03/27/2024 (Wed) 07:18
No.833020 [X]
Went to the bike shop to get a new tyre for the American Classic front wheel and I'm talking to the sales dude and saying I need to swap out hub bearings, I got them coming from england. How do I get the old ones out, do i drift them out? and he told me to put it into their workshop in two weeks time, like I was some retard normie when he's looking at a mechanic's frankenbike high speed courier steed. Fucksake I miss the days when the mechanic ran the shop and couldnt be fucked doing gay shit like swapping bearings so he'd tell you how easy it was and you dont need anything except a table knife. Got a decent looking gatorskin even though I have had one fray at the sidewall before, plus there was a picture of some random nigger on the box which was cringe, even though its a german brand. The marketing industry must employ a lot of psychotics.