10/26/2024 (Sat) 10:50
No.914804 [X]
Slice up the mushrooms, throw them in a pan, add a bit of water. First gonna steam them through with that water instead of fat because they can take up lotsa fats, and that's unnecessary.
Chop onion fine, fry them in lard until glassy. Salt em. When they are ready add ground red paprika, turn the heat down and stir quick, because it can burn. Add the mushroom, mix it well. Add water, let it boil, then simmer. Add more spices to your liking, salt, pepper, red paprika. You can add actual paprika and tomaters. Cook it until whatever, liek until the water gets reduced to a thick gravy. Fresh mushrooms don't need a lot of cooking.
I fry chippies with em.