12/21/2024 (Sat) 04:29
No.122901 [X]
>>122865i'm not friends with him? tf, i don't even know that name lol
>>122881ok, i saged my reply, happy?
also i'm not even in neetcord lmfao, haven't been for almost half a year, i'm active on neutral's server and i sometimes lurk around what remains of e-harem
and i have literally not complimented myself lol
>>122883even in my own old blog i made it clear from the start it was schizo rambling larp, i don't even write poetry
also empty insults don't affect me, idc if you think it looks bad or if you think i'm untalented, i have fun drawing and i'm not a retarded insecure bitch who let's the comments of nobodies on the internet who hide in anonymity affect me at all, i don't feel any type of way towards compliments or insults from anyone at all actually, i just respond as i am expected to or truthfully