05/23/2024 (Thu) 16:49
Id: 940e7d (5) Prev Next
No. 93779 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>93780 >>93783 >>93788
>Ok, exert control by destroying the HIV Neanderkikes' financial system of influence. But again, the question remaining is HOW those scattered 10% manage it. Like grains of sand fighting against not only the ocean (of kikes and shitskins) but 90% of the remaining sand.
I don't think there is any particular plan or strategy in exercising the will to live.
It's more of a placid acceptation of the flow of nature, any living being doesn't require any specific treatment or special care to keep living, as living things can manage on their own, without any special attention and help from outside them, if an organism has the capacity to live it'll manage, whatever the conditions, whatever the shocks and traumas, it'll recover, endure, and keep living on. The only thing which is needed for any being to thrive, and which should be provided or must be readily available, is nourishment, since life consumes energy and without energy it just dies.
And I'm neither looking at this from a collectivist or popular movement point of view, so no general plan or script to give out to everyone to follow, it's all an individual matter, and the individuals will shape the group they are part of.
The individuals which have the strongest will to live, those who are best equipped, those who by pure luck obtained favorable conditions, those will survive, and bring on the next generation. The others will just have failed, and their mistake or weakness will die with them.
As brute as this may sound, to remove weakness and to let the will to live flourish this way, to just let time sort things out, until only the strong will be left, and their vitality become the vitality of all their community, this is still infinitely better than the attempt to regulate the weakness away in a silent and uncospicious manner, that constriction of collective regulation and the unavoidable falsity and unsincerity that mass regulation requires are more damaging than the benefits, and that hypocrisy of trying to paint cleanly what remains at its core something brutish rather ends up corrupting the whole process of trying to improve the life of a whole population.
That said, being upfront about wanting to live doesn't necessarily exclude cooperation, kindness, altruism, and even self-sacrifice for the good of the community. But it's necessary to be full of life first of all in oneself, to be able to restore life in others, or to lend some help to others, so care in one own will to live is essential. The common mistake and the most dangerous mistake, is to think to be alone, and to treat anyone as an enemy by default, that's a mistake, or rather a lack of judgement, some people are important to protect like your own community, some others people are outsiders and must be left on their own so long they keep their respectful distance, some others are aggressors or extensions of corruption and must be either removed or destroyed, it's important to differentiate to don't waste energy in a continuous logorating self-destructive conflictuality, as much as it's important to differentiate to give support and sanate who is weakened and infected.