12/12/2024 (Thu) 18:36
No.34369 [X]

Things go in cycles. There are 4 parts to a cycle. 2 first take long, 2 last fly by fast. First there's spring, childhood in which daydreams merge with reality - time of possibilities - age of myth. Then there's summer, youth, time to fight for your place in the world but also time of plenty and physical exertion in which you don't think about the future consequences - age of conflict. Then comes autumn, adulthood, time of harvest, requiring you to responsibly prepare food reserves, already thinking about how you're going to last through the winter - age of enlightenment. Last comes winter, time of stagnation, old age and decay; of reserving your energy in contrast with recklessly splurging it during youth. That's where we're at now, on a grander scale. But it also works on the individual scale. If you're not young and irresponsible anymore you're no longer living in the moment - thinking about the future makes you focus your attention beyond your present, immediate surroundings.
So no, it's not unique to you. I feel it too and I've seen a streamer raise a similar observation. You can wait for the spring but each subsequent spring will give you less and less energy - because you yourself move into old age/decay and because world as a whole is drawing to an end, for a lack of better word. Then I guess there are additional issues that can exasperate that phenomenon like depressive states that make you dissociate from reality which then causes your life go by on fast forward.
TL;DL: wait for spring