09/26/2024 (Thu) 11:33
Id: 41a91a (20) Prev Next
No. 94792 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>94782 >That the history of forever gays, forever trans is made up just like the false history of "human beings all came from niggers in Africa". Jewish historians are everywhere polluting the natural order and then other fraud historians come along to quote from them, "learn" (unlearn truth) from them. That is how the holocaust fraud spread. What do you make of pederasty painted on ancient greek jars? Or ancient japanese paintings of men engaging in homosexuality? Are you claiming those are fraudulent?
>We may have had this conversation before. Or it was another Somebody else. I haven't been on endchan in years and definitely have not had this conversation before.
>Societies, historically, have naturally healed following the expulsions of jews. Yes, but biologically based mental illnesses as with any physical disease are not removed with them. Their prevalence may lessen or become obscured but the genes are still there.
>but testosterone isn't prevalent in the FtMs >and estrogen isn't prevalent in the MtFs You're misunderstanding what I've said. I said congenital homosexuals are exposed to abnormal testosterone levels IN UTERO. This permanently alters the structure of their brain and body, and thus their future behavior. THEN they are born. THEN they go through normal puberty, although usually with a DEFICIENCY of their natal hormone (low T in gay men, low E in lesbos). I never said they experience an INCREASE in their opposite natal hormone. And as for the cluster B/paraphiles/acquired homosexuals, their experience in utero is normal, their birth is normal, but their puberty is notable for an INCREASE in their natal hormone (very high T in male AGPs, very high E in female AAPs). Again, I never claimed either group displayed opposite hormone influences in puberty. The only time that happens is in "intersex" conditions, which are incredibly rare and easily identified diseases.
As for "passing," i.e. the optical illusion of appearing to be the opposite sex, that's also incorrect. You may not want to admit it but historically there have been men and women able to disguise themselves and remain undetected by laymen. Not that it is common or perfect, but it has happened. For instance women succeeding in pretending to be men in order to participate in wars.
It's also incorrect to label any of this as delusion. In all three tranny types there is no psychotic disease process going on. Perhaps in layman's terms the obsessions of the OCD group could be called "delusional" but they are not clinically. For the congenital homosexuals they know they are pretending. And for the cluster Bs they are EXTREMELY and constantly aware they are pretending, that is the only way they could get off. They don't actually internally BELIEVE they are the opposite sex and when they verbally claim that they are lying in order to feed their fetish.