11/13/2021 (Sat) 23:42:50
No.33840 [X]

wrong answer
It was in fact nazis that came up with die Neuordnung (Europas) which unmistakably echoes the illuminati seal on the one dollar bill (novus ordo seclorum), now that's a coincidence.
Have you read "Mein Kapf"? there's a bit there in which Hitler muses on how Ancient Ayyrians are the originators of civilization and likened them to Prometheus - and Prometheus is synonymous with Lucifer so like just wow, another sheer coincidence, could you imagine?
Did you know that swastika is a solar symbol btw? And sun aka morning star (some also say morning star is venus and there's a trail to follow there too but sun is just as valid) is a symbol for illumination/Lucifer? nah, surely a coincidence as well.
What about Schwarze Sonne? Like the one in Himlers Wewelsburg castle where he conducted orgiastic sex magic rituals like Aleister Crowley? Did you know that Freemasons are big into the black sun concept which gives illumination with it's invisible light? Just so happens to be a mere chance.
Don't question anything! Simply look at the nose! And, most of all, always remember - anyone that tries to steer you away from glorious party ideology is, without a shadow of a doubt, a jew.