01/16/2020 (Thu) 21:34
No.82524 [X]
The posting of images with children who are under the age of 18 years of age must have a relevant context. Any images were an individuals age cannot be determined using a reverse Google Image search or information contained in the post, will mean that the following rule applies to the image. Failure to comply will result in a ban at the BO and mods discretion.
All images of children must have a relevant context contained in the post, which is an article linked, point of discussion linked to a news event or a meaningful point of discussion related to views held by the individual either for or against their views. If the image of a child is at all sexualised or can be perceived in a sexual context, but your post contains contextually relevant information, you will still be banned for a rule 5 violation. This rule is a sub-section of rule 5 and does not overrule or change rule 5. You will not be welcomed at other /ausneets/ boards when you have violated this rule.
14c) Monk is absolved of any moral NEET responsibilities.
18) Banned NEETs have no rights.
18.1) Ban evasion will result in the same ban being applied to the new IP.
Rule 19b -
Any NEET caught fucking an owl shall be banned for no less than 3 (three) weeks and shall recieve a stern telling off from Costa.
19c, Subsection 14:
All pictures of Greta pooing must be accompanied by a large aboriginal man with a funny look on his face.
A new post has been made due to the character limit.
19d : All images of Jana must be spoilered even if she is fully clothed.
Please join the endchan IRC in case of an emergency
Edited last time by imissfather on 01/04/2024 (Thu) 07:33.