/AM/ - Animeme and Memega

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Welcome to the EXTREME AUTISM limbo fun zone.

Anonymous 11/04/2021 (Thu) 20:08:42 [Preview] No. 33824 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
only real /AM/ime OG's will get this

Anonymous 11/05/2021 (Fri) 11:19:20 [Preview] No.33825 del
there's nothing to 'get' here though, you've just posted the image without any trick to it or subtlety

Anonymous 11/05/2021 (Fri) 18:32:27 [Preview] No.33826 del
can we skip all this foreplay an get straight back on to the porn?

Anonymous 11/05/2021 (Fri) 20:47:58 [Preview] No.33827 del
the memes aren't fucking anymore dude

Anonymous 11/06/2021 (Sat) 19:08:35 [Preview] No.33828 del
(72.95 KB 562x671 1636004832887.jpg)
My memes are always fucking.

Anonymous 11/07/2021 (Sun) 22:46:29 [Preview] No.33831 del
you're supposed to be DEAD, /AM/, so stop being cute this second

Anonymous 11/04/2021 (Thu) 20:04:44 [Preview] No. 33823 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
only real /AM/ine OG's will get this

Anonymous 10/12/2021 (Tue) 08:13:57 [Preview] No. 33811 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
one piece is best anime
5 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 10/20/2021 (Wed) 20:37:08 [Preview] No.33818 del
And thus we summarize 4chaM

Anonymous 10/23/2021 (Sat) 00:02:41 [Preview] No.33819 del
yay it worked

Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 13:03:10 [Preview] No.33820 del
Naruto >>>>

Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 13:03:27 [Preview] No.33821 del
Naruto >>>>>>

Anonymous 10/26/2021 (Tue) 14:09:28 [Preview] No.33822 del
(662.77 KB 550x600 c89.png)

(97.76 KB 1280x738 I don't watch anime.jpg)
Anonymous 09/26/2021 (Sun) 23:22:45 [Preview] No. 33792 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
8 posts and 6 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/27/2021 (Mon) 20:36:44 [Preview] No.33801 del

Anonymous 09/28/2021 (Tue) 00:03:39 [Preview] No.33802 del
Could this be the work of kngw*na?

Anonymous 09/28/2021 (Tue) 00:15:12 [Preview] No.33803 del
hi owner here dont worry the chan will die soon since i cant pay server bills the site should be down in early october

Anonymous 09/29/2021 (Wed) 23:38:40 [Preview] No.33804 del
Site is dead
I guess that's one thing the admin got right about /am/.

Anonymous 07/01/2021 (Thu) 01:49:19 [Preview] No. 33715 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Finally, I am the last poster on /AM/
28 posts and 30 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/15/2021 (Wed) 22:33:21 [Preview] No.33772 del
oh, when was that ever posted here...

Anonymous 09/15/2021 (Wed) 22:55:02 [Preview] No.33773 del
I read it.

Anonymous 09/15/2021 (Wed) 23:09:01 [Preview] No.33774 del
like really really?

Anonymous 09/16/2021 (Thu) 14:26:56 [Preview] No.33775 del
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like really really my dude. i pretty much agree. the internet is srs bsns used to be a joke but people started taking it so seriously they made up all kinds of dumb rules for imageboards and forums, but to some degree that attitude was always around, and I always hated it personally because i knew from the very beginning the desolation rulecuckery brings. i don't have much to say tho, i stopped caring about internet culture after /intl/ died.

Anonymous 09/16/2021 (Thu) 18:18:19 [Preview] No.33776 del
ehehe someone really really read my post

(14.17 KB 187x269 Bible Black.jpg)
Anonymous 09/14/2021 (Tue) 02:17:22 [Preview] No. 33761 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Black magic is said to be being practiced in Bible Black! This is a very interesting and iconic visual novel horror game that will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time you are playing it. Bible Black is a collection of short stories and poems that invoke some of the rawest of human emotions and leave you feeling ultimately grateful for life as you know it. Morvay touches on everything from lust to religion, to war to abortion in this deranged compilation of fairy tales.

Anonymous 07/26/2021 (Mon) 05:24:14 [Preview] No. 33741 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
You is one brave man ?
The world is bad for you ?
The world transform you in one bag trash ?
You have hate the people for this ?
You want restart the world ?
I know how make it !!!
One Bat, One puncture, One Brave man, and one bit luck,
But if you survive,
You have the power for restart the world.
With one bat virus inside in body.
The slavers no born of the free men.
Good look Brave Man

Anonymous 07/26/2021 (Mon) 16:32:36 [Preview] No.33742 del
I don't know about you guys but something about OP inspires trust in me.

Anonymous 08/09/2021 (Mon) 22:55:42 [Preview] No.33745 del
we did it /AM/igo

Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 16:53:49 [Preview] No.33746 del
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Anonymous 07/23/2021 (Fri) 16:11:39 [Preview] No. 33736 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
July 23, 2006

Anonymous 07/23/2021 (Fri) 16:14:35 [Preview] No.33737 del

when did I refresh to main page?
That's it, I won't upload the first few episodes, it's not a good use of this site anyway.

Anonymous 07/24/2021 (Sat) 19:24:35 [Preview] No.33739 del
here's a good use of this site

Anonymous 07/23/2021 (Fri) 16:00:38 [Preview] No.33735 del
(76.70 KB 1280x720 goten.jpg)
<tcq ur the yinzer dat drew da kaki

Anonymous 07/16/2021 (Fri) 18:15:15 [Preview] No.33728 del
oh sweet new zeiram