03/14/2025 (Fri) 08:02
No.131280 [X]
Delastelle - or whatever his current username is - asking to delete this thread, reported it too, claiming which is a thinly veiled threat from him as usual while pretending he cares about the girl in question that the girl will be blackmailed and harassed. I assume since he can't delete it himself, like how he does with all his Discord messages, he wants us to delete the mess he made here, cleaning up all the "evidence", helping him to make people forget so he can do it again.
So this thread will stay up for now as a reminder, and if an unsuspecting female shows up on agatha2, please tell her to:
1. stay anonymous on imageboards sorry Anon, no chitchat with cute e-girls for you, at least not that you know of;
2. stay the away from Discord, where Delastelle - or whatever his current username is - does his criminal activity;
3. read this thread to see what treatment she can expect from him.
I'll lock the thread.