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The bored four NEETs

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You will learn to lick it, and never forget her name.

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(36.90 KB 428x599 002cwptxc0vb1.webp)
NEET General #746 - Vogue Edition NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 19:43 [Preview] No. 760101
Have any of you NEETs ever been on the cover of a magazine?

Old thread: >>759098

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 20:51 [Preview] No.760114 del
(539.46 KB 552x441 shotty cat.png)
Kill this board.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:31 [Preview] No.760121 del

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:33 [Preview] No.760122 del
NSW best Australia

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:40 [Preview] No.760128 del
The show will never cease.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:40 [Preview] No.760129 del

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:40 [Preview] No.760130 del

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:47 [Preview] No.760131 del
Dentist visit finished. Teeth look flash.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:49 [Preview] No.760132 del
Well done NEET. Bright white smile.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:49 [Preview] No.760133 del
(129.75 KB 499x499 toothless pepe.png)
Real neets visit dan instead.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:49 [Preview] No.760134 del
garn bakery to get some jam donuts, you neets want anything?

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:50 [Preview] No.760135 del
A cornish pasty, a sausage roll (with sauce) and an apple turnover please.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 21:58 [Preview] No.760136 del
Corn Jacks and hot sauce

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:05 [Preview] No.760137 del

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:08 [Preview] No.760138 del

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:10 [Preview] No.760139 del
Drove from Motherbat’s to the Whizzers. Gates locked. Had to park in another street and wait. FML. Also getting “parameter threadid was sent in blank” error.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:13 [Preview] No.760140 del
>gates locked
Why dont you have a key to the place?

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:18 [Preview] No.760141 del
I’m not their employee, just a contractor.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:24 [Preview] No.760142 del

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:25 [Preview] No.760143 del
They are pushing you hard today.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:25 [Preview] No.760144 del
Good morning NEET.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:27 [Preview] No.760145 del
Had to take leave without pay yesterday and now this.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:28 [Preview] No.760146 del
Feed all the errors into ChatGPT with a splash of source code.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:38 [Preview] No.760148 del
Didn't get woken by the possum clomping around above my bed, although I think i heard him climbing up and getting BTFO by the defences, Feels good. I think he sleeps under a bridge in bumtown now.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 22:38 [Preview] No.760149 del
God damn it, Kerpal!

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:10 [Preview] No.760150 del
(781.11 KB 2040x1908 coffee4.jpg)
garn be cheeky and have an extra couple of coffees, you neets want any?

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:11 [Preview] No.760151 del
Nah its coffee day tomorrow.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:13 [Preview] No.760152 del
Good Morning Neets

Not visiting that other thread.
Just not doing it.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:14 [Preview] No.760153 del

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:14 [Preview] No.760154 del
Yes please

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:15 [Preview] No.760155 del
(25.90 KB 640x480 1696877492678626.jpg)
orally ?

already had 2 blend 43's and just cracked a redbull with some NAC, Wish i had some psuedo, the champagne and OXY knocked me for 6 last night

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:16 [Preview] No.760156 del
the octopus meme escalated quickly

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:16 [Preview] No.760157 del
>Also getting “parameter threadid was sent in blank” error.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:17 [Preview] No.760158 del
(93.14 KB 927x948 gaza greta.jpg)
greta disavowed it but thats how fifth generation geurilla warfare goes.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:18 [Preview] No.760159 del
I thought you said the drugs werent working

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:19 [Preview] No.760160 del
I've reported the problem to odili

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:19 [Preview] No.760161 del
Thats what the drugs said. Sneaky buggers...

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:22 [Preview] No.760162 del
History for Granite has a new video, although I doubt any neets are big-brained enough to appreciate it.

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:24 [Preview] No.760163 del
If neets can't get the quick reply window to work for them, try using the reply form at the top of the page

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:26 [Preview] No.760164 del
so does told in stone

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:29 [Preview] No.760165 del
quick reply test

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:29 [Preview] No.760166 del
One vanilla slice please. Actually I’ll go the the bakery as well

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:29 [Preview] No.760167 del
another test

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:35 [Preview] No.760168 del
ff testy

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:35 [Preview] No.760169 del
added reply ff test

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:38 [Preview] No.760170 del
old ff reply test

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:38 [Preview] No.760171 del

only the quickest of replies of replies that auto reload in

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:39 [Preview] No.760172 del
any one else having a bad day?

NEET 10/20/2023 (Fri) 23:49 [Preview] No.760173 del
The days barely started how can you be having a bad day?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:05 [Preview] No.760174 del
nah winning on all fronts m8

its not bad until derroranged shows up

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:11 [Preview] No.760175 del
(1.51 MB 576x1024 hoots.mp4)
thinking about lunch.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:46 [Preview] No.760176 del
>in town
>see crying child running around
>child visibly lost
>ask child how its doing
>"where's dada!?"
>look around
>several normies walk past, aware of situation but do nothing.
>ask child where dada was
>"where's dada?!"
>child tries to run into busy road
>cut off child
>call out to a nearby old woman to babysit child
>she's Greek, thank fuck.
>stand around for several minutes, not really sure what to do
>see middle aged soymale running around carpark about 500 yards out
>He's doing that normie crouch they do when they lose things
>wave and whistle to soyman
>soyman runs over
>dada dada dada
>confirm for dada
>dad picks up child and runs away
>teary mother with pram comes out of nowhere
>immediately points at me and starts accusing me of abducting child
>half the town is now watching, don't want to run away, can't get a word in edgeways
>bad situation
>Greek nona reapears
>straight up slaps this woman
>yells at her for not looking after her child
>says the child almost got run over
>explains in broken English with hand geatures that I was just a bystander
>crowd now confused and embarrassed
>everyone leaves

This is why we can't have nice things.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:48 [Preview] No.760177 del
Charecter 1, old Greek lady

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:48 [Preview] No.760178 del
Kek what a great story

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:50 [Preview] No.760179 del
Charecter 2, crying child

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:52 [Preview] No.760180 del
Charecter 3 (manager not present)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:53 [Preview] No.760181 del
(58.28 KB 800x600 2qscjc580qy31.jpg)
Charecter 4 (right hand side)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:54 [Preview] No.760182 del
was the kid in a custody issue? you got rolled chud. never get involved. was the kid white?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:55 [Preview] No.760183 del
(26.36 KB 499x481 3slkto.jpg)
Charecter 5, NEET

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:55 [Preview] No.760184 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 00:59 [Preview] No.760185 del
How the fuck would I know, it was just a random brainless child.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:04 [Preview] No.760186 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:07 [Preview] No.760187 del
another day of woe

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:17 [Preview] No.760188 del
Is this story made-up?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:32 [Preview] No.760189 del
That is a good channel.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:34 [Preview] No.760190 del
Safer to get your own.
Last time I asked him to get me a berlina, all the custard was sucked out of it.
I think he tried to replace the filling with more icing but it was warm and gooey.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:34 [Preview] No.760191 del
Days half over.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:36 [Preview] No.760192 del
You now owe the Greek lady. Those Hellenes have weird voodoo.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:37 [Preview] No.760193 del
>let kids run out onto the road

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:46 [Preview] No.760194 del
The wierd voodoo is called functioning society, I already mow one nonnas lawn.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:49 [Preview] No.760195 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:51 [Preview] No.760196 del
What's on your mind?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:53 [Preview] No.760197 del
(44.52 KB 680x680 heil aerobics.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 01:54 [Preview] No.760198 del
(36.18 KB 798x644 EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:00 [Preview] No.760199 del
Watch out for hand gestures.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:01 [Preview] No.760200 del
Real whites let ethnic children get hit by busses.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:10 [Preview] No.760201 del
I've just got lots of things I need to do and I keep putting them off.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:13 [Preview] No.760202 del
Nona is better than then AUSLAN, she does the same hand twist that jeet does to mean "not right but it will do". If he hand is open when she does it out means "not happy but not going to stop you". And if she does the "twist the glass tray" version with her hand palm up it means "you're a fucking retard find someone to help you".
There's even a rare 90 degree "tipped all the glasses off" that conveys genuine anger, if the hand is above her shoulder it indicates another pelopenesian war is imminent, you fucked her daughter in the ass, you're a gay, you have insulted her families hospitality, you're a Turkish slave trader, your city/state has defined a temple. I've only read about this in books but it's pretty clearly described based on the common lesser forms of nona scorn.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:14 [Preview] No.760203 del
If you can do one 2min task, that's a win.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:14 [Preview] No.760204 del
Ah, the overwhelming number of things. I try to make many things into one job, or write a to-do list with only one thing on it, this way I do at least one thing.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:15 [Preview] No.760205 del
Just realised a frozen pie takes 3 min in the nuke.
Might be too much for this NEET.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:16 [Preview] No.760206 del
Mine has - employ monk to make list.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:17 [Preview] No.760207 del
I put them in for 11 minutes. No paper towel. Flip at 6 minutes.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:19 [Preview] No.760208 del
A Murphy's checkout list

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:22 [Preview] No.760209 del
Hardly worth it.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:25 [Preview] No.760210 del
Since Nuro poorfag shamed 4and20 pies, I can't help noticing that they are not a great quality feed.
I remember years ago they used to be the fancy brand of pies.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:27 [Preview] No.760211 del
Yeah they are shit now. I miss Sargents pies, they were good for the price. Discontinued now.
I hate how these companies change their recipes and don't tell you.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:35 [Preview] No.760212 del
I used to like them too, didn't know they discontinued them. I got some Scott's pies a while back and couldn't eat them. The gravy felt like sawdust, like they had ground up the bones into it.
They make the budget option terrible so you need to buy the premium one, which used to be the budget one.
Honey is the worst for it, normal honey (as in actual pure honey) is now a luxury item and they sell us a glucose syrup concoction.
Sometimes seems like they purposefully make the cheaper option worse than it has to be.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:37 [Preview] No.760213 del
So i did good ?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:37 [Preview] No.760214 del
(310.38 KB 1024x1016 1687973798027284.png)
Relevant meme

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:37 [Preview] No.760215 del
I think they know most consumers can't tell the difference. The masses will eat anything and not notice. Cruiseys eating their mock cream and praising the taste.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:40 [Preview] No.760216 del
finally home
half my weekend already wasted

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:41 [Preview] No.760217 del
do they still put pigs noses in pies?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:41 [Preview] No.760218 del
(440.45 KB 1179x1175 1697854027128616.png)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:42 [Preview] No.760219 del
Most people rejected his message.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:42 [Preview] No.760220 del
Is she a new gender?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:44 [Preview] No.760221 del
SnobNEETs have no appreciation for the simpler things.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:44 [Preview] No.760222 del
Vitamin A has no use in the body and is a toxin.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:44 [Preview] No.760223 del
I put mine in.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:48 [Preview] No.760224 del
Hmm. You don't piss it out. Interesting.
It also makes your pubes fall out apparently.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:48 [Preview] No.760225 del
Like hunting for truffles.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 02:55 [Preview] No.760226 del
I love how Dr Sledge says 'free' about his content.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:13 [Preview] No.760227 del
(17.24 KB 480x360 lethal_weapon3.jpg)
(47.12 KB 1280x480 old_henry3.jpg)
Lethal Weapon (1987) on tonight neets, Old Henry (2021) tomorrow. 7pm AEDT

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:16 [Preview] No.760228 del
Mel Gibson is a notorious anti-semite. I am boycotting in solidarity with the victims of Hamas atrocities in Israel.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:22 [Preview] No.760229 del
You couldn't follow the plot anyway because you're a dumb dumb

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:25 [Preview] No.760230 del
Unspeakable things keep coming out of my nose.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:30 [Preview] No.760231 del
(1.85 MB 404x720 iMlNGPf0ztCXUzNC.mp4)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:31 [Preview] No.760232 del
I want to watch a moofie with an Aussie actor in it, How about one with Sam Neil?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:33 [Preview] No.760233 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:34 [Preview] No.760234 del
(44.71 KB 500x980 unix.jpg)
What the hell are all those things in the bookshelf? Tranime DVD's?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:34 [Preview] No.760235 del
Clever cat.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:37 [Preview] No.760236 del
(768.68 KB 500x705 F8wh_6PWkAEuOU3.png)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:38 [Preview] No.760237 del
He's a kiwi

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:43 [Preview] No.760238 del
Recovering from the cold. Zinc, pineapple juice, no grog. Very good combination.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:44 [Preview] No.760239 del
When are they going to fix the posting box thingo?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:44 [Preview] No.760240 del
>Zinc, pineapple juice
Good NEET.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:45 [Preview] No.760241 del
Are you on .net or .org?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:45 [Preview] No.760242 del
>no grog. Very bad combination.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:46 [Preview] No.760243 del
Org (pronounced orj)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:48 [Preview] No.760244 del
Imagine pronouncing esky “chulli bun”

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:53 [Preview] No.760245 del
Why didn’t you punch the mother? Fuck standing there and being accused of being a child predator and doing nothing. Her words could have had some white knight start beating on you or stab you.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:54 [Preview] No.760246 del
Considering going down to the bottle o for some goon or something but I always mess up the greetings.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:54 [Preview] No.760247 del
Forget that poison and get some nice pineapple juice instead.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:55 [Preview] No.760248 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:58 [Preview] No.760250 del
>Why didn’t you punch the mother?
/ausneets/ moment.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:59 [Preview] No.760251 del
I got a 6 pack of op rum and some wine
haven't eaten today

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 03:59 [Preview] No.760252 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:01 [Preview] No.760253 del
(456.24 KB 720x830 yaOK6ZDmAdIMCDr-.mp4)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:01 [Preview] No.760254 del
Skid mark disappeared.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:03 [Preview] No.760255 del
I had some wet farts last night. Good God.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:07 [Preview] No.760256 del
Clean yourself up.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:08 [Preview] No.760257 del

is that nuro? The resemblance to the silver fox is uncanny

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:13 [Preview] No.760258 del
>You shouldn’t suck up to that woman. She’s got a dirty mind. Half
the mothers in America, with their precious big pussies and their
precious little daughters, half the mothers in America have dirty
minds. Tell her to shove it.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:14 [Preview] No.760259 del
I fucked up the meme arrows

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:14 [Preview] No.760260 del
anyway, I'm back from my shift

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:15 [Preview] No.760261 del
Too young.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:15 [Preview] No.760262 del
Have a nice beer for me mate.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:17 [Preview] No.760263 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:18 [Preview] No.760264 del
Weber tore my arse in half.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:18 [Preview] No.760265 del
(229.69 KB 640x350 How 'bout it.mp4)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:21 [Preview] No.760266 del
Didn't need to.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:21 [Preview] No.760267 del
you already had a loose caboose and you know it

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:23 [Preview] No.760268 del
Don't start with the anti Nuro/IGA/tiff shit.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:26 [Preview] No.760269 del
New From The Quarries video.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:27 [Preview] No.760270 del
Falling asleep.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:28 [Preview] No.760271 del
I'm going to flick your ears when you close your eyes

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:29 [Preview] No.760272 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:32 [Preview] No.760273 del
Going to have a neet nap.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:32 [Preview] No.760274 del
That's a lot of pixels.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:33 [Preview] No.760275 del
Goodnight Grandpa.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:34 [Preview] No.760276 del
Not real, that's a midget furry.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:40 [Preview] No.760277 del
(24.29 KB 500x500 image.jpg)
>woman accused you of being a pedo
>bash her in the street

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:42 [Preview] No.760278 del
Who the fuck publishes electrical diagrams in black and white? Is there a reason for this, is it to stop retards like myself assuming which wire goes where based on colour?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:44 [Preview] No.760279 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:45 [Preview] No.760280 del
Black goes on the black one.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:47 [Preview] No.760281 del
He thinks you're someone else.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:52 [Preview] No.760282 del
I mean the diagram is printed in black and white, and nothing I'm looking at is to spec anyway which doesn't help.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:52 [Preview] No.760283 del
The colours are the specs.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:53 [Preview] No.760284 del
please tell me this isn't mains wiring

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:54 [Preview] No.760285 del
Post the diagram

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:57 [Preview] No.760286 del
Into my cups.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=gxEPV4kolz0 [Embed]

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:57 [Preview] No.760287 del
Get nuro to advise on the wiring and make sure you don't follow it.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:59 [Preview] No.760288 del
oh fuck
this website is fucked beyond belief
I'm the romanian

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 04:59 [Preview] No.760289 del
No way kek.
shakes hand judgementally

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:01 [Preview] No.760290 del
Let us not speak of the banned neets, no good ever comes from it

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:10 [Preview] No.760291 del
Might shit my pants and run around Coles, you NEETs want anything?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:12 [Preview] No.760292 del
What ever you can fit in your pockets.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:14 [Preview] No.760293 del
peanut brittle bar

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:15 [Preview] No.760294 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:15 [Preview] No.760295 del
canadia strikes again

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:17 [Preview] No.760296 del
might drink drive in the corvette

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:18 [Preview] No.760297 del
Isn't Sir delivering?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:21 [Preview] No.760298 del
he cant deliver me into a tree

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:26 [Preview] No.760299 del
he wont even take me there or take my photo in a truck honking the horn

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:31 [Preview] No.760300 del
Many such cases.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:33 [Preview] No.760301 del
>sad honk

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:35 [Preview] No.760302 del
(111.62 KB 802x486 Trev.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:35 [Preview] No.760303 del
(15.03 KB 255x201 trucker pepe.jpg)
I'll be there!

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:36 [Preview] No.760304 del
Why did they want trev out? was he growing drugs?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:37 [Preview] No.760305 del
It'll be extra nutty.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:39 [Preview] No.760306 del
Redevelopment of a sports stadium. His place is teh only one they want.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:39 [Preview] No.760307 del
(522.53 KB 1184x771 1697571805491692.png)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:55 [Preview] No.760308 del
Who can spell the funny poo that comes out of your but

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:56 [Preview] No.760309 del
The runny wet poo what is it called

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:57 [Preview] No.760310 del
(89.10 KB 1000x666 needful stew.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 05:57 [Preview] No.760311 del
Ironic that trev reads teh sprots pages first on his paper.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:11 [Preview] No.760312 del
bet he supports women and israel too

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:11 [Preview] No.760313 del
I wouldn't trust anything less to clean my penis with

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:17 [Preview] No.760314 del
The Germans invented chux back in WW2 to stop bleeding.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:21 [Preview] No.760315 del
Weber's grandfather also used to pack his arse with Chux.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:21 [Preview] No.760316 del
If it smells like burnt toast you may be having a stroke.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:42 [Preview] No.760317 del
Have you ever encountered those plants that smell like semen?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:48 [Preview] No.760318 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:52 [Preview] No.760319 del
Bot of thunder going on here.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:55 [Preview] No.760320 del
Falling asleep. Still haven't had a nap. Woe.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:55 [Preview] No.760321 del
Forgot about some mince in the fridge. Oh dear.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 06:58 [Preview] No.760322 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:01 [Preview] No.760324 del
(64.33 KB 1000x750 lethal_weapon4.jpg)
Lethal Weapon (1987) will be on in 1 hour neets. Starring Gary Busey, and also Mad Max and that black dude from Predator 2. https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:05 [Preview] No.760325 del
>Gary Busey
He used to post Pepe memes on this board back in the day. I don't know why he stopped.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:06 [Preview] No.760326 del
I am looking forward to Cringemass.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:06 [Preview] No.760327 del
He lost his bussy.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:09 [Preview] No.760328 del
>want to shelve a red mitsubishi and dance around the workshop with him

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:10 [Preview] No.760329 del
The quick silver fox whizzes past the red mitsubishi.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:12 [Preview] No.760330 del
It will be the usual of making a big deal of seeing his father whilst evading the question of why the rest of his family have cut him off.
That and thinking about Stanley the entire day for some reason.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:12 [Preview] No.760331 del
just beer right now
although yesterday night the firefighter boomers shared some homemade alcohol that's pretty much vodka (palinca/rachiu)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:18 [Preview] No.760332 del
I wonder what would happen if you typed this into an AI image generator

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:19 [Preview] No.760333 del
Going to blow my nose really hard.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:20 [Preview] No.760334 del
Bushy tailed fox.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:20 [Preview] No.760335 del
(1.76 MB 4032x3024 IMG_4758.jpeg)
Bushfire at the glass house mountains delivering some interesting optics ….

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:21 [Preview] No.760336 del
How old is buro? He glorifies the mid-late 2000s which would suggest he was born around the mid-late 80s. Putting him about in his mid 30s. He looks pretty bad if that is the case. Too much drinking, drugs, bad food etc.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:21 [Preview] No.760337 del
don't pretend any of us are any better

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:23 [Preview] No.760338 del
talk about something else please

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:23 [Preview] No.760339 del
>1 hour

Fucks sake totally inappropriate for our Queensland NEETs without the daylight poz. Still need to grab some burritos and Hard drugs. Then drive back. Fuck.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:23 [Preview] No.760340 del
You are boring person.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:24 [Preview] No.760341 del
And you smell. Bitxh be gone.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:25 [Preview] No.760342 del
(632.36 KB 1536x2048 F88Wnn7a8AAmBat.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:26 [Preview] No.760343 del
What am I looking at here?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:26 [Preview] No.760344 del
It's multifaceted
I don't have time to explain.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:31 [Preview] No.760345 del
You can tell he got bashed and teased in high school because of its cabbage patch doll looks, poverty and no dad. Hahaha.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:34 [Preview] No.760346 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:35 [Preview] No.760347 del
Come on nuro, you're the only neet that has intervention orders against him by his own relatives.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:35 [Preview] No.760348 del
Is this similar to the learning difficulties accusation?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:36 [Preview] No.760349 del
More horrendous nuro samefagging.
I don't want to be here for tonight's shitfit. I'm going to the gym. Bye noots.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:37 [Preview] No.760350 del
my arse. I needed some money so I had to sell some advertising on it. Got a good rate due to the size.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:37 [Preview] No.760351 del
might do something else too

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:39 [Preview] No.760352 del
I'm glad someone appreciates my work. I am an artisan with matches.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:44 [Preview] No.760353 del
Incorrect as usual faggot. You are Derroranged . I was a fuck up NEET like you and my mom didn’t want staying at home until I fixed my shit.

Guess what Buster ? I fixed my shit and I am welcome home any time now. I fixed things up. And you are still a NEET fuck up 👏

Die. Die a little bit.


NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:47 [Preview] No.760354 del
You have done well G.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:49 [Preview] No.760355 del
Imagine having only one social outlet and everyone in it hates you. This is IGAY's reality.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:55 [Preview] No.760356 del
(58.28 KB 503x810 doomsday suit.jpeg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:58 [Preview] No.760357 del
Some day we will learn what this neet meant. Some day.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 07:58 [Preview] No.760358 del
(530.33 KB 540x720 20221229_173304.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 08:01 [Preview] No.760359 del
(221.49 KB 960x1440 lethal_weapon.jpg)
Get in here neets, the movie's starting: https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 08:09 [Preview] No.760361 del
Haven't lifted in nearly three weeks.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 08:10 [Preview] No.760362 del
You look terrible NEET, not going to sugar coat it. Flabby and weak.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 08:14 [Preview] No.760363 del
Can you see your NEET stick?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 08:14 [Preview] No.760364 del
(You)Tube all day, every day...

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 08:17 [Preview] No.760365 del
Yeah, I know. My legs are looking smaller.
Yeah, I'm not exec.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 08:23 [Preview] No.760366 del
>My legs are looking smaller.
And the chinos will be even baggier.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 08:36 [Preview] No.760367 del
Wrong neet.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 09:49 [Preview] No.760368 del
is this thing still on?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 09:50 [Preview] No.760369 del
No energy. Too tired to do anything. Can barely even look at the screen.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 09:52 [Preview] No.760370 del
The show is always running.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 09:54 [Preview] No.760371 del
the computer is draining your psychic energy, you need to take a break

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:00 [Preview] No.760372 del
Craving feed.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:01 [Preview] No.760373 del
Have a feed.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:02 [Preview] No.760374 del
There's a deleted scene from lethal weapon where mel beats up a couple of dindus: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KkpmiztjeOg [Embed]

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:07 [Preview] No.760375 del
(246.36 KB 1551x1075 kfc-bucket-21-pieces.jpg)
get some kfc, nothing satisfies like a bucket of original recipe

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:14 [Preview] No.760376 del
(100.34 KB 660x660 1697589054034468.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:15 [Preview] No.760377 del
Big greasy feed.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:18 [Preview] No.760378 del
(127.21 KB 323x356 1643925928542.png)


NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:20 [Preview] No.760379 del
How about one with Sam Neil?

can we add https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_the_Mouth_of_Madness to list ?

thanks wombo

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:25 [Preview] No.760380 del
There’s always another movie on womboflix

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:25 [Preview] No.760381 del
what happened neet? did you get jumped by two dindus on your way home and had to fight them off with your bare hands?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:28 [Preview] No.760382 del
I've seen that movie and it's terrible. We've shown many John Carpenter movies - The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, Vampires and Escape from New York, and only the last one was popular with neet audiences.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:30 [Preview] No.760383 del
big trouble was good you fucj

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:33 [Preview] No.760384 del
yeah you tell that fucj

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:33 [Preview] No.760385 del
There's a deleted scene in lethal weapon where riggs takes on a sniper who's holed up in a school, further emphasising rigg's suicidal nature.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:33 [Preview] No.760386 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:34 [Preview] No.760387 del
Nah an opportunity came along to score a full sealed bottle of Dexies.

Despite talking to him at midday and arranging to meet at 3:00 before a ride i got to his place and he didnt answer the phone. Turned out he was cracked out and fully passed out. So i had to make a big detour and go back at 7:00 and i checked out all the motorcycles and jetskis he was working on we had a few drinks and chain smoked.

Typical crackhead shit.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:34 [Preview] No.760388 del
shit they dint provide any suicide tips

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:34 [Preview] No.760389 del
(142.21 KB 720x900 jack_burton.jpg)
I agree, it was good movie, what I'm saying is we showed John Carpenter's best movies and only a few neets liked them. I don't want to show one of Carpenter's weakest films.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:36 [Preview] No.760390 del
that moofie is fine, its not great, not terrible

TV is going to have to go back further.

Can we add ICE STATION ZEBRA to the list ?


NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:38 [Preview] No.760391 del
How about They Live instead? It's a movie with a message.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:39 [Preview] No.760392 del
yeah, ok

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:40 [Preview] No.760393 del
(581.33 KB 746x944 hmm.png)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:40 [Preview] No.760394 del
(468.58 KB 752x805 hmmmmm.png)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:41 [Preview] No.760395 del
Cool story, G...

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:42 [Preview] No.760396 del
They live is fine.

Also can you please add https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Specialist to list

actually fuck it. just put it on next week. Nuro has been really wanting to rewatch this in 4k but watching with you cunts would be beter :)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:43 [Preview] No.760397 del
Stop with the demands, cunt.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:43 [Preview] No.760398 del
Gelly ?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:45 [Preview] No.760399 del
The moofies i rec i have been hits lately. Wombo has a good thing going. Yeaha its Nepotism. Welcome to hollywood :)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:48 [Preview] No.760400 del
> just put it on next week
We're watching Rapid Fire and The Odessa File next week. We're actually booked up for a couple of weeks because of all the voting. I'll add it to the movies list.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:49 [Preview] No.760401 del
Has there been any statement from goondaddy as to why nuro is now allowed back?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 10:56 [Preview] No.760402 del
Lethal Weapon 1 actually has quite a strong character development arc for an action movie, with Riggs finding meaning in his life through his friendship with Murtaugh. Given that Murtaugh's an irish surname I wonder if his character was originally meant to be white.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:00 [Preview] No.760403 del
The one with the Boer is shit.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:02 [Preview] No.760404 del
Nice VPN banned cunt

Basically, IGA was banned first and continued to terrorize the board all year.

Nuro came back after ChickenshitDinner somehow resigned (that we do not have any explanation for)

Now with saner Moderation from Goondady (monk) balance is maintained across the universe and your days are numbered IGA.

We all see you

Stick to the tennis. (in hell)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:10 [Preview] No.760405 del
Black and gold beans are fine. Might have some for breakfast tomorrow morning

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:12 [Preview] No.760406 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:13 [Preview] No.760407 del
Goondaddy was the one that banned you whilst ChickenDinner was the BO. ChickenDinner ended up backing the decision. Don't think that monk likes you motherless toilet man.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:13 [Preview] No.760408 del
Baked beans?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:18 [Preview] No.760409 del
>Stick to the tennis. (in hell)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:22 [Preview] No.760410 del
(9.58 KB 1317x87 NIGGA PLEASE.png)
>came back after

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:26 [Preview] No.760411 del
I don't know why he thinks he can get away with lying like this - perhaps he thinks we are all as pillbrained as him. The tantrums were daily for the first few weeks after the banning.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:29 [Preview] No.760412 del
I still can’t tell who’s who. It all just looks like falseflagging and stawmanning to me

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:43 [Preview] No.760413 del
And yet Cruisey still thinks mental illness isn't real.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:49 [Preview] No.760414 del
I thought about rape again

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:54 [Preview] No.760416 del
(391.66 KB 719x688 suffer.png)

The very first reason i started hating you was that i have been in your place and i was you. I dropped out of society and said fuck it. We all had our reasons. At first getting those government gibs, enough to put a roof over your head and buy a cask of goon and some frozen pies seems like a cheat code. We beat the system. Its a hell of a honeymoon. But soon you find out your position is precarious. You withdraw from all social interactions and live through a laptop computer. You still think you are cheating life and the memes are good and life is sweet . Soon you need that extra bottle of wine to get to sleep. Soon The place you are living in is not fixed. You have to move around constantly and you begin to hate your landlords or anyone with the slightest power over you. Job seeker agencies start getting more and more demanding and before you know it most of a year was spent working for the dole in some prison camp. Sooner or later the bills come in and you cant afford goon and food. Which one is it going to be ? You just live day to day getting blacked out and stop making plans. Eventually you dread waking up in the morning.

At this point in time after a few years most NEETs decide to say "fuck this lifestyle" or "I am going to have another go at it"

Most of us have tried at some point in our life. Most of us have had jobs had a business and have some skills or aspirations . Most of us here have some redeeming Qualities. For most of us its never too late to pick our lives up from the bootstraps and start again.

But Not for you IGA. You dont come across as having any skills or any redeeming qualities what so ever. Its been so long with out any meaningful social interaction you dont know how to behave around people anymore or never had any did the first place. Face the fact your bad home has messed you up for life. I am not saying you are retarded. You can be somewhat creative in the games you play but does that mean absolutely anything in the real world ? Most of here just go along to get along. We reach a healthy level of banter, no punches. But not you. Your have nothing positive to contribute here or to society. The majority of your posts here exhibit the worst parasitic energy of any human i have ever met. Your posts are mostly dishonest and psychotic at best. We see you trying every trick in the book to sow doubt and destabilize and gaslight the board. You have no redeeming features whatsoever beyond that of a mad punching bag. You have stressed everyone out here, caused psychological damage to the admins and staff who have been unlucky enough to deal with you and have been a blight on this poor board. You have no redeeming features whatsoever. We are so tired of your shit most of us want to delete the board just to be rid of you.

t. Keegz

Manager, Huge Chad Racing
3/50 Coolkid Beach
07 5372 no one fucking cares

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 11:59 [Preview] No.760417 del
Is someone really going to make a new board or website? Or is it just going to be the end of ausneets?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:07 [Preview] No.760418 del
(50.97 KB 768x768 0iIxDPYF6kLvtAvt.jpeg)
Save the drama fo yo mama, and have a Blessed Day!

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:08 [Preview] No.760419 del
Thanks. To you as well.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:14 [Preview] No.760420 del
>nightmares all night
>ptsd psychosis and depression all day
Just fuck my shit up.
Now I know why people drink

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:35 [Preview] No.760421 del
(1.45 MB 264x480 bang.mp4)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:36 [Preview] No.760422 del
Good wank?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:38 [Preview] No.760423 del
>absolutely disgusting.jpg

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:38 [Preview] No.760424 del
Wow, so all the anti-IGA drama from nuro was just a form of projected self-loathing, who'd have fucking guessed?!

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:39 [Preview] No.760425 del
I like the heavy breathing and moaning at the start lol. Was she trying to sound all sexy and forced a fart?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:43 [Preview] No.760426 del
Why the fuck did you even save that you psychopath?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:44 [Preview] No.760427 del
Being an open letter an all you can reply to it anytime :)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:47 [Preview] No.760428 del
To post it for a laugh.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:51 [Preview] No.760429 del
>most of us want to delete the board just to be rid of you.
Literally no one wants this except you and tiffo. Even you two only want to do so to shift our community to discord.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 12:58 [Preview] No.760430 del
S06E03 of Gilmore Girls.
It has gotten better compared to the last season. About equal to the peak in S03.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:00 [Preview] No.760431 del
horny soyboy chicken wings

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:01 [Preview] No.760432 del
She's so ugly the poo can't wait to escape her bum.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:01 [Preview] No.760433 del
Whenever I think about rape I must also wank

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:03 [Preview] No.760434 del
That is better than committing rape I suppose.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:03 [Preview] No.760435 del
They are buying newspapers

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:05 [Preview] No.760436 del
A wank is just a wasted rape

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:07 [Preview] No.760437 del
Yes, Rory is very interested in print journalism and they are both involved in local affairs and that paper is the local one.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:08 [Preview] No.760438 del
If you waste a rape, aren't you really just raping yourself?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:10 [Preview] No.760439 del
Life would be better if I was Sweetie.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:12 [Preview] No.760440 del
Not if you were monk's dog though.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:18 [Preview] No.760441 del
Nuro challenged Possum to a rap battle but Possum misunderstood and raped him once.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:21 [Preview] No.760442 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:24 [Preview] No.760443 del
So is IGA actually back or is Nuro just talking to himself again?

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:27 [Preview] No.760444 del
It’s really all me. Iga and nuro are both dead and I’ve been straw manning and projecting and larping as both this whole time

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:27 [Preview] No.760445 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:27 [Preview] No.760446 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:28 [Preview] No.760447 del
Based. It makes the board a bit more lively when it would otherwise be quiet.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:29 [Preview] No.760448 del
This marinade called for only one(1) clove of garlic but I'm using an entire Argentinian bulb of it because I don't like foreigners lounging around my place.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:33 [Preview] No.760449 del
Going to go to bed. Good night noots.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:34 [Preview] No.760450 del
I just realised it’s been ages since the last (((incident))) on here. I wonder if this post will trigger a response from (((them)))

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:34 [Preview] No.760451 del
I hope Olive posts tomorrow.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:37 [Preview] No.760452 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 13:42 [Preview] No.760453 del
You’ll know when (((they))) come for (You)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 14:23 [Preview] No.760454 del
Chicken wings marinated. Only took two hours...

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 14:27 [Preview] No.760455 del
(7.70 KB 621x110 Did you.png)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 14:30 [Preview] No.760456 del
Furthermore it will samefag regardless of anyone here. Nothing will get in its narcissistic way. Whiz of be whizzed.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 14:33 [Preview] No.760457 del
lmao, so many words. Has he ever put this much into any other subject matter?

I'll read it tomorrow...

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 14:35 [Preview] No.760458 del
this much effort*

Fuck you Dan.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 16:00 [Preview] No.760459 del
I’m going to start larping as iga and nuro at the same time when they have fights to confuse them

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 17:22 [Preview] No.760460 del
You can't rape yourself since you would be giving consent in the process.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 17:24 [Preview] No.760461 del
(143.24 KB 1035x937 image.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 17:31 [Preview] No.760462 del
terry davis told me in a dream
>don't be mad at those people, the chance put them in your path
>God had a plan for you all along
I woke up crying and I couldn't stop
hope he is well up there

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 18:49 [Preview] No.760464 del
Stay away from the pan!

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 19:19 [Preview] No.760465 del
Good morning NEETs.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 19:19 [Preview] No.760466 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:05 [Preview] No.760467 del
Good morning I have not slept

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:07 [Preview] No.760468 del
another shit day ahead

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:10 [Preview] No.760469 del
Me too.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:38 [Preview] No.760470 del
Good morning NEETs.
I hope your days get better.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:41 [Preview] No.760471 del
If only we knew
>Alex Jones can’t use bankruptcy to avoid Sandy Hook damages, judge rules
>>Infowars host must pay $1.5bn to families who sued over his conspiracy theories that 2012 massacre was a hoax

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:48 [Preview] No.760472 del
hopefully he was smart enough to have everything in a trust before all this started

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:49 [Preview] No.760473 del
How bad it really is
> Alex Jones transferring assets to family and friends, evading payments to Sandy Hook families: NYT

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:52 [Preview] No.760474 del
lol you dont do that after the legal mess starts

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:55 [Preview] No.760475 del
(33.07 KB 470x309 R(2).jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:55 [Preview] No.760476 del
It's falling out of me.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 20:58 [Preview] No.760477 del
(28.83 KB 650x366 images(10).jpg)
I will catch it

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 21:00 [Preview] No.760478 del
(66.07 KB 650x366 R(25).jpg)
He will let his guard down and then I will rape him in front of his friend.
then I will steal their goon and raid neighbouring abo tents for rape and goon.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 21:02 [Preview] No.760479 del
(238.65 KB 862x575 1673681106709621.jpg)
Any excess profits from the goon/rape raids can be spent on the highway boys on the trip back to alice springs.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 21:05 [Preview] No.760480 del
i think i am developing a chest infection

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 21:05 [Preview] No.760481 del
It flushed thankfully.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 22:36 [Preview] No.760482 del
staring at the wall mostly

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 22:39 [Preview] No.760483 del
not going to get more asthma medication when my inhalers run out

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 22:41 [Preview] No.760484 del
Yes you are.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 22:58 [Preview] No.760486 del
Sleep tight.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 23:29 [Preview] No.760487 del

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 23:42 [Preview] No.760488 del
(159.42 KB 268x355 F88YpIVa4AANbBt.png)
(124.66 KB 960x540 F88YsjZakAAn_wd.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 23:43 [Preview] No.760489 del
Site keeps fucking up lol.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 23:46 [Preview] No.760490 del
(184.28 KB 1148x1723 1697734290896426.jpg)

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 23:50 [Preview] No.760491 del
look at the length of that arm lol

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 23:52 [Preview] No.760492 del
(200.10 KB 1450x1450 smug_debicki.jpg)
Imagine the slaps.

NEET 10/21/2023 (Sat) 23:54 [Preview] No.760493 del
going to get kfc at 10.45 and then drink until i am unconcious

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:05 [Preview] No.760494 del
Boong session last night wasn't as beneficial as preliminary light research had indicated.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:06 [Preview] No.760495 del
Unwise, just get tipsy and listen to some music.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:07 [Preview] No.760496 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:44 [Preview] No.760497 del
had a mixed feast with 4 dinner rolls instead of the second chips

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:48 [Preview] No.760498 del
imagine abseilling down her

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:49 [Preview] No.760499 del
>until i am unconcious
Wobbly Wombos?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:49 [Preview] No.760500 del
I'm voting for this neet for BO

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:55 [Preview] No.760501 del
> 4 dinner rolls
They are good alternative when you need 2 feed.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:58 [Preview] No.760502 del
i should have got some pudding

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:59 [Preview] No.760503 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 00:59 [Preview] No.760504 del
(16.23 KB 300x250 needful_billion.jpg)
I am ready to deliver Sir.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:02 [Preview] No.760506 del
You could cut out the middle man and shit in a cup

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:05 [Preview] No.760507 del
That's only available in Queensland.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:06 [Preview] No.760508 del
HP 41.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:09 [Preview] No.760509 del
(83.31 KB 1152x430 old_henry5.jpeg)
Tonight on womboflix we have Old Henry (2021), an action-Western about a widowed farmer and his son who warily take in a mysterious, injured man with a satchel of cash. When a posse of men claiming to be the law come for the money, the farmer must decide whom to trust. Defending against a siege of his homestead, he reveals a talent for gunslinging that surprises everyone, calling his true identity into question. 7pm AEDT.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:15 [Preview] No.760510 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=iKqGXeX9LhQ [Embed]

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:32 [Preview] No.760511 del
violent and evil rape

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:35 [Preview] No.760512 del
Pretty woman, walkin' down the street
Pretty woman the kind I like to rape

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:36 [Preview] No.760513 del
meat (rape sausage)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:36 [Preview] No.760514 del
NK you boong.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:37 [Preview] No.760515 del
(89.18 KB 546x562 F8_hwsra0AA7kMf.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:40 [Preview] No.760517 del
(178.09 KB 375x250 R.png)
White dog won't let me rape on my land

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:41 [Preview] No.760518 del
white dog made rape rama rama!

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:57 [Preview] No.760519 del
(19.18 KB 361x330 1697938204841385.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 02:04 [Preview] No.760520 del
His first mistake was asking for consent

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 02:15 [Preview] No.760521 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0KxR9k9Ejm8 [Embed]

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 02:43 [Preview] No.760522 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 03:08 [Preview] No.760523 del
Race 8 at Horsham. Get on it, Monk.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 03:09 [Preview] No.760524 del
(214.36 KB 1080x4518 s6n0tmrb4jvb1.webp)
Weber you should get these.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 03:09 [Preview] No.760525 del
You are a bad influence on him.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 03:18 [Preview] No.760526 del
craving some kfc, we should have a kfc night where all the neets buy kfc at once, and post photos of their feasts

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 03:31 [Preview] No.760527 del
some neets will get jealous of other neets' kfc and some neets wont have money for kfc

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 03:46 [Preview] No.760528 del
Only Queensland has the hot and spicy.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:01 [Preview] No.760529 del
Maybe. An A-Leauge game last night fucked my multi. No fun sports to bet on at the moment.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:04 [Preview] No.760530 del
this sort of negative thinking is why you never achieve anything

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:06 [Preview] No.760531 del
The power of positive thinking

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:10 [Preview] No.760532 del
Meet me at the QLD/NSW border in about 6(six) hours.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:12 [Preview] No.760533 del
Make that 26 hours, got to fly out of 'Murica firxt.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:28 [Preview] No.760534 del
(131.36 KB 1170x1260 s.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:34 [Preview] No.760535 del
the jewess isn't too bad

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:34 [Preview] No.760536 del
Get an eeb, you'll get here quicker.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:36 [Preview] No.760537 del
(68.80 KB 629x550 yep.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:38 [Preview] No.760538 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=YRAO7PeOIOc [Embed]

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:39 [Preview] No.760539 del
aren't most of asia degenerate gamblers?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:39 [Preview] No.760540 del
Me on the right

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:40 [Preview] No.760541 del
surely the chinks are big gamblers?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:40 [Preview] No.760542 del
nice try mate, real boongs don't have concepts like 'left' and 'right', or 'two' and 'three'.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:41 [Preview] No.760543 del
One of the things I noticed about mel in lethal weapon was how lean he was. Modern day action heroes always work out and take steroids, and are bulky.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:41 [Preview] No.760544 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZdE8wjMNnrY [Embed]

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:43 [Preview] No.760545 del
>18 grand for a tinny

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:44 [Preview] No.760546 del
Mine keep getting worse.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:46 [Preview] No.760547 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=H6OZJ9Srxg4 [Embed]

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:47 [Preview] No.760548 del
He should change his identity back to Bill.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:48 [Preview] No.760549 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ft0B8_f7UPw [Embed]

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:50 [Preview] No.760550 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rIMKQf5hpJk [Embed]

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 04:51 [Preview] No.760551 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:02 [Preview] No.760552 del
Is the site working again? I hung my wool blankets out on the line to air them out. Lots of dust came off when I shook them. Put my sheets on to wash. Going to put new sheets on. I haven't changed my sheets in several months.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:04 [Preview] No.760553 del
Spend $150 on krappy plate or buy 3 KFC giant feasts?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:04 [Preview] No.760554 del
That's good.
My "lawn" is so long in the backyard I can no longer do the washing. The lawn guys who do the front took one look at it and refused.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:05 [Preview] No.760555 del
I wouldn't spend money to replace the plate on the piece of shit commodore and the vette uses seppo size plates

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:06 [Preview] No.760556 del
Spray it with weed killer.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:06 [Preview] No.760557 del
It would take hundreds of litres and there's still be that volume of shit there, just dead.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:07 [Preview] No.760558 del
(116.77 KB 960x936 trail guide.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:07 [Preview] No.760559 del
Yes, but they're all in Australia. See?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:14 [Preview] No.760560 del
It would be quite easy. I have done a similar thing myself.
What you do is mix your poison in a 9 Litre plastic watering can, not a sprayer. Then you just pour it over the lawn. Even a large area will only need four or five watering cans full. It is very quick and easy.
Once the "lawn" dies (approx 2 weeks) decomposition and dehydration will see its mass decrease continually until not much is left at all.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:19 [Preview] No.760561 del
what poison did you use?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:19 [Preview] No.760562 del
Is it just grass or is there rubbish and shit in there?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:21 [Preview] No.760563 del
there is a lot of twigs and small branches from the neighbours gum tree spread across half of it
cant see them anymore, just trip over them if you try walking through the waist and chest high grass/weeds

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:22 [Preview] No.760564 del
there's also a cement path that goes out to the washing line, which has a large cement square under it, and you can no longer see any of that cement either

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:25 [Preview] No.760565 del
>chest high grass/weeds
Yeah, poison that shit. You might need to do it in strips, going around the perimeter in a concentric fashion.
Does sweetie like it?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:25 [Preview] No.760566 del
>neighbours gum tree
Many prayers have been said for that tree.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:26 [Preview] No.760567 del
Half a tear and share down the hatch. Also got a bag of kinder bueno minis, a chobani flip, four (4) orange jelly cups, and home made burgers still to come.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:26 [Preview] No.760568 del
Any of your glyphosate concentrates will do. I buy whatever is cheapest. You can get them at the supermarket.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:26 [Preview] No.760569 del
(198.47 KB 1200x1800 1697752314658146.jpg)
(282.11 KB 1280x1920 1688487070205047.jpg)
(1.55 MB 3075x2046 1687689688448579.jpg)
Look at how Debicki mogs all other women.
Absolute Queen.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:27 [Preview] No.760570 del
Good spread of feed.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:27 [Preview] No.760571 del
>Amsterdam: Man Sentenced to Prison for Projecting “Anne Frank Invented the Ballpoint Pen” Onto Museum

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:28 [Preview] No.760572 del
(115.34 KB 1200x900 iz.jpg)
afternoon tea?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:29 [Preview] No.760573 del
her nose is too big

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:33 [Preview] No.760574 del
Late brunch. Had three (3) double cheeseburgers last night. 6 patties, 6 cheese slices, thick buns. Also had a protein bar and 18 standards.
Was producing weapons grade flatulent poison this morning.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:36 [Preview] No.760575 del
Next thing Israel is going to be accusing you of producing chemical weapons too.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:39 [Preview] No.760576 del
why haven't they entered gaza yet? are they scared?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:39 [Preview] No.760577 del
(13.56 KB 544x410 rsivbebzq9vb1.webp)
>thick buns.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:48 [Preview] No.760579 del
(182.72 KB 1157x787 1697948192264787.jpg)
(980.91 KB 1284x1870 1697938247418254.jpg)
waiting for seppos to arrive

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:49 [Preview] No.760580 del
(388.22 KB 2048x1536 1697938760026185.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:54 [Preview] No.760581 del
That looks shit. Neets in hovels eat better than that.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 05:54 [Preview] No.760582 del
Does anyone know what happened to Stanley?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:01 [Preview] No.760583 del
Helicopter crash, died with his partner.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:01 [Preview] No.760584 del
RIP. It is very disrespectful of that other neet to impersonate the partner on here, he should be banned for doing so.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:03 [Preview] No.760585 del
I think it's an AI system.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:06 [Preview] No.760586 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:07 [Preview] No.760587 del
We'll find out when part 2 comes out.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:08 [Preview] No.760588 del
Are yanks actually wealthier than us? They say that on the internet but we don't seem to have the same rates of homelessness and poverty that they do.
Do they just have more variation?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:10 [Preview] No.760589 del
Google says 330 million people there.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:10 [Preview] No.760590 del
We have better safety nets in terms of healthcare, unemployment benefits, and a minimum wage that's reasonable.
Their tax rate is far more reasonable than ours, although more complicated.
They can buy things a hell of a lot cheaper than we can, so somebody on a middle-class income can appear to be more affluent than somebody here.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:11 [Preview] No.760591 del
>homelessness and poverty
Those are just euphemisms for niggers. White seppos are generally richer than we are.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:14 [Preview] No.760592 del
>White seppos
They speak of living in a caravan with the wheels removed as fairly normal for the poor but that is basically unheard of here.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:14 [Preview] No.760593 del
So you're better of being American if you're rich?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:15 [Preview] No.760594 del
Define rich. But probably.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:19 [Preview] No.760595 del
we have caravan and shed dwellers, right here on ausneets.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:19 [Preview] No.760596 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:19 [Preview] No.760597 del
> but that is basically unheard of here.
for now
tent cities were unheard of here until recently

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:21 [Preview] No.760598 del
And a fella in a public dunny.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:21 [Preview] No.760599 del
Where are there tents in Australian cities? Do the cops allow them?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:21 [Preview] No.760600 del
Lucky country.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:25 [Preview] No.760601 del
there's a guy who camps in the park behind my house, at least during summer. He does it behind some bbqs so the cops can't easily spot his tent

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:31 [Preview] No.760603 del
>2000 years of Abrahamic religions
>Jews are shitty warriors
> imagine my shock

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:32 [Preview] No.760604 del
(647.42 KB 874x846 IMG_4765.jpeg)
God Apple Music has so much Dannii I have never heard. And I been paying for it for 18months… what the hell have I been doing ?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:33 [Preview] No.760605 del
stuff so bad it never charted

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:34 [Preview] No.760606 del
>what the hell have I been doing ?
Shitting up the board with your schizophrenia.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:43 [Preview] No.760607 del
Central station was a shit promoter. I even missed Neon Nights at the time. The early 2000s were peak pop.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:44 [Preview] No.760608 del
If any other NEETs feel like writing an Open Letter to IGA now is the time.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:59 [Preview] No.760609 del
No one gives a shit about that drama except the trio. Most of the rest of us want them all banned except maybe tiffo.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 06:59 [Preview] No.760610 del
(267.84 KB 1152x864 old_henry4.jpg)
The sunday night feature film, Old Henry (2021), will be on in 1 hour on womboflix neets - https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:02 [Preview] No.760611 del
Still pining for that girl, fuck me dead.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:05 [Preview] No.760612 del
I keep looking at her social media pages and feeling bad. I didn't know her all that long but fell for her pretty hard. I should probably find a new one to get over her.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:05 [Preview] No.760613 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:12 [Preview] No.760614 del
post her here
a problem shared is a problem halved

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:20 [Preview] No.760615 del
Wheres your number, so I can call you?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:20 [Preview] No.760616 del
AI Danni

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:20 [Preview] No.760617 del
just post her nudes

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:27 [Preview] No.760618 del
Why didn’t I think of this ??

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:30 [Preview] No.760619 del
I thought that exchanging the chips only got you one roll.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:30 [Preview] No.760620 del
placed a pickup order on teh website

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:31 [Preview] No.760621 del
I don't think I can make it, the fever has returned.
It's a fantastic film.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:31 [Preview] No.760622 del
you could also get big tubs of gravy and salad and shite instead

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:31 [Preview] No.760623 del
Tiffo only writes on clay tablets. Weber esquire should ink a letter after being #BO at its worst but I believe he may of done that in private. Monk has way more stuff to worry about. That takes about care of the four of us. The ASD handler can chime in to. But I am not expecting a novel as they get paid per post.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:33 [Preview] No.760624 del
>Weber esquire should ink a letter after being #BO at its worst
I am not, have not been, will not be, the BO.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:33 [Preview] No.760625 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:35 [Preview] No.760626 del
What were the odds of that?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:35 [Preview] No.760627 del
to be honest I just skip over the n/iga posts. 90% of what gets posted on imageboards is crap anyway, so it's not like ignoring it is really difficult

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:36 [Preview] No.760628 del
Probably not proportionally, they also likely make up a large chunk of our numbers.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:38 [Preview] No.760629 del
Boong dog is too high and mighty for the hovel.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:39 [Preview] No.760630 del
DebiscuitNEET is encroaching on vore territory.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:39 [Preview] No.760631 del
don't be so silly

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:40 [Preview] No.760632 del
Their comedy really is like a fine wine.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:41 [Preview] No.760633 del
No sear. Bet it's dry and they cover it in ketchup anyway.
The lobster as well.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:44 [Preview] No.760634 del
Wouldn't it be funny if she hooked up with one of us? That other NEET would be fuming!

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:44 [Preview] No.760635 del
Hmm. Will test this.
The rolls are not like they used to be, but are still nice.
I think they have enough sugar to be classified as pudding.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:45 [Preview] No.760636 del
Yeah, I knew that one.
Burger feast only lets you have gravy, not potato and gravy.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:47 [Preview] No.760637 del
He's face high to her navel.
I've seen memes on what happens next.
She likely has a tail.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:48 [Preview] No.760638 del
Too bad you can only filter threads and not NEETs .

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:48 [Preview] No.760639 del
I'd share her pics here for him.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:49 [Preview] No.760640 del

Well today I learned something new.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:49 [Preview] No.760641 del
I think we might watch some esoterica before the movie

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:50 [Preview] No.760642 del
Having a vb long neck and three (3) krisky kreme original glazed donuts

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:51 [Preview] No.760643 del
(58.28 KB 503x810 doomsday suit.jpeg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 07:55 [Preview] No.760644 del
you should eat them in sets of 6, it's bad luck otherwise

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:00 [Preview] No.760645 del
(11.00 KB 300x168 old_henry2.jpeg)
ok neets, the movie's starting: https://cytu.be/r/womboflix

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:10 [Preview] No.760646 del
(361.92 KB 1919x951 ratard.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:11 [Preview] No.760647 del
Thats no way to treat an AU Falcon

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:13 [Preview] No.760648 del
(211.49 KB 2000x1125 F9BUIPUaAAA0t7z.jpg)
(259.25 KB 2000x1125 F9BUHgracAAdSQZ.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:14 [Preview] No.760649 del
How the fuk are you not selling your records for mega dollars to some oxford street he-she act?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:16 [Preview] No.760650 del
(1.09 MB 640x518 1697373053148327.gif)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:18 [Preview] No.760651 del
she looks as if she's lived a hard life. hard drugs more like it

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:36 [Preview] No.760654 del
You'll find it listed under 'NEET' in teh White Pages®.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:37 [Preview] No.760655 del
Severely woed

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:38 [Preview] No.760656 del
a nice warm bird to fuck

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:40 [Preview] No.760657 del
Could you afford it?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:40 [Preview] No.760658 del
Wonder if NK was an Alf Fischer meme collector.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:41 [Preview] No.760659 del
As long as the mob chip in. They don't get a go otherwise.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:42 [Preview] No.760660 del
Who was Fischer?
Was that the headmaster?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:43 [Preview] No.760662 del
I just met you. This is crazy.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:44 [Preview] No.760663 del
I wouldn't pay for it.
Just fuck it instore

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:45 [Preview] No.760664 del
I miss the AU. I gave it to my dad and he gave it to a mates daughter.
Apparently the transmission shit itself only a couple of weeks later.
I bet she let cockies do burnouts in it.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:45 [Preview] No.760665 del
(2.97 MB 200x180 MFW perfect.gif)
This is very insightful Nuro, I always thought it'd take an army of midgets to hold (You) back from actually empathizing with anyone, yet your corn flakes packet analysis of the board punching bag paints a genuinely gritty chiaroscuro comparison between the degenerate trajectories of two NEETs. Its as if you made the very act of standing on the face of a drowning man, somehow ironically heroic. Try not to stub your toes.


NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:46 [Preview] No.760666 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:46 [Preview] No.760667 del
Vegemite and sniff on the glaze, traditional recipe mayo in the stuffing.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:54 [Preview] No.760668 del
(75.82 KB 565x850 onyx.jpg)
>Consume immediately

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:54 [Preview] No.760669 del
(501.20 KB 1280x1671 Propane_tank_20lb.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:56 [Preview] No.760670 del
Ok, what game are you playing?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:57 [Preview] No.760671 del
True NEET of culture.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 08:57 [Preview] No.760672 del
Whatcha cooking?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:00 [Preview] No.760673 del
I miss my Holdens...

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:00 [Preview] No.760674 del
I think it's Katy Perry.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:01 [Preview] No.760675 del
You should've never let go.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:01 [Preview] No.760676 del
Brain cells unna

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:02 [Preview] No.760677 del
Big batch?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:03 [Preview] No.760678 del
About to throw the wings in the oven. They've been marinating for almost 24 hours.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:04 [Preview] No.760679 del
Too long.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:06 [Preview] No.760680 del
Nuro's empathy is nothing but the realisation that the way he sees IGA is the way his family see him.
I was saying from the begining that the hatred that nuro has of IGA is all projection. IGA is a dropkick but he is at least content to be as such and isn't judgemental or a nasty cunt like nuro is. That alone makes IGA vastly superior.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:07 [Preview] No.760681 del
pickles are fantastic until you in one

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:07 [Preview] No.760682 del
Might floss teefs.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:07 [Preview] No.760683 del
Rubbing my balls and looking at pictures of Noni Hazelhurst. Quite a few long blouses and throw overs, but no sarongs.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:08 [Preview] No.760685 del
Make them look flash.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:08 [Preview] No.760686 del
Doof doof doof doof

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:08 [Preview] No.760687 del
Ate too much.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:10 [Preview] No.760688 del
felt sad all day

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:11 [Preview] No.760689 del
Busting at seams?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:12 [Preview] No.760690 del
Badly dehydrated.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:12 [Preview] No.760691 del
Piss fluro yellow.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:12 [Preview] No.760692 del
Turn that frown upside down.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:14 [Preview] No.760693 del
>I’m trying to get into gooning as a hobby and I have close to $1,000 saved up just to spend on a nice gooncave? I already have a laptop so i’m thinking i’ll probably buy a triple monitor setup and a smart TV with a projector point behind it so I have 5 sources of goon material. Is there anything you else y’all would recommend?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:16 [Preview] No.760694 del
Mines looked like dark ale.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:19 [Preview] No.760695 del
Vomited in my mouth in Coles before. Fucking awful. This keeps happening.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:20 [Preview] No.760696 del
It's escaping from you.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:23 [Preview] No.760697 del
I want to shit and vomit at the same time

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:25 [Preview] No.760698 del
Drinking some water. Feel terribly bloated.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:25 [Preview] No.760699 del
It's good to have dreams.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:26 [Preview] No.760700 del
see a doctor

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:28 [Preview] No.760701 del
Going to have some chamomile tea. I think I need to rip a terrible fart to feel better but I don't want to force it.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:28 [Preview] No.760702 del
The idea of sleeping right next to a toilet grosses me out. I think if I was designing a house from scratch I'd have an outhouse for cloggers and an inside toilet that'd basically just be a urinal.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:29 [Preview] No.760703 del
>but I don't want to force it.
It's building inside of you.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:30 [Preview] No.760704 del
Wagon failure. Tomorrows a new week. Garn the gook

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:31 [Preview] No.760705 del
Sounds do-able.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:32 [Preview] No.760706 del
I think there should be a urinal in every room.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:33 [Preview] No.760707 del
Anything is a urinal if you're desperate enough.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:33 [Preview] No.760708 del
The interior walls should just be big metal urinals

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:34 [Preview] No.760709 del
Weber just pisses through the floorboards and hydrates the NEETs living under the house.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:35 [Preview] No.760710 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:36 [Preview] No.760711 del
what time is womboflix on

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:39 [Preview] No.760712 del
(182.75 KB 1125x1610 F9CDR_IasAA7BCb.jpg)
How dirty does your neetstick have to be to make the lymph nodes around your testicles swell up like a hernia? And why would you admit it publicly?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:40 [Preview] No.760713 del
every room should have multiple urinals and a wank corner

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:40 [Preview] No.760714 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:40 [Preview] No.760715 del
Excellent movie, it's a shame so many neets missed out on it.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:40 [Preview] No.760716 del
is it still going?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:42 [Preview] No.760717 del
I'm watching back to the future 7

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:43 [Preview] No.760718 del
(87.45 KB 529x791 Her.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:44 [Preview] No.760719 del
>wank corner
rape corner

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:45 [Preview] No.760720 del
(8.31 MB 944x720 taste the biscuit.mp4)
(2.04 MB 886x664 banger solo.mp4)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:46 [Preview] No.760721 del
no, just finished 10 minutes ago

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:46 [Preview] No.760722 del
That's Cassandra Wallace

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:46 [Preview] No.760723 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:46 [Preview] No.760724 del
Run out of rice. Woe

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:47 [Preview] No.760725 del
Are there any positions or exercises I can do to expel a fart? I feel really bloated, like I've eaten something off.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:48 [Preview] No.760726 del
any corner can be a wank corner

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:55 [Preview] No.760727 del
>Stumers Sewing Center is proud to present Pixxa: The musical.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:56 [Preview] No.760728 del
Stumers is now permanently closed.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:58 [Preview] No.760729 del
I start my corners off by shitting in them.
Then when there's too much shit I will wank on the shit and give it a nice glaze.
Then it becomes a rape corner, the victim will lose consciousness quickly with their face stuffed into the wank poo.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:59 [Preview] No.760730 del
I feel really sick. Very full of gas. Very bloated. Need to get it out. Can't think. Feel awful.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 09:59 [Preview] No.760731 del
I was devastated the day I found out. I'm glad they're not alive not to see this day.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:00 [Preview] No.760732 del
Kek, need to go to the designated shitting street it would seem.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:00 [Preview] No.760733 del
Don't float away.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:00 [Preview] No.760734 del
>they're not alive not to see

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:01 [Preview] No.760735 del
(406.05 KB 1178x1501 1696529878152487.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:01 [Preview] No.760736 del
garn turn my life around tomorrow, you neets want to join me?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:05 [Preview] No.760737 del
That's a nice way of saying "I can't afford food".

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:09 [Preview] No.760738 del
I need someone to grab me from behind and pull a broomstick towards me.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:09 [Preview] No.760739 del
Couldn't handle the BEANS

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:12 [Preview] No.760740 del
Nah, happy to go in the next 12 months.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:12 [Preview] No.760741 del
I haven't had any beans today and I have never had any issues with them before. I think it might be some bad bread. I have only had bread and cheese today. Can they do this?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:15 [Preview] No.760742 del
Drink 2L of coca cola then drink some milk

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:16 [Preview] No.760743 del
Ripped two massive farts and feel slightly better. I can't imagine what it is like being an exec.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:17 [Preview] No.760744 del
I have one brewing now.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:17 [Preview] No.760745 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:18 [Preview] No.760746 del
Big wank city

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:19 [Preview] No.760747 del
this is how i imagine webby looking

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:20 [Preview] No.760748 del
I'm sorry I missed it. I watched it when I asked for it to go on the list.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:20 [Preview] No.760749 del
Nah. year of acceptance

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:21 [Preview] No.760750 del
I guess.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:23 [Preview] No.760751 del
That solo is really weird.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:24 [Preview] No.760752 del
EVer had a guy perform an ultrasound on your nuts? It's an experience you'll never forget!

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:24 [Preview] No.760753 del
Knee/s toward chest on one side to the other.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:26 [Preview] No.760754 del
Of course you'd doxx her you pos. You're exactly the reason no one wants to posts images of their life. Fuck you.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:28 [Preview] No.760755 del
I don't know who that chick is but that wasn't the girl.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:28 [Preview] No.760756 del
You thought it was hilarious when I revealed Olive's identity thought, didn't you?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:28 [Preview] No.760757 del
(201.50 KB 518x761 18671_39.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:33 [Preview] No.760758 del
No. That's different anyway.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:33 [Preview] No.760759 del
I have avoided saying much about the girl because her father would almost certainly know the wombler and she has a substantial internet presence.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:33 [Preview] No.760760 del
>I don't know who that chick is
a recruiter on linkedin from queensland
so nuro or iga doing their usual

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:33 [Preview] No.760761 del
Free whiskey

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:34 [Preview] No.760762 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:35 [Preview] No.760763 del
(477.76 KB 1440x2161 1697854873093292.jpg)
>slips through a crack in weber's floorboards

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:38 [Preview] No.760764 del
(1.58 MB 720x576 1694487064962968.webm)
I'm makin dinna

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:43 [Preview] No.760765 del
Dropping out and giving up

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:44 [Preview] No.760766 del
(141.28 KB 768x1172 Flashman-768x1172.jpg)
i got a poojeta to do it

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 10:59 [Preview] No.760767 del
(183.32 KB 1200x900 hobbit-day-20171.jpg)
might go on the hobbit diet, two breakfasts, 6 meals a day

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:04 [Preview] No.760768 del
The new Why Files is touching on some secret Jew knowledge.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:06 [Preview] No.760769 del
(663.44 KB 750x1067 1697966358967236.png)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:08 [Preview] No.760770 del
a small price to pay for the wonders of immigration

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:10 [Preview] No.760771 del
(560.33 KB 1400x840 1692076220005670.jpg)
They could all live there

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:13 [Preview] No.760772 del
India: 3,287,263 km2
Australia: 7,692,024 km2

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:15 [Preview] No.760773 del
Most of our country is uninhabitable. We are like Russia in that regard.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:21 [Preview] No.760775 del
Like India is all lush farmlands.
Haven't tried hard enough.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:22 [Preview] No.760776 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:22 [Preview] No.760777 del
Negro-tier arm to height ratios.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:25 [Preview] No.760778 del
I wish we had some big project with nuclear desalination plants and rerouted rivers and shit to green our interior.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:26 [Preview] No.760779 del
or north africa - a thin strip of inhabitable coastline, a vast arid interior

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:26 [Preview] No.760780 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:29 [Preview] No.760781 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:31 [Preview] No.760782 del
(322.07 KB 1059x1350 1687261606887171.jpg)
The tallest woman on the Hungarian women's national volleyball team is only as tall as Debicki.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:32 [Preview] No.760783 del
(159.14 KB 1920x1080 1692395624644286.jpg)
Debicki has long arms but they are proportionate.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:32 [Preview] No.760784 del
Probably choleric. Wash your hands jeet

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:34 [Preview] No.760785 del
Going to vacuum my room. I hope I don't wake any neets.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:35 [Preview] No.760786 del
I farted and burped repeatedly and the issue seems to have resolved.
I think pajeets wouldn't have these issues as they bathe in rivers that fish are unable to survive in. No pajeet can live and have a weak immune system.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:36 [Preview] No.760787 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:38 [Preview] No.760788 del
(481.46 KB 1080x1425 image.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:38 [Preview] No.760789 del
>ten years

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:42 [Preview] No.760790 del
can't fall asleep for some reason tonight, may have to have some chamomille

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:43 [Preview] No.760791 del
I punch my balls until I pass out from the pain

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:46 [Preview] No.760792 del
Go for a cheeky seven second dip this time.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:46 [Preview] No.760793 del
Wondering if I could date rape that neet using chamomile tea?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:46 [Preview] No.760794 del
I love this chinaman.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:48 [Preview] No.760795 del
Dollar bets?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:50 [Preview] No.760796 del
nothing good ever comes of sedatives

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:53 [Preview] No.760797 del
(56.93 KB 576x768 9AFGcmTzX8n3SxnG.jpeg)
Have a blessed Sunday!

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 11:59 [Preview] No.760798 del
Nah, the chink flag that posts here.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:06 [Preview] No.760799 del
big boong rape

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:06 [Preview] No.760800 del
just ate a bag of 12 assorted chocolates. I cannot be trusted

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:10 [Preview] No.760801 del
What did it weigh?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:13 [Preview] No.760802 del
Still can't bring myself to read it. I just know it will be the most cringe post ever to be posted on an imageboard.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:13 [Preview] No.760803 del
(9.95 KB 247x204 1633556508829.png)
Nuro actually sleeps in new airconditioned bedroom at another place. But i would be lying if i said i didnt crash at the shop when working late on jobs and smashing some drinks occasionally

The thing about the toilet bedroom was it was just a complete emergency accomodation when i had to move house and had no where to go and how well it worked out thinking outside the box. The Japanese also live like this folding up their beds every day and re-using the space. The innovation came from the fact that showers are wet. The floor is wet no one in their right mind would sleep there. But an air matress is waterproof. You can just lay it down on the wet floor and be comfy.

That was February 2022. That image is more that 18 months old. The reason why i posted that image in the first place was to show that my dunny was in fact cleaner than IGAs kitchen. The fact he keeps thinking i am still there and any member of the can randomly shit in there is just cope and projection. Its private propertyi decide who uses it. The Shower was built in 2018 and only one other tennant used it. Its new and i keep it perfectly clean with bleach. Its pear;y white and does not smell. It has no odor.

I can understand how most toilets are disgusting and old and covered with stains and 30 years of harpic stinking them up. Not this one. The king would be happy sitting on my throne. God would be happy sitting on my throne. Its pure.

Coming from a bad home i know IGA would just associate all toilets with being nasty. He has a shared communal shower block at the caravan park. I can understand his phobias and why he is triggered, but buster you got it wrong yet again.

t. Huge Gigachad Racist
User was banned for telling lies. Inside information proves numo still sleeps in the shitter

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:15 [Preview] No.760804 del
thanks mate

also i lost the matric logins :/

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:19 [Preview] No.760805 del
The open letter? It isn't that bad. It is about what I'd expect.
The tldr is that nuro sees himself in Stanley and hates him for it.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:20 [Preview] No.760806 del
Are you high on methane again?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:21 [Preview] No.760807 del
You start off on meth, next thing you know you're on jenkem.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:23 [Preview] No.760808 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:24 [Preview] No.760809 del
(224.47 KB 859x960 ultra_chad.jpg)
>t. Huge Gigachad Racist
a recent photo of nuro

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:25 [Preview] No.760810 del
From my understanding it was more like. If from bad home dont be a shit cunt ?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:25 [Preview] No.760811 del
now I want to clean my shower carefully with bleach, inspired by nuro

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:25 [Preview] No.760812 del
>at another place
Right. And you didn't boast about this here? You make such a big deal of managing to afford an $8 burrito with bosslady's minda money but didn't mention you are now no longer homeless?
Fucking bullshit.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:26 [Preview] No.760813 del
Your understanding is non-existent after decades of hard drug usage.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:26 [Preview] No.760814 del
(31.71 KB 189x63 asa.png)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:27 [Preview] No.760815 del
Trust no one.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:30 [Preview] No.760816 del
(37.44 KB 640x360 socks.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:30 [Preview] No.760817 del
Making a plan for tomorrow.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:30 [Preview] No.760818 del
(3.45 MB 350x344 1611490774625.gif)
jenkem makes you big and strong

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:32 [Preview] No.760819 del
and yet you made a big deal about some frozen pies and bottle of the cheapest wort plonk and are closest of all us to being homeless and having to move again

Brevity IGA. Brevity. Your games dont mean shit when you are the one who is rock bottom.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:34 [Preview] No.760820 del
make a rape plan

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:35 [Preview] No.760821 del
Show us your new air conditioned bedroom numpto

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:36 [Preview] No.760822 del
>yet you made a big deal
That wasn't me you pillbrained paedophile.
>closest of all us to being homeless
Please try to speak English, pajeet.
IGA might be close to being homeless but you're already homeless. You live in a woman's shed. Not even your own family will take you in.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:46 [Preview] No.760823 del
(3.82 MB 4032x3024 IMG_0075.jpeg)
It overlooks the water park. Thanks for ban dickhead.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:47 [Preview] No.760824 del
(390.39 KB 1152x768 R(24).jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:48 [Preview] No.760825 del
Big Mad ?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:51 [Preview] No.760826 del
There is little that is more pathetic than attempting to insult a neet using his own meme.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:55 [Preview] No.760827 del
I think it is more romantic to not have a plan and just do it spontaneously.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:55 [Preview] No.760828 del
bitch you literally used to spend all day stealing peoples flags and impersonating them

infact you just did it yesterday !


NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 12:59 [Preview] No.760829 del
(3.05 MB 255x255 iga_dance.gif)
Now this is anger.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:00 [Preview] No.760830 del
Nuro, could you please explain to the board why photos of Alison Brie enrage you? Is it related to you not having had a woman smile at you in more than a decade?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:02 [Preview] No.760831 del
Plan made. Big plan. Will be tough to stick to. Lots of work to do. Good night to all neets other than toilet man.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:04 [Preview] No.760832 del
(655.96 KB 564x747 IGAYBIGMAD.png)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:04 [Preview] No.760833 del
(26.56 KB 474x413 OIP(10).jpg)
Call that a smile?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:05 [Preview] No.760834 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:06 [Preview] No.760835 del
(100.02 KB 750x1000 519_1000.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:09 [Preview] No.760836 del
A young kathy freeman?

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:12 [Preview] No.760837 del
(22.60 KB 338x450 th.jpg)
this is Cathy freeman after winning the gold medal for running away from the police

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:40 [Preview] No.760839 del
Still gassy.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 13:54 [Preview] No.760840 del
Can't sleep. Bloated. Need to be pushed in like an accordion.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 14:40 [Preview] No.760841 del
Or use a vacuum cleaner to suck it out

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 15:02 [Preview] No.760842 del
(160.26 KB 1024x1024 1697984871215434.jpg)

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 18:43 [Preview] No.760843 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 19:40 [Preview] No.760844 del
morning neets, today I'm gonna turn my life around, this time I mean it!

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 20:07 [Preview] No.760845 del
Good morning NEET. Good luck NEET.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 20:11 [Preview] No.760846 del
back on the stellaris OST

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 20:57 [Preview] No.760847 del
>almost certainly know
and hate and laugh at

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 21:06 [Preview] No.760848 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 21:36 [Preview] No.760849 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 21:41 [Preview] No.760850 del
Utterly miserable

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 21:54 [Preview] No.760851 del
have a binge

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 21:58 [Preview] No.760852 del
wearing the same clothes I wore Friday and Saturday to the whizzers
when I went to put the undies on there was a visible 5 inch skid mark at the back and a brown stain at the front

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:15 [Preview] No.760853 del
I think you should be wearing a pair of black pants and a nice white shirt, and a nice clean pair of underpants.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:29 [Preview] No.760854 del
I can't imagine wearing the same clothes like that. Sometimes I'll change my undies during the day just because I like them being clean.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:40 [Preview] No.760855 del

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:41 [Preview] No.760856 del
I like when the smegma gets greasy and collects all the lint and sweat marks stain my arse crack yellow.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:42 [Preview] No.760857 del
I put my legs up in the air and it feels like I'm sitting on a water mattress

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:47 [Preview] No.760858 del
I don’t have any clean clothes and don’t fit any of my business attire any more.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:06 [Preview] No.760860 del
I hate it here at the whizzers

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:14 [Preview] No.760861 del
utterly woe'd due to bad sleep. might have a cheeky extra 2 cups of coffee, although I don't want to start the whole cycle of stimulants -> bad sleep -> more stimulants again

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:26 [Preview] No.760862 del
I'm in the cycle. Eight coffees deep. Arse keeps exploding like a fire cracker.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:35 [Preview] No.760863 del
Funking hate flies. I wonder how the boongs dealt with them.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:37 [Preview] No.760864 del
How long do you need to stay?
Can you do any of it remotely.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:37 [Preview] No.760865 del
Pondering Olive.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:38 [Preview] No.760866 del
Might need to add a sedative to the cycle.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:38 [Preview] No.760867 del
Pummeling Olive

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:41 [Preview] No.760868 del
(63.10 KB 1024x576 halloween.jpg)
It's halloween next week neets, and while we can't give you a fun halloween party full of qts in slutty costumes, womboflix can at least give us a horror movie night. Do neets have any suggestions for the halloween movie? Some ideas are Little Shop Of Horrors, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Young Frankenstein

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:42 [Preview] No.760869 del
Olive is for cuddling not hurting.

NEET 10/22/2023 (Sun) 23:42 [Preview] No.760870 del
a wise neet once said before you can ride the wagon, you need to get addicted

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:00 [Preview] No.760871 del
>Young Frankenstein
You've already shown this. He puts bubbles in beer or something.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:01 [Preview] No.760872 del
i'll leave at 11.30

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:08 [Preview] No.760873 del
Imagine the smell.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:09 [Preview] No.760874 del
i showered monday before last

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:14 [Preview] No.760875 del
>can you look at why this api endpoint we are using is returning 429 [too many requests] errors for us?
>we're licensed 5000 requests per day
>we send 980 requests every 30 minutes

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:15 [Preview] No.760876 del
You need a good scrub NEET.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:15 [Preview] No.760877 del
i just dont care anymore

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:16 [Preview] No.760878 del
Spend a good 45 minutes making a graphic showing these facts.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:16 [Preview] No.760879 del
pajeets code takes a csv file with the 980 rows in it and sends an api request for each row
doesnt think to compare the csv to the one from 30 minutes ago and just send deltas
even monk could work this out

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:18 [Preview] No.760880 del
There's something in the Pilliga, or Wolf Creek.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:18 [Preview] No.760881 del
Monk needs to get back into employment. Employers need him!

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:20 [Preview] No.760882 del
Squeaky clean NEET.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:20 [Preview] No.760883 del
Go to Lavash bakery on the way home and get a briyani and a couple naans.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:20 [Preview] No.760884 del
he needs to find melbourne's equivalent to this ndis provider

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:22 [Preview] No.760885 del
that would require driving further south

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:28 [Preview] No.760886 del
UMM PTY LTD should go interstate already.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:51 [Preview] No.760889 del
did he waive his right to a speedy trial?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 00:54 [Preview] No.760890 del
that's a seppo thing

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:18 [Preview] No.760891 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:27 [Preview] No.760892 del
Still got a cold.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:31 [Preview] No.760893 del
(2.86 MB 4032x3024 IMG_4771.jpeg)
Good Morning NEETizens

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:34 [Preview] No.760894 del
morning nuro, what's in the bag?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:39 [Preview] No.760895 del
Quarter pounder. Burger only. Red bull down the hatch.

Heading to the Bank, Dans, smoke shop then Woolies.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:39 [Preview] No.760896 del
I'm waiting on him.
Forever waiting for Monk.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:40 [Preview] No.760897 del
I made a meme of that 6+ years ago.
Still waiting.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:41 [Preview] No.760898 del
Don't worry neets, I have a feeling monk will get on the wagon tomorrow.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:42 [Preview] No.760899 del
I went there a week or so ago and was very impressed.
Got that and a whole squashed charcoal chook between myself and a client. Took over half of it home.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:43 [Preview] No.760900 del
Me too and I've been rubbing my nose so much that it's all patchy and looks bad to my lips.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:44 [Preview] No.760901 del
Very executive reflection. Based.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:45 [Preview] No.760902 del
I've got that. It doesn't help that the air is dry.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:45 [Preview] No.760903 del
I've had mixed kebab meat and flat bread and stuff there a few times

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:50 [Preview] No.760904 del
I've got a thing tomorrow with a big herder Co that I don't want to look like a meff head at. Also has a couple cuties that will act differently if I'm not looking tidy.
Kind of looks like old cold sores.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:51 [Preview] No.760905 del
>Kind of looks like old cold sores.
Somebody has been kissing Possum again...

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:51 [Preview] No.760906 del
kfc for lunch again

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:51 [Preview] No.760907 del
The flat chook was too spicy for me. I only had a bit. The chook still had it's head attached.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:51 [Preview] No.760908 del
Looking for love in all the wrong places

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:52 [Preview] No.760909 del
>too spicy
peel the skin off and/or stop being a gay

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:53 [Preview] No.760910 del
speaking of possums, there's some tomato skin in my driveway and what looks like a couple of chunks on the car
not sure if a possum was a messy eater or some cunt pegged a tomato at my parked car

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:53 [Preview] No.760911 del
I'm a sensitive NEET.
Even covering the briyani in yoghurt sauce, I was still dripping sweat.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:55 [Preview] No.760912 del
I was once like you. It just requires steady practice and eventually you will reach a point where almost nothing is 'too hot'.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:58 [Preview] No.760913 del
breakfast of champions. what did you get?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 01:59 [Preview] No.760914 del
a large twister combo and ten nuggers

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:00 [Preview] No.760915 del
the water meter reader girl was nice

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:00 [Preview] No.760916 del
this works because most your tastebuds die

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:02 [Preview] No.760917 del
maybe, but there are other physical responses that go with chilli and curry that lessen with exposure too.. sweating, flushing, etc.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:03 [Preview] No.760918 del
Girls that are nice and pretty shouldn't work.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:03 [Preview] No.760919 del
I like some flavourful heat spices, like sechuan spice but hot is a sensation not a flavour, and heat for no reason is a pissing contest that I don't get the purpose of.
Apparently it's a trait from scarcity meaning you can eat a wider variety of different things but that's not necessary now.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:06 [Preview] No.760920 del
I know people always complain about the smell of pajeet cooking, but when I walk past the neighbour pajeets at dinnertime their cooking actually smells nice and spicey

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:07 [Preview] No.760921 del
it probably also made dodgy/stale food edible
might have even killed bugs

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:13 [Preview] No.760922 del
if they're in a rental property, the kitchen walls will usually be stained after a pajeet has lived in it
shit gets into the paint same way tobacco smoke does

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:17 [Preview] No.760923 del
>I was still dripping sweat.
Typical Thursday night.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:18 [Preview] No.760924 del
Hope you gave her a cheeky wink.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 02:49 [Preview] No.760925 del
Severely stressed.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:03 [Preview] No.760926 del
Extremely stressed.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:08 [Preview] No.760927 del
Nose is still all stuffed up.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:13 [Preview] No.760928 del
Shouldn’t have dropped your phone on it that time.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:22 [Preview] No.760929 del
Good morning.
Wagon today. New week new me.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:23 [Preview] No.760930 del
keep trying to make tea and fucking it up

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:24 [Preview] No.760931 del
but its lunch. time

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:32 [Preview] No.760932 del
(1.17 MB 4032x3024 bum.jpg)
(1.11 MB 4032x3024 dick.jpg)
stains dont look as bad in this light
will wear them rest of the week

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:37 [Preview] No.760933 del
Just buy some new ones

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:38 [Preview] No.760934 del
(108.19 KB 1280x720 twilightzone2.jpg)
(322.84 KB 960x1440 rapid_fire1.jpg)
(9.65 KB 183x275 odessa1.jpeg)
This week on womboflix...

Halloween is coming up, and to keep with the theme, this Wednesday we'll be showing some episodes from The Twilight Zone, and maybe The X-Files

On Saturday, the late Brandon Lee stars in the action movie Rapid Fire(1992). Then on Sunday, we bring you 1970s Nazis with the the thriller The Odessa File(1974)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:38 [Preview] No.760935 del
undies are comparatively expensive compared to tshirts

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:38 [Preview] No.760936 del
They look fine.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:39 [Preview] No.760937 del
I didn't see any votes for these.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:39 [Preview] No.760938 del
how do they smell?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:41 [Preview] No.760939 del
rapid fire and the odessa file were voted on last week - the twilight zone is something I've been meaning to watch for a long time, and halloween seems like a good week to watch it

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:43 [Preview] No.760940 del
took a shit and had a chux cleanse
used the last two sheets of paper towel, folded into quarters, to pack my cleft

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:44 [Preview] No.760941 del
big wedge?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:46 [Preview] No.760942 del
yeah put a leg up on the bath and wedged it up there good against my bumhole and taint area

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:49 [Preview] No.760943 del
raa didn't respond to my ticket so i responded to their automatical reply from a week ago and it bounced
so i opened another support ticket
will write to their ceo next week if they haven't responded

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 03:52 [Preview] No.760944 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 04:08 [Preview] No.760945 del
Do losers like me have to exist for each winner in life? Is that how balance is maintained in the universe?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 04:17 [Preview] No.760946 del
(28.57 KB 550x335 pajeet.jpg)
perhaps you were a pajeet in a previous life

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 04:20 [Preview] No.760947 del
the day's 2/3rds over and I still haven't done anything

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 04:36 [Preview] No.760948 del
(230.25 KB 717x997 1698034369002487.jpg)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 04:37 [Preview] No.760949 del
You need to cc and tag the help desk team lead. Light those niggers up with zen desk notifications

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 04:39 [Preview] No.760950 del
I’ve done the dishes (literal) and have made a dent on the piles of clothes and boxes of belongings I got from bots.
No tax after last nights 15.
At the local noodle shop getting some wontons for breakaky

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 04:52 [Preview] No.760951 del
New week, new wagon?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:04 [Preview] No.760952 del
That would require trawling LinkedIn for people in those positions and guessing their email addresses.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:05 [Preview] No.760953 del
This was very satisfying to watch. I'm lovin' it.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=qnQZfTkICXM [Embed]

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:06 [Preview] No.760954 del
Title says arrested, not killed, so not going to watch.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:15 [Preview] No.760955 del
(731.88 KB 506x640 20231023_154415.jpg)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:15 [Preview] No.760956 del
The database work I did for the whizzers on Saturday has shaved an average of 4 seconds from the query times and reduced the worst query time from 240 seconds to 40 seconds. Do you think anybody gives a shit? Going to ram a salt and vinegar chip fragment up my dick hole.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:19 [Preview] No.760957 del
The 240 second user no longer exists to thank you

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:20 [Preview] No.760958 del
Big boss sent a dog to work to go snooping. Big boss is fucking with us.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:21 [Preview] No.760959 del
I thought you did security work

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:22 [Preview] No.760960 del
Nuro voted for rapid fire. He has an excellent batting average lately and widely respected in the movie critic scene.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:26 [Preview] No.760961 del
Apparently Tom Cruise has been talking about making a Les Grossman movie.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:27 [Preview] No.760962 del
I can't believe america would tolerate such anti-semetic canards in this day and age

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:27 [Preview] No.760963 del
Would've been cheaper to get a faster computer

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:27 [Preview] No.760964 del
so did I
engaged to fix all the shit I pointed out in a pentest
end up getting railroaded into fixing everything else

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:28 [Preview] No.760965 del
I think now's a pretty good time. Most of the pol type bullshit is mainstream.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:29 [Preview] No.760966 del
Just make it work, I don't want to hear about what codes and internets you did.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:33 [Preview] No.760967 del
Was skimming through some old episodes of the twilight zone from the early 60s - what's the oldest tv you've seen neets?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:34 [Preview] No.760968 del
> pentest
Do you ever get to do physical break-ins, lock bypassing and shit?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:37 [Preview] No.760969 del
Tv or tv show?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:38 [Preview] No.760970 del
tv show I guess

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:40 [Preview] No.760971 del
Probably twilight Zone

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:42 [Preview] No.760972 del
the 60s series?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:52 [Preview] No.760973 del
Not so much asked to physically break in, but do do walkarounds making notes of physical things that are wrong or could be manipulated/bypassed.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:52 [Preview] No.760974 del
(1.59 MB 2155x746 IMG_4779.jpeg)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 05:57 [Preview] No.760975 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:04 [Preview] No.760976 del
is it wine o'clock? probably

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:06 [Preview] No.760977 del
Going to get some pineapple juice for my cold. Getting better. Been feeling fine for the last few days but my nose keeps running and I can't blow it out using the basin when I am away from home.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:06 [Preview] No.760978 del
You should adopt Harry.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:14 [Preview] No.760979 del
You're a nigger, Harry.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:16 [Preview] No.760980 del
Is HP 41 on tonight?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:18 [Preview] No.760981 del
Big Fella threatened to kill the next person who screened a Harry Potter movie.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:19 [Preview] No.760982 del
He won't find the secret channel.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:22 [Preview] No.760983 del
But he might. He found Platform 9 and 3 Quarter Pounders.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:23 [Preview] No.760984 del
But not Tiffin Net. Hope remains.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:24 [Preview] No.760985 del
(22.52 KB 1265x739 lol he angry.png)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:24 [Preview] No.760986 del
>Big Fella
Definitely a Slytherin.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:27 [Preview] No.760987 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:28 [Preview] No.760988 del
you should cruciatus curse his balls

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:32 [Preview] No.760989 del
I'd fuck Luna tbh.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:33 [Preview] No.760990 del
(6.53 MB 4032x3024 image.jpg)
Thanks went to Caloundra. I have evolved to meticulously study the wind and pick my afternoon as to what wind is blowing in what bay. The northly today is howling and not fun. Noosa would have sucked with sand in the face.

It’s Chardonnay and Pinot Noir o’clock. Sprinkled with a line of Dexies and crushed up Oxys. Garnish with a cigarette. Some cones for desert.🍾

Remember when IGA stalked the wrong cunt in real life ? Yeah we member


NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:33 [Preview] No.760991 del
The needful?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:34 [Preview] No.760992 del
>I have evolved to meticulously study the wind

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:34 [Preview] No.760993 del
It's FUCKEN BULLSHIT when you have to get Red Rock Deli Sea Salt and Ballsack Vinegar chips instead of FUCKEN SAMBOY ones

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:34 [Preview] No.760994 del
Going to Coles. Got an erection.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:35 [Preview] No.760995 del
You can't ever talk shit about other neets when you taking all those drugs, fucking degenerate.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:37 [Preview] No.760996 del
Turkey slap one of the checkout qt's for me please.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:37 [Preview] No.760997 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:44 [Preview] No.760998 del
Internet is running like shit.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:45 [Preview] No.760999 del
it's what we deserve

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:47 [Preview] No.761000 del
Get monk to give it a kick.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:48 [Preview] No.761001 del
Might cum in my hand and fling it at weber.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:50 [Preview] No.761002 del
(6.53 MB 4032x3024 image.jpg)
Thanks went to Caloundra. I have evolved to meticulously study the wind and pick my afternoon as to what wind is blowing in what bay. The northly today is howling and not fun. Noosa would have sucked with sand in the face.

It’s Chardonnay and Pinot Noir o’clock. Sprinkled with a line of Dexies and crushed up Oxys. Garnish with a cigarette. Some cones for desert.🍾

Remember when IGA stalked the wrong cunt in real life ? Yeah we member


NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:50 [Preview] No.761003 del
How many 9/11's would that be?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:52 [Preview] No.761004 del
Big mad ? Or just jelly ?

••honestly not sure**

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:54 [Preview] No.761005 del
(34.39 KB 433x650 LMAO.jpeg)
My God this is BEYOND embarrassing!
>takes pic from rear of workshop
>Hey bros got me a sweet new pad, suck it you povo neets!

>User was banned for telling lies. Inside information proves numo still sleeps in the shitter

Pic most definitely related!

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:56 [Preview] No.761006 del
>takes pic from rear of workshop
pretty fucken sweet workshop location
normally affordable workshop space is in an ugly industrial estate

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:57 [Preview] No.761007 del
(286.37 KB 2436x1125 IMG_4776.png)
I always said GoaDaddy was IGA. Prove me wrong….

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:59 [Preview] No.761008 del
Did you ever reply to >>760416

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 06:59 [Preview] No.761009 del
>It’s Chardonnay and Pinot Noir o’clock. Sprinkled with a line of Dexies and crushed up Oxys. Garnish with a cigarette. Some cones for desert.

Tonight's show shaping up to be epic, strap yourself in boys!

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:01 [Preview] No.761010 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:03 [Preview] No.761011 del
Hit it with a WHIP

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:04 [Preview] No.761012 del
Prison glock

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:04 [Preview] No.761013 del
Imagine thinking IGA was capable of writing long form prose or even crafting a logical argument. You need to have passed year 7 to do that….

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:13 [Preview] No.761015 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:14 [Preview] No.761016 del
It is a good view and I'm not knocking it. It's tubby's pathological lying that needs pointing out. All that money saved on renting a house yet it's all spent on burritos, booze and drugs. Who's really winning here?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:17 [Preview] No.761018 del
>burritos, booze and drugs
If only the b was lobster pills. Triple B.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:17 [Preview] No.761019 del
blue blocks

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:18 [Preview] No.761020 del
(178.76 KB 456x749 DD.png)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:24 [Preview] No.761021 del
I almost typed endchan.ausneets into the browser.

On Nov. 4th gonna stream La Llllrona, Guatemalan horror thingy or something. It's about massacred Mayans haunting or the like.

I don't get the reference.

Take an hour break. Go outside.

Very nice.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:29 [Preview] No.761022 del
>I almost typed endchan.ausneets into the browser.
You were visiting our home.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:30 [Preview] No.761023 del
>I almost typed endchan.ausneets into the browser.
Well we are the heart and soul of Endchan.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:32 [Preview] No.761024 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:33 [Preview] No.761025 del
>thinking about britney

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:33 [Preview] No.761026 del
What's for breakfast, Big Fella?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:35 [Preview] No.761027 del
Madonna > Shitney

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:36 [Preview] No.761028 del
hot poo sea

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:36 [Preview] No.761029 del
Britney Amber and her oooo-nah, you mong.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:37 [Preview] No.761030 del
Hard poo peninsula

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:38 [Preview] No.761031 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:40 [Preview] No.761033 del
(4.36 MB 4032x3024 IMG_4781.jpeg)
Was just exploring a few little bays I have not visited on the south side of Dickie beach. Just saw this…..

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:42 [Preview] No.761034 del
Multiple hours of rearranging today. Still not done. If only weber enjoyed rearranges this much he'd have plenty of space in all bedrooms.
Went to office works for some storage tubs. Felt the draw but managed to get out without buying heaps of bleep bloop shit I don't need.
You can't have a rearrange without some sundowners... wagon status unpredictable.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:44 [Preview] No.761035 del
>wagon status unpredictable.
New rearrange, week, and wagon.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:44 [Preview] No.761036 del
Grab it, a quick wash in warm soapy water and it will be good to go.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:45 [Preview] No.761037 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:46 [Preview] No.761038 del
Knowing the wine aunts around here I would bet some bitch used it on their dog.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:47 [Preview] No.761039 del
doesn't look like it would fit the silver fox's massive...tail

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:47 [Preview] No.761040 del
they usually get the dog to buss in them innit

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:50 [Preview] No.761041 del
Bust a nut Neet ?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:50 [Preview] No.761042 del
I'm nowhere near as based as he.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:52 [Preview] No.761043 del
Is that normal?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:53 [Preview] No.761044 del
it's normal for me, i'm a fucking loser

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 07:54 [Preview] No.761045 del
Might get gooned and watch catch and cook vlogs for a few hours

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:01 [Preview] No.761046 del
Mini pizdas.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:02 [Preview] No.761047 del
Mexico is as bad as india

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:04 [Preview] No.761048 del
flashers use those.
make you have a monster cock when you flash women on their morning jogs.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:05 [Preview] No.761049 del
they appreciate it more aye

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:09 [Preview] No.761051 del
you want the news to say "flasher with huge cock impresses women on morning walk".

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:11 [Preview] No.761052 del
(4.12 MB 4032x3024 IMG_4782.jpg)

Grabbed a couple burritos on the way home. So fucking kino.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:13 [Preview] No.761053 del
(42.07 KB 871x337 F9CiOF1bIAAMyo6.png)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:16 [Preview] No.761054 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:23 [Preview] No.761056 del
>Grabbed a couple burritos
One is the recommended serving size.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:24 [Preview] No.761057 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:26 [Preview] No.761059 del
Who controls the British Crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:31 [Preview] No.761060 del
(1.96 MB 4032x3024 IMG_4783.jpg)
>if you work you can afford two(2) burritos

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:34 [Preview] No.761061 del
povo neets have to buy a single burrito, and use a second hand penis expander they found on a beach to expand the burrito to double size

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:35 [Preview] No.761062 del
2 seems excessive calories, nuro

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:36 [Preview] No.761063 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:37 [Preview] No.761064 del
(17.21 KB 474x280 Toecutter.jpeg)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:38 [Preview] No.761065 del
That is smart.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:43 [Preview] No.761066 del
garn shops to get some twisties, you neets want anything?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:45 [Preview] No.761067 del
One burrito and a second hand penis pump thanks.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:51 [Preview] No.761068 del
15 standards to commemorate the rearrange.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:52 [Preview] No.761069 del
Wagon tomorrow?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:53 [Preview] No.761070 del
is that you monk?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:53 [Preview] No.761071 del
Aye. Just gonna spend tonight putting some final touches on the hovel and then updating the captains log. No more wagon, we're boarding a ship.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:54 [Preview] No.761072 del
race 4 and 5 albion park greyhounds monk

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:55 [Preview] No.761073 del
>and then updating the captains log.
Light and preliminary update?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:57 [Preview] No.761074 del
Got some of those coles choc chip debickies. They are pretty good.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:58 [Preview] No.761075 del
(258.36 KB 1986x1125 1698043025214748.jpg)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:58 [Preview] No.761076 del
Big glass of orange juice down the hatch. Hope this cold goes away soon.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 08:58 [Preview] No.761077 del
garnado a big poo later

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:01 [Preview] No.761078 del
Stick to the pineapple juice.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:02 [Preview] No.761079 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=KLos-zPF6jY [Embed]
me in 2 years

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:06 [Preview] No.761080 del
>pineapple juice
I don't like it as much.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:07 [Preview] No.761081 del
Falling asleep. Going bed. Good night. I'll be up in an hour or so maybe.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:20 [Preview] No.761082 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:21 [Preview] No.761083 del
Use lemsip. Got rid of my sickness

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:28 [Preview] No.761084 del
(2.37 MB 4032x3024 IMG_4785.jpeg)

NEETs IGAy impersonated me and lied and caused drama. I just got back. I ordered Nacho fries tonight. With heaps of extra sauce to put on some bacon and egg rolls from the bakery tomorrow.

#BO you need to ban this shit sniffer 10years for causing Drama

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:30 [Preview] No.761085 del
Haven't been sick since I had (presumably) covid in 2020. It might be the daily alcohol consumption thats saving me

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:35 [Preview] No.761086 del
>(presumably) covid
The flu.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:36 [Preview] No.761087 del
Nice I just ordered two Big Mac meals on Menulog

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:37 [Preview] No.761088 del
This time last year all the wagies had the flu.
I was the only one at work that wasn't sneezing and hacking up every 5 minutes and they all knew why.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:39 [Preview] No.761090 del
(37.17 KB 600x660 danmaskeg.jpg)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:39 [Preview] No.761091 del
>two Big Mac meals
Dual wielding!

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:40 [Preview] No.761092 del
(17.81 KB 509x339 paranoid-frog.jpg)
or social isolation

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:41 [Preview] No.761093 del
I stopped going to Dan's after the cuck passes and taking russian standard off the shelves.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:46 [Preview] No.761094 del
(65.98 KB 669x907 dan-medicine.jpg)
Dan medicine best medicine

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:55 [Preview] No.761095 del
Fell asleep by accident. Dreamed about the jungle.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 09:58 [Preview] No.761096 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 10:05 [Preview] No.761097 del
I had some pretty fucked up dreams last night
Can't remember them tho

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 10:06 [Preview] No.761098 del
were there any namedneets in your dreams?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 10:22 [Preview] No.761099 del
I only ate one. Put the other in the fridge

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 10:28 [Preview] No.761100 del
I dreamed about the snake that got cut in half.
I survived man, the snake didn't survive, that's all that matters.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 10:36 [Preview] No.761101 del
im finna act up fr

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 10:40 [Preview] No.761102 del
Bussin ongod?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:06 [Preview] No.761103 del
Drove to GL's

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:12 [Preview] No.761104 del
wagon tomorrow?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:13 [Preview] No.761105 del
What happened between this
and this?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:20 [Preview] No.761106 del
Rearrange got me feeling accomplished and deserving.


NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:23 [Preview] No.761108 del
(41.92 KB 618x412 chopper.jpg)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:32 [Preview] No.761109 del
Dang, time flys...

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:37 [Preview] No.761110 del
Budget cuts means we have to drive to the next thread.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:46 [Preview] No.761111 del
this would never have happened during the 80s. how do I get out of this zoomer nightmare?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:57 [Preview] No.761112 del
Big lizzo

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 11:59 [Preview] No.761113 del
Are your tyres pumped?

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 12:00 [Preview] No.761114 del
Nuro and IGA are the same

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 12:06 [Preview] No.761115 del
(143.35 KB 1170x772 F8ck8kHbYAAiM4m.jpg)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 12:07 [Preview] No.761116 del
(131.17 KB 1024x1024 1698051915680326.jpg)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 12:08 [Preview] No.761117 del
You pay her 35%

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 12:16 [Preview] No.761118 del
Thinking about the cas

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 12:53 [Preview] No.761122 del
Defect defect I'm a reject
I need a fuckin factory reset

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 12:58 [Preview] No.761123 del
(51.60 KB 728x768 ppir.webp)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 12:59 [Preview] No.761124 del
(85.93 KB 2965x1840 td.webp)

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 13:08 [Preview] No.761129 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 13:10 [Preview] No.761131 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 13:10 [Preview] No.761132 del
Can't stop burping.

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 13:10 [Preview] No.761133 del

NEET 10/23/2023 (Mon) 13:10 [Preview] No.761134 del

NEET 10/25/2023 (Wed) 08:37 [Preview] No.761569 del
I am stealthily adding this post to declare my love for Mongaro. No-one will see it.

NEET 10/25/2023 (Wed) 08:37 [Preview] No.761570 del
Sexy little twink I would suck him dry. No cap.

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