/AM/ - Animeme and Memega

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10 year anniversary on 6th February 2025

(3.07 MB 2894x4093 Pokemon Saitou 6.jpg)
Anonymous 12/01/2019 (Sun) 10:08:58 [Preview] No. 32674 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Taihen! Youmu forget to pack her sunscreen when she left to become a Pokemon Gym Leader!
30 posts and 17 images omitted.

Anonymous 12/27/2019 (Fri) 08:47:01 [Preview] No.32742 del
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Domo, Shekeru-san.

Anonymous 12/28/2019 (Sat) 22:51:01 [Preview] No.32744 del
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fuck off kikeru Mein Fureru sama is here

Anonymous 12/30/2019 (Mon) 00:55:23 [Preview] No.32745 del
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Anonymous 01/01/2020 (Wed) 16:32:35 [Preview] No.32755 del
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sigu hairu!

Anonymous 07/07/2022 (Thu) 13:33:44 [Preview] No.33940 del
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Turning this Colonizer' kids brown.

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Anonymous 07/07/2020 (Tue) 11:20:54 [Preview] No. 33400 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
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Anonymous 06/11/2022 (Sat) 02:41:36 [Preview] No.33927 del
arf arf erf urf woof wiuf wewrf

Anonymous 06/11/2022 (Sat) 18:26:08 [Preview] No.33928 del
thanks dude I couldn't make out what he was saying

Anonymous 06/14/2022 (Tue) 20:05:17 [Preview] No.33934 del
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okay, not saying, barking

Anonymous 06/23/2022 (Thu) 15:11:42 [Preview] No.33938 del
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Anonymous 06/18/2022 (Sat) 18:51:51 [Preview] No. 33935 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
You like Dead by Daylight? Their early work was belittle noob saves as a waist. But when Portrait of a Murder came out November 2021, I think they really gamed into their zone, eternally and realistically. Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance causes clear, crisp screams of survivors causing them to be downed, and delightful fleeing compensates dealing with intersectional feminism that really causes Dead by Daylight to seduce. Victims aren't always scared let me dispel this fellows, but I think the survivors have far more Twitter morals like a tumor. In October 2017, Devs released this: Nightmare!, the most demolished victims. I think their best polluted killer is "Nemesis". A murderer so catchy, most survivors probably don't position away when he rips. But they should, because it's not just about pressuring minorities and the performance of friends. It's also reversing for blatant finesse see for yourself. No gun, no mall! Put on a mask and save Anglos like you have foresight, you fuckin stupid bastards!

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Anonymous 04/09/2022 (Sat) 18:57:36 [Preview] No. 33904 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Always remember friends... life is butt dre/am/
1 post omitted.

Anonymous 04/26/2022 (Tue) 19:44:53 [Preview] No.33906 del

05/06/2022 (Fri) 05:59:50 [Preview] No.33907 del
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05/06/2022 (Fri) 07:28:36 [Preview] No.33910 del
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Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 20:14:15 [Preview] No.33911 del

06/13/2022 (Mon) 08:07:28 [Preview] No.33931 del
>rothless choalcate
>bugember epidong
>mokes be porpiscle
>growling branichyt

Ponkotsu Quest Anonymous 02/05/2021 (Fri) 01:48:31 [Preview] No. 33602 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I'll be dumping Ponkotsu Quest.
I just know /am/ in its heyday would have loved this anime
25 posts and 80 images omitted.

Anonymous 02/23/2021 (Tue) 19:29:42 [Preview] No.33645 del
(180.82 KB 440x270 take it easy.png)
thanks my dude
I'm not super comfortable in my Japanese yet so it takes some effort to watch this and I'm taking my sweet time with it but I'll get there

Anonymous 03/08/2021 (Mon) 22:02:10 [Preview] No.33670 del
I'd read that tbh

Anonymous 06/09/2021 (Wed) 02:16:46 [Preview] No.33712 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wcShuizsC9M [Embed]


Anonymous 06/01/2022 (Wed) 02:39:33 [Preview] No.33915 del
Ok season 7 is currently ongoing, but turns each episode is available only for a time on the youtube channel, then they're deleted, and I forgot to download ep 74 and 75. Now they're only available on BD, and who knows if anybody's gonna upload that one day.

06/08/2022 (Wed) 08:51:02 [Preview] No. 33922 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

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Anonymous 02/08/2022 (Tue) 18:33:15 [Preview] No. 33871 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What do you think of moving /AM/ to https://8chan.moe ? It seems relatively more active than this dead end, we could bring in fresh new posters and start /AM/ anew.
18 posts and 10 images omitted.

Anonymous 03/03/2022 (Thu) 01:48:01 [Preview] No.33896 del
It was truly a short but exciting time. Really the final dying gasp of imageboards in general, the last fireworks show before the long dark night that continues up to the present..

Anonymous 03/03/2022 (Thu) 17:15:19 [Preview] No.33897 del
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I never thought about first exodus era 8chan as an anime school festival but maybe it's not a bad analogy.

The unity of a clear slate, the clarity of purpose, the convergence of direction, the inspiration of possibilities, the sense of battle born camaraderie which was not limited to a thread or even a board but permeating throughout the entire site, the spirit of hope which lures grumpy oldfag out of his mancave and gets him to relay the arcana of shitposting to a new generation, with a promise that this time his effort won't be wasted on yet another incarnation of fun killing cancer. It has happened before and it can happen again because while the effect was magical it's no witchcraft. That's just what happens when you get a bunch of cultural creatives together, letting them bond over a shared struggle, a bad experience or a common enemy and have them form a new community without the things they hate and people that stifle and hinder them. I'd guess that, while not easy, it's possible to artificially manufacture conditions needed for such occurrence. The real problem is keeping the cancer out without turning into elitist, no-fun-allowed faggots.

Anonymous 03/03/2022 (Thu) 17:17:08 [Preview] No.33898 del
(241.08 KB 500x1100 exodus4.jpg)
dumb filepocalypse

05/06/2022 (Fri) 06:51:44 [Preview] No.33908 del
oly eys loke itno ure skule do yu saw a buddie ridin' side

bud yolopia

9/9 Anonymous 09/09/2019 (Mon) 04:51:11 [Preview] No. 32250 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
post your cirnos
thread will be deleted in 24 hours
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Anonymous 09/10/2019 (Tue) 00:10:37 [Preview] No.32270 del
i have to admit cirno a cute
how come that idiot zun didn't invent suirno when he had the chance

Anonymous 09/10/2019 (Tue) 00:39:30 [Preview] No.32271 del
(63.84 KB 600x400 serveimage.jpeg)
This character didn't exist when I last played Street fighter a lifetime ago.

>pink clothes
It couldn't possibly be otherwise:

Anonymous 09/10/2019 (Tue) 01:11:16 [Preview] No.32272 del
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dan's been around he makes fun of the art of fighting guys snk made, Ryo and Robert

Anonymous 09/10/2019 (Tue) 01:49:07 [Preview] No.32276 del

Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 00:42:54 [Preview] No.33902 del
>24 hours
<2 1/2 years later

Anonymous 07/18/2019 (Thu) 16:19:56 [Preview] No. 31844 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Kyoto Anime went up in flames, literally. Is this the end of moe?
55 posts and 36 images omitted.

Anonymous 07/20/2019 (Sat) 01:40:38 [Preview] No.31927 del
don't bother dude
if you haven't, read from >>31563 onwards and that goes to anyone new or who took a break lately

Anonymous 07/20/2019 (Sat) 02:21:36 [Preview] No.31929 del
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rulessuggestions for /AM/

Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 00:42:18 [Preview] No.33901 del

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Anonymous 02/24/2022 (Thu) 00:04:30 [Preview] No. 33887 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A message is mandatory.

06/08/2022 (Wed) 08:57:30 [Preview] No.33923 del