08/23/2020 (Sun) 09:38:32
No.33455 [X]
>>33448>>33452Media caught wind of bronies and their edgy humor., the mods of the site announced a general ban of all nazi imagery unless it was portraying them in a negative light. This was on top of an earlier skirmish where over the site putting up support for BLM, where they explictly said they wouldn't go and mass ban stuff. It set off a massive artist revolt there, threatening to nuke their art from the site. Long story short, this resulted in a civil war there. The local users and artist were mostly anti-censorship while the site staff and twitter furfag artist who got involved were mostly for it. There was so much backlash that even after two coups by the most SJWs of them the mods found themselves struggling justify to ban the most edgiest humor.
Like this:, why was this so big? I saw their community of fucking degenerates fight tooth and nail to defend even imagery like this. Even centerist and a few lefties. I have never seen any of the fandom communities that I've been apart of when the SJW train got rolling a few years back put up such a fight to such a degree. Many can't even handle Idubbbz fake edge. And they organized a art pack based around anti-censorship with
NAZIS raised over 20000 dollars and was a record holder for a charity art pack in their fandom. The SJWs tried to have their own FiMFightsHate and didn't even get a quarter.
I am in awe that they are actually drawing a line in the sand and fighting for it for once.
I am fashinated that I saw a bunch of cucked centerist, minorities, and utter degenerate fetisth actually be against it.
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