perfect if you just want to randomly chill while yuriposting and not getting bashed“how is 8chan moe Yuri all different than other” you may asked?
>Allowed contentsEverything that is not heterosexual* or CP. This includes content of Western origin (2D or tv series), real person shipping and extreme/weird content
>Moderation that cares about its usersPost that seek to harm fellow users or harass what they like will be removed on sight. After all a community is not built by grifters.
>futanari content (futayuri to be precise. we are still predominantly a yuri board** after all): no other English-speaking yuri community I know of approve of futanari as part of yuri
and I have 2 guesses why:
-yuri purist who maintain their perceived traditional yuri value. Of course the ‘traditional’ here refer to how yuri always was. But if we are using Japan's standard, for some of futa hentai, writing futa is a story device, a mean to an end for girls to carry out their romance. That’s it, futanari are female with a dick grow on them without disqualifying it from being yuri***
-despite dabbling in 2D, western users associate “girls with schlong” with IRL transsexuals. This carry into 2D as what they recognize as “female”. Japan doesn’t really have anything against ts (or confuse futa with transsexual on that matter)
>what’s the catch of this board-*Our basis is using original gender. This isn’t exhentai so MtF interaction with original female(s) is banned (this rule have ton of loopholes)
-our slow pace (if you mostly want immediate response)
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