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(460.20 KB 852x474 uh oh Israel.jpg)
Israel and US vs Palestine and Iran etc. Official Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 05:49 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No. 91652
From what I gather of all these links from >>>/news/ , Israel is swiftly losing support from the entire world's citizens and many governments. The UN included. Netanyahu is so desperate after returning from corruption charges that he's rushing invasion of Gaza with the same old war crimes. The Left are turning against Israel. Soon it will be time, friends, that the worldwide population begins to wake up and see the merit of Adolf Hitler. Jews are showing their vile natures and people hate it. RIP Palestinians. Arabs are banding together to avenge them.

The Gaza diplomacy of Biden, Sunak and co seems to be heading for failure

Israel BOMBS historic Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza – world’s third oldest church

jewish Activists Take Over Capitol to Demand Ceasefire in Gaza (yet they're not labeled terrorists like the January 6th occupation)

US Vetoes UN Security Resolution Calling for ‘Humanitarian Pauses’ in Gaza

Israel ordered STAND DOWN to allow Hamas to attack
https://www.bitchute.com/video/J2U6XR1UmrFu/ [Embed] [Embed]

Israeli artillery pounding settlements in southern Lebanon

Hamas & IDF Ground Forces Clash For 1st Time Inside Gaza

Israel bombed residential areas in the southern Lebanese town of Yarun with white phosphorous

Israeli Official Warns Russia: You're Next

Israeli Airstrike hits the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City

Israel using Hamas FALSE FLAG attack to commence genocide

China deploys six warships to Middle East

U.S. sending additional air defense systems to Middle East

Ron Paul: Hamas was created by Israel and the US

U.S. involvement in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas

Biden's claim he saw “confirmed pictures” of Hamas beheading children – turns out it was a COMPLETE LIE

Israeli airstrikes hit Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Syria

2006 Audio Emerges of Hillary Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election

UN chief alleges law violations in Gaza, angering Israel

Kikes fear World War 3 will be blamed on them AND I HOPE THEY'RE RIGHT

Israeli President Isaac Herzog says civilians living in Gaza are LEGITIMATE TARGETS

U.S., Russia veto each other’s U.N. resolutions on Israel-Gaza war
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 11/17/2023 (Fri) 12:33.

Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 06:03 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91653 del

Israeli Hostage Families Demand Government Explanation Of Gaza Strikes

UN General Assembly approves resolution calling for immediate 'humanitarian truce' in Gaza

Israel sends away diplomats from Turkey amid Gaza massacres

October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles

Israeli Think Tank Lays Out a Blueprint for the Complete Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza

IDF steps up ground operations and tells Palestinians to flee south NOW as invasion looms with phone lines and internet 'cut' across the city

Israeli Tanks Exchange Fire With Hamas Inside Gaza

Former President of Malaysia has CONFIRMED that Israel BOMBED the Gaza Baptist Hospital

Israel BOMBS Oldest Christian Church in Gaza

U.S. and Israeli KIKES instigated Hamas attacks to unleash “controlled opposition” in the region

Israeli forces attack on Gaza's main city from two directions

MISSILES and shells pounded Gaza every minute in a brutal blitz as Israel launched a massive assault

Hundreds of buildings in Gaza are turned to rubble by airstrike blitz with IDF troops still inside enclave in 'rolling start' to invasion

Erdogan accuses Israel of ‘war crimes’ (BECAUSE THEY ARE WAR CRIMES)

Erdogan Vows To Get Israel Branded As War Criminal State, Also Blames West For Gaza Massacre

Israeli tanks enter Gaza City which is 'on the brink of social collapse

Yemen has officially declared war on Israel

Hundreds Wounded & Dead After Israel Strikes Refugee Camp In Gaza

The Left Is Tearing Itself Apart Over Israel

Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 06:15 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91654 del
House GOP unveils $14.3 billion Israel aid bill that would cut funding to IRS (Get ready to stop paying taxes to Israel. The IRS will be powerless.)

Bills On Israel, Ukraine 'Dead On Arrival' In Both House And Senate As Shutdown, Funding Battles Gear Up (Democrats want billions to Ukraine also. Both love Pissreal)

Protesters demand ceasefire in Gaza and derail hearing

Cops Drag Screaming, Fake-Blood-Drenched Protesters Out of Blinken’s Senate Hearing

IDF bombs ambulance claiming it was 'filled with Hamas fighters' as 50 injured

Israel goes to war with United Nations over UN chief’s speech criticizing Zionist oppression of Palestinians

Amnesty International Says Israeli Forces Wounded Lebanese Civilians With White Phosphorus

Leaked Docs Show Israeli Plan to Expel All Palestinians from Gaza and Send Them to Europe and Canada

Turkey Is Preparing An Israeli War Crimes Case For The Hague's ICC

Israeli Army Has Gaza City Surrounded, But Hamas Tunnels Remain Serious Problem Solution

Hezbollah bombs Zionist enemy’s headquarters of “Zari’t Brigade”

Al-Qassam Brigades destroy several Israeli military vehicles

Bahrain expels Israeli ambassador

Israel becomes a full-fledged TERRORIST STATE with admitted bombing of crowded refugee camp (Becomes? They've always been terrorists)

Israel continues assault on Gaza, faces challenges in ground invasion amidst growing global outrage over Palestinian casualties

Israeli Army Suffers More Casualties As Hamas Publishes Video Showing Tanks Blown Up

Jordan, a key U.S. ally, recalls its ambassador from Israel and tells Israel's ambassador to remain out of its country

Around 420 children killed or injured in Gaza daily

https://www.bitchute.com/video/7pPaOQnWWJc/ [Embed]

https://www.bitchute.com/video/QGsivZpvNENn/ [Embed]

Israeli Army Forms 'Settler Militias' For Remote Communities

Calls for Army in London to be drafted in for ‘million-strong’ Palestine march on Remembrance Day to silence protestors

Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 06:25 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91655 del
Russia’s Wagner Group Plans to Send Air Defenses to Hezbollah

Israel sends robots to 'destroy Hamas terrorist tunnels' as troops surround Gaza City

IDF released videos showing the interception of missiles launched from Yemen by the Houthis

Saraya Al-Quds published a video of shelling kike military vehicles with mortars

US warns Israel amid Gaza carnage it doesn’t have long before support erodes

Israel-first KIKES Laura Loomer, Ben Shapiro, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley ripping off their “free speech” masks while waging JIHAD against First Amendment

Israel’s “holy war” against Gaza already expanding to include Syria, Yemen

Turkey's Middle Ground Position Becomes Untenable As US Intensifies Conflicts

Parliament of Algeria Votes War Powers to President Against Israel

Hezbollah Chief: US "Directly Responsible" For Gaza Atrocities, Will Soon Pay "Heavy Price"

Palestinian fighter blows up an IDF tank with a manually placed explosive

The Resistance destroyed dozens of Israeli tanks in Gaza

House Passes $14.3 Billion in Military Aid for Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Israel on Friday evening that he had refused the Biden administration’s request for a pause in fighting

Fierce clashes between Palestinian resistance and Israeli enemy forces in Gaza

Russia Will Deliver 28 Tonnes of Aid for People in Gaza

Gaza Becomes a Death Trap for Children as Israeli Strikes Intensify

Deadly Israel strike on Gaza ambulance convoy sparks condemnation

Turkey recalls envoy to Israel, 'writes off' Netanyahu

Iranian group puts up recruitment posters for suicide bombers willing to attack targets in Israel

Massive Oil and Gas Reserves Discovered Under Gaza – Israel Grants Development Licenses

UN chief horrified by Israeli strike on Gaza ambulance convoy

Israelis Say IDF Soldiers Looted Their Homes After Ordering Them to Evacuate

Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 06:40 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91656 del
Residents of Gaza trapped in the West Bank are living in fear of Israeli detentions and of the safety of their families

Tent cities are emerging around Gaza healthcare facilities as doctors contend with shortages, exhaustion and air strikes

A letter to President Biden from a grieving Palestinian (Like he gives a shit when you're not a wealthy jew)

Enraged Pro-Palestinian Protesters Gather Outside White House

Massive Airstrikes Level Large University In Gaza

Satellite analysis shows widespread destruction in Gaza

51 Palestinians killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza Strip

Israel Minister Amihai Eliyahu: Dropping a Nuke on Gaza is "An Option."

Israel's goal to open Ben Gurion Canal

South Africa RECALLS Diplomats from Israel (Along with Colombia, Chile and Bolivia. Many are turning against these vile jews)

Phone communication, internet inaccessible in Gaza Strip

People spend hours in line for some bread, braving the hellfire of Israel's warplanes

Yemen's Iran-Backed Houthis Launch New Wave Of Drones Against Israel

Israel: Full Ground Assault INTO Gaza City within 48 Hours; Houthis WARN Saudis "Stop Downing our Missiles"

State Dept. employee accuses Biden of genocide amid calls for Gaza ceasefire

Biden's 2024 campaign team roiled by Israel-Hamas war

Palestinian Ministry of Health: Israeli occupation kills two children, injures 10 children every 10 minutes

Iran Defense Minister to USA: Ceasefire in Gaza or be "Hit Hard"

More US organisations, including labour unions and Biden staffers, join call for ceasefire in Gaza

Israeli Troops Fighting "In The Heart" Of Gaza City, Hamas Leader Surrounded In A Bunker

Know their names. The thousands of Palestinians killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Gaza being exterminated to make way for lucrative Ben Gurion Canal that will cut across Israel to the Red Sea

Israel’s Traditionally Pacifist Ultra-Orthodox Jews Swell IDF’s Ranks Amid Gaza War

Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 06:50 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91657 del
Al-Qassam Brigades claim to destroy 27 Israeli military vehicles in past 2 days

US to Transfer $320 Million in Precision Bomb Kits to Israel

"We're Not Dying For Israel": Americans Reject New Army Ad Targeting White Men For Recruitment

Israel’s Blunt Rejection of US Call For Pause Reflects Failed US Strategy

Thousands of Palestinian laborers in Israel have gone missing amid Israel’s ongoing genocide against human beings living in Gaza

88 UN Officials Killed In Gaza By Israel

Biden Refused to Sell Weapons to Israel Unless it Promised Guns Would Not be Given to Civilians

Death, destruction and despair reigns a month into latest Israel-Gaza conflict

The U.S. Army Gets Desperate, Puts White Men Back In Its Ads

Israel-Hamas Conflict Threatens EU Energy Security

A broken Netanyahu is miscalculating over Gaza

Hamas say talks are underway with Israel to release a dozen hostages including six Americans in return for a three-day ceasefire

Israel may buy back Iron Dome air defense batteries leased from the US

"Huge Unprecedented Explosions" in Dier Ezor Syria - Reports US Attacking with Heavy Air strikes

More Israeli attacks, more death and destruction in Gaza

Red Cross ‘deeply troubled’ as aid convoy attacked in Gaza City

US Senate Democrats block aid for Israel (They would suck Israel's dick if they could. They just want billions sent to Ukraine also.)

Israel Agrees To 4-hour Daily Humanitarian Pauses In Gaza

US & Israel Poised to Open Lebanon Front

Israeli and Hamas fighters in close combat in Gaza City as civilians flee

Iran Warns Of 'Inevitable Expansion' Of War After IDF Conducts Flag-Raising Ceremony In Gaza

Top US General Warns Israel’s Killing of Civilians Will Create More Hamas Members

Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 07:00 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91658 del
Yemen launches batch of ballistic missiles at sensitive KIKE targets

Israel’s much-touted Iron Dome is failing catastrophically while IDF armor is systematically destroyed by Hamas fighters

Voters Rank U.S. Security Higher than All Foreign Conflicts

Tanks besiege Gaza City hospitals as Israel ramps up attacks on medical centers

Gaza = New Roman Colosseum

Hamas antitank strikes show depth of powerful arsenal facing Israel

Israel Strikes 40km into Lebanon - causes major escalation

Saudi Crown Prince meets Iranian president

Israel's War Cabinet Wants Netanyahu OUSTED; Revealed: Minister Has Own Militia

Lebanese resistance inflicts heavy losses on KIKE enemy forces

Americans Don't Want to Fight For Their Country Israel Anymore

Israel Declares Hamas Has Lost Control Of Gaza As Biden Urges Less Intrusive Action At Hospital

https://www.bitchute.com/video/5aVvA26Xy1zw/ [Embed]

IDF shot up Israeli homes, “burned alive” Israeli civilians

Fewer Americans Are Interested In Fighting Wars For The Regime Israel

French senators propose CRIMINALIZING anyone who criticizes Israel

Israeli soldiers storm Al-Shifa hospital as they bid to prove once and for all Hamas terrorists HAVE hidden a base beneath the building

Uh Oh! The Search of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza is Done; NO HAMAS TUNNELS or COMMAND CENTER

Hezbollah’s military media publishes 4 scenes documenting losses of Israeli forces

UN agencies withdraw from Gaza Strip

Israel Demolishes Gaza Parliament Building

Police and protesters clash outside Democratic HQ during a demonstration over the Israel-Hamas war

Israel Orders Evacuations In Southern Gaza After Gaining Full Control Of Al-Shifa Hospital

Palestinians killed in Gaza

Anonymous 11/17/2023 (Fri) 07:19 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91662 del
These links have all been sourced by the regularly posting anon over at >>>/news/ An anon who stuck around despite constant harassment by Johnny the jewToon. I have merely redistributed the serious Israel vs Palestine links to /pol/. Some of these links are mainstream (owned by jewish CEOs and/or Blackrock). I haven't entirely read everything. Make sure to point out suspiciously Zionist content if you see it. Links will be trashed if they're discovered to be against National Socialism or Hitler or pro Israel / pro jew.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 11/17/2023 (Fri) 12:37.

Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 10:09 Id: 4c429d [Preview] No.91675 del
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Why do i have a feeling that jewery will try something to trigger shift of support by some false flag assault on that little what people have left to keep a bit longer alive?
Like really desperate attempts to do shaming lists (https://anti-israel-employee.co.il/?page=1) various threats to cut off people from economic ways to survive that are less effective is screaming to me that they might pull something to(like this concept in article wasnt a red flag in first place) violently force simplier people to again be on zionist side

But enough of deathwatch paranoia from me and i should dig out stuff saved on my own on that first 21st century recorded race war

Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 10:12 Id: 4c429d [Preview] No.91676 del
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Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 12:56 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91682 del
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You may be right. The 9/11 false flag by Israelis was because they felt Afghanistan and Iraq were threats. After all, the US military is having trouble recruiting the American masses because we don't give a shit about fighting massacring Palestinians for Israel. The next false flag may be blamed on Iran, Syria, Yemen, Turkey etc. Jews stirred up a hornets nest of Arabs. They're going to want higher numbers of blind, stupid, brainwashed idiots to join their slaughter. I don't know the full extent of brainwashing of most Americans, but I broke ZOG's mind fuck years ago. If I'm drafted, the only fuckers I'm going to war against overseas to "fight for my country" will be Israelis. The IDF deserve to be shot with sniper rifles as they play sports, their women shot in the pussy, their children melted with white phosphorous. Their entire families blown to pieces. Because that's exactly what they have been doing to Palestinians for decades.

Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 13:33 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91684 del
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From the regular info scourer at >>>/news/

Washington needs to win its Gazan war against Iran because it failed to win its Ukrainian war against Russia

Osama Bin Laden's letter which was making the rounds at TikTok until it was censored and now is censored across multiple so-called "news" sites is attached right here.

Israel Ignores UN Resolution To Pause Gaza Fighting

Amputations Without Anesthesia; Maggots Growing in Amputees - no Antibiotics in Gaza

Anonymous 11/18/2023 (Sat) 23:45 Id: 3de040 [Preview] No.91686 del
Guys, after much consideration I am starting to think the jews aren't entirely honest about some things.

Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 01:15 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91688 del
(1.16 MB 1120x800 0bdc.png)
Jews are so depraved, they murder their own. Not for any reason (such as executing traitors) but because they lack empathy. Those kikes they killed where likely dogmatic supporters of their massacres yet they killed them anyway. It's coming to a point for non-jews that whether Gentiles believe in the jewish holocaust fraud or not - all will see the value of Hitler. What the IDF are doing right now, the slaughter, is barely any different from the massacres they've committed in Palestine since 1945. The only difference is, there's no distraction anymore. For some reason those dumbasses forgot to distract the public and now they're front page news. They didn't even provide "current thing" for the NPCs to focus on this time. All kikes had to do was not notify the world of their true natures. I have to say. I'm enjoying the public once more turning against them.

Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 08:28 Id: 4c429d [Preview] No.91689 del
(67.67 KB 742x1024 1699478531717064m.jpg)
>The next false flag may be blamed on Iran, Syria, Yemen, Turkey etc
I have my cards on syria if at all it will be blamed on nation and not on something the zog enabled in first place in any nation where kalergi plan or replacement migration is rampant.
I can imagine zog will pull some economic terorrism (ie where attacks are aimed on economic damage than killcount) and make it like hamas or any guerilla against jewery did that in order to instill terror even to their puppets in a fashion like provisional IRA did in old times

>I don't know the full extent of brainwashing of most Americans
From far i can tell (last time checked in 2022) isint the morale on crushing low due to the rising poverty?
You expected jews to be honest on anything that is work in progress
Or even to have some humility during their moments of hamaya tactics?

>For some reason those dumbasses forgot to distract the public and now they're front page news. They didn't even provide "current thing" for the NPCs to focus on this time

I think they played themselves in their own pilbul as they made an conflict of interests after convincing people on myth of "war refugees" during the start of replacement immigration where they rather would not support those who hurt the natives
And its geniuenly funny that they got such a vibe check.

Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 12:02 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91691 del
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>I have my cards on syria
Of course Israel must still be pissed off they haven't been able to Mossad the Assad.
>You expected jews to be honest on anything
English is subtle sometimes This, anon, was very likely a sarcastic joke->
>Guys, after much consideration I am starting to think the jews aren't entirely honest about some things.
Plus, it's a good line of speech to the unenlightened if we don't want to shut down the minds of the brainwashed back into solid ignorance.

Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 20:32 Id: 3de040 [Preview] No.91692 del
Meme's are real.

>You expected jews to be honest

Anonymous 11/20/2023 (Mon) 03:00 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91694 del
(1.41 MB 640x360 6 jillion.webm)
>questioning Israel
These jews keep talking like they feel guilty about something. Maybe it could be they already know the jewish holocaust is fucking bullshit.
>6 million
>4 million
>1.2 million
Same old shit. They just can't get their minds off made up Kabbalah numbers.

Anonymous 11/20/2023 (Mon) 04:30 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91696 del
From >>>/news/ again.

At least 80 Palestinians dead from twins strikes by Israel on the Jabalia refugee camp, including a UN school.

U.S. Citizens are already paying for Israel's war with many billions worth of taxes. Americans will also pay for refugees.

72% of Americans are unwilling to volunteer for military service just to act as Israel's bitch
This phrase "fight for their country" only ever means Israel. Their = jews.

Anonymous 11/20/2023 (Mon) 13:35 Id: 4c429d [Preview] No.91697 del
>72% of Americans are unwilling to volunteer for military service just to act as Israel's bitch
Well considering what their own nation as a proxy israel did to them i csnnot be surprised
Combined with ehm methods of recruitment and values of zog armies like in picrel
And yes for those who remember evangelion ie kabbalah for dummies that man is crossdressing as Misato

Anonymous 11/21/2023 (Tue) 04:49 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91702 del
As someone who was born and raised in the United States,
I can confirm the masses don't even know the US Government is a proxy for Israel. The majority of American citizens are still in their brainwashed phases.

Credit for sourcing these to the regular >>>/news/ poster:

Pro Palestinian protest claimed "violent" while cops step in. Remember Antifa beating people to death and destroying property as cops stood by? I see where their loyalty lies.

Biden Poised To Sanction West Bank Settlers Attacking, Displacing Palestinians (This cuck isn't going to do shit against Israel)

Congressional Efforts Grow To Deport Visa Holders Who Support Hamas (That's more like the CUCK-USA I know well))

Key Israeli military base destroyed by Hezbollah rocket strike

U.S. Enters Dangerous New Phase in Shadow War With Iran ((For Israel of course)

Anonymous 11/23/2023 (Thu) 20:02 Id: 2f532b [Preview] No.91709 del
Israel has the worst press support since 60s

Anonymous 11/23/2023 (Thu) 21:03 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91711 del
>the worst press support
Jews own the mainstream media. These links are alternatives. MSM news is constantly wailing about "bad Hamas", "poor Israel" and "Americans" (actually just kikes) supporting those depraved Israeli bastards. I have come to believe atrocities are always in the jewish brain. That's why they have made them up so often about themselves being the victims historically. 'Declare guilt on the aggressor when you're the guilty party' is a typical psychological complex of psychopaths.

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 13:01 Id: 4c429d [Preview] No.91727 del
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Independent press? Sure indeed as what has been seen cannot be unseen
Msm? Eeeh depends on person who is willing to do kanye west sacrifice again

And yes if someone wants i can post rest of snippets from thqt conversation on protocols

Anonymous 11/25/2023 (Sat) 13:39 Id: 4c429d [Preview] No.91729 del
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Also adding yet another evidence that gaza conflict is ethnic cleansing and what hamaya strat is all about with an average mindset of a average jew when even he must admit defeat because opsec doesnt exist for him and just has to do his shenanigans

And like it was not enough some czupah as an main dish will hurt nobody especially that audacity
>Israel will hamaya some subject
>But its responsibility to goy to feed clothe and shelter subjects in their own area

Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 12:03 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91738 del
Have to say. I enjoyed that read on the confession of a 4chan jew. They're bound to come to the realization that all along, they've been shooting themselves in the foot. Arabs, if the Kalergi plan is 100% successful, do not have a pacifist religion.
Continued here because off topic: >>91737

Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 04:15 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91798 del
Israel Had Intel On the October 7th 2023 Attack (against Israel) in 2022

Israel Plans to Assassinate Hamas Leaders After War

Spain’s prime minister criticized the Jews for murdering babies and doing a genocide in Gaza

Hamas Killed 60 Israeli Soldiers at Gaza Tent Site Anonymous 12/04/2023 (Mon) 02:12 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91821 del
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There’s also this video [first mp4] circulating that appears to show Israeli soldiers getting blown up near a tunnel. Here’s more footage put out by Hamas showing them attacking Zionist forces inside of Gaza. [second mp4] There is no such footage showing Israeli forces effectively attacking Hamas fighters. That’s because no such footage exists. The Jews are getting their asses handed to them on the ground.


Anonymous 12/04/2023 (Mon) 07:16 Id: 4c429d [Preview] No.91823 del
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How is weather in tel aviv going
>British colonization
And for some reason someone realized that sasoon family was pulling the strings in india and asia
For some reason zionist did benghali famine in first place on request of his sponsors
For some reason a jew controlled finances of that empire that occupied india...

Anonymous 12/04/2023 (Mon) 07:27 Id: 4c429d [Preview] No.91824 del
I mean you know what army you are dealing with that thinks just because they are in tank they are invisible in urban warfare
Indeed they will shoot themselves in the foot as first of all they cannot produce things on their own and just live of genius and inventions of aryans and some non aryans
Second since non aryans and this comes to little asia ie middle east lack the ingenuity and rather live isolated and separated well... what to expect than violence from such people
>o not have a pacifist religion
Sort of but also there should be a good guard on cultural objects since jingoism is never a good idea for cultural artifacts and memories and spain during moor occupation is good appetizer to start on

UN Invokes Article 99 on Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 10:06 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91838 del
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The United Nations head Antonio Guterres just invoked Article 99 to deal with what the Jews are doing in Gaza. I don’t see how this is going to change much. The United States can still just veto any resolution which will allow the Jews to continue their slaughter. It doesn’t matter if Guterres takes over their agenda with Article 99 or not. Qatar has separately called for the UN Security Council to deal with the situation and force Israel to end their genocide operations. It all seems relatively meaningless. The Jews aren’t going to stop until they are physically forced to stop. There’s also been no pressure applied on the United States government even though the US is supplying the weapons for the Jews to engage in this slaughter.

The Jewish response to this has been predictable. They’re accusing Guterres of endangering world peace as they drop bombs on children. The only thing that will stop the Jews is the complete destruction of the Zionist regime itself.


All Ships Traveling to Israel are Fucked Anonymous 12/10/2023 (Sun) 12:47 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91886 del
The Yemen Houthis just announced that they will now be attacking all ships traveling to and from Israel. The Israeli propaganda machine has already made note of this. Previously, they were just attacking ships that were owned or linked to Israel in some capacity. This is definitely an escalation and presumably a response to the United States vetoing the recently proposed ceasefire resolution at the United Nations. You can say what you want about the Houthis, but they’re one of the few actors in the region who are legitimately doing something about Israel and their heinous crimes.


Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 04:07 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91897 del
Israel Does Mass Bombing of Southern Lebanon

Israel Threatens to Attack Houthis if World Doesn’t

UPenn President Forced Out to Protect Jewish Feelings

Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 07:27 Id: b2a381 [Preview] No.91898 del
(59.47 KB 546x809 1677932856134480.jpg)
>Tank rounds
>For narion that cannot into tank wars
>In urban bllody warfare where tsnks are useless
Someone wants a lot of free stuff for no reason at all but doesnt know what he wants
Im still waiting to this day when they will enact the oil demands despite the situation in us as aipac forced upon the us soil

Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 02:14 Id: 7e7e85 [Preview] No.91910 del
Anyone have the series of humorously-tailored, accurate portrayals of apartheid in Israel? Most unfortunately, yet not surprisingly, they were removed from hooknoseTube.

>Welcome to Apartheid
>Apartheid: A place for everyone

I believe there were around 5 in total from the uploader

Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 06:52 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91911 del
I only have one. Downloaded it back when the channel existed because this was the best.

Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 09:12 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91929 del
Jew Rat Zelensky Gets Another $200 Million From Biden (relevant because the Ukraine is backup planned for and by Israelis if they lose the war)

Israel Admits Terrible Combat Losses in Gaza

House Launches Impeachment Inquiry Into Joe Biden
The reason why? See >>>/news/21839

Anonymous 12/14/2023 (Thu) 09:24 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91930 del
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To learn more, click on all the essential facts here: https://ifamericansknew.org/

Israelis will lose this war when the world turns on them Anonymous 12/15/2023 (Fri) 12:43 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91940 del

Anonymous 12/16/2023 (Sat) 06:36 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91942 del

Anonymous 12/18/2023 (Mon) 07:00 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91958 del
Israeli Town Head Wants Gaza Turned Into Empty Museum

Israeli Media Increasingly Critical of Netanyahu

UN Says Half of Gaza’s Population is Starving

Anonymous 12/18/2023 (Mon) 18:29 Id: b2a381 [Preview] No.91962 del
(5.40 MB 720x1280 1700690841572436.webm)
I dont know if i posted that already but if not its fine to remember older toomfooleries of israel

Anonymous 12/18/2023 (Mon) 21:21 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.91964 del
Yes, it's been going on since the 1940s. That mass murdering scumbag will get his comeuppance. I'm sincerely hoping it's in the same style as kikes treated Mussolini.

Israeli cowards retreating when it comes to a real fight Anonymous 12/23/2023 (Sat) 15:30 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92009 del
Israel Says Hamas Tunnel Near School for Deaf Kids

Israel is Failing Against Hezbollah

Pentagon Concerned About Cost of Fighting Houthis

US Navy Admits It Doesn’t Have the Ships to Confront Houthis

UN Security Council Passes Weak Bullshit Resolution on Gaza (Russia and U.S., two jew ran nations, abstained)

Israel Admits Defeat in Gaza With “Third Phase”

Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 08:46 Id: 5e47a5 [Preview] No.92028 del
It is now fully official
Gaza defeated dresden in biggest bombing campagin in history.
Let nobody get fooled by hasbaras, this is genocide war on civvies as thats what hamaya is about
https://youtube.com/watch?v=s7RFKXSyjvo [Embed]

Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 08:55 Id: 5e47a5 [Preview] No.92029 del
Altrough warning in one source is cited that Hitler wanted to enact blitz during battle of britain which is not true and just by mentioning Galland it is proven to be an opposite

Anonymous 12/27/2023 (Wed) 10:17 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92030 del
(148.72 KB 688x921 Churchill jew.jpg)
(19.86 MB 640x360 Churchill evil.webm)
Hitler did not want to, but Churchill first kept bombing civilians of Germany. Hospitals, schools, kindergartens. Churchill was acting for the FOCUS group of jews. IDF has been doing the same exact thing that fat drunk piece of shit did.

Anonymous 12/29/2023 (Fri) 14:47 Id: d2c31a [Preview] No.92049 del
(1.19 MB 540x360 1700517195052997.webm)
>Hitler did not want to
Indeed and just this vidrel is the lowest of lowest evidences that if someone nas to get metal pipe on his forehead it has to be ernst udet who proposed that and even then when someone got into bombing on civilians got punished accordingly
>Churchill first kept bombing civilians of Germany
And wanted to go even further as it is not much known about him but he wanted to enact bio warfare and chemical warfare into terror bombings but couldnt manage to get it as weapons dont come by swing of magic stick

Anonymous 12/30/2023 (Sat) 04:16 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92055 del
Zio-Fag Lindsey Graham Wants to Blow Iran Off the Map

Hamas Says They Can Continue Fighting Israel for Months (kikes are losing)

Anonymous 01/07/2024 (Sun) 02:49 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92152 del
Hezbollah Strikes Key Israeli Base of Mount Meron (jew radar against Syria and Lebanon is destroyed)

Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 21:34 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92244 del
Traitorous US Government Strikes Yemen Again With Tomahawk Missiles

Jews Have Destroyed Over 50 Percent of Buildings in Gaza

Republican Traitors Want Anti-Israel Government Workers Punished (Proving jews run the government)

Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 17:33 Id: 7f2d85 [Preview] No.92254 del
Not only anti israel workers but also anyone who has some influential position and doesnt support that genocide
I think they even compiled some website where they posted anyone anti israel on some wall of shame
Sadly its down now and i dont know if waybackmachine has a copy

Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 04:00 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92255 del
I'm pretty glad it's down, though idiots do need to grow smarter through realizing revealing their power level reveals how much actual influence the tribe has.

Iran Reportedly Attacks US/Israeli (Mossad) Sites in Iraq

Anonymous 01/21/2024 (Sun) 14:46 Id: 7e3e0c [Preview] No.92268 del
so basically there's just, like 2 people here on endchan? Who was the one who posted the endchan link on 4chan /pol/ today?

Anonymous 01/21/2024 (Sun) 17:11 Id: 55359a [Preview] No.92271 del
(254.21 KB 500x476 1644285564894.png)
>so basically there's just, like 2 people here on endchan?

No there's like at least 500+ people on the site itself and lots of people lurking and posting sparingly. Just depends

>Who was the one who posted the endchan link on 4chan /pol/ today?

People come and go from this board so who knows

Anonymous 01/22/2024 (Mon) 01:38 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92280 del
You seem to frequently confuse endchan with this board endchan.org/pol/ I assure you, the two couldn't be any more different. For boards on our side, the National Socialist or at least JQ awake, there is this /pol/ and endchan.org/news/ Then >>>/endpolmeta/ is for archiving bans and deletions here because this place is frequently attacked by jew shills.

Otherwise, the rest of the boards across endchan aren't really on our side. They're more generally about other topics.

Anonymous 01/23/2024 (Tue) 13:06 Id: b157fc [Preview] No.92282 del
ok good to know there's a lot of people here, i've been looking for a place to go to because 4chan /pol/ is infested with Juwish Inbred Dunce Force shills

I bet the JIDF kikes are here as well. On 4chan /pol/ they are running riot and my 4chanX filters 70% of the threads automatically. Half of even the visible ones are shill/slide threads.

TKD can't happen any sooner.

Anonymous 01/23/2024 (Tue) 19:04 Id: 06de69 [Preview] No.92283 del
(462.70 KB 720x707 image-24.png)
>I bet the JIDF kikes are here as well
They are until of course they will get reminded that they will get slam dunked on ground by ban as someone for sure reports the stuff and moderation checks also the board
>i've been looking for a place to go to because 4chan /pol/ is infested with Juwish Inbred Dunce Force shills
Same motivation thanks by bookanon chanel on worldtruthvids and his germania book. Since then i never considered leaving back to casual visits to 4pol experiencing cointelpro and various methods of cognitive warfare and also some good old bad jacketing and blame shifting

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 11:27 Id: 66c147 [Preview] No.92286 del
Personally find it a bit suspicious that the (((UN))) is "turning against" this red herring, anyone with brain cells knows that "Israel" is a modern and illegitimate occupation of Palestine.
Israelis may be entitled and worse than most people (on average), but they're not elites, just more dumb "goyim" in the eyes of the subhuman, kid-diddling, European royal family-infiltrating ultimate failures on Epstein's list.
I mean, "Israel" obviously deserves it... But something feels off. Like they're trying to take our eyes off something bigger. (Not that we should keep our eyes off of this either, that's what (((they))) would want) I don't know.

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 11:53 Id: 06de69 [Preview] No.92287 del
(839.76 KB 760x1434 1689266733013349.png)
I think its a sort of rollback damage control to not get blasted asap from the consequences of the actions that zions clique overtly made to not lose face
Because if they would slip it then they would a lot start the wave of a questions which as we both know dont want to and especially certain parts of US israel material support to the point of self destructive measures like despite situation coal and oil must be shipped to israel etc.

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 11:54 Id: 06de69 [Preview] No.92288 del
>dont want to
Dont want to even consider to be told

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 12:16 Id: 66c147 [Preview] No.92289 del
(114.71 KB 680x521 Apu Question Mark.png)
I call it "ShitShot" myself lmao
>I think its a sort of rollback damage control to not get blasted asap from the consequences of the actions that zions clique overtly made to not lose face
Because if they would slip it then they would a lot start the wave of a questions which as we both know dont want to and especially certain parts of US israel material support to the point of self destructive measures like despite situation coal and oil must be shipped to israel etc.
If I understand correctly, what you're saying is, the (((media))) is covering this atrocity so as to make sure people only find out as much about this as (((they))) want the masses to, because (((they))) messed up? I guess you're right, they *have* been doing that for awhile now, the (((leftist media))) I mean, pretending to "care" about Palestinians...

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 12:19 Id: 66c147 [Preview] No.92290 del
Oops I didn't greentext all of your quote, mine starts here:
"If I understand correctly, what you're saying is, the (((media))) is covering this atrocity so as to make sure people only find out as much about this as (((they))) want the masses to, because (((they))) messed up? I guess you're right, they *have* been doing that for awhile now, the (((leftist media))) I mean, pretending to "care" about Palestinians..."
Sorry about that, I haven't used 4Kike in so long, and I actually only found this haven from (((Shitscord))) like a week or 2 ago, so I'm not used to using this format anymore

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 15:03 Id: 06de69 [Preview] No.92297 del
(621.65 KB 1066x1537 1704461557339073.jpg)
>If I understand correctly, what you're saying is, the (((media))) is covering this atrocity so as to make sure people only find out as much about this as (((they))) want the masses to, because (((they))) messed up?
Yes since cat is out of the bag they cannot contain it, however they can generalize, set aside, gaslight and much more to make it as much as possible to not raise the questions on how deep this went and what international moves were made to make this happen to begin with.
>haven't used 4Kike in so long, and I actually only found this haven from (((Shitscord))) like a week or 2 ago
No problem and no need to apologize bratu as that happens
Dont also forget to have truthpodium.org in sights as there are good archived vids that would be lost in time if not posted there and channel on jewtube called gdf who covers how deep this palestinian genocide goes despite him falling into fallacy of nazbol poison sometimes

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 15:55 Id: 66c147 [Preview] No.92303 del
(25.49 KB 680x383 See Fren.jpg)
Thank you fren, it's hard to find friends in these isolated times of "social" media (where 99% of people are morons glued to their surveillance phones instead of fkn talking to the people physically next to them)
I checked it out, the website security is verified by Google Trust Services LLC. Should that be a concern? Then again I still use Jewtube for some stupid reason despite them OFFICIALLY BREAKING THE LAW now (against adblockers)... Sorry for all caps.
Anyway, not worried about truthpodium.org, just asking to make doubly sure

Anonymous 01/25/2024 (Thu) 11:24 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92321 del
Google has their hands in everything, anon. The only way to be sure is when a site starts shitting all over the NSDAP and promotes the lies "some jews good".

Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 02:03 Id: 2e9eb2 [Preview] No.92333 del
>Personally find it a bit suspicious that the (((UN)))

Yeah this entire things seems suspicious. I'm just going to see what happens and before posting anything new

Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 10:38 Id: 3b1b96 [Preview] No.92340 del
>I checked it out, the website security is verified by Google Trust Services LLC. Should that be a concern?
From far as i know and was there when it was called worldtruthvideos.website i think its not much of a concern
And if this statement is not enough then on https://www.worldtruth.online/ you can ask creator himself on this altrough Google trust services are almost everywhere you go in
>Then again I still use Jewtube for some stupid reason despite them OFFICIALLY BREAKING THE LAW now (against adblockers)... Sorry for all caps.
Dont use jewtube directly if you dont give a less damn about using your own history there and use invidious instances on it or newpipe on phone with freetube bridge on PC with copying your subscribtions there

Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 23:02 Id: 66c147 [Preview] No.92347 del
You don't know how much I need that picrel lmao, thanks anon.
And thanks for the info. I think I trust it enough.

Anonymous 02/03/2024 (Sat) 12:32 Id: 59d6db [Preview] No.92436 del
Do you guys think USA is firmly engaged in the war or did the bombings in Iraq and Syria were just for show?

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 23:45 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92606 del
Nobody's answering because nobody knows. Not all tricks the (((United States Government of ZOG))) pulls are clear.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 12:40 Id: 491bcf [Preview] No.92637 del
Things have kind of gotten slow recently, not as much Red Arrow kino coming out now.

I was making these edits of the Red Arrow footage, but not much happening lately.

Red Arrow Kino Weekly Recap - Second Week of January
Bloodywood x Palestine
Pike The Kike, Screw The Jeww, Skewer The Sewer Jewers, TKD NOW!

Red Arrow Kino Weekly Recap - First Week of January
Rammstine x Palestein
Stabilized Version - https://files.catbox.moe/pputsh.mp4
Pike The Kike, Screw The Jeww, Skewer The Sewer Jewers, TKD NOW!
Red Arrow Kino Weekly Recap - Last Week of December
Rammstine x Palestein
Pike The Kike, Screw The Jeww, Skewer The Sewer Jewers, TKD NOW!
Recap of all the Red Arrow kino compiled into one video (upto early December). Check it out.

TKD: The Movie | Rammstine x Palestein
Short 25 Minute "Bang Bang" Edit https://files.catbox.moe/w5fvi8.mp4

Rumble Links for those concerned about Bitchute:
Short 25 Minute "Bang Bang" Edit https://rumble.com/v41wa3q-tkd-the-movie-rammstine-x-palestein-shorter-bang-bang-edit.html
Extended 1 Hour+ Edit https://rumble.com/v41w9vl-tkd-the-movie-rammstine-x-palestein.html

Extended 1 hour edit https://www.bitchute.com/video/p54cBLQK9Gqd/ [Embed]

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 13:04 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92639 del
It's about time someone had some footage of what's going on over there. As I live in North America, I'm practicing my first amendment right when I say this since Israel is outside U.S. jurisdiction: The Israelis murder Palestinian women, children and babies. Do not stop killing them or they'll finish, move on, and do the same to everyone while my traitorous government continues to veto all UN resolutions against Israel.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 08:42 Id: 3b1b96 [Preview] No.92647 del
>or did the bombings in Iraq and Syria were just for show?
Hamaya bombings or bomb attacks to begin with?

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 10:53 Id: 3b1b96 [Preview] No.92649 del
>Those merkava tanks
The perception of average jew is staggering to me especially being that retarded that you send tanks into urban combat

Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 18:54 Id: b06bf7 [Preview] No.92922 del
Someone seems to have upset the zoomers at tik-tok

Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 20:57 Id: c6b426 [Preview] No.92927 del
Hmmm yeah but tiktok is still a trashy platform though. At least compared to the content from imageboards of old.

Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 21:10 Id: 4b1e77 [Preview] No.92929 del
(93.80 KB 640x425 smoek4.jpeg)
Lately, I've been seeing commercials online to donate to some charities to people suffering from Gaza. I'm a little hesitant, since most charities tend to be scams/money embezzlement schemes.

Even if it were 100% true, what's realistically stopping donation items and supplies from being intervened and taken. Egypt I think did something similar to Palestine a few years ago. The sent a boat with food and stuff like that which "they" raided. They looked pretty bad after they did it, since it was literally food and supplies to poor and war torn people. You really can't talk your way out of that one.

Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 21:30 Id: 859bac [Preview] No.92935 del
(98.56 KB 865x281 1710439376648993.png)
(872.40 KB 1170x1518 1710439376648991.png)
(189.02 KB 1169x1201 1710350454944275.jpg)
Tik-tok is shit, there is no doubt about that, but the quality of that platform isn't the issue at hand.

Anonymous 03/15/2024 (Fri) 03:51 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92938 del
Take away Gen Z's TikTok after they already spread around they know who's going to cause the (((shut down)))? Yeah real bright idea for the ADL when all these young kids are doing public shootings. The minute I see news about ADL headquarters being shot up for that, I'm going to laugh my ass off.

Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 20:58 Id: 35e91c [Preview] No.92992 del
Adding findings on confirmation that iron dome was smokes and mirrors as hamas showed even eespite the fact they couldnt even manage to get proper rocket arty

Anonymous 03/19/2024 (Tue) 21:01 Id: 35e91c [Preview] No.92993 del
At least i can see full confirmarion that tik tok indeed had no ban politics on israel after seeing GDF channel reuploads there

Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 03:28 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.92995 del
(1.46 MB 1920x1080 Nuke it from orbit.mp4)
So Israel can't stop rockets with actual nuclear warheads. I've said this before and I'll say it again.

Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 12:23 Id: 35e91c [Preview] No.92997 del
Yes but to be more precise
There should be questioning over the funding over it as just as it wasnt enough they are literally bankrolled this comes also into consideration

Anonymous 03/21/2024 (Thu) 05:29 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.93000 del
(147.74 KB 640x482 454563.jpg)
Yes indeed. If only someone would do something to stop it. We at least need a way to reach more of the public about $38billion in taxpayer money, than a backwoods imageboard such as this or many of their social medias we get instabanned off of.

Anonymous 04/14/2024 (Sun) 19:31 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.93360 del
Biden Promises Israel 'Ironclad' Support Against Iran, Walks Back Call For Unilateral Ceasefire
This is for that anon who thought (((Biden))) would ever make good on the threat to not support Israel. Every U.S. President is a kike stooge these days. No exceptions.

Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 12:15 Id: ac0c81 [Preview] No.93559 del
(563.73 KB 1323x1539 1714757232761936.png)
This board is very strange, you know? Probably not. It just resembles that other place, that frenschan honeypot, very similar hysterical censorship and post removals.
Just a tip, lack of sense of irony or self-humour is a red flag.
(sorry if this triggers you, I only ever talk my mind with no reserves)

The protocols of the elders of gaza predicted this
Every accusation the kikes make, is a confession.

Just look at all those dirty kikes in the comment section repeating their lies and propaganda.
This is the face of the enemy.

Anonymous 05/04/2024 (Sat) 18:42 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.93561 del
It's a board for National Socialists. We're banned everywhere that's mainstream. Pinterest, Tumblr, Discord, Flickr, Instagram, Google accounts, Facebook, YouTube. Plus we have a very frequent ban-evading Israeli spammer here archived at >>>/endpolmeta/ Of course kike propaganda is going to receive the same treatment they give to us.

You explained that better this time.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/04/2024 (Sat) 18:53.

Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 08:28 Id: feea47 [Preview] No.93565 del
(167.10 KB 1229x887 1712515130265799.png)
>How palestinians toom over the world
Since when rotschild is not a jew?
>Just a tip, lack of sense of irony or self-humour is a red flag
I think i know where are you getting with this and one can understand how seriousness can be a red flag to many
>sorry if this triggers you, I only ever talk my mind with no reserves
Why i should be mad
Are you spamming some pathetic showcase of jewish narcissism in your post? No
Are you posting demoralization misgenation propaganda? No

Are you showing your finding of some zionist czupah dementia? Yes indeed

Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 13:38 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.93568 del
>one can understand how seriousness can be a red flag
You missed the first time where the link was posted without countering it. Everyone here is anonymous. There are few ways to tell. So either blatantly posting kike propaganda or pretending to be a jew out of humor becomes a problem. Then all jews would be allowed here as there's no way to tell the difference between a kike and a roleplayer as equally as there's no way to tell the motives of someone posting jew propaganda if there's not explanation. Sure I'm serious. A honeypot would allow such bullshit to happen and let jews plus their leftist shills flood the board. Many chans have been examples of that in the past.
>pathetic showcase of jewish narcissism
In the post, no. In the link, yes. Front Page mag is owned by the David Horowitz 'Freedom Center'. Everything on the site is a pathetic showcase of jewish narcissism.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 05/05/2024 (Sun) 13:43.

Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 13:51 Id: feea47 [Preview] No.93569 del
> In the link, yes. Front Page mag is owned by the David Horowitz 'Freedom Center'.
and thats why i said a finding on zionist czupah dementia they like to say
>So either blatantly posting kike propaganda or pretending to be a jew out of humor becomes a problem
fair point then

Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 16:49 Id: cdb161 [Preview] No.93572 del
Speaking up against Jews is banned from mainstream platforms and shunned upon by most normies, but Jews get to dictate who we support, get to control all the news, and get to control corporations and politicians. And now they got mad that they aren’t supported

Anonymous 05/05/2024 (Sun) 23:57 Id: 326c96 [Preview] No.93574 del

Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 09:51 Id: 69ebe6 [Preview] No.93580 del
(319.59 KB 1286x1844 1714652573994037.png)
(475.97 KB 967x729 1696707740664243.jpg)
(143.13 KB 1038x1280 1708194485314442.jpg)
>We're banned everywhere that's mainstream.
>Speaking up against Jews is banned from mainstream platforms and shunned upon by most normies
I'm aware of the sad state of things and of the mass censorship.

But it's worth mentioning that (((their))) deranged propaganda is reaching levels of absurd and nonsense that it's becoming comically evil.
Many normies will continue to feed that shit down their throats and even digest that as a new element of their world view made of illusions made in israel.
But it would be a waste, for us who know, to don't at least take a moment to laugh at those hasidic psychotic muppets.

Not getting the absurdity of that, was what my criticism about lack of sense of irony came from.

>Are you showing your finding of some zionist czupah dementia? Yes indeed
Thanks you, you seem to understand.

Though, I can concede that there is value in the seriousness of telling the truth without any spec of irony, just plain and crude truth. Nothing would be able to improve for real without people telling the truth frankly.
In that role of seriousness, you guys here are doing an important part of the work of freeing the world from the kike cancer.

Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 10:00 Id: 69ebe6 [Preview] No.93581 del
(73.46 KB 948x474 Bu-cherverbrennung.jpg)
(533.81 KB 800x1074 1708885173358600.png)
(22.11 KB 474x246 1708884940575516.jpg)
I mean, I'm not telling you guys to stop being serious, just to try to take a joke sometimes.
Real germans used to laugh, in the past (now it's very hard to for them, and it's also sad to look at)

Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 21:00 Id: aaa0c4 [Preview] No.93587 del
(2.71 MB 2044x3156 1676154533863816.png)
The anglomuricans must feel only shame at their pretence to speak in name of any european. Traitors sold out to jewry.

Anonymous 05/06/2024 (Mon) 22:06 Id: 054eae [Preview] No.93588 del
(636.33 KB 600x899 IMG_1303.png)

Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 04:50 Id: 89a430 [Preview] No.93599 del
(65.75 KB 639x699 1715055233240256.jpg)
Hypocrisy if it was a nation and a government.

Anonymous 05/07/2024 (Tue) 10:03 Id: cb6713 [Preview] No.93605 del
>It is a hypocrisy against your own org.
How since iran is crypto jewish satelite since the overthrow of shah in 70s and NOBODY proved bashar al assads gas attacks or even the fact that INSURGENTS are NOT protected by k ternational law which commited war crimes actually
Isreal itself even admitted commiting attrocities against protected subjects of international law just by looking into hamaya strat which clearly states neutrals as enemies for not choosing side with them and most importantly not being THEM
But who am i fooling as jewish metaphysics are even worse than of a average twitter user when having not yet another meltdown from anything that doesnt give him the dopamine hit

Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 05:51 Id: 491bcf [Preview] No.93635 del

Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 10:42 Id: 6fe9d2 [Preview] No.93636 del
Yes as it doesnt matter if you have a tank made for urban combat
Its still a sitting duck if not escrted by troops or has its crew made out of war thunder players

Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 15:09 Id: cb6713 [Preview] No.93706 del
(3.45 MB 4100x5156 1715949974296774.jpg)
Sending a bit of light on how secretly are palestine protests sabotaged by either members of idf or by zionists send to crush these
Sadly since 4pol links are not allowed i will send this here and maybe if wanted a copy pasting with details from thread that was made to compile info

Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 15:13 Id: cb6713 [Preview] No.93707 del
Also remember
They are so desperate on anything they want to employ ai for cognitive warfare officialy

Israel Purchases AI Systems to Counter ‘Clear Loss’ on Digital Battlefield – Haaretz

Israel has reportedly purchased artificial media intelligence systems in an attempt to influence world public opinion and defend its narrative of the war on Gaza.

In a report published on Tuesday, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz cited “numerous sources with knowledge of the matter” as saying that Israel has responded to “its ‘clear loss’ to Hamas on the digital battlefield by making its first-ever purchase of a technological system capable of conducting mass online influence campaigns”.

According to Haaretz, “The technology was purchased as part of a wider attempt by Israeli bodies, both civilian and military, to address what sources termed ‘Israel’s public diplomacy failure’,” following the Hamas military operation on October 7 and the subsequent genocidal war on Gaza.

The system aims to counter anti-Israel online content, including “Anti-Israel posts expressing political support for the Palestinians and opposing Israel’s conduct.”

“Israeli civilian volunteers have tried to make Israel’s case online, as well as reporting posts that break platform rules,” the report added.

The “civilian volunteers”, however, seem to be part of a larger scheme.

In fact, according to the report, “a few weeks into the war, Israel set up a ‘hasbara forum’ comprising government agencies, offices and ministries, as well as military, defense and intelligence bodies – including the IDF, the Shin Bet security service and the National Security Council – alongside tech firms, civilians volunteer initiatives and even Jewish organizations, that meets weekly.”
According to Haaretz, Israel purchased existing technology, including “A number of civilian tools and programs developed for business and political campaigns”.

Specifically, these tools included: “A system for mapping online audiences; a system capable of automatically creating websites, among other things, as well as content tailored to specific audiences; a system for monitoring social media and messaging platforms, and others.”

According to Haaretz, “the first campaign created by the system is already running online

Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 19:29 Id: cb6713 [Preview] No.93719 del
Not amusing hasbara

Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 08:25 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.93729 del
>image implying jews need to be emotionally blackmailed for Israel
Kikes unify on one thing. They want all Europeans and European descendants to end forever. Of course that desire is fucking stupid because if their plan is fulfilled - they'll only be overwhelmed by vengeful Arabs.

And the Sayanim? The very kike you replied to who frequently posts black dicks and anuses just to show us how fucked up the jewish brain is.

Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 10:22 Id: 4366d9 [Preview] No.93733 del
And just when i wanted to write a correction on this...

Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 23:30 Id: fd3193 [Preview] No.93746 del
(8.98 KB 252x250 g3ge3ge.jpeg)
They've never fought an actual war with competent and well trained soldiers. That's why they have awful tactics

That guy died of cancer like a few weeks ago. He dead

>Real germans used to laugh, in the past (now it's very hard to for them, and it's also sad to look at)

Nah they still do. Especially when you go for drinks with them. They're like British people. They can't live without beer

Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 23:39 Id: fd3193 [Preview] No.93747 del
(708.88 KB 640x360 number 1.gif)
(31.15 KB 333x342 PLO.png)
Maybe I should expand a little more on info that the first video posted has.

Hamas was founded by (((them))) around 1960s-1970s to counter the newly established Palestinian Liberation Organization.


They're controlled opposition. And right now, it looks like both sides are being sent to the slaughterhouse. For reason I can expand on later. We'll see what happens afterwards.

>There should be questioning over the funding over it as just as it wasn't enough they are literally bankrolled this comes also into consideration

That funding money always goes to the top. Most people there are barely getting by. And things will probably even worse after this is over.

Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 02:33 Id: c9dd2a [Preview] No.93766 del

Anonymous 05/22/2024 (Wed) 03:12 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.93768 del
>jew on the right
Please. Kikes don't eat pussy. Kikes are pussies.

Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 12:13 Id: 0cfd52 [Preview] No.93776 del
(51.13 KB 960x675 1716464100754639.jpg)
What if a new axis were to appear?
It wouldn't change anything in the general state of things, and it's not even a given it would happen, things are already fucked up enough as they are, just, what could be a third axis of conflict?
Direct USA vs Iran war? Or just some other USA proxy? China vs Taiwan? What other options could there be?

Anonymous 05/25/2024 (Sat) 18:07 Id: d3f83f [Preview] No.93795 del
>new (third) axis
there is no such thing as a three sided war.

Anonymous 05/26/2024 (Sun) 03:09 Id: 65209f [Preview] No.93799 del
(68.24 KB 341x439 img_6613.jpg)
New axis cannot come up from this because its still one and the same old song
An nazbol east with progressive west under the command of same forces that brought upon that misery upon everyone
And in axis comoass of yours there is an error which also many make
Just because someone is against some controlled op conflict it doesnt mean he automatically supports the controlled op participant in that conflict

Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 16:07 Id: 2e9eb2 [Preview] No.93894 del
I mean people are legit dying and being displaced right now though. Lots of human atrocities all over. And this will probably be going on for a while.

What does that picture have to do with this thread though?

Anonymous 07/04/2024 (Thu) 21:10 Id: 865547 [Preview] No.94055 del
It is very whitepilling to see how fast zoomers have turned on Israel, I think ZOG is preparing to "put down" the leftists activists who have turned on them. The people being a thorn in ZOGs side are the people who before 10/7 were their most loyal apperachicks, even if ZOG is able to crush the leftist pro-palestine movement their regime will be permanently weakened.

Anonymous 07/08/2024 (Mon) 16:00 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.94082 del
Yes, because those were their footsoldiers. The greatest number of masses helping to spread kikes' every "stop white people from breeding" agenda. "Racism bad" programming wasn't a smart strategy by jews. We're all defined by our natures. Every other race's natural biological desire is to preserve their own kind. Jews on the other hand, see only violence. When they close their eyes: Murders, mutilations, tortures. Extreme violent false accusations come from their extremely violent desires. Even when they aren't all that genetically different from their Arab enemies. They are the very projection they accused National Socialists of being. Every monstrous lie about us. It is themselves. Currently and historically.

Anonymous 07/12/2024 (Fri) 06:30 Id: faddf2 [Preview] No.94105 del
To be fair to the protestors a lot of them weren't involved in anti-White stuff, but for those who were they just can't do that now that they are focused on Palestine. I don't know about you but I haven't see nearly the same amount of anti-White shit in my real life.

Anonymous 07/12/2024 (Fri) 07:59 Id: 72ff13 [Preview] No.94106 del
I've seen it my entire life. From blacks and hispanics I grew up around. Yet I don't blame the mouths it comes from. I don't blame the races of the mouths that spout that bullshit either. Some are even white. They're just brainwashed fucking idiots. I know exactly why they are and what race is responsible. THAT is where I place the blame. Over the years, what I have learned I can't unlearn without my death.

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