some economic bullshit hits
Also, the interracial porn spamming faggot has been banned and removed. Those lifeless types love to shill at unreasonable hours in the West.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 06/22/2022 (Wed) 20:46:26.

Anonymous Board owner 06/23/2022 (Thu) 20:37:52 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87868 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
References to the Haavara agreement not condoned by Hitler and the lie supported by (((researcher))) Dr. Beno COHEN will obviously not be allowed.

Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 20:44:47 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87869 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(29.55 KB 418x205 download (1).jpg)
(49.88 KB 610x416 4749.jpg)
Also I wanted to bring this to everyone's attention. Check where the deletions are archived. Specifically >>>/endpolmeta/856 The Putin shill is AIDSkike.

sage sage 06/25/2022 (Sat) 17:25:26 Id: 4aa290 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.87873 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87875>>87898
>or any other imageboard like 16chan.xyz
That site was owned by a really incompetent and shitty yid though. Of course that would happen. (((they))) always hate any type of competition


>I was aware new 8chan is a Fed honeypot like 4chan.
It just seems like a massive safety and security hazard for you and everyone here. That place is the absolute worse to be in. This post >>87673 kinda went over why people aren't here every single day. And another post on /news/ explains why that site is backdoored by the literal D.o.D

no, I am not being a watchdog or anything similar type of thing. Don't call me that.
Every /pol/ board I was in always had people reporting obvious subversive content and giving advice on what's the best option to take.

Anonymous 06/25/2022 (Sat) 20:02:11 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87875 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I don't say stop being a watchdog anymore. If you're Spain anon, you used to call out visitors. 90% of the time you were right. You've been right before when I was wrong. No worries anymore. I wouldn't say that about calling 8chan a Fed honeypot. I was banned in 1 second for saying 8chan is ran by the Feds along with advertising endchan. This was likely why the ban message called me a hippy. Imagine being a sweaty, fat Federal agent sitting around 8chan 24/7 with a finger on the ban button, immediately triggered by National Socialists.

Anonymous 07/02/2022 (Sat) 13:42:35 Id: 5850ca (1) [Preview] No.87898 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87899
> That site was owned by a really incompetent and shitty yid though.
Any more details on this? I used to post there a lot

Anonymous 07/02/2022 (Sat) 17:59:45 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87899 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Spainflag anon had some info on that last year >>85807

Anonymous 07/06/2022 (Wed) 13:55:31 Id: 7f9452 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.87910 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87912
There is a new social media platform called SpaceHey resembling MySpace

Anonymous 07/06/2022 (Wed) 15:39:12 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87912 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87914
(72.93 KB 600x207 acceptable my ass.jpg)
(20.69 KB 572x93 governed by kikes.jpg)
Anton Röhm is the founder. Most sites I've checked (that have any related info) say he's German. Because SpaceHey is headquartered in Baden-Württemberg Germany, the site will be subjected to jewish "hate speech" laws. It's already obviously pozzed. That's the sad state of Germany since WW2 and the majority of the world

Anonymous 07/07/2022 (Thu) 03:29:29 Id: 7f9452 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.87914 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Jewish tendrils are certainly poisoning everything, but the most popular blog post on the site was taken down after it was reported. It had the most "Kudos", but stated "cracker" was not a racial slur, and that one cannot be racist to white people because white people allegedly "invented racism". Despite the stranglehold on humanity, there is a collective humanitarian distaste for elite control, which, inherently, is a distaste for all Jewish institutions. Yes, they are misconstrued and deluded by Marxism, but such an intellectual basis provides no integral understanding of what they're doing. How did that kike put it? "Useful idiots", I think...

Focusing their sights on the elite will bring them to the same conclusions we were brought to. Their pressure point is being sexualised: remind them who sexualises. Avoid antagonising folk without logical reasoning, and you can alledge anything, especially if backed up with solid evidence. Which, I know we all share.

The culture on the site seems to be very emo. There is no algorithm; it is networking.

Anonymous 07/23/2022 (Sat) 10:30:48 Id: 1ec8d6 (1) [Preview] No.87975 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87977
To the board owner:
I scraped the website, that was not a bot.
In case you found an ip crawling through all of the threads in the logs, that was me, sorry for the inconvenience.

I wanted to do a full search of the contents to find a quote about Candace Owens being an Israeli porn star and thus controlled opposition. But couldn't be bothered to search through every thread with ctrl+f.

Anonymous 07/23/2022 (Sat) 17:18:00 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.87977 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87980
(67.99 KB 699x916 Lauren Beobert.jpeg)
(14.83 KB 496x63 IP ranges.jpg)
(71.24 KB 798x520 This Israeli bitch.jpg)
Not to worry. There are no such logs, except for bans https://endchan.net/logs.js Full transparency: The moderation panel for all boards encrypts IPs. Amiram Moshe Shafrir owns Explore Talent along with his wife Sarit. Shafrir began Amtec Audiotext, a phone sex service. His wife ran a porn site called DreamFaktory.com Shafrir used that to fund J-Date, a jews only dating site. Affiliated porn site users were wired into the dating site to deceive about their numbers. Shafrir used his money for illegal wiretapping, bribing police officers, and blackmailing American military officials for being secretly homosexual, ties to organized crime, ripping off credit cards and trafficking expired drugs. This info comes from National Justice by Eric Striker. After Shafrir used his jew privilege to dodge consequences, he started Explore Talent. Politicians then use these porn star "actresses" as star witnesses and spokeswomen as a service to get corrupt politicians out of hot water because they were willing to be bribed by AIPAC. People keep forgetting in our modern times that acting literally is lying for entertainment
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 07/23/2022 (Sat) 17:31:12.

Anonymous 07/24/2022 (Sun) 05:13:16 Id: 0cd491 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.87980 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>87981
>People keep forgetting in our modern times that acting literally is lying for entertainment
And thats also a reason why a jewlywood celebrity should never ever speak about real life or struggles of human
Their way of life is summarized to be is to lie for me of who they are for entertainment

Anonymous 07/24/2022 (Sun) 05:15:38 Id: 0cd491 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.87981 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
> to be is to lie for me
To be lying for me

Anonymous 08/01/2022 (Mon) 08:05:59 Id: 99638d (1) [Preview] No.88028 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>88032
(54.62 KB 474x809 izunads.jpg)
Hi My red pilled fellas!
Can somebody please tell me a name of the Russian substance board ?

Anonymous 08/01/2022 (Mon) 15:02:10 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.88032 [Hide User Posts] [X] del

Anonymous 08/15/2022 (Mon) 11:45 Id: fd5d13 (1) [Preview] No.88177 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Test flag.

Anonymous Board owner 08/23/2022 (Tue) 06:04 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.88271 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(43.50 KB 324x469 346783.jpg)
Here's the thing. I do not log in until spammers spam and shills sell their satanic jewry. If I don't sign in for an entire month, I believe the boards I moderate would go up for grabs. /news/ and /pol/ would be theirs to ruin as much as they want. But can these idiot kike shills and spammers last a whole month? The answer is no. The fools can't even last a day.

Anonymous 08/26/2022 (Fri) 03:16 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.88309 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(55.41 KB 430x305 download (1).jpg)
(39.58 KB 891x136 Learn to read.jpg)
You weren't asking to debunk anything. You made plain statements saying "Globalist affiliates" had a hand in "the Nazis", "they have Hitler's brain in a jar" and "I knew he couldn't be a good guy". This ban is lifted, but if you're a fucking idiot who can't pay attention TO THIS HEADER AT THE TOP OF THE BOARD' then don't bother trying again.

music anonymous 08/26/2022 (Fri) 19:21 Id: 5dfc1d (1) [Preview] No.88317 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>88334>>88363
I hope another eminem album comes out soon

Anonymous 08/27/2022 (Sat) 21:18 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.88334 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
See >>85038 >>85039 and >>85041 Eminem is a cuck for kikes if not one himself. Fuck off with that ebonics thug culture spreading bullshit.

Anonymous 08/30/2022 (Tue) 15:16 Id: 4aa290 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.88363 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
haha he sucks. Nobody likes him. Especially other music artists.

Anonymous 08/30/2022 (Tue) 15:21 Id: 4aa290 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.88365 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>88372
I did some research and found a few more /pol/ boards. Where should I post the info in? I won't be too specific about the places though. For obvious reasons

Anonymous 08/30/2022 (Tue) 23:10 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.88372 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>88472
This thread here will be fine. At least it would help to make a list of what chans will be banned. If they ban us for telling them about this site they'll face the same consequences. New 8chan is already on the shitlist.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 08/30/2022 (Tue) 23:11.

Anonymous 09/14/2022 (Wed) 02:01 Id: ea3035 (1) [Preview] No.88472 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89056
Actually most of the sites I found are either bad or dead. But I'll do a more detailed write up on them in the next few days when I'm free.

Anonymous 09/29/2022 (Thu) 10:08 Id: 200294 (1) [Preview] No.88735 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>88740
Do you understand that here is a meme thread right?

Anonymous 09/29/2022 (Thu) 18:50 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.88740 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89056
Yeah, moving posts from one thread to another would be a great feature the moderation panel is lacking. But it's all free anyway, so I can't really complain. Especially when Patreon gets my bank account frozen when I try to log in, thanks to (((Jack Conte))) and their lead investor (((Evan Feinberg)))
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 09/29/2022 (Thu) 18:56.

Anonymous 10/03/2022 (Mon) 13:56 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.88795 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89195
(37.39 KB 697x182 lazy complaining.jpg)
(118.13 KB 820x704 00.jpg)
What you can do is help this board by posting quality threads. What we get most frequently here is lazy one question threads that belong in QTDDOT >>77855 I used to post many threads with sources from sites not pozzed by ZOG. Nobody would reply to those. If you're noticing a problem with this board, try a solution instead of lazily complaining about it. /pol/ dies from lack of participation. When you're the one who's stopping by in 2 months: You are part of the problem. Participate in discussions. Post one paragraph threads. Actually do something about it.

A few threads have been unpinned because they were not replied in and taking up space. Newer threads were bumped back but AIDSkike is just going to bump the old again. I ban the piece of shit every day. Fight back against the hasbarat. Post your own threads.


Anonymous 10/18/2022 (Tue) 05:22 Id: 874fef (1) [Preview] No.89056 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89062
yeah whenever that happens. Damn computer dying on me

What the hell happened?

Anonymous 10/19/2022 (Wed) 01:27 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.89062 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I'm sure the bank I kept my money in realized what my Patreon name 'Randolph Hilter' really meant. So that bank froze my account and card. I went in to withdraw everything and close membership. The point I forgot to make is I can't contribute to endchan because of that bullshit. There needs to be a National Socialists' currency-exchanging platform some day. One that isn't Fed bait.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 10/19/2022 (Wed) 04:09.

Anonymous 11/04/2022 (Fri) 16:15 Id: 1db79a (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.89195 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89200>>89201>>89259
(121.10 KB 1463x508 image (1).png)
Why dont mods ban the AIDSkike

Anonymous Board owner 11/05/2022 (Sat) 01:29 Id: 2c08ea (60)Prev Next [Preview] No.89200 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
He has been banned for many years. AIDSkike evades bans. He comes back with his Dynamic IP with "Write your appeal" and the appeal is always denied. Also besides Globals, there is only one mod.

Anonymous 11/05/2022 (Sat) 12:34 Id: 814c09 (1) [Preview] No.89201 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89259
You can dodge bans by IP switch if you have dynamic one.
Why do you think exists a meme on topic on 4pol

Also on images last sentence
>They find strenght and will to stay together
No wonder, if you would look on divorce laws you would suffer as a man whatever in alimonies to property splitting simply you the man who worked for all and went trough hell to earn bread and shelter for family or both of you then becomes a milking cow for divorced wife by jewish divorce laws for 20 years or until she marries again.

Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 17:05 Id: 1ac187 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.89259 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>lele cheating is based

Why the fuck would you do that?

Pretty much. That dude's also a FED, so it's practically impossible to get rid of him Unless he gets moved to another assignment

Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 17:08 Id: 1ac187 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.89260 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(52.84 KB 794x677 ghh.jpeg)
Computer got fixed, so now I'm slowly recovering my files. Will go back to posting soon. eventually

Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 21:00 Id: 7bafc1 (1) [Preview] No.89269 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89378
(27.92 KB 472x472 papers please.jpg)
>The rules are these
>1. No jews. The enemy is kikes plus traitors, their religion is Judaism and they will be banned. Do not distract from the enemy. It is not possible to remove any other problem until the jewish tumor is excised from our nations.
>2. Insulting National Socialism or Hitler, even by implying anything wrong about Hitler, will result in an immediate ban. (No excuses will be tolerated for this. No "but I was just pandering to normies", "I was ironic shitposting" or "you misunderstood muh context".)
>3. Threads and posts must not support jewish propaganda. Expose jews, don't empower them. This doesn't matter if you're not jewish.
I find your terms... acceptable

Anonymous Board owner 11/27/2022 (Sun) 14:27 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.89350 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89379
IDs have changed because we've switched over to .org for awhile. Because I'm working long hours with little free time due to the season, everyone is encouraged to make their own threads or reply to others. Remember: the board rules and Global rules must be enforced.

Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 22:19 Id: 2fbc72 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.89378 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Ok little raccoon. Just put the gun down and calm down

Anonymous 12/06/2022 (Tue) 22:22 Id: 2fbc72 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.89379 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89380
(83.41 KB 900x900 11011.jpeg)
>IDs have changed because we've switched over to .org for awhile

TL;DR: AIDSguy the P.C. moniker for the board spammer hit this site pretty hard. So they changed to .org because of him. You can go on the /operate/ board and see a small thread over it. I don't like the .org in general. It sucks

Anonymous 12/07/2022 (Wed) 04:16 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.89380 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89626
I'm no fan of the .org either, but at least now we can log in to access the moderation panel (as opposed to when that wasn't allowed on the .org). Which thread at /operate/ is talking about AIDSkike hitting endchan hard?

Anonymous 12/17/2022 (Sat) 08:17 Id: 1db79a (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.89425 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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(2.19 MB 640x360 PIR0.webm)
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Anonymous 12/28/2022 (Wed) 12:55 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.89514 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Attention 8moe/8kun bans immediately (within seconds) any instant endchan is mentioned. All of you will be permitted to type "8moe" or "8kun", the same as I'm doing, but none of you are allowed to post a link to it.
You can thank whatever mod thought it would be a good idea to wage war with this site.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 12/28/2022 (Wed) 16:12.

Anonymous 01/11/2023 (Wed) 04:22 Id: bfad0d (1) [Preview] No.89626 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>I'm no fan of the .org either, but at least now we can log in to access the moderation panel (as opposed to when that wasn't allowed on the .org).

Nevermind. Looks like the .gg and .net domains are back and normal

>Which thread at /operate/ is talking about AIDSkike hitting endchan hard?

This one >>>/operate/11577
Dude's a pest wherever he goes into. So, don't get bothered by him or give him any attention. For your own sanity.

Anonymous 01/11/2023 (Wed) 05:23 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.89630 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89768
The dick spammer might not be AIDSkike, but I can't know for sure. That particular shithead also pestered this board for years but hasn't been hitting us for awhile now though AIDSkike never stops his daily bullshit. You may not see it much. I delete his "Americans scream this" posts every single day and have stopped wasting my time archiving that nonsense.

Anonymous 02/09/2023 (Thu) 04:09 Id: 558dee (1) [Preview] No.89768 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I'm pretty sure it's him. Same spammy tactics. But thanks for getting rid of the spam though.

Anonymous Board owner 02/11/2023 (Sat) 08:51 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.89786 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89787
Attention: Despite the fact that we're on the same side, calls for violence will be deleted. We both have to follow the Global Rules. The only version of this permitted is 18 U.S. Code § 2381 because it's an existing law never enforced.
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Anonymous 02/11/2023 (Sat) 14:03 Id: ce9fee (1) [Preview] No.89787 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89792
(211.00 KB 1024x676 1654185376954.jpg)
>whoever adheres to their(USA) enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death
Does that mean there is a legal basis for killing the jews and their traitorous accomplices?
This seems like a development with a lot of potential.
>by the laws of the United States, for the crime of treason and hostile subversion inside the United States, Israel and all its allies and all its agents are hereby sentences to death penalty, bailouts are denied for whichever amount.
This should happen.

Anonymous 02/12/2023 (Sun) 06:24 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.89792 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Does that mean there is a legal basis for killing the jews and their traitorous accomplices?
It's on the books, but of course no court would side with you because AIPAC pretty much owns everyone in the political sphere. The traitors that serve them and jews very obviously have compromised the U.S. for decades while braindead normies refuse to see it. However, in the hypothetical scenario of outnumbering the ZOG-bought politicians and taking power over the nation, the law to execute them pre-exists.

Anonymous 02/26/2023 (Sun) 22:56 Id: 18596d (1) [Preview] No.89892 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89898>>89980>>90013
is this place now a clone of the /news/ board?
can all the news posts get deleted?
they are getting zero interest and replies, and they only act as slide threads slowly resetting the whole board

an alternative, would be to have a central news thread, where to concentrate and merge all the news posts

Anonymous Board owner 02/27/2023 (Mon) 14:49 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.89898 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90013
Those threads revitalize this dying board. In case you haven't noticed, the only other threads being posted for a long time are lazy spam links where the OP does not return except to post more spam, not engage in any discussion. I suggested /news/ post here for that reason and I left it up to them to agree. They've been generous in doing so. To know what happens to boards when they lack quality content for years, see this one G_C handed off to me: >>>/8leaks/

Anonymous 03/11/2023 (Sat) 15:05 [Preview] No.89980 [X] del >>90013
(189.74 KB 1406x758 c3d.jpg)
(26.89 KB 642x250 c2d.jpg)

Anonymous 03/16/2023 (Thu) 02:51 Id: 3d8f77 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90013 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I think he's just new and doesn't know about the board

>is this place now a clone of the /news/ board?
We always repost what shows up in /news/ here. Just so everyone can read every thread posted there

>Those threads revitalize this dying board. In case you haven't noticed

Ehh I think we're fine. There's always going to be someone posting on the board. It's just slower than ususal because nothing's really happening lately

Anonymous 03/16/2023 (Thu) 02:59 Id: 3d8f77 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90014 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90016>>90021
Hey, where's the mega info dump thread that was on the board? I can't find it in the catalog or anywhere. Did it 404? There was wayyyy too much good content for that thread to be gone.

Anonymous 03/16/2023 (Thu) 03:00 Id: 3d8f77 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90015 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Anyone know where the mega info dump thread is in? I can't find it in the catalog or anywhere. Did it 404?

There was wayyyy too much good content for that thread to be gone.

sage sage 03/16/2023 (Thu) 03:09 Id: 3d8f77 (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90016 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Passwords don't work for deleting posts anymore.

Well ok then

Anonymous 03/16/2023 (Thu) 11:41 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.90021 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90097
I'm not sure which info dump thread you mean. AIDSkike has been sliding threads around so it might have 404ed or might not. See if you can describe it from memory and I'll look around in the catalog.

Anonymous 03/25/2023 (Sat) 16:10 Id: dd1e5c (1) [Preview] No.90097 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90108
>I'm not sure which info dump thread you mean.
>See if you can describe it from memory and I'll look around in the catalog.

It's the one with the captain america picture starting the thread. Looks like it's gone.

Anyone got an archive for it? Or saved most of the content posted there at least.

Anonymous 03/26/2023 (Sun) 06:01 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.90108 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90160
Meta Thread #5? https://archive.is/RrCJr Anything posted after February 22nd 2021 wasn't archived.

Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 01:31 Id: 492173 (1) [Preview] No.90120 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Today is Sunday.

Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 01:16 Id: 275791 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.90160 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90164
>Meta Thread #5? https://archive.is/RrCJr Anything posted after February 22nd 2021 wasn't archived.

Hmm not the exact one I wanted but one I still needed. Thanks.

There was another thread. It was the one titled "Info Dump" or "Red pill" thread. I can't find it but it had a lot of content I posted most of the things I had in that thread. It had around 700+ posts there. Can't find it anywhere though.

Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 01:36 Id: 275791 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.90161 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90164
Also, April, along with Passover is almost here.

If you have children or know anyone who does, please try to keep them inside. The "harvest" always happens around that time.

Anonymous 03/31/2023 (Fri) 03:50 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.90164 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90247
(240.32 KB 1028x535 moloch.jpg)
There are no 700 replies threads in the Catalog. It was probably purged from the combination of visitors whining about too many pins then disappearing forever plus AIDSkike's constant bumps.
Passover exists now because kikes used to make burnt human sacrifices to Baal, also known as Moloch from where they got their star symbolism from. Yeah. Definitely keep children inside the entire first half of April.

Anonymous Board owner 03/31/2023 (Fri) 16:36 Id: 6d6b86 (11)Prev Next [Preview] No.90171 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90179
(84.73 KB 800x445 45.jpg)
This is a reminder that if a visitor is insistent on being an illiterate retard and refuses to read the rules, they will still be banned. I just removed insults to Hitler from this thread again despite Rule 2 saying No excuses will be tolerated for this. No "but I was just pandering to normies", "I was ironic shitposting" or "you misunderstood muh context".

I don't think they realize what the entire point is, so I'll spell it out and settle the matter. Hitler is an irresistible hate magnet for jews. All jews will reveal themselves when he is the subject. There are no exceptions. No jews are allowed here or at /news/.

Anonymous 04/02/2023 (Sun) 04:14 Id: 4aae24 (1) [Preview] No.90179 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90183
Does criticism count as insult?

Anonymous 04/02/2023 (Sun) 17:10 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90183 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90218
(103.19 KB 637x627 288.jpg)
"Hitler made a mistake" is the only subject that is allowed and you really must be right about it. The problem kikes have is they can't point out any mistakes without also inserting lies and insults. For instance, I never insult him because my ancestry is 100% Scottish. There are many with low (or high) percentage jewish ancestry that may not even know what they are. They pretend they're not but then their irresistible urge to insult Hitler happens and it's just obvious.

For instance: Hitler's mistakes were spreading his military too thin; protecting neighboring nations with too many troops, nations that would not come to Germany's aid; not instead amassing many borders and sea forts to hold off the (((Bolshevik enemy))). Another mistake was when he was sick, he allowed his Generals to make the invasion decisions. Many fool (((historians))) blame him instead. Also about the "Haavara agreement", Hitler rejected it. Dr. Beno Cohen was the kike who made up the lie "Hitler was for it" and he's referenced as if lies are truth. The same for all jewish fairy tales falsely cited as historical facts.

Also to say Hitler's intent was to lose the war and the bad result was his plan all along is pure bullshit. Of course he never planned on losing and did not have the desire for our modern world to become so degenerate. Again, his entire purpose here is to oust jews. It doesn't matter if anon claims they're "not" jewish as they're revealing themselves. The simple fact is: jews lie and traitors are no better.

Anonymous 04/09/2023 (Sun) 03:42 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90217 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90218
(52.33 KB 418x298 kikepedia wailing.jpg)
New flag. Now all we need is a time machine to ensure their political victory and stop the Duke of Windsor from abdicating

Anonymous 04/09/2023 (Sun) 07:18 Id: 341138 (1) [Preview] No.90218 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90223>>90247
>Many fool (((historians))) blame him instead.
And also for things like it was his fault that weapons either took so long to produce or were over complicated like was in case of g41(m) or stg44 when in fact army or producer was the one who made it to be a thing in first place
Or the famous out of context that me262 should be a bomber when actually the incident was nothing but a question if it has same conversion tools like focke wulf had .
Yes even hitler is not immune to mistakes but considering how many are attributed and how many actually were a thing as bluewater navy scrapping (which was later cancelled luckily but Gniesenau wasnt saved on time) or assuming that Romania wont stab him to back with even considering that he would manage to reason with same forces that desired war in first place by any cost

Was there also a consideration to add Gaddafi loyalist flag to list?

Anonymous Board owner 04/10/2023 (Mon) 06:49 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90223 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Not in the past. This board has only briefly had Arabs and then the jews drawn to Hitler hate like a moth to a flame roasted them before I banned the kikes. Not a single mention of Gaddafi if those were even Arabs and not some Hasbara setup. Regardless, they're all gone. It's just you, me, sometimes Spain anon, the spammers and the trolls.

The version of Libyan loyalists with the symbol does not shrink down well so here's the solid green.

Anonymous Board owner 04/12/2023 (Wed) 18:37 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90246 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
AIDSkike is back after some vacation to slide old threads to the front page. You may combat this by bumping other threads should you choose. After years of this, I can tell the difference between an anon and AIDSkike's repeated messages.

Anonymous 04/12/2023 (Wed) 19:36 Id: 68f40f (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.90247 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90250
(24.08 KB 400x400 mill.jpeg)
>Was there also a consideration to add Gaddafi loyalist flag to list?

Now that's a very interesting flag to add. Would not have thought of adding that since it's so obscure

Some people that lived in the region when he reigned said that Libya was great before getting invaded.

>There are no 700 replies threads in the Catalog.

Any archive exist for it? There has to be one.
I have some of the content saved up, but I'd have to dig into my old HDD and computers. Wayyy too tedious

Anonymous 04/13/2023 (Thu) 03:23 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90250 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90364
I haven't felt the need to archive with the lack of extreme effort sliding since the year of horror: 2017. I probably should have archived a thread of that magnitude, yet didn't, unfortunately.

Anonymous 04/19/2023 (Wed) 13:10 Id: 2c08ea (63)Prev Next [Preview] No.90291 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I feel I should explain something about religion on this board, as it is a frequently brought up debate. The intent on end/pol/ is a simple premise with a web of complexity. Some might have presumed in the past that this place is strictly for National Socialists as well as Christians on top of that. The truth is, this board exists only for one all-encompassing reason. An intense hatred of jews. Yes, I can understand why someone would come to the false conclusion that Christianity is jewish. No other Greece based religion has been so compromised by the parasites, and kikes lie by deceiving about Hebrew being the origin. With the Septuagint and Codex Sinaiticus, the origin IS Greek language while jews have zero evidence of their claims. Only the fraud Dead Sea Scrolls forged on shoe leather. Hitler appreciated Christianity and he never lied. Do I have a strong devotion to Christianity since I have banned visitors for talking shit? The answer is no. I respect myths of the Aesir far more than a religion preaching to be passive sheep. Odin was depicted as a fighter who took on entire races of giants. Vikings were never compromised by jews and never had the end result of their religion exist as a joke of charlatans scamming congregations for money. Yet every time we get a pretend Odinist here, they start shit. Are they off dying to get into Valholl instead of pissing on an imageboard? No. Because that is not a real Viking. That is a jew hiding behind a disguise.

If visitors would stop at saying they distrust Christianity, this would be acceptable. Understandable. But they don't stop. No matter the amount of information they're given, they continue to badger. I'm not personally offended either if Hitler is insulted. He's not me. I chose his name to moderate because Hitler is the best jew hate magnet ever. That's the point. Which falls right back on what this board is about. The only sane response is an intense hatred of kikes. There is no way to peer into your rooms and tell whether or not you have jewish heritage. As this is an anonymous imageboard, the only way is to notice behavior. Debate like a jew by discarding all facts presented to you. Express an intense hatred of Christianity instead of rightfully despising Judaism, is like a jew. Insulting Hitler is like a jew. Promoting the degenerate trash they promote. Any stereotypical but true behavior like them and you will be assumed to be a jew.

Because international jewry has compromised this world and turned it into the surrounding degeneracy in which I was raised but saw what brief beauty National Socialist rule was, I have extreme apathy. Nothing is personal. I couldn't care less which of the aforementioned subjects are insulted. Hitler. Christianity. Any point of contention debated for or against without accepting facts. I'm not affected more than paying attention to those red flags. The only logical conclusion is an awareness that kikes are why this modern world is trash. Do not forget. Nothing matters more than this: Here, we fucking hate jews
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/19/2023 (Wed) 13:20.

Anonymous 04/20/2023 (Thu) 06:29 Id: 2c08ea (63)Prev Next [Preview] No.90307 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Today marks the birthday of the greatest man who ever lived. He exists even beyond his life as the perfect specimen to draw jews out. Parasites cannot resist their nature. Hitler's light will always bring their vile behavior forward.

Anonymous 04/26/2023 (Wed) 03:22 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90356 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(118.13 KB 820x704 00.jpg)
There is now a jew promoting pictures of kikes, kikes in gay porn and gore >>>/endpolmeta/ is the archive of deletions. If there is anyone left: report it globally, as I can't be here 24/7.

What this dimwitted kike doesn't understand is what I've already said. I have extreme apathy. The above described imagery does not phase me. The kike could post what does, but then that would be admitting what jews are responsible for by showing them massacring innocents. And that's allowed. Yidds have no power here. The only emotion they can ever draw out is disgust of them.

Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 05:17 Id: 558dee (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90364 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90365
It's okay fren. Everyone makes mistakes and nobody's perfect.

I actually found a recent copy of the thread right now. It has the majority of the posts for the thread. I also saved a copy of it for myself too

Infographs mega dump

Next time, we'll just back up things better. And not unsticky good threads because of a random intruder's demands.

Anonymous 04/27/2023 (Thu) 07:18 Id: 2c08ea (63)Prev Next [Preview] No.90365 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90487
You're right. For those who never stay, they shouldn't have any say about this board. I should offer you Volunteer at this point, but I think you weren't interested before. Not sure.

The Vol position will be as honorary as it is for G_C and Ocelotte whom have not been around for years. You don't even have to moderate when you don't feel like it. You won't have to check in. I'm not anyone's manager.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 04/27/2023 (Thu) 08:56.

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 02:21 Id: 25fb14 (1) [Preview] No.90487 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90489
(24.08 KB 400x400 mill.jpeg)
>Vol position will be as honorary as it is for G_C and Ocelotte whom have not been around for years

Thanks. I just do what I can. Same as everyone else in the board

>Vol position will be as honorary as it is for G_C and Ocelotte whom have not been around for years

Was dealing with a few things in life, so I couldn't at the time. Hope you understand BO

Anonymous 05/18/2023 (Thu) 05:59 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90489 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90594
I'm offering in case of some unforeseen circumstance that would remove my ability to watch over this board. So the Vol position doesn't have to be active. You and Slovak anon both have your heads in the right place and come here more frequently than others (not counting the kike shills).
>Was dealing with a few things in life, so I couldn't at the time. Hope you understand BO
Are you G_C? Would be interesting if you were him this entire time. He's listed as Vol, and Ocelotte. They can both log in as they used to whenever they want. If not, you may create a login and I would add you.

Again: No time frame. No deadlines. No checking in. All I would require is screenshots of deletions to go to >>>/endpolmeta/ when deletions happen. It doesn't matter when.

Anonymous 06/09/2023 (Fri) 01:59 Id: 558dee (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90594 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90595>>90603
>You and Slovak anon both have your heads in the right place a
I'm okay with it not right now due to external life circumstances that I have You won't have to worry about this board so much because they'll always be people around to keep either this board or a copy of it up pretty much anywhere on the internet. Wonder what Slovak anon thinks of all this though.

You can also add BookAnon/English motivation anon as a Vol nominee if you want too. He's a good lad who's pretty smart.

>I'm offering in case of some unforeseen circumstance that would remove my ability to watch over this board.

Well anything can happen to anybody here or outside the board. Just a matter of life. Let's just keep an positive attitude just not too exaggerated and weird like and just be ready for anything that could happen.

>>Are you G_C? Would be interesting if you were him this entire time. He's listed as Vol, and Ocelotte.

Nah, I'm not him. Wasn't even around this board during that time. I only briefly visited this board when Ocelotte was mod. Took a break to funpost on Twitter for a while before coming back here my favorite accounts kept getting banned lol

Anonymous 06/09/2023 (Fri) 03:07 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90595 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90603
>Wonder what Slovak anon thinks of all this though
He turned Vol down due to life circumstances as well, which is fine. The offer will remain.
>You can also add BookAnon/English motivation anon as a Vol nominee if you want too. He's a good lad who's pretty smart.
True. He also had a pretty bad life circumstance and I haven't seen him around much.
>Nah, I'm not him.
Glad that's cleared up. I've thought you might be him for a long time. He had a similar style.
>when Ocelotte was mod
I'm not sure when G_C came aboard, but it was some time when Ocelotte was BO. I arrived when G_C was Vol and Unknown was terminated (as Vol) so he raged and put on the alter-ego of the Hitler hating gay nigger spammer. What caused Unknown to out himself as an obvious jew with all that other crap was his seething hatred of Christianity. Which is why anti-Christians on this board throw up red flags. Offering to clean his bullshit up and then doing so was what got me here.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 06/09/2023 (Fri) 03:12.

Anonymous 06/11/2023 (Sun) 19:35 Id: 7929a7 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.90603 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90653
(188.11 KB 896x782 Fxbio93aMAI9C0A.png)
>Wonder what Slovak anon thinks of all this though
As someone who hunts archive docs like this one i support the idea of archiving threads as was in case of germania thread technically the only mention now of his work and documentaries are on fate of those who have all of them as me or on passing by people who stumble upon it
And yes in case someone is interested in documentaries of his i have them all even tommy mair one and covid hoax one since world truth videos has problems with old uploads where they dont play

>You can also add BookAnon/English motivation anon as a Vol nominee if you want too. He's a good lad who's pretty smart.
Wasnt bookanon locked up by british zog for terrorism agitation or something like that? Because before my ban on worldtruth videos social media platform wtvx (after arguing with one himbo who cannot into psychology of burn outs or paranoia and thinking hulk smash hulk bulking solves everything who reported me after constant unga bunga arguments) there was discussionif it was him and news reports seem on at least a tip of iceberg suggest it was him with few of his vids (especially tommy mair doc where he indirectly could mention he is from UK)
>Well anything can happen to anybody here or outside the board
Yep indeed and thats why we have monty pythons song always look on bright side of life or living in society mode

>He turned Vol down due to life circumstances as well, which is fine
I mean it was a neccesity which still stands as factors keep me busy or drained into point where i can only think of dumb stuff like i like peanuts and butter but nit peanut butter and situation here is rushing to be clearer than as this "cold war" heads forward, bank crashes and lock up of marian magát demands to have a hard basis to stand when it begins which is more challenging to keep alive as here also is practiced blackrocks and vanguards tactics of buying off a land but far cheaper as people here are far less world aware and trusting

Anonymous 06/15/2023 (Thu) 10:11 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90619 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90625
(217.80 KB 571x240 Greg the retard.jpg)
Greg Wycliffe has been a YouTuber linked on this board before for his tendency to expose hoaxes. Now this retard fully supports one hoax over another. He has gone full ZOG. I am stating this because anyone who links to the fucking idiot from now on will be banned.

If you need to know why, see these:

Anonymous 06/17/2023 (Sat) 19:49 Id: 7929a7 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.90625 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Now this retard fully supports one hoax over another. He has gone full ZOG
I get some Paul J Watson deja vu from that

Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 15:42 Id: 558dee (4)Prev Next [Preview] No.90653 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90778
>i support the idea of archiving threads as was in case of germania thread technically the only mention now of his work and documentaries are on fate of those who have all of them as me or on passing by people who stumble upon it

Yeah the Germania thread's still up in the catalog if anyone wants to see it. What happened to the author though?

>wasnt bookanon locked up by british zog for
no I think he just took a break from posting from a while. I think he's fine

Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 19:49 Id: cb7245 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.90778 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90780
(796.79 KB 2298x3130 1682280266160778.png)
>What happened to the author though?
Cannot tell fully however i suspect he was locked as his worldtruth videos channel is deaf saw no activity there and heared rumors that he was maybe arrested for incitement for terrorism which i suspect was him as i know nobody on that website who made an documentary vid about tommy mairs execution of Cox etc.


Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 20:10 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90780 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90785
From the article:
>"created a series of videos" where he "glorified mass murderers"
>and "encouraged other people to emulate them" having "provided specific instructions".
Yeah, that doesn't sound like the works of the Germania book anon.

Anonymous 07/19/2023 (Wed) 19:49 Id: cb7245 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.90785 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
As i said my suspicion on the matter are from these works and mentioned Coxs assasination on his wtv channel that he had and uploaded germania voiced snippets (and personally favourite national socialism chapter)

I will leave the judgement onto anyone who will take a time to watch all of works linked (feminism the destruction of family is not listed as its not one of these)

Mentioned Tommy mair documentary (if any wont work i can provide archived copies as i have downloaded all works from Brenton Tarrant documentary to newest Tommy Mair one)


How to achieve victory

Cyber warfare DOD and special focus should be given go end or the i think third point?


Anonymous 08/23/2023 (Wed) 07:22 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.90986 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
The greatest man whom ever lived hasn't been posted enough and jews might start relaxing, thinking they can fuck around without finding out. We can't have that.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 08/24/2023 (Thu) 05:08.

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 08:51 Id: bee735 (1) [Preview] No.91013 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(6.33 KB 107x179 th (1).jpg)
Perfect pose

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 18:54 Id: ba32c3 (1) [Preview] No.91017 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91026
(579.74 KB 882x2943 1613473778631.png)
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(1.51 MB 4000x2700 1610302017308.jpg)
(237.37 KB 984x587 1616575874100.jpg)
Show me nigger in organizationsbuch der nsdap hatred of slavs?
Where did galitizien division got bad treatment where did vlasovs got bad treatment
Where die rasse und kultur for example was rold that slavs are subhuman
Get the fuck out of here queer with this black propaganda

Anonymous Board owner 09/03/2023 (Sun) 10:55 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91026 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
That fool you're talking to only cited Russian black propaganda. Hitler only said "master race" once in his entire recorded life.
Of course you just proved he did not hate Slavs in your second image. Truth won't shut the obnoxious shill up.

In cases like this, I just ban them until they give up and a new obnoxious piece of shit appears.

"Here everyone works exactly according to the instincts of his race, because the race, or should we say, the nation and its character, as the Jew himself explains, lies in blood, and this blood is forcing everyone to act according to these principles, whether he is the leading mind in a party that calls itself democratic, or calls itself socialist, or a man of science, literature, or just an ordinary exploiter. He is a Jew; he works aglow with one thought: How do I get my people to become the Master Race." - Adolf Hitler, NSGWP Hofbrauhaus. Friday 15, August 1920.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 09/03/2023 (Sun) 11:02.

Anonymous Board owner 09/22/2023 (Fri) 17:54 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91126 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I'm tired of the Tor anarchist jew's daily bullshit. Tor is disabled on end/pol/ for now.

Anonymous 09/24/2023 (Sun) 18:41 Id: d9f8f4 (1) [Preview] No.91133 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(412.07 KB 852x977 1680044564213366.png)
(105.22 KB 900x494 1679336606978626.jpg)
Riddle me with this
How could be one jew when siezes rotschild and his fortune

Hitler was Christian Anonymous 09/26/2023 (Tue) 12:03 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91145 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Because of the spammer, here are the quotes yet again. And a video. Now the retarded anarchist can continue posting ignorance and get banned for it, but here is proof they're retarded.


"And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God; because then, as always, they used religion as a means of advancing their commercial interests. But at that time Christ was nailed to the Cross for his attitude towards the Jews; whereas our modern Christians enter into party politics and when elections are being held they debase themselves to beg for Jewish votes. They even enter into political intrigues with the atheistic Jewish parties against the interests of their own Christian nation." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 11

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. ...Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross." - Adolf Hitler, speech on April 12, 1922

"By its decision to carry out the political and moral cleansing of our public life, the Government is creating and securing the conditions for a really deep and inner religious life. The advantages for the individual which may be derived from compromises with atheistic organizations do not compare in any way with the consequences which are visible in the destruction of our common religious and ethical values. The national Government sees in both Christian denominations the most important factor for the maintenance of our society." - Adolf Hitler, speech before the Reichstag, March 23, 1933, just before the Enabling Act is passed.

Anonymous 10/01/2023 (Sun) 17:13 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91171 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(32.68 KB 280x280 Feds are watching.png)
Know what I'm seeing frequently? 4 out of 10 or 3 out of 9 on /pol/ specifically. That's 10 or 9 on the entire site at a time, yet somehow with 3 or 4 people here. The board is crawling. Barely anyone's posting. It's dead slow.

Pretty suspicious.

Anonymous 10/14/2023 (Sat) 07:24 Id: b27c13 (1) [Preview] No.91219 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91220
(96.31 KB 602x997 proxy-image (4).png)
Idea for an flag
Croatian ustaše symbol or first croat republic emblem

Anonymous 10/14/2023 (Sat) 08:16 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91220 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Croatian ustaše
Here you are.
>first croat republic emblem
That one does not convert well to 16x16, but this does just fine.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 10/14/2023 (Sat) 08:31.

Thanks for irresistibly taking the bait every time Anonymous 10/25/2023 (Wed) 04:28 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91387 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(103.19 KB 637x627 288.jpg)
(56.04 KB 500x480 1 (4).jpg)
(43.61 KB 309x372 2013052436.jpg)
Jews think their kind never ritualistically murdered children to deserve exile so many times, even though they're still doing that to this day. In Palestine. The jews will never stop crying about being the eternal victims when in their minds nobody else is ever their victim. Kikes will never admit guilt as much as they'll never stop being paranoid the hunt will be on for their kind again. But here's the catch. They really don't understand this extreme character flaw they have is a weakness.

The (((Tribe))) will be known as villains again. The (((Tribe))) will be hunted and exiled. Again. History repeats. Hell, Israel is quickly making sure the entire world does just that. We'll get there, but this time jews will not be able to hide. Hitler, though he was outnumbered and conquered by traitors under the leadership of cowards, left us with the best gift of all. The means to out any jew even when they're completely anonymous.

Even though they know this. Even though I explained it. They'll never stop. Just as those brainwashed Gentiles immediately suffer from a Pavlovian sympathetic response when we say jew in the negative, jews too can't escape their mental programming. What a perfect gift. I'm not mad when kikes insult Hitler. I laugh. Thanks, jews.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 10/25/2023 (Wed) 06:52.

Anonymous Board owner 11/01/2023 (Wed) 04:09 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91473 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(95.48 KB 988x580 download.jpg)
(80.86 KB 1048x494 download (1).jpg)
To whomever posted these: I'm not banning you for this yet
But it's spam. It's Atomwaffen tier. It's lazy. It's against Global Rule 1 by calling for violence and it's obnoxious.
Cut the shit.
You have a question? Head over to >>90546 and ask there.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 11/01/2023 (Wed) 04:11.

Anonymous 11/07/2023 (Tue) 16:02 Id: 73674c (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91502 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91507>>91509
Polru is occupated by kikes
Jews made russians in 1721 and now its time to pay for it

Anonymous 11/07/2023 (Tue) 22:35 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91507 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91511
>Jews made russians in 1721
Russia is over a thousand years old. I've known some Russians. While they're just about as brainwashed as the majority in the UK and USA, they're not all kikes just the same as frequent false claims used to be about the Irish, Danes, even Anglos (Germans). About 3% of the Russian population is jewish. Bolsheviks were jewish. Vladimir Putin is a Zionist ass kissing jew who rules with jewish oligarchs. The same as Trump was. The same as Joe Biden is. Kikes still run Russia.

Anonymous 11/08/2023 (Wed) 09:56 Id: 0a3355 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91509 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91531
>Jews made russians in 1721 and now its time to pay for it
Yea sure jim and kyjevan rus never existed with other regional states like muscovy dutchy which racialy were same
Defenetly when vikings came to russia they found nobody defenetly not, defenetly absolutley nobody was beating the shit out of tatars in 14th century out of rus and later swedes and commonwealths szlachta globohomo club who wanted shiny stuff again

Same fake nonsense of spawning ethnicities can be told to any nation and aryans beginning with kazaria hoax made by chabbad claiming "an ancient" despite being far younger compared to kyjevan rus or yamnaya culture

Jewish fairy tales arent history and will never be

Anonymous 11/08/2023 (Wed) 10:00 Id: 8c4ba9 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91511 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91531
>Vladimir Putin is a Zionist ass kissing jew who rules with jewish oligarchs. The same as Trump was. The same as Joe Biden is. Kikes still run Russia.

Why is Russia so much more sane today?

Anonymous Board owner 11/08/2023 (Wed) 12:28 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91529 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>I must spam because i need help to gas that jews in polru
Don't make me ban you. Seriously. I fucking hate banning people who hate jews. Now pay attention. There is nothing we can do about a kike board owner over another board until they abandon the place and it goes up for grabs. Got it? When a board is abandoned, the first person to email Odilitime gets the board. I'm just as annoyed as you if a jew runs /polru/. Still. Stop spamming.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 11/08/2023 (Wed) 12:30.

Anonymous 11/08/2023 (Wed) 12:40 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91531 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91532
I've seen this image. Those boys chasing that woman, by the way, where chasing off a jew prostitute ruining their neighborhood with her degeneracy. I commend their behavior. Those children were raised right.

>Why is Russia so much more sane today?
Define "sane" for Russians. Living in cheap shit run down and falling apart apartments while squatting in track suits? Waging war against the Ukraine because as (jew)Putin says, they're doing it to eliminate "Nazis"? Despite Russia's size, Jewtin is still cucked to Israel. There's nothing sane about that.

Anonymous 11/08/2023 (Wed) 12:50 Id: 4425ec (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91532 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91545
There's no gay transgender degeneracy.

Anonymous 11/08/2023 (Wed) 16:43 Id: 55afe5 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91542 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>kikes must be gased at all cost

>i will kill all this board
That by itself won't gas any kikes. I'm ashamed to sound like i attempt to convince you not to commit necessary act of political terror. But you are causing too much friendly fire here. Please reconsider your options.

Anonymous Board owner 11/08/2023 (Wed) 19:31 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91545 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91581
Yes there is.
>I've told odilitime about kikes in polru a half year ago.
>No responce.
>Is this board a honeypot?
This board is /pol/, not /polru/. I don't moderate the entire website. My options are /pol/,
I do not moderate anywhere else on Endchan.

Anonymous Board owner 11/08/2023 (Wed) 19:33 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91546 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91568>>91581
(267.83 KB 497x512 larry-kramer.png)
(245.56 KB 1797x1079 Sickies3.jpg)
(159.13 KB 1428x1079 Sickies2.jpg)
>kikes must be gased at all cost
Kikes were never gassed in the first place. You saying that only adds to the complete idiots believing in the "muh 6 million" hoax.
>i will kill all this board with pedoposting
So you would attack this National Socialist board because we don't control the entire website? If you keep pedophile images on your PC to begin with, you're no better than jews. I have moderated /pol/ here since 2017. G_C the former BO left because the pedophile spam disgusted him. I did not leave. My career is medical. You can't phase me with nudity. I have zero control over the rest of Endchan. Should you choose to attack /pol/ for the kikes of /polru/, then you're only pleasing jews. Only Feds, kikes and kike lovers hate and attack this National Socialist /pol/.

Endchan=Entire website
/pol/=Just this board

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 08:41 Id: 54cfb0 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91568 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91571
lmao when did that old kike say that?

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 12:47 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91571 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Ginsburg said that in an interview scrubbed from the internet since 2018 with (((fact checkers))) scrambling to respond with "nuh uh never happened!" She also advocated for lowering the age of consent to below 12 in The Legal Status of Women Under Federal Law. - 1974. To which (((fact checkers))) have also responded with their typical misdirection jewish pilpul.

Pilpul - A form of argument which kikes call "careful and often excessively subtle distinctions". Which means twist around facts with lies until jews are no longer considered guilty.

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 16:23 Id: 50de2b (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91574 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Say hello to communists from the sky

Hmmmm I'm not clicking that link. Most if not all in the Russian side of the war are being forced into it, and want nothing to do with it.

Russians and Ukrainians are really genetically similar (like Germans and Austrians and most people from North America), so you're pretty much fighting against your distant relatives, Mr Azov


>Ok guys, you saved this site for now

Why are you samefagging your posts? Who are you talking to?

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 17:31 Id: edd031 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91581 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91597
That guy is a known schizo, and his threats are empty. He's been threatening to close down Endchan for months, starting short after he first came here in early spring of this year. His claims are also false: while /polru/ is not specifically a far-right board like yours, and there are people of different political stances (the only common thing between them being that they are political dissidents who oppose the Putin/KGB regime), anti-jewish opinions are not suppressed by the moderation staff (unless expressed by insistent spammers, or the posts break the global rules), and none of the mods are jewish or zionist to my knowledge.
All he has actually done so far, was just some minor spamming and pestering the site's administration, he is powerless to do anything more than that. My advice would be to not take him seriously, and simply hide and ignore him. He has a ton of proxies, so banning him has proven difficult.
His flags are pretty cool though. Also, how come you have an Азов flag, but we only have an РДК one.

Anonymous 11/11/2023 (Sat) 06:18 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91597 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91878
(32.44 KB 391x328 report.png)
When he insulted Austrians and Germans, that was the last straw. You're right. The relentless samefagging posters are always schizos and always attacking all sides. They never seem to change. The pest is not a Caucasian/Aryan. Whenever an anon comes to any board I moderate and posts multiple times back to back talking to themselves, then insults and attacks all sides - That is what kikes do. They're fucking neurotic. Jews believe if they call everything jewish among people who hate jews, it will cause infighting. This worked at old 8chan. It won't work here as long as I live. The spammer pest threatening pedophilia is obviously a jew.
I can't be here 24/7 so remember to report illegal pedophile faggotry Globally

>Also, how come you have an Азов flag, but we only have an РДК one.
This board is slow so I add any flags anons suggest. (But I will add insult if it's a jew flag or Fed operation like Atomwaffen) The flag must resize to 16x16 without looking like shit.

Anonymous 11/16/2023 (Thu) 04:19 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91647 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(247.95 KB 864x972 The Kike Folder.jpg)
The Truth Folder spam is jewish. Report it when you see it. Nice of the kikes to admit they're filthy jews after all this time spamming.

Anonymous Board owner 12/09/2023 (Sat) 15:00 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91867 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91879
To the anon who was revealing leftists: I had to scrub your posts which had thumbnails of child porn from the board /siberia/. That includes the .zip file. You haven't been banned because I realize you're exposing degeneracy. Repackage the zip, repost "woke.png, "woke2.png", "in a thread about a cashless.png", "pedo 2.jpg", and "violence 4.png" but remove "pedo 3.png" and don't post it again.

Global rule 1 : Nothing illegal under US law.

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 03:39 Id: 27db83 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91878 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91883
>The spammer pest threatening pedophilia is obviously a jew.
I know which board that spammer is from: Leftypol.
Ps: better raid that board guys or the pedo problem persists

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 03:40 Id: 27db83 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91879 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Great, thanks for the advice. I'll do it asap.

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 06:14 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91883 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91892
>better raid that board guys or the pedo problem persists
Not sure what board you're talking about. There is a /leftypol/ here on endchan. Seems somewhat raided and mostly dead to me. Then there's one on 8moe that's even more dead.

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 14:08 Id: 27db83 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.91892 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91895
Mind if I post the link?
sister board https://leftychan.net (contains more or less the same)

Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 23:46 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.91895 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
The second link (chan) seems more like genuine leftyfags over the first. There's really no point in raiding other than giving them more traffic - which defeats the purpose. They have mod rights there. I have mod rights here.

I'll stay here.

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 10:28 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.92020 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(155.93 KB 513x760 Wehrmacht Christmas.jpg)
It's Christmas time again, as I'm sure you've been reminded by the repetitive retail music. Merry Israeli kikes are pulling out like their father should have and a Happy Gentiles are waking up New Year.

4th Rule Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 10:40 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.92341 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92345
Rule 4: All who post those shitty Soybooru drawings will suffer ban periods of 5 years each time, until the kikes who do so stop kike shilling.

The only exception to this will be if you use it to mock jews and do not mock National Socialists, Hitler, Caucasians in general or any religion besides Judaism.
I do not like extra rules, so this is temporary. See >>>/endpolmeta/ for archives of deletions. A frequent ban evading kike is making this necessary.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 01/27/2024 (Sat) 10:42.

Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 13:53 Id: cd7f1f (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.92345 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92346
Do into the requirements fit the re drawn paintings to chud meme slaying tranny soyacks?

Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 21:22 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.92346 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
That kike who's been spamming would make jews the chad and trannies the NSDAP. They've been pulling this stupid shit awhile now while posting gay nigger porn at the same time. The cartoon is hideous. It's dumb. It's fucking obnoxious.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 01/27/2024 (Sat) 21:27.

Anonymous Board owner 01/29/2024 (Mon) 07:02 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.92376 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I have an announcement to make. anon.cafe is claiming to be shutting down on the 15th of March. If you have zero connection with them, feel free to head to their /meta/ board and invite their anons here to this /pol/. I say that because you may be banned past the shutting down date just as I was.

All anon.cafe average anons are welcome as long as they follow the board and global rules. Any admissions of moderating anon.cafe will result in being banned until April 27th 2024. Why? That's the date they gave me.

Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 10:11 Id: 92be1a (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.92419 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92431
Hello, is there a dedicated thread about russia, their role in the world and their war?

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 04:20 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.92431 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Yes: >>86576 I'll pin it again so it'll come to the front page. It was unpinned from waning interest.

Anonymous Board owner 02/12/2024 (Mon) 04:34 Id: 6d6b86 (26)Prev Next [Preview] No.92582 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Rule 4 has been changed. It is now:
Shills have come here claiming "Not jews run the world but Annunaki" or some other aliens. NO /X/ BULLSHIT
For years, that obvious attempt to make us (National Socialists) look crazy has been pestered on this board. No longer. I'm sick of it. /pol/ is not for /x/-tier. No fucking aliens. No demons beyond the fact jews are evil bastards. No Stranger Things psychic powers. No 5G towers are controlling your mind besides the harm those cause. There are masses of fucking idiots who buy into jew propaganda, there's jews and then there's us. That is it. You come here trying to make us seem crazy, you will be shown the door.
Though the previous rule 4 is gone, only Soybooru insulting Natsocs, Hitler or Aryans will still be banned. See rules 1 through 3.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 02/12/2024 (Mon) 04:40.

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