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/endpone/ 1.5 Update and News Anon Board owner 12/04/2023 (Mon) 08:56 [Preview] No. 8910 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Minor changes and a few other things.

The update I have long teased is finally here. Not the biggest thing in the world but worthy of a announcement sticky.

Synchronized Rewatch Thread >>6985' is now launched for real. Details here: >>8889

Bunker: In the event of Endchan being wiped off the face of the earth, flee to here for now: https://8chan.moe/pone It is not a continuation of /endpone/ but a general bunker/secondary pony board held under friendly hooves. A more formal bunker maybe set up at some point later or organized post destruction depending on circumstances (that hopefully never will come or at least be at a point when we are better prepped).

The /chat/ thread is now cyclic: >>5562 The idea behind it to encourage more short form and casual discussion and a place to dump off topic posts nopony cares about too much. In reality, I am not sure much will change, but a worthy experiment. Higher effort random posts can still be posted to /NMAiE/, and to be honest, the board always can meander a bit in conversation.

The old NSFW no spoilers required on our NSFW thread: >>5560 has been revised. We have always been in practice more SFW than some boards around these parts and no one ever took advantage of the special exception for that thread. Plus, certain more extreme fetish content was not except from that anyway. TD;LR: normal chan spoiler rules now in place.

New banner has been added to the board, which wouldn't be worth mentioning if not for that if my recollection is correct, we haven't added one since 2019! I don't mind our banners being of a smaller number and a lot of them feel more special and carry a certain context, but certain things, like Seaponies, /go/, or the writefag thread probably warrant some representation. Here is my partial attempt to remedy one of those.

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Anon Board owner 03/22/2020 (Sun) 00:57 [Preview] No. 5559 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /pone/! Or as we often call ourselves to differentiate from 8chan/8kun's /pone/ board, /endpone/. The pony board at the end of the known universe. This board is a bit different from most other pony boards on the internet and has generally composed of a tight knit group 2 to 3 core users. Though we welcome any old stragglers who come by. It can be a bit creepy so far out but our bat ponies and bridges can be pretty friendly once you get to know them. Maybe you can find a home here too?

Our rules: https://endchan.net/pone/rules.html

Somethings to keep in mind:
1 Follow the rules of Endchan. Don't do anything illegal.
2 This board has been in practice more SFW oriented, but NSFW has never been explicitly banned. Do to difference in taste and people's definitions of what counts as overly grotesque, a general spoiler rule has been put in place in all threads.
3 This board is not /mlp/, 8/pone, /mlpol/ or Ponychan. Not saying this board is the most unique or wonderful place in the world but a posting style and a limited culture has arisen that is distinct from those models and is arguably in sometimes in contrast. Expect sometimes long meandering discussions jumping randomly from topic to topic and experimental projects of various levels of merit. We also recognize that board culture is not finite and could easily evolve with what any new anon or two could bring something to the table that could alter things significantly. Just don't bring in a mentality of endless low quality threads and shitposting like glimmmmmer! to X is cucked. It would ruin the board and will not be tolerated.
Edited last time by dolor on 11/21/2023 (Tue) 02:43.

/go/ - Golden Oaks General #3 Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 03:37 [Preview] No. 10357 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to Golden Oaks! Sit back and get /comfy/ and dive into the vast amounts of data across the web that has been generated by the MLP fandom.

What is Golden Oaks?
Golden Oaks is /endpone/'s archival and analysis thread devoted to the rather broad topic of the fandom itself. Active archival is a major feature, but a variety of topics are also active points of discussion. From analysis of trends and situations, to self reflection and representation (Some /tech/ discussion related to that end is welcome as well!).

What is Golden Oaks not?
Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

What is this place?
This is the Endchan's pony board. While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a fairly distinct culture as can be with a handful of anons and drifters. /go/ welcomes outside contributions. Feel free to look around.
Current /NMAiE/: >>8915

A new thread has been created:>>10356 /culture/ (...and More!) for better discussion of certain niche topics and deep dives when this thread is too cluttered or topics that maybe too tangential but still useful.

Earlier /go/ Threads:

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

224 posts and 363 images omitted.

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 07:20 [Preview] No.10712 del
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>. I'm still looking for stuff such as this (which Google Drive folder was that in?):
Something you might have posted earlier. Would me scanning this thread and previous help you out?

>Music which I listened to on-loop (seems to be from G5)
>Motivational Rainbow Dash :)
I am only half way MYM (though it could be TYT) through so avoiding for spoiler, no need to spoiler that though, I am just noting my personal avoidance.

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 08:18 [Preview] No.10718 del
2014 video not in TPA - "Green Day - Saint Jimmy [PMV featuring Chrysalis]":
. "Bag of dope" seen in that video
. Small channel
. Most instances don't show the amount of dislikes that a video has, and privacydev.net is the only one I know of that does that.

Wayback Machine does not save Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) parameters in URLs. Those are used for tracking and advertisements. Might be able to capture those via open redirects such as:

I wasn't really paying attention when first/recently watching and listening to that. If I would have focused more, I guess that I too would have avoided it to avoid spoilers.

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 08:44 [Preview] No.10719 del
I think for G5, this is more of an after party someone can choose to join or leave at anytime. I wouldn't fret on being spoilered in the same way for FiM and I don't mean that in an insulting way to G5, issues it does have aside. I say if you find something you like, why not?

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 09:01 [Preview] No.10720 del
>I have something for post #10358.
The "only MLP-focused onionsite" is down. As of:
2024-07-21 10:44:34 UTC
2024-07-22 08:55:30 UTC

Control test:
>$ TZ=UTC torsocks wget --spider http://endchancxfbnrfgauuxlztwlckytq7rgeo5v6pc2zd4nyqo3khfam4ad.onion
>Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
>--2024-07-21 10:46:06-- http://endchancxfbnrfgauuxlztwlckytq7rgeo5v6pc2zd4nyqo3khfam4ad.onion/
>Resolving endchancxfbnrfgauuxlztwlckytq7rgeo5v6pc2zd4nyqo3khfam4ad.onion (endchancxfbnrfgauuxlztwlckytq7rgeo5v6pc2zd4nyqo3khfam4ad.onion)...
>Connecting to endchancxfbnrfgauuxlztwlckytq7rgeo5v6pc2zd4nyqo3khfam4ad.onion (endchancxfbnrfgauuxlztwlckytq7rgeo5v6pc2zd4nyqo3khfam4ad.onion)||:80... connected.
>HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>Length: 21794 (21K) [text/html]
>Remote file exists and could contain further links,
>but recursion is disabled -- not retrieving.

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Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 09:07 [Preview] No.10721 del
The "only My Little Pony-focused onionsite" is offline/gone, as of 2024-07. I have WARC(s) of less than roughly 10% or 20% of that site which was bcts7bblfzr4qyckcp6bvxc2svlnbdtsxunl6dcd5mwxhjm5dpttbqad.onion

>$ TZ=UTC torsocks wget --spider http://bcts7bblfzr4qyckcp6bvxc2svlnbdtsxunl6dcd5mwxhjm5dpttbqad.onion
>Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
>--2024-07-21 10:46:34-- http://bcts7bblfzr4qyckcp6bvxc2svlnbdtsxunl6dcd5mwxhjm5dpttbqad.onion/
>Resolving bcts7bblfzr4qyckcp6bvxc2svlnbdtsxunl6dcd5mwxhjm5dpttbqad.onion (bcts7bblfzr4qyckcp6bvxc2svlnbdtsxunl6dcd5mwxhjm5dpttbqad.onion)...
>Connecting to bcts7bblfzr4qyckcp6bvxc2svlnbdtsxunl6dcd5mwxhjm5dpttbqad.onion (bcts7bblfzr4qyckcp6bvxc2svlnbdtsxunl6dcd5mwxhjm5dpttbqad.onion)||:80... 1721558839 ERROR torsocks[2041398]: Host unreachable (in socks5_recv_connect_reply() at socks5.c:539)
>failed: No route to host.
>$ # not in Tor's DHT or whatever

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/endpone/ Special Event: Synchronized Rewatch Thread Anon 12/04/2020 (Fri) 07:48 [Preview] No. 6985 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This is intended as a thread for synchronized rewatches of Friendship is Magic. Plural because I am uncertain of the details and if it'll be one event or several mini-events.

Note: for general FiM discussion, reviews and spotlights outside of here go to our Post Fim discussion thread >>5314
103 posts and 166 images omitted.

Anon 07/21/2024 (Sun) 06:25 [Preview] No.10708 del
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>In our discussions it's serving as a sort of nexus of all sort of more abstract feelings,
I like that wording, and yes I agree. I have often debated myself why I liked it and got so sucked in/still drawn to even the simpler stuff and I don't have one answer. I think a feeling of haunting inspired by some of the fanfiction and fan works played a part in getting me into it for example but... I don't know. community there is a slight brotherhood but also a feeling that I always was a bit of an outsider/minatory among there. How good is the show and why does it have it's effect? Taking off nostalgia and trying to be objective I do think this show has some areas where it does standout but quality itself I don't think is the only factor. Abstract nexus of emotions it is. my own somewhat sucky teen years?

As for other franchises/things. This is in its own category but I am not sure if it is fair/easy to compare. Closest is probably Bionicle where I feel something sort of special like that, but even then, that is also different and abstract. Feels like a lot of it is Apples and Oranges and I don't know if I should be factoring in bananas!

>why it's a joy to read the perspective of someone who is gifted in that regard!
Gifted is a strong word. I might even be stupid! My eyes though, always, since I was pretty young, would pay attention to background ideas in various things. Gradually developed an eye for it I suppose. My knowledge of flash is itself rudimentary. I have done some animation, mostly handdrawn when I was young, some experiments with ponies. I don't consider it the best but that also does play apart in me paying attention.

>The fact that it's children's media exacerbates this response, naturally, but "don't think deeply into it" is the phrase that really angers me as it crops up all over the place, this pervasive idea that really, keeping your nose in the grime and muck is what matters, as if the grime and muck itself could not convince you of it's own meaninglessness and worthlessness.
Allegory and meta can have meaning and transcendence, if not for the fact often poisoned by cynicism and over seriousness. Actually, partial rain check, next episode review this may fit considering that is supposed to be an allegory for a real world thing.

>To my mind it takes a special type of soulless person to not need even a modicum of transcendence beyond the mere material reality in their life to make things worthwhile.
I more often see people thinking darkness is depth and that kid's shows can't have depth like that because of being unserious, (Tolkien is for babies because his world was idealistic and thus simple). I would make exceptions because I think several different groups have made I think some of that pushback can be exhaustion from battles of overly serious nerds and the artificalness of modern megacorps (Marvel content for content sake) I wouldn't call soulless in that way even if I have seen that attitude unfortunately come up sometimes in that sort of discourse. Still, yes, get that frustration.

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Anon 07/21/2024 (Sun) 06:42 [Preview] No.10709 del
>>10708 (ran out just barely!)
I think our views are functionally pretty similar. Which is neat as I usually see the spectrum of opinion that I already described above.

>I almost always feel compelled to take a screenshot where it's wide and shows off a lot of the environments and background. Taking little snapshots with the world itself as the focus helps make me feel like it's real, like Ponyville is out there, almost like I'm some sort of conspiracy-anorak collecting photographs in the rain, glimpses of other worlds that appear in quiet moments.
I get this, and have done so. This shot didn't trigger it but... well actually:>>10705 Rarity and AJ looking at Golden Oaks was for vary similar reasons.

>The Bionicle track you linked there reminded me of Dark Ambient - but then, lots of tracks I like in a similar vein would so the same, but for the fact that they hold special significance for me, so I imagine to you it wouldn't sound quite like Dark Ambient.
I'll check out Dark Ambient out of curiosity though.

Alright, muscle relaxers hitting me and im about to passout. I do have more to say, here, and an upcoming PM.

Next Episode should be soonish, I don't mind you getting to it first btw, as I said, not strict on pace!

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 07:25 [Preview] No.10713 del
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>I more often see people thinking darkness is depth and that kid's shows can't have depth like that because of being unserious,
Clarification, I more often now see that attitude, which I feel is related but somewhat different. Or at least something that can often be separated though also obliviously can be the root of such a dismissive attitude. Someone who still thinks and sees depth with some things but has a cultured superiority as to what that is.

Wow, that was wordy, hope my clarification actually clarifies. My brain has been pretty foggy sometimes on muscle relaxers, lol!

>I love to imagine the old days of the steppe, with nothing but open blue sky stretching before you, able to go anywhere with nobody around for miles and miles. There's nowhere like that in Britain,
more on this in a little while.

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 07:50 [Preview] No.10714 del
>more soon
I think I juuust missed you, I was doing something else before checking here. came in about 15 minutes ago and started reading.

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 08:08 [Preview] No.10717 del
Howdy, 5050! I was still posting elsewhere on the board, albeit this was a early morning sweep of posts, 3 AM, for me at this moment, so I wouldn't have had the most time right now.

PM also sent.

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/night/ Anon 11/01/2019 (Fri) 06:14 [Preview] No. 4924 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /night/ This is the thread that both serves as Luna's thread and a thread to the majesty of the night itself.

Exactly what that is maybe hard to define exactly. But that's what the adventure of the /end/ is for!
266 posts and 283 images omitted.

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 08:23 [Preview] No.9837 del
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I had a dream also vaguely involving Applejack. She was a minor presence on these Apple themed greeting cards and in the background while my grandmother was trying to get us passports to go to Hawaii, don't ask me about geopolitical situation...

>some american tough-guy cartoon figure, who was being projected onto a shelf, so it was approximately like when Twilight was a wind-up ballerina figurine in Dolores's room, only it was this guy. Whose image I can't find but anyway.
I legit laughed for some reason at this one.

>(or had already drawn it as I saw AJ; not sure now) and upon realizing I was being set up for an accidental death,
I know that dreams are vague but do you recall who or what force? I mean, it seems that Applejack was only one on your side here.

>Sorry for the EQG pic if that isn't allowed here. Just posting a arm reaching out.
It is fine. EQG ain't banned, I just the the board has been neutral indifference for the most part. Or at least that is how I would describe my relationship with EQD anyway.

>As summarized better by bridgefag (?)
Yes, you are correct, that is me.

Anon 06/04/2024 (Tue) 07:52 [Preview] No.10421 del
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Still dreaming more normal and IRL stuff. A couple of anons here have even popped up more than once, usually in vague background rolls. My dreams used to be far more surreal and only in the last two to three years have they taken a somewhat "realistic" turn. Despite strong stresses having been a feature for a great deal of my life. I wonder what has brought on this turn. Now, granted, there can still be some pretty surreal things in them, but it hasn't been bizarre viruses spread by song and random elements thrown together as much.

One notable exception: had two rare instance of a lucid dream recently. There was someone that looked grotesque and creepy. I realized I was dreaming. I started to laugh at him and attack him over just switching the scenario to something I wanted. Another time, I don't remember much. Flying in the clouds (?) and I realized it was dreaming and fought hard to not wake up yet.

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 06:33 [Preview] No.10610 del
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The medication I'm on hasn't made much of an effect on my dreams thus far... and I prefer it that way.

Let's see. I had this one dream where an anon from here sent a message that manifested into fluttershy before it disappeared into space. That was weird but brief. Otherwise., vague unsettling or weird fuzziness. I was having this sense my strange medical issues started, so I think it is just stress related.

Anon 07/06/2024 (Sat) 05:37 [Preview] No.10621 del
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I had a dream last night:

>Train derailment.
>Train hit house.
>Second story... somehow
>That train later turned out to an asteroid.
>The asteroid had alien infection/virus/parasite that were taking over >everything rabidly.
>It was both earth scale, space, and... well everywhere.
>Ponies included, but only vaguely there.
>Toa Nuva (from Bionicle) were fighting a bunch of inflected Materon but my gut told me they would become infected too.
>Obama was at my grandparents house, watching TV. He wasn't infected at least.
>I remember driving around and trying to prepare for this/fight back, but, it was fruitless.
>It just went on for a long time, these are just the details I remember the best.
It was a borderline nightmare... because while I was scared I didn't feel all consumed by it and almost seemed kind of detached despite the hopelessness and dread.

Also, Bionicle Pony crossover images are relatively few and of generally low quality (not that memes can't be fun). I remember their being some pretty cool builds of ponies at one point somewhere.

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 08:01 [Preview] No.10716 del
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Putting some Luna into this night thread! I really like the stary night Luna and really really like Seapony Luna, complete with tiberius who is not aquatic... hope Luna has a air breathing enchantment or bubble handy.

Dreams. Well, has this one weird one where Fluttershy was running from this black dots and specs that were spreading everywhere. They/it was the borg (from Star Trek), but wasn't the borg even if my dream said it wasn't. This feeling of a malevolent and all consuming force that was going to take over or destroy you and it doesn't quite feel like I can put it to words. I was seeing through her eyes, which happens a lot in my dreams lately.

Also, I felt like something is going to end soon, just something I feel in the air, and noting.

On that somewhat ominous note, goodnight and God bless /endpone/!

Twilights Book Fort/Writefag, Story Ideas, Advice, Proofreadings, Reviews, And Shilling Anon 10/07/2019 (Mon) 13:42 [Preview] No. 4724 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This thread is for Anons who want to give back to the community, either by writing their own stories or helping others with theirs. Also make sure to keep any ideas you have for a fan-fiction in this thread, and of course give your opinions on the ideas of other Anons.

I’ll make sure to check up on this thread regularly, to ensure that (you)’ll have at least one Anon to give you some advice or check your fic out.

Also this is not a greenfaging thread. This is explicitly for sharing fan-fiction and ideas for fan-fictions. There are other many green-text threads on this site, so feel free to take your greenfaging there.
310 posts and 266 images omitted.

Anon 07/18/2024 (Thu) 17:37 [Preview] No.10687 del
>Nibbling on one of his gems, Sharp Wit asked ”Pony can fly? Where are wings, pony?” At which point Flarestar’s coat began to glow a gentle red, and when she reared up... she kept going. Flying quickly above everyone’s head she zoomed past Sharp Wit’s ear, and landed exactly
where she had started.
Pony levitation was intended as a power for Twilight Sparkle if I recall, before she got her wings, right. Well, Dolores Umbridge used it but I surprisingly don't see it in fan fiction much.

B- Liked it well enough but needs a bit more for me to chew on before I can get a feel if I would like it or not.

>Sufficiently detailed to my liking with lots of little word building and extra descriptiveness. I think perhaps I focus too much on these technical details but they sometimes make or break stories for me. Characters have their own voices and personalities.
I tend to care less on writing, too big and wordy gets in the way, too small and terse breaks immersion, anything in-between that I'm good. So I can't comment on the technical details other than it didn't annoy me to stop reading.

How much of this was based on the characters and how much of this was based on the people who played the characters? Old DnD, the line is there, but I know for under 20 (30s) something self insert properties play a big roll than just a blurry line sometimes.

Anon 07/18/2024 (Thu) 17:43 [Preview] No.10688 del
*Sorry for mangling this. Been up since 3 AM.

Oh and one other thing. This fic exists:
>400K words
>Still being updated regularly.
I don't like Equestria Girls at all but fics like this, if even half decent, I feel drawn to and repelled by their length. Like, I want to read it to study it, to understand it, and maybe enjoy it. Yet it feels like too much of a commitment. And if it sucks but still draws you in then it is the worst of both words.

Anyone (or on here, I guess you guys still say sometimes) anypony relate?

Anon 07/18/2024 (Thu) 23:52 [Preview] No.10692 del
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>Pony levitation was intended as a power for Twilight Sparkle if I recall, before she got her wings, right. Well, Dolores Umbridge used it but I surprisingly don't see it in fan fiction much.
I've had similar thoughts, albeit I am not the most well kept up with fanfiction past 2014, lol! My guess is that unicorns are rarely "needed" -as in character roles or plotwise-for that sort of role when you have pegasi and alicorns, not to mention griffons, hipogriffs and the like, to fulfill various roles. Thinking of in terms of an RPG, unicorns not levitating or it being a bit taxing/unused on them means you need a flying character (or two!) and thus more interesting party overall/not one OP being able to dominate too much. I barely have done any RPing though. Just to note.

Is that the rating of the fic for you I assume?

>Liked it well enough but needs a bit more for me to chew on before I can get a feel if I would like it or not.
<Liked it well enough
>I can get a feel if I would like it or not.
Don't worry, I get what you were trying to say, you found the fic "okay" but you weren't sure you'd say you enjoyed it. You haven't gotten to know the characters and setting enough. I can still enjoy such things in mid phases sometimes but I have been in that boat too. I still found this little error humorous.

> *Sorry for mangling this. Been up since 3 A
Look at some of the other posts here, especially mine, probably find examples worse. No worries.

>Oh and one other thing. This fic exists:

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anon 07/19/2024 (Fri) 00:31 [Preview] No.10693 del
>Pony levitation was intended as a power [unique to] Twilight Sparkle

The way that RP system handled it, you didn't need to be a particular tribe to do magic, thus the jennet levitating large objects, and also a PC could cast, and I think it was literally called this, "falling with style"
Like feather fall but with just a bit more oomph. So Flarestar would use a weightlessness spell to catapult herself into the air, then switch to falling with style and glide around playfully as she slowly drifted back to the ground.
She wasn't actually 'flying' the way Glim-Glam was when she visited Cloudsdale; just floating around from 50' up so she could enjoy the view.

Meh. It is pretty old now, and it felt at the time as if it was not my writing, because I wouldn't have created those characters. But I've enjoyed re-reading it quite a bit, so there's that.

Anon 07/22/2024 (Mon) 07:53 [Preview] No.10715 del
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> "falling with style"
I like this name.

But a walk, tremble?
<1 2 3 4 5
Controlled, fall is it not?
<1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The fall might be flight.
<1 2 3 4 5

Wow, this inspired a Haiku if my medication deluded and already tired brain got this right. It is a poor haiku that could have better wording. The meaning being:
>So Flarestar would use a weightlessness spell to catapult herself into the air, then switch to falling with style and glide around playfully as she slowly drifted back to the ground.
If walking is a controlled fall, this is flight in my book.

>Meh. It is pretty old now,
How old, if you mind my curiosity?

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 01:33 [Preview] No. 5562 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /chat/! The thread where you can talk about anything! Technically most threads on /endpone/ can meander a bit. This thread is for casual banter and idle chitchat of any topic. Funposting and randomness too.
488 posts and 514 images omitted.

Anon 07/08/2024 (Mon) 05:39 [Preview] No.10632 del
I thought it was somewhat meaningful to engage in a debate on this one shitty media. About "Debunking THE WORST Review Of The Boys Season 4" at
https://web.archive.org/web/20240708030202/https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=KE9ycGU0ACY ->
(1.) The Critical Drinker said general ideas and didn't give specific examples to support them therefore his arguments were invalid.
(1a.) The point of that video was to be an overview, not a long well-defined argument. Also I thought specific supporting arguments were obvious. Without supporting points it doesn't mean his arguments were invalid. Also, the reviewer of the review didn't give specific counter-points either, so that's hypocritical. And a long drawn-out review where every detail is explained doesn't make it necessarily good, just long; sometimes viewers just want short-and-sweet (<10 minutes). An argument being "hollow" doesn't mean it's untrue. This criticism is probably more virtue signaling from this guy. If the point of the video is to be an overview, then this antithesis falls flat. If the point of the video is to be a well-defined argument, then that antithesis is valid. It's like saying vanilla ice cream is bad because it doesn't taste chocolately. They serve different purposes and are valid in their own right. His criticism is like: I'm butthurt and am going to pretend that the in-depth details on your points just don't exist and/or are invalid because you didn't specify them. A stronger argument would be to say that he's wrong about these general ideas, not to criticize him for lack of supporting claims. With arguments, it's better to address the core idea and not fairly unimportant stuff like the medium or form in which the argument is delivered.
(2.) Says some dumb crap [not worth addressing]. Says that some users "reviewbomb because they only care about politics in storytelling" are braindead.
(2a.) Dumb take. There's different stories: stories with no politics, stories with politics that aren't super-arguing for a certain viewpoint, stories where the focus is politics, and stories which pretend to be stories but are actually just political propaganda. Of those 4, the last one (the pretending one) is the most dishonest brainwashing crap.
(3.) Says more dumb crap, not focused on the main content of the video [not worth addressing]. The season criticizes both left and right.
(3a.) Nope. Like 99% of it is caricaturizing or criticizing the right. It somewhat criticises the left, but not in any meaningful way.
(4.) Some people don't like it so ignoring them is fine.
(4a.) Wrong. If you want a show to be good, it has to be well-liked by many. "Good" here means popular and having a high score with the audience. Just because you can't control how everyone will react to it doesn't mean you should completely ignore all viewer criticism and try not to make it better-received. Storytelling is a social activity, so being antisocial and self-centered doesn't help.
(5.) The political stuff in the season is used to tell the story, so it's fine.
(5a.) No. Sure, the politics-in-your-face is used to tell a story, but the story it tells is a shitty one. This aspect detracts from other positive aspects that season 4 might have.


Anon 07/08/2024 (Mon) 05:46 [Preview] No.10633 del
(6.) More about how he didn't go into detail.
(6a.) Here's a detail for you: the story is contrived. Not so much the case with prior seasons.
(7.) Says taking extremes of different sides is fine.
(7a.) However, it's a misrepresentation of reality. If the show really wants to make an argument, then it's showing some cartoony straw-man Marxist projection of the right-wing. And what does that say about the political beliefs of the creator? Satire works based on the level of seriousness. The show tries to be serious, but presents this nonsense. If the show was wacky nonsense+comedy then such a dumb cartoony representation could be seen as valid. Otherwise, it's stupid postmodern crap.
(8.) Says absolutes = wrong.
(8a.) Nitpick, corner cases.
(9.) Season 4 is just like the previous seasons in terms of it's focus.
(9a.) Wrong. Before then the main focus was the story, and a side-focus was politics. With season 4 the politics is about as important or the focus compared to the story, and it fails when doing that.
(10.) Something about it being on-the-nose or not.
(10a.) There was like one scene where the right was criticized that I thought was kinda funny/interesting, other than that, fail.
(11.) Blatant political messaging and lecturing is dumb (it's not entertaining), but that doesn't apply to this show.
(11a.) Wrong.


This pfp shows up under this comment:

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Anon 07/18/2024 (Thu) 08:30 [Preview] No.10685 del
I found another error in a book/text, this time not a stupid typo or something like that:

"Calculus and Analytic Geometry"
Invalid ISBN on the back cover:
. ISBN10: 0-201-7540-7 (invalid) - back cover
. ISBN10: 0-201-07540-7 (valid) - page iv

Anon 07/19/2024 (Fri) 06:02 [Preview] No.10694 del
(465.03 KB 683x1024 tentaclepony.png)
How do hooves work? "tentacles", seems to be this artist's answer.

Anon 07/20/2024 (Sat) 06:44 [Preview] No.10699 del
Horsecock spotted in S01E13 of this:

In that episode, I also saw a scene which looks unrealistic due to so much light being shined on actors (unrealistic shadows).

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.

>misspellings/typos in that image
Theory discarded.

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Anon 03/22/2020 (Sun) 01:20 [Preview] No. 5560 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to the official thread for NSFW content!

All your desires for posting NSFW content. Check the catalog first before creating another thread and post all that material here.

We have been discussing a lot about the spirit of this board and while it remains for the most part SFW, I do believe that /endpone/ should set up a proper regulated thread for this material.

Now, I am providing to you the rules of this thread. A lot of people go crazy when NSFW appears into the game, so let me explain a few observations and essential norms that should make everything clear:

ESSENTIAL (must read)

1. The three basic rules of Endchan are applied, especially those who have intentions to post real life pornography. Only fictional content related.

2. This is NOT /b/. Endless shitposting and taking advantage of the NSFW nature for derailing the thread with spam/low quality posts that prevent the usual activity (breaking the 3rd rule of Endchan) will not be tolerated.

3.The OP image for the thread must be SFW.

4.This does not necessarily preclude the creation of other threads that relate to NSFW topics, but this is the only thread in which you can post unspoiled NSFW pictures and is intended to be the main hub for such discussion.
85 posts and 120 images omitted.

Anon 06/24/2024 (Mon) 18:57 [Preview] No.10542 del
Time to make sex with horses legal in more jurisdictions.

Ignore - YT video I didn't watch:
>title=Junior Asparagus and sweetie belle / if you wanna be my lover
>video ID ends in "CUM"

Anon 07/03/2024 (Wed) 05:54 [Preview] No.10591 del
https://twibooru.org/1822195 = first image, shouldn't be tagged as:
anal, penetration, sex

Could be tagged as:
imminent anal>>10542

Anon 07/03/2024 (Wed) 05:56 [Preview] No.10592 del
>imminent anal>>10542
*imminent anal

Anon 07/03/2024 (Wed) 17:42 [Preview] No.10595 del
. "AI"; "Your dick can't tell the difference, so what does it matter?"
. "AI"; nonroastie, nonlesbo/nonbi version, but human butt on mare
. ML-generated video
. Another roastie

>that dude with tits at the top left

What's the status on AI-generated videos? Can it make an animation of Zecora eating spaghetti?

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/Seapone/ - The Seapony Thread Anon 10/10/2020 (Sat) 10:26 [Preview] No. 6625 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Have you ever craved the feeling of a warm fire while snuggled under a blanket? Possibly with hot cocoa? From idyllic scenes of a cozy log cabin or even something as simple as spending time on the computer with your favorite snack while surfing the web till the wee hours of the morning the feeling of /comfy/, homely experiences and simple pleasures, is one we all can enjoy.

However... have you ever wanted those things while underwater?

If so, then /Seapone/ is for you! /Seapone/ is /endpone/'s thread dedicated to Seaponies and secondarily aquatic themes and creatures of Equestria at large with a slight twist: the sea as a homely and /comfy/ place. /Seapone/ will not turn away other themes or concepts but by and large this thread aims to be a celebration of the softer and gentler side to what lies beneath the ocean depths and what better way to do so then with Seaponies? Especially Gen 4's take on them?

Sit back. Relax and take your shoes off. And dive in to the ocean depths. It's Seapony posting time!
243 posts and 306 images omitted.

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 07:44 [Preview] No.9811 del
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PoLS acknowledged. Dolores' bridges not only continue to stay crossed but now have a full underwater addition as well!

Canon debut in gen 5 (April 2024) Anon 04/05/2024 (Fri) 02:03 [Preview] No.10133 del
It took 7 years to introduce seaponies for Friendship is Magic whereas gen 5 has just added them with half the time.

With most species in gen 5 gone,after reintroducing both the breezies and dragons, seaponies have turned out to take the 3rd place on the list.

Ironic that they are perceived as some sort of nostalgic throwback to the 4th generation,in spite of their lateness back then.

Funny,I had assumed that they would be reincorporated by the next decade,not in 2024...

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 07:39 [Preview] No.10171 del
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The Seaponies coming back before other G4 keystones wasn't on my bingo card either, but hey, I can't complain!

Certain other races might though... they are a bit too land bound.

Anon 07/07/2024 (Sun) 06:37 [Preview] No.10627 del
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Seapony OCs.

Anon 07/07/2024 (Sun) 06:41 [Preview] No.10628 del
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Though my favorite is still non-Seapony canon characters drawn as Seaponies, I don't know why. A lot of the designs just work. I have already spoken about this before.

I just felt like posting Seaponies today. Maybe it's the oncoming hurricane or maybe it's someone's birthday. Just felt the mood.

NMAiE General Bridgefag 12/04/2023 (Mon) 11:09 [Preview] No. 8912 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Not Much Activity in /Endpone/

Still moving along edition.

Let's see what happens as we truly entered into the G5 era since last /NMAiE/. Will it be as chaotic as Pony Life era was or will it be mundane? Even if G5 can't quite capture the lightning in the bottle we still can continue on and be comfy respite at the very least.

Note: Slight change in format as a lot of the activity has concentrated on a handful of important threads, so a mix of new threads and threads that are old but are seeing the most "action" right now/important in some way or have news. A lot of new threads have been from random anons just curious about the place, those have not been furthered for obvious reasons .

-FRESH MATERIAL/important threads

Synchronized Rewatch Thread: >>6985
Now formally launched:>>8889

The /chat/ thread (meant for casual conversations among /endpone/ users): >>5562 Now a cyclical thread.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

91 posts and 93 images omitted.

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 07:20 [Preview] No.10611 del
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Drove down to the edge of town which, despite the lack of elevation, offered a view of several near-professional displays, you could just see the professional ones behind some trees, and the locals were gathered at the same wide spot setting off all their stuff.

I don't actually like the noise but the lights, enthusiasm, it's come be a major encouragement as the woke-crowd fights against everything American, and we Americans politely proceed to ignore the everloving crap out of them.

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 07:28 [Preview] No.10612 del
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Also I can't remember how the tune to Yankie Doodle went, thought now is the time to remind you he rode to town on a little pony

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 07:47 [Preview] No.10613 del
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>offered a view of several near-professional displays, you could just see the professional ones behind some trees, and the locals were gathered at the same wide spot setting off all their stuff.
Neat! Sometimes growing up we'd luck out and see stuff at the military base right near where I lived, albeit this no longer happens now.

>we Americans politely proceed to ignore the everloving crap out of them.
I'd make an argument that the woke have somewhat fractured and some people with those traits weirdly take up some of this, but that is probably too political for right now. At least too long winded for my mind, lol

>but the lights, enthusiasm
Same, I think, noise is a bit much but I do dig the spirit of it all.

..and stuck a feather in his cap and called macaroni!

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 08:22 [Preview] No.10614 del
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Cranky Doodle Donkey... feel like he is one of the somewhat more forgotten characters.

Maybe there might be some tag I am not thinking of but I am surprised to not find that Cranky Doodle Donkey hasn't been memed with Yankee Doodle.
I can't even find anything under Yankee Doodle!

Maybe I can fix that... lol. Got caught up looking at older stuff here (>>3853) I need to dig out that old somewhat crappy drawing tablet. It may have been somewhat unstable and I am not much of an artist but I'll at least say that this old fic illustrations I did do creep me out a bit. Better than feeling nothing I suppose!

Anon 07/05/2024 (Fri) 08:41 [Preview] No.10615 del
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Cat has been found!

Goodnight, /endpone/!