/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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Angels! CoreGod 10/29/2020 (Thu) 10:57:55 [Preview] No. 397 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The next attribute to upgrade is 'Angels'.

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Positive beings [upgrade] CoreGod 10/28/2020 (Wed) 16:01:44 [Preview] No. 396 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Positive beings: All intelligent/conscious/sentient beings that are not negative beings. Some examples: Members of God's Community, benevolent aliens and advanced benevolent artificial intelligence. Link:Benevolence,Well meaning,Desire for good,Positivity,Intelligence,Consciousness,God's Community,Being god,External beings,All beings,Negative beings

Capable of morality: Intelligent enough to understand basic benevolent morality and always follow it. Link:Intelligence,Understanding,Morality,Benevolence,Goodness,Recommended,Constant,Unstoppable,Moral environment,Incapable of morality
Suggestions: Guiding them to even more high moral ground (if that is possible) or any other improvement. Link:Good guiding,Global guidelines,Morality,Improvement,Ascension,Purity,Perfection,Directed,Director,Leadership
Teaching: Education of high quality level. Link:Learning,Quality,Excellent,Highest consciousness,Wise,Wisdom,Info,Truth,Facts,Service,Methodology
Heavens: Realities where life is easy and nice. Link:Easy,Effortless,Life,Friendly environment,Paradise,Nice,Comfort,Virtual reality,Hellish places
Diplomacy: Nicely/calmly settle down minor inconveniences or problems. Link:Tranquilizing,Peace,Government,Calm,Nice,Peace treaty,Forgiveness,Solutions,Conscious problems,Justice

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/202/positive-beings

The image-diagram is the same as >>276

The goal is that everybody is a positive being (without negative beings).

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External [upgrade] CoreGod 10/25/2020 (Sun) 13:15:30 [Preview] No. 393 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
External: All that is not a integral part of God's Community. Link:All,God of All,God's Community

External beings: Beings or aggregation of beings that are not member of God's Community. Link:Positive beings,Negative beings,Being god,God's Community
Unused matter: All the matter that is not used by members of God's Community. Link:Unconscious / Matter,God's Community
External ideas: All ideas that are not constituent part of God's Community or are considered wrong/inappropriate. Link:Theory,God's Community
External events: Actions (or effects of actions) that are not a conscious effort of God's Community. Link:Actions,God's Community

<to further upgrade>

CoreGod 10/26/2020 (Mon) 17:40:45 [Preview] No.394 del
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External: All that is not a integral part of God's Community. Link:All,God of All,Friendly environment,Borders,I/O,God's Community,Interior

External beings: Beings or aggregation of beings that are not member of God's Community. Link:Positive beings,Angels,Good beings,Low consciousness,Mediocre beings,Negative beings,Bad beings,God's Community
Unused matter: All the matter that is not used by members of God's Community. Link:Unconscious / Matter,Things,Compatible environment,Expansion,Ethical assimilation,Recovery of energy,Unknown,Chaos,God's Community
External ideas: All ideas that are not constituent part of God's Community or are considered wrong/inappropriate. Link:Theory,Wisdom,All important knowledge,Information,God's Community,Self-knowledge
External events: Actions (or effects of actions) that are not a conscious effort of God's Community. Link:Actions,Consequences,God's Community

<to further upgrade>

External [upgrade] CoreGod 10/27/2020 (Tue) 11:18:02 [Preview] No.395 del
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>>393 >>394
External: All that is not a integral part of God's Community. Link:All,God of All,Friendly environment,Borders,Global boundaries,I/O,God's Community,Interior

External beings: Beings or aggregation of beings that are not member of God's Community. Link:Positive beings,Angels,Good beings,Low consciousness,Mediocre beings,Negative beings,Bad beings,God's Community
Unused matter: All the matter that is not used by members of God's Community. Link:Unconscious / Matter,Things,Compatible environment,Expansion,Ethical assimilation,Recovery of energy,Unknown,Chaos,God's Community
External ideas: All ideas that are not constituent part of God's Community or are considered wrong/inappropriate. Link:Theory,Wisdom,All important knowledge,Information,Info,Truth,Understanding,Verification,Science,Handling external criticism,Handling external manipulation,God's Community,Self-knowledge
External events: Actions (or effects of actions) that are not a conscious effort of God's Community. Link:Actions,Consequences,Probable future,Analysis,Monitoring,Allowed initiative,Moral practice,Forgiveness,Blame-less,Tolerance,Justice,Intervention,Controversial action,God's Community

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/117/external

This information is available/accessible to people that are not members of God's Community (external people). Maybe they will join in our community someday.

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Unknown [upgrade] CoreGod 10/23/2020 (Fri) 15:04:01 [Preview] No. 391 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Unknown: Trying to reduce all that is not known or not well known. Avoiding ignorance. Link:Omniscient,Ultimate questions,Explore,Perception,Analysis

Completely unknown: All that is unreachable/undetectable. All that is beyond imagination/reason. All the things that are considered impossible, infinities, nothing, eternal future, complete perfection in all aspects at once,... Link:Perception,Omnipresent,All access,Privacy,All,Universal,Omniscient,Reasoning,Mind,Imagination,Ultimate questions,Knowing the limits,Believe system,Math,Infinity,Nothing,All possibilities,Perfection
Data not found: All lost information that cannot be recovered (past) or undetected stuff (present) or info that still is not available (future). Link:Memory,Information,Past,Full awareness,Nothing unconscious,Present,Perception,Probable future,Loading
Nothing: Complete void/absence. Exist something that doesn't exist? Link:Ultimate questions,Research,Knowing the limits,Physical limitations,Base control,Never depletion,Math,Smallest matter
Chaos: All that doesn't have any order/organization. Just random matter or unknown order. Link:Order,Negentropy,Coordination

<to further upgrade>

Unknown [upgrade] CoreGod 10/24/2020 (Sat) 15:13:39 [Preview] No.392 del
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Unknown: Trying to reduce all that is not known or not well known. Avoiding ignorance. Link:Omniscient,Ultimate questions,Reasoning,Explore,Perception,Analysis,Development,Research,External,New

Completely unknown: All that is unreachable/undetectable. All that is beyond imagination/reason. All the things that are considered impossible, infinities, nothing, eternal future, complete perfection in all aspects at once,... Link:Perception,Omnipresent,All access,Privacy,All,Universal,Omniscient,Reasoning,Mind,Imagination,Ultimate questions,Knowing the limits,Believe system,Math,Infinity,Nothing,All possibilities,Perfection
Data not found: All lost information that cannot be recovered (past) or undetected stuff (present) or info that still is not available (future). Link:Memory,Information,Temp,Past,Full awareness,Nothing unconscious,Present,Perception,Probable future,Loading,Truth,Facts
Nothing: Complete void/absence. Exist something that doesn't exist? Link:Ultimate questions,Research,Knowing the limits,Physical limitations,Base control,Never depletion,Math,Smallest matter,Infinity
Chaos: All that doesn't have any order/organization. Just random matter or unknown order. Link:Not recommended,Negative beings,Order,Negentropy,Coordination,Purity

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/201/unknown

Maybe there is infinite nothing, but we can never fully measure it or to give a proper estimation.

Some meme about women saying nothing when obviously there is something.

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Expansion [upgrade] CoreGod 10/22/2020 (Thu) 14:46:11 [Preview] No. 390 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Expansion: The complex process of expanding without hurting some being. Link:Handling complexity,Space control,Peace,External beings,Can change,Eternal methods,Borders

Biggest: To be the maximum possible in terms of physicality. Link:All,God of All,Absolutes,Omnipresent,Knowing the limits,Physicality,Abundance,Handling quantity,Awesome
Growth: To have more material/matter than before. Link:Quantity,Ethical assimilation,Handling quantity,Progress,Unconscious / Matter,Handling excess,Methodology,Integration,Density problems
Explore: To explore and discover all that is possible to explore in external reality (maybe using probes). Link:Omniscient,Curiosity,New,Research,Unknown,External,All,Real reality,Sonars,Sending,Experiences,Perception
Reaching all: To reach all places with clarity (easy flow in-out). Link:Omnipresent,All access,All,Clarity,Fluidity,Sonars,I/O,Localization,Exchange,Transport,Interconnectivity,Reciprocity,Monitoring,All at once

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/200/expansion

The image-diagram is the same as >>273

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Hi! CoreGod 10/21/2020 (Wed) 17:00:45 [Preview] No. 389 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The next attribute to upgrade is 'Expansion'.

Friendly environment [upgrade] CoreGod 10/16/2020 (Fri) 13:38:23 [Preview] No. 385 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Friendly environment: It is highly desirable that the immediate environment (close to us) is really nice/pleasant/welcoming. Link:Field,Home

Healthy environment: Secure and healthful environment to easily thrive without problems. Link:Security,Health
Compatible environment: Physically compatible with us or at least handleable (minimum requirement). Link:Physicality
Understandable environment: To know, at least, what it is going on around us. Link:Understanding,Intelligence
Moral environment: If there are conscious beings near by, it is highly recommended that they are clearly benevolent and stable (not problematical). Link:Morality,Benevolence,Stability

<to further upgrade>

CoreGod 10/17/2020 (Sat) 13:14:09 [Preview] No.386 del
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Friendly environment: It is highly desirable that the immediate environment (close to us) is really nice/pleasant/welcoming. Link:Paradise,Bliss,Comfort,Nice,Field,Home,Awesome

Healthy environment: Secure and healthful environment to easily thrive without problems. Link:Security,Health,Prosperity,Easy,Excellent
Compatible environment: Physically compatible with us or at least handleable (minimum requirement). Link:Essentials,Space control,Mastery of time,Physicality,Escape of loops
Understandable environment: To know, at least, what it is going on around us. Link:Understanding,Clarity,Intelligence
Moral environment: If there are conscious beings near by, it is highly recommended that they are clearly benevolent and stable (not problematical). Link:Morality,Benevolence,Stability,Problem free

<to further upgrade>

Friendly environment [upgrade] CoreGod 10/18/2020 (Sun) 14:59:30 [Preview] No.387 del
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Friendly environment: It is highly desirable that the immediate environment (close to us) is really nice/pleasant/welcoming. Link:Paradise,Bliss,Comfort,Nice,Field,I/O,Home,Borders,Heavens,Awesome,Camaraderie

Healthy environment: Secure and healthful environment to easily thrive without problems. Link:Security,Health,Harmony,Prosperity,Smoothly,Easy,Excellent,The well-being of All,Quietude
Compatible environment: Physically compatible with us or at least handleable (minimum requirement). Link:Essentials,Space control,Mastery of time,Order,Energetic systems,Energetic translation,Adaptation,Physicality,Escape of loops
Understandable environment: To know, at least, what it is going on around us. Link:Understanding,Clarity,Intelligence,Consciousness,Omniscient,Full awareness,Protocols,Perception,Unknown
Moral environment: If there are conscious beings near by, it is highly recommended that they are clearly benevolent and stable (not problematical). Link:Morality,Benevolence,Stability,Recommended,Peace,Problem free,Angels,Positive beings,Temple

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/136/friendly-environment

Add-ons CoreGod 10/19/2020 (Mon) 12:40:57 [Preview] No.388 del
>>385 >>387

"Show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are."
I don't think this sentence is totally correct, but there is some truth in there.

The "environment" of Earth is the solar system.

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All [upgrade] CoreGod 10/15/2020 (Thu) 15:24:58 [Preview] No. 384 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
All: All that exists. Link:God of All,Absolutes,Just one,All physicality,Control of All

All is important: All beings/things are taken into account as valuable (even if there is something more valuable than other). There is nothing left behind. Link:Universal good,The well-being of All,Highest good,Care,Value system,Reasons,All beings,All important knowledge
Universal: Absolutely all that exists is considered in all ideas/predictions/decisions/actions of God's Community. Link:All at once,Global globalization,Universal aliveness,Global plan,Absolutes,Theory,Probable future,Decision making,Major decisions,Actions
All access: No secrets. It highly recommended to have access to all places and all data/information. Link:Reaching all,Space control,Explore,Omnipresent,Nothing unconscious,Transport,Monitoring,Privacy,Data not found
Infinity: All physicality is infinite? If it is infinite, to try to reach infinity. Link:Ultimate questions,Believe system,Physicality,Math,Knowing the limits,Physical limitations

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/116/all

All is the 'body' of God's Community; God's Community is the 'brain' of All.

We use 'All' with A uppercase as if All is a being.

We don't have a picture of All (yet); we don't have a map of infinity (>>335) either.

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Renewal [upgrade] CoreGod 10/12/2020 (Mon) 16:18:44 [Preview] No. 382 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Renewal: Successful renovation of old/unused/dead stuff/beings. Link:Successful,New,Creation,Fixing,Refresh,Unused matter,Life,Unconscious / Matter

Recycling: Making obsolete or destroyed things anew (new order). Link:Healing,Solutions,Negentropy,Order,Upgrade,Improvement,Productive,Can change
Re-creation: Physical reorganization/transmutation to create something useful (or more useful, better). Link:Combination,Accumulation,Creation,Energetic translation,Base control,Coordination,Useful,The best
Recovery of energy: Getting back our own energy (peacefully as possible). Link:Come back,Attraction,Reception,Ownership,No leaks,Handling failure,Peace,Using force if necessary
Resurrection: Bringing some death being back to life. Link:Life,Eternal,Father/Mother,Healing,Solutions,Physical problems,Positive beings
Ethical assimilation: To eat/assimilate some external matter (without steal it). Link:Expansion,Growth,Integration,Accumulation,External,Morality,Unused matter,Ownership

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/199/renewal

The image-diagram is the same as >>272

Some related posts: >>380 >>381

Message from Earth-chan CoreGod 10/13/2020 (Tue) 14:01:21 [Preview] No.383 del
Image of Earth-chan talking.

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Greetings! CoreGod 10/09/2020 (Fri) 16:29:11 [Preview] No. 380 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The attribute next attribute to upgrade is 'Renewal'.

Leaves are a biodegradable part of the trees. Leaves are naturally recycled into food for the roots.

CoreGod 10/11/2020 (Sun) 17:17:55 [Preview] No.381 del
"Glass is 100% recyclable and can be recycled endlessly without loss in quality or purity."
Source: https://www.gpi.org/glass-recycling-facts