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Bridges General Anon 12/29/2018 (Sat) 09:48 [Preview] No. 2992 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to Bridges General /bg/. This thread is for the discussion of our beloved Dolores Umbridge and bridges in general. Feel free to comment, discus or post greens about our beloved excommie pone and her true calling.

Bridge discussion is not necessarily limited to those in the structural sense, though it is generally recommend that the object of discussion must function as a connection between to points (Space Bridge, ants forming an organic bridge, etc).

Basic information on bridges and there purpose.

Basic information on Dolores as she is canonically portrayed in the show.
104 posts and 112 images omitted.

Anon 04/21/2022 (Thu) 10:16:42 [Preview] No.8222 del
A majestic PoLS related to...

...well, Dolores and majestic aren't exactly the most fitting words that anyone would come up with at first. However,there is some serious room in order to make her look like that without any issue.

By the way, after such a long time since the last reply,I would like to point out that if you see the tags category (on Derpibooru),she (52349) has just surpassed Derpy Hooves (52115) in terms of registered pictures/material related to her in general.

A silent growth that we take it as a given but one should realize about her impact whether one likes her or not.

For now,I'll let that sink in and thus, bump this thread to page 1

Anon 04/21/2022 (Thu) 10:18:06 [Preview] No.8223 del
And the other (header) picture (of /endpone/) that I forgot to post next to the one that I have recently uploaded.

Anon 04/22/2022 (Fri) 06:58:53 [Preview] No.8224 del
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Dolores might be silence but she has spread heavily, for better or worse.

>she (52349) has just surpassed Derpy Hooves (52115) in terms of registered pictures/material related to her in general.
That I admit, almost feels wrong, though she, techically, as a antagonist, main character for two seasons, side character of significant importance for two more does make sense. As Glimglam, she has been somepony I have always felt iffy about, but as our mascot Dolores Umbridge I can't simply dislike her.

>For now,I'll let that sink in and thus, bump this thread to page 1
Worthy bump. Worth trips.

Anon 04/22/2022 (Fri) 06:59:50 [Preview] No.8225 del
(827.64 KB 904x674 22983.png)
>endchan ate one of my files

Anon 04/22/2022 (Fri) 07:01:12 [Preview] No.8226 del
Haven't seen this in awhile. A mysterious file that doesn't want to be uploaded on endchan. This will require further experimentation...

(145.99 KB 1140x1200 Fs-75FbWwAAa0Dx.jpg)
sexy pones Anon 08/29/2023 (Tue) 07:10 [Preview] No. 8759 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
post em

Anon Board owner 08/29/2023 (Tue) 08:49 [Preview] No.8760 del
While technically it isn't against the rules to have another NSFW thread; unspoiled NSFW is only allowed on:
and even then, anons usually err on the side of caution. A mix of an in practice more SFW culture here and a distaste from various unwanted fetishes on other boards being unspoiled freely.

(353.55 KB 487x512 761_Sem_Titulo.png)
Anon 09/28/2023 (Thu) 14:02 [Preview] No. 8798 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Are there any living beings on this board? I hope I'm not the only one here.
29 posts and 32 images omitted.

Anon 10/05/2023 (Thu) 16:51 [Preview] No.8834 del
>I go back because it's a shared world, and high-magic, and low-humans.
Yeah, you've said that before.
It's always been about participation for me. I like Diane when she's making jokes for the audience, because those are the most forceful in asking for a response. When she doesn't do it like in Party of One she loses what makes her good.
I wonder what MLP would look like with Ultima IV's story structure. Just a random thought, it feels like there could be a connection between the two. At least, reading a book feels like a goal appropriate to Twilight.
I think I've seen it at the time.

Anon 10/09/2023 (Mon) 02:34 [Preview] No.8835 del
>When she doesn't do it like in Party of One she loses what makes her good.
Pinkie Pie is best when she is Pinkie Pie in other words. I never found her fully flanderized as badly as some did, but they did sometimes forget her character at points. More often later on. There is a certain balance between silly, carefree, and weird, versus random, stupid, and crazy. A line that most can't even walk but Pinkie Pie was one the best that at least tried to stay in the former compared to many IPs now in our hyper internet desensitize era.

>Ultima IV
That actually sounds like a interesting idea.

/flutter/ certainly seems like a mysterious bunch. Considering /endpone/'s track record, I think you should never give up at BO turning up again. Especially if you read between the lines a little...

Anon 10/13/2023 (Fri) 01:55 [Preview] No.8838 del
(145.26 KB 620x380 PieViking.png)
Just know that, if you ever want to post some pone, you are welcome here.

>It's always been about participation for me. I like Diane when she's making jokes for the audience, because those are the most forceful in asking for a response.
I like this articulation. IF that wording makes any sense. I know some people hate the forthwall jokes and her "goofiness" but it really is like how anon above put it:
>There is a certain balance between silly, carefree, and weird, versus random, stupid, and crazy. A line that most can't even walk but Pinkie Pie was one the best that at least tried to stay in the former compared to many IPs now in our hyper internet desensitize era.

ALbeit, I didn't mind Pinkie Pie in Party of One, but I can understand not liking that enough.

>/flutter/ certainly seems like a mysterious bunch
It is personal context and memes stored up over time. To be fair, Even /endpone/ anons can seem a bit cryptic at times. I do not know all the politics that was going on there and I ain't gonna pry too deeply over it.

>I think you should never give up at BO turning up again.
Yes, I haven't given up the idea that if he is still out there he might one day pop his head around here and say "hi" anyway.

Especially if you read between the lines a little...

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anon 10/16/2023 (Mon) 01:44 [Preview] No.8841 del
>It is personal context and memes stored up over time. To be fair, Even /endpone/ anons can seem a bit cryptic at times.
I agree that /endpone/ has a touch of that. I guess it is what happens when close knit groups of anons stay together for a long time.

>I ain't
Southerner detected.

>What do you mean?
In a board as tiny as /flutter/, what are the chances that, >>8291, is confused or if the BO of /flutter/ might be the same guy?

Anon 10/20/2023 (Fri) 01:45 [Preview] No.8844 del
(193.32 KB 800x595 PrivateEyes.png)
>I guess it is what happens when close knit groups of anons stay together for a long time.
A /flutter/ anon once made a pretty similar observation.

>Southerner detected.
Yeah, Texan (which some would dispute being part of the south, but close enough). I don't have the "Texas Twang" too strong but certainly lexicon and expressions. Albeit, ain't, ain't always was a southern thing. Nowadays, some of them certainly have spread... for better or worse.

> In a board as tiny as /flutter/, what are the chances that, >>8291, is confused or if the BO of /flutter/ might be the same guy?
That is what I have considered. Albeit something that will probably remain unconfirmed unless I dig around or one of the anons in question shows up. Have toyed with that but also never wanted to pry too far.

Cyoa Anon 01/12/2016 (Tue) 03:22 [Preview] No. 36 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
CYOAs, what do you think about them

Anon 01/12/2016 (Tue) 03:36:04 [Preview] No. 37 del
They're alright, never was able to stick with any though. I prefer a straight up story, because they often have an end at some point.

Anon 01/16/2016 (Sat) 12:42:58 [Preview] No. 66 del
ok, but i can't be assed to follow/read a shit long greentext. so keep them sort (1-5 threads)

Anon 01/16/2016 (Sat) 15:20:47 [Preview] No. 67 del
They are a fantastic image-board artistic endeavor. I would like to say they are something new, but the general form has been around since the early days, after undergraduates gained access to campus email systems.

Quick drawn minimalistic art is the best. Drawn quests have an advantage over plain text.

Pony quests should be fun, but the few I've tried (elsewhere) to jump in on rapidly dived into what was maximally edgy and obscene. Not that I'm looking for something that could run scene for scene and word for word as an actual televised episode, but damn.

Anon 01/25/2016 (Mon) 02:46:21 [Preview] No. 93 del
They're nice in moderation, it helps when they have a talented drawfag.

Anon 01/25/2016 (Mon) 03:20 [Preview] No. 94 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Anon 01/25/2016 (Mon) 03:27:56 [Preview] No. 95 del

Anon 01/27/2016 (Wed) 19:11:44 [Preview] No. 102 del

Anon 01/31/2016 (Sun) 16:56:23 [Preview] No. 103 del

Anon 12/07/2016 (Wed) 13:26:50 [Preview] No. 231 del

/go/ - Golden Oaks General #2 Anon 12/20/2023 (Wed) 10:22 [Preview] No. 9086 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to Golden Oaks! Sit back and get /confy/ and dive into the vast amounts of data across the web that has been generated by the MLP fandom.

What is Golden Oaks?
Golden Oaks is /endpone/'s archival and analysis thread devoted to the rather broad topic of the fandom itself. Active archival is a major feature, but a variety of topics are also active points of discussion. From analysis of trends and situations, to self reflection and representation.

What is Golden Oaks not?
Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

What is this place?
This is the Endchan's pony board. While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a fairly distinct culture as can be with a handful of anons and drifters. /go/ welcomes outside contributions. Feel free to look around.
Current /NMAiE/: >>8915
912 posts and 824 images omitted.

Restored torrent Anon 05/12/2024 (Sun) 14:03 [Preview] No.10351 del
This torrent has been restored to 100% complete! As seen by multiple datapoints, it was only partially available for months or years. I worked on restoring it months ago, finished today:

More collections of MLP books:
. YayPonies
. My Little Pony book collection v2
.. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:47a39a5a3817bc6f33f069c924a33509e85fb311&dn=My%20Little%20Pony%20book%20collection%20v2
. mlpbooks
.. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e918b8a664430fa353e75163935d62fea500ab74&dn=mlpbooks
... this is v3 or v1

Rare (I also have this):

That folder is not entirely npr. Lyric video oPz-ClsvN7U -- https://quicknode.quicknode-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafybeicm4rldh5agmbi2zt4dxoqpmujvxm7yksbd27we5vyitiylzen66e/YouTube/y2mate.com%20-%20pink_guy_kill_yourself_lyric_video_oPz-ClsvN7U_360p.mp4 -- references My Little Pony.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 04:01 [Preview] No.10361 del
(180.98 KB 1024x1024 1703806581866.jpg)
>Torrent: [Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale
This ESRGAN upscale has been offline for days now (no last seen complete). I have 96.6% of it. Different 4K MLP thing (~700 GB):
. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y5Xw6n4nGwiaISG85dikEmXxtR-AgLbN
.. subfolder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wYOBiI7gY6ecGo4CjLOrcLiN02ROIE21

>Torrent: ~1 terabyte of full images from 4chan /mlp/
Also offline today (no LSC). I have 88.2% of it

>>10353 (cross-thread)
>ipfs://QmbnXCdzdtijip5F35PgkZRAmTBu7MPdsU1po7AXUJG5Bn [semi-online, index]
Somewhat of an MLP-related folder, such as subfolder:

pic maybe unrelated

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 04:50 [Preview] No.10362 del

...but hold your horses,I still have a postor two to make there.Which should be done within the next 6 hours (normal life interruption).

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 06:19 [Preview] No.10364 del
Earlier, I think you asked about links to include in the OP. I thought about this, but never said it - this software:

I wish I would have known about grab-site like 5 years ago back when I had a chance to save a set of sites that were slated to get deleted and AT was unwilling to help me. I cared about those site, but many images and webpages were nonetheless lost forever. Run grab-site in Linux (which is easier than running a fancy wget/wpull command which does about the same thing) and it will download all or part of a website.

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 09:55 [Preview] No.10372 del

I was thinking more of a early post with a lot of useful info (though yeah, it might make sense to put a few of those things in the OP as well), and I did place it as the most recommend option for full site archival:>>10367
You had mentioned it before and this was actually in the draft. So I think we are good there!

(629.81 KB 1006x1547 00000.jpg)
Comic thread Anon 07/05/2018 (Thu) 13:10 [Preview] No. 1627 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Maybe we could use the /end/ for archiving comics and check them out if we are bored or we have nothing else to post for hiatuses or dead periods.

As far the way a comic should be posted, instead of posting 5 images in just one post, I think it should fit a balance: 1 image for the first (the cover) and then two pages, feeling like you are a reading a physical one.
I am posting Tempest´s one for now but yayponies has all of them and we can share some opinions or make them visible over here...just because.

Anyway, here it goes.
291 posts and 447 images omitted.

Anon 08/07/2022 (Sun) 22:14:00 [Preview] No.8378 del
(1.39 MB 1080x1660 17.png)
(1.29 MB 1080x1660 18.png)
(1.32 MB 1080x1660 19.png)
(1.30 MB 1080x1660 20_.png)
(1.52 MB 1080x1660 21.png)
And that's a wrap.

Anon 08/07/2022 (Sun) 22:34:57 [Preview] No.8379 del
Another review I guess.

This comic was rather meh. It is serviceable as a kids comic but compared to similar slice of life in G4 I found it a bit lacking in... something. I am not sure if this was merely simple and predictable after coming off a somewhat lore heavy story with a major G4 character or if it is G5 more modern setting making such a story feel rather mundane compared to what would occur in G4. I am someone who does not object to slice of life or view them as "filler" but this just left a bit to be desired.

>Considering where we last left off this caught me off guard with them just back home chatting on how to find Discord.
Speaking of that, supposedly the search for Discord is going to be more of a "season" arc a normal comic story arc lasting a handful of issues. At least that is what I have seen speculated.

Unfortunately have to go before I can reply to anything else. See you around /endpone/.

Anon 02/11/2024 (Sun) 05:16 [Preview] No.9564 del
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(2.45 MB 2048x1152 Roots.png)
Am I somehow to understand IDW actually ran so dry of material we have a comic after the fashion of the Hearthswarming Pageant episode but retelling the wizard of oz but in Equestria, which is Odd ?

I guess so.
Also there may be a new build of FiM-the-game in the works. Get your C&Ds ready colts, we're summoning Scootermina, who looks like Pinkamena but with a palette swap

Anon 02/12/2024 (Mon) 04:52 [Preview] No.9570 del
FiM comics has entered its Disney phase of recycling stuff from a limited pool of public domain works? I mean, something like this I could see as a "for fun" side project, but I am not in tune with the comics (I need to get back to it though...) and I can easily imagine, from the angle of FiM G4, them both running out of ideas and trying to not do anything big to contradict whatever is going on in G5's comics/show. Such a thing would be stupid, considering G4's own comics contradicted FiM all the time and were ignored, but with cases like Star Trek's old "novelverse" being literally destroyed to not confuse people with new tie in novels I can't put it past some corporate marketing logic going on in there.

Speaking of comics:
The Amulet of Shades, I can't fully vouch for the "different" feeling that anon feels but I dig the art style of the early pages. Other than some slightly misshapen proportions some of the shading and detail in here is very well executed.

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 05:14 [Preview] No.9644 del
Oh, I agree some parts look sick, but, it also gives off...

how do I say it? A otherworldly and surrealness that caught me off guard. I need to dig through to find an example.

I Saw The /Sun/ Anon 08/15/2018 (Wed) 15:32 [Preview] No. 1857 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Like a phoenix, she gets revived until the end of our days. The first princess to appear into this generation, the first princess who started the wild ride back in December 2017 and the one who will see our paths ending.

Call her majesty, call her princess, call her mentor of harmony, call her troll or just call her Celestia. She is raising the sun everyday, always there to shine in front of us with loyalty.

This is the first official thread dedicated to her. Post any pics, greens or content related about her (her sister is welcome as well) by following these two rules:

1.One image per post if possible so we appreciate any picture of her more than posting them all at once.
2. Always follow this line:


And so, a new thread, a new day begins...
334 posts and 339 images omitted.

Anon 06/29/2023 (Thu) 09:10 [Preview] No.8699 del
(408.68 KB 1771x2048 6733400.jpg)

Anon 07/15/2023 (Sat) 07:57 [Preview] No.8721 del
(247.85 KB 1170x657 full.png)
This drawing puts me very much in mind of the .gif in
When I was offered an emergency drop of Princess.

We're in the middle of what some in my circle are pronouncing twenty twenty free.
Here's to hoping the princesses win decisively; Littlepip won't always be that little.

Anon 07/18/2023 (Tue) 08:41 [Preview] No.8722 del
(714.78 KB 767x600 PrincessesVsSombra.png)
>Here's to hoping the princesses win decisively; Littlepip won't always be that little.
Here here! /) and I hope your year has been doing you well!

>We're in the middle of what some in my circle are pronouncing twenty twenty free.
Do you still say two thousand? It is interesting as I still pronounce that way, sometimes... I suppose it is a hold over in a similar sense of still saying "video taping" over simply "recording". Albeit I am probably a little two young for either.

Anon 10/20/2023 (Fri) 01:43 [Preview] No.8843 del
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(21.85 KB 1602x2214 3037965.png)
PoLSeapony, or two!

Hope everypony is doing well out there as we get close to Nightmare night! and staying safe with the drum beat of war going on lately.

Anon 02/22/2024 (Thu) 11:02 [Preview] No.9627 del
(526.83 KB 1059x1200 2626579.jpeg)
I wonder what burden Celestia did carry. Have heavy did it way on her? How much her soul was guilt ridden and defeated from it all.

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/go/ - Golden Oaks General Anon 01/07/2019 (Mon) 06:02 [Preview] No. 3148 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to Golden Oaks! Sit back and get /confy/ and dive into the vast amounts of data across the web that has been generated by the MLP fandom.

What is Golden Oaks?
Golden Oaks isn't quite sure exactly how to define itself yet. It is devoted to a rather nebulous topic of the fandom itself with an archival mindset. It will vary from as diverse subjects as academic research done on the fandom to even the discussion of old dead pony memes and trends past and present. With perhaps some self reflection as well.

What is Golden Oaks not?
Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

What is this place?
This is the endchan's pony board. While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a somewhat distinct culture as can be with 3 anons and the occasional drifter . /go/ welcomes outside contributions. Feel free to look around.
Current NMAiE: >>8915
Edit note, updated general to current /NMAiE/.
Edited last time by dolor on 12/04/2023 (Mon) 12:30.
529 posts and 531 images omitted.

Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 07:19 [Preview] No.9097 del
(1.34 MB 2471x3448 Leaving_Away.jpg)
As per usual, a little late and a bit of a bumpy landing. Went through way too much struggle just to get a handful of posts out. Outside the site going offline when I first tried this. It wasn't Endchan's fault, but a variety of IRL factors on my end.

Bye to what has been one whirlwind of a thread. Certainly bore witness to a lot of changes and am haunted that when this thread was made, the show was still on the air. Even if we were far from the golden days (however one defines them), it was still something of a golden time for me in many ways.

>It's crushing when a HDD is basically/seemingly dead and I did nothing wrong to result in its failure. The only maybe bad thing I did was use an older USB cable that might be bad. Not sure if it realy was bad, and if it was, would that even matter? Perhaps I was unlucky or ripped off by the manufacturer or other related entities. With all SMART Attributes bellow,
It might be a lemon. In mass manufactured products, especially electronic devices, there is always going to be a few that fail for no good reason other reason.

Another thing: Did you order the drive online? If it was shipped to you, improperly packed or mishandled, it might have a impact on its life even if it didn't cause it to fail right away.

Sometimes cheap drives can be scams, even when they say its new, ebay, amazon, and newegg sellers are a little notorious for it. I am assuming this is new.


Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anon 12/22/2023 (Fri) 10:10 [Preview] No.9108 del
Found this old comic series today called My Little Pony: Friendship is Betrayal. Some links:

The comic was hosted on this webcomics hosting site which seems to have other pony-related webcomics too: https://comicfury.com/search.php?query=&tags=My+Little+Pony%3A+Friendship+is+Magic
There aren't many of them at all so it shouldn't be difficult to get them backed up.

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 03:21 [Preview] No.9257 del
I know there's another thread but it's looking cluttered so I'll be posting here instead. It's going to be a long time before this thread reaches the very end of the catalog anyway (if ever). Feel free to cross-post to the other thread.

Found a couple of pony ROM hacks on this ROMhacking.net
Pony Poki Panic: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/791/
My Little Pony: Dr. Discord's Conquest: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1731/
There could be more. I merely searched "pony".

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 12:51 [Preview] No.9943 del
(1018.35 KB 1037x744 60803 - SoyBooru.png)
>Welcome to Golden Oaks! Sit back and get /confy/ and dive into the vast amounts of data across the web that has been generated by the MLP fandom.

>What is Golden Oaks?
>Golden Oaks isn't quite sure exactly how to define itself yet. It is devoted to a rather nebulous topic of the fandom itself with an archival mindset. It will vary from as diverse subjects as academic research done on the fandom to even the discussion of old dead pony memes and trends past and present. With perhaps some self reflection as well.

>What is Golden Oaks not?
>Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

>What is this place?
>This is the endchan's pony board. While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a somewhat distinct culture as can be with 3 anons and the occasional drifter . /go/ welcomes outside contributions. >Feel free to look around.
>Current NMAiE: >>8915
>Edit note, updated general to current /NMAiE/.

Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 13:54 [Preview] No.10090 del
>60803 - SoyBooru.png
I saw this image in that site:

I wonder if Imgflip is "dying" in 2022 and after.

(2.34 MB 3662x2407 2488963.jpg)
NMAiE General Bridgefag 12/04/2020 (Fri) 08:07 [Preview] No. 6987 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Not Much Activity in /Endpone/

Comos has sure taken the fandom for a wild ride; though chaos can be exciting, it is also tiring. So why not let harmony reign for awhile?

After all, we maybe at the end of the universe, but sometimes that can be better than the center of the storm.


/endpone/´s sticky thread (with the updated rules): >>5559

The /chat/ thread (meant for casual conversations among /endpone/ users): >>5562

Post Gen 4 Discussion Thread (including several episode spotlights): >>5314

The /Seapone/ thread (created during the 10th anniversary): >>6625

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

504 posts and 645 images omitted.

Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 07:12 [Preview] No.8907 del
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Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 07:42 [Preview] No.8909 del
(526.19 KB 800x400 ColorfulCadance.png)
This thread is now FINISHED and past the bump limit.

Congrats everypony on getting there, as long as it took this time, /)

Onward to a new /NMAiE/!

Anon 12/04/2023 (Mon) 09:06 [Preview] No.8911 del
One last post on this thread before it gets pushed of.

Goodbye old and longer lasting /NMAiE/!

Anon 12/09/2023 (Sat) 10:36 [Preview] No.8999 del
(262.29 KB 582x600 SeaponeCadance.png)
(68.49 KB 600x600 SeaponeCadance2.jpeg)
Not as much high quality art of Seapony Cadance as I would like. I do admit that is a bit niche though I guess that is one of the things AI is for now.