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New Chronology Grammar Nazi 04/24/2016 (Sun) 11:33:29 [Preview] No. 50
Here are the first four of the seven English translations of Anatoly Fomenko's series History: Fact or Fiction.

Anonymous 09/07/2018 (Fri) 21:36:03 [Preview] No.286 del
OP, your take on it?

Anonymous 09/08/2018 (Sat) 00:15:23 [Preview] No.288 del
Not the OP but I did upload most of the files here.

I am thoroughly convinced Fomenko & Nosovsky are correct with there general thesis. That does not mean that I accept all their conclusions and ideas, though. But IMO the concept that history is literally junk before the 1600/1700 has been proved conclusively by them and plenty others (keep in mind that the subject is not new: Newton disagreed with the Egyptian chronology, and Morozov in the 1920s originated the 'New Chronology').

Careful if you're reading OP's books, several of their conclusions have been updated since the early 2000s. You'd have to read the latest editions in Russian to have access to their results. (chronologia.org)

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