/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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Questions are welcome CoreGod 12/09/2020 (Wed) 09:44:54 [Preview] No. 428 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
If you have questions about God's Community, you can post them in our forum (inside of "Your questions"): https://godscommunity.boards.net/board/15/
You don't need to register to ask questions there (create thread); guests are allowed.

Also, of course, you can post anonymously here (without filling the Email field).

Constructive criticism CoreGod 12/10/2020 (Thu) 13:42:02 [Preview] No.429 del
Because we didn't reach complete perfection yet, your suggestions/opinions or/and constructive criticism is somehow expected.
Your opinion matters.
Please be gentle.

Version 3 of God's Community CoreGod 11/29/2020 (Sun) 12:54:14 [Preview] No. 423 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Complete list of all attributes in text mode: https://pastebin.com/WPye3v5c <to see it click on 'OK, show me the paste'>

SVG image of the diagram: https://jsfiddle.net/wda7n48h/

Full info: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/208/version-3-gods-community

Total number of links CoreGod 12/01/2020 (Tue) 13:35:22 [Preview] No.424 del
(390.89 KB 1280x825 Multipolar_neuron.png)
Total number of links of all attributes of version 3 (expressed in all descriptions after "Link:") is 4414.

The version 3 of God's Community is like a brain with neurons. Each attribute is like a neuron.

Video CoreGod 12/04/2020 (Fri) 18:44:51 [Preview] No.425 del
Video about version 3 of God's Community:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-L2aDLKLROs [Embed]

Highlighted reply CoreGod 12/05/2020 (Sat) 17:56:30 [Preview] No.426 del
Added some comment to the video.

>Indeed, many explanations are required to understand it correctly.
>Do you really think that we can compress all the information needed to be/become God in a simple 12 min. video?
>In the description of the video there is a link to a web page with the information about the current 90 core attributes of God's Community. Even that is just but 'a taste' of what God's Community really means.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L2aDLKLROs&lc=UgxZdmLAEVD3kqPU8b54AaABAg.9Grii1XUnUz9GtfuH03ZaL

One more CoreGod 12/07/2020 (Mon) 17:22:36 [Preview] No.427 del
>>425 >>426
Added one more comment to the video:

>Adding some comments/explanations indeed is recommended. We agree on that.
>But, as weird as it may sound, adding some explanations require a lot of time/effort, because it's not easy to express them in understandable human terms (it's very complex (there are a lot of possibilities), there are a lot of interconnections between ideas and there are a lot of ideas that are not included properly (compression/incomplete)).
>Also, we can't provide all the answers, in part because we don't have them. In most topics, we can only provide an oversimplification or overview.
>It took around 2 years to create the version 3 (what you see in the video and the web page in the description).
>To convince and/or to reach a lot of people is not a current priority of God's Community. We prefer quality over quantity (intelligent and "woke" people instead of a lot of problematic people (which is the majority on Earth)). In theory, this information is for everybody, but it's difficult to reach the common human being (which is stuck in "survival mode" or superficial/superfluous stuff).
>Probably, over time, all explanations will be reveal. Meanwhile, it's a work in process; it is not finish yet (maybe it will never be fully finished).

Link (Highlighted reply): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L2aDLKLROs&lc=UgxZdmLAEVD3kqPU8b54AaABAg.9Grii1XUnUz9GymmfTyaW3

Some changes in the main website of God's Community CoreGod 11/27/2020 (Fri) 14:57:44 [Preview] No. 422 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
If you are interested, you have more info here: https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/207/major-changes-website

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Negative beings [upgrade] CoreGod 11/15/2020 (Sun) 16:22:16 [Preview] No. 414 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Negative beings: All intelligent/conscious/sentient beings that are not positive beings. Link:Consciousness,Intelligence,All beings,External beings,Positive beings,Limiting,No enemies,Tolerance,Not recommended,Blame-less,Chaos

Fixing plan: Plan to fix all negative beings, respecting free will as much as possible. Link:To fix,Fixing,Solutions,Preparation,Free will,Action plan,Hope,Planning,The best future,Global plan,Peace treaty,Compromise,Forgiveness
Convince: Trying to convince them that good is better than bad. Link:Goodness,Morality,Benevolence,Teaching,Good guiding,Blessings,Proselytism,Contracts
Untrustworthy: These beings cannot be trusted. Link:Prudence,Control of All,Truth,Beware of pretending,Verification,Facts,External events,Camaraderie
Beware of pretending: Some will try to pretend that they are good beings, this is usually a trick. Link:Early detection,Authentic,Truth,Honesty,Goodness,Good beings,Positive beings,Analysis,Filters,Prudence,Well meaning,Desire for good
Hellish places: Realities where life is not easy. Example:Earth. Link:Easy,Life,Heavens,Paradise,Virtual reality
Risky: There are risks of security with them. Link:Security,Handling everything,Highly protected,On watch list,Prudence,Fearless,Continence,Defense system,Using force if necessary,Global boundaries,Completely safe

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/204/negative-beings

The image-diagram is the same as >>278

Even if negative beings don't exist, it's good to be prepared. Currently, there are negative beings around.

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I don't understand this board 474 11/13/2020 (Fri) 16:37:28 [Preview] No. 412 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What exactly are you doing?
Are you working on some kind of magnum opus?

Answers CoreGod 11/13/2020 (Fri) 19:34:08 [Preview] No.413 del
In this board, I am currently posting attributes of God's Community.
These attributes form a system of ideas that the members of God's Community could use as a theoretical guide (a way of thinking as a god) to improve themselves and the community as a whole.

At the moment, God's Community is mostly theory and ideas and there is no practical applications. Maybe, in the future, we can control fire at will or create universes... but it is just a maybe.

This was the last draft ((magnum opus)): https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/205/draft-3-8-gods-community

I'm currently upgrading the last attributes to create the version 3 of God's Community (("magnum opus" of God's Community)). Only 3 attributes remain to upgrade; I expect to finished them before the end on this year.

I added the image-diagram of how version 3 of God's Community looks like at the moment (before I finished it).

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Things [upgrade] CoreGod 11/12/2020 (Thu) 18:13:44 [Preview] No. 409 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Things: Organized matter without consciousness or with very low consciousness. Link:Low consciousness,Negentropy,Order,Unused matter

Microorganisms: Cells (part of a body) and similar to cells. Unicellular beings or with small number of cells (micro-plants and micro-animals). Link:Plants,Animals,Bodies
Machines: Tools, parts of mechanisms, non intelligent machines or with very little of intelligence. Link:Intelligence,Automation,Robots
Rocks: A defined solid atomic compound. All kinds of stones, rocks, minerals, crystals, gemstones, ... Link:Combination,Accumulation,Atoms
Elementals: Different type of materials in different states: Superconductors, plasma, fire-like; air-like; water-like; soil-like; ... Link:Physical laws,Key features,Base control
Atoms: All atomic (including molecules) and subatomic level of different types of universes. Link:Deterministic agents,Smallest matter,Base control

<to further upgrade>

Things [upgrade] CoreGod 11/13/2020 (Fri) 16:20:30 [Preview] No.410 del
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Things: Organized matter without consciousness or with very low consciousness. Link:Low consciousness,Negentropy,Order,Consciousness,Intelligence,Simple,Diversity,All is important,Recycling,All physicality,Unused matter

Microorganisms: Cells (part of a body) and similar to cells. Unicellular beings or with small number of cells (micro-plants and micro-animals). Link:Plants,Animals,Bodies,Fractality,All beings,External beings,Life
Machines: Tools, parts of mechanisms, non intelligent machines or with very little of intelligence. Link:Intelligence,Automation,Robots,Computation,Programming,Clock,Sensors,Sonars,Motors,Defense system,Deterministic agents,Useful,Effective,Behaviour
Rocks: A defined solid atomic compound. All kinds of stones, rocks, minerals, crystals, gemstones, ... Link:Combination,Accumulation,Atoms,Generation,Re-creation,Diversity
Elementals: Different type of materials in different states: Superconductors, plasma, fire-like; air-like; water-like; soil-like; ... Link:Physical laws,Key features,Base control,Flows,Energetic systems,Energetic translation,Compatible environment
Atoms: All atomic (including molecules) and subatomic level of different types of universes. Link:Deterministic agents,Smallest matter,Base control,Physicality,Space control,Full circle,Fast,Fastest matter,Simplest movement,Patterns

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/172

Sapphire is considered precious/high-priced by humans.

CoreGod 11/13/2020 (Fri) 16:22:35 [Preview] No.411 del
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Another sapphire.

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Low consciousness [upgrade] CoreGod 11/07/2020 (Sat) 16:57:58 [Preview] No. 405 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Low consciousness: Autonomous beings without a defined morality (mostly unconscious). Link:All beings,Consciousness,Incapable of morality,Self-sufficient

Animals: The huge variety of animals of the multiverse. They usually have defined organs in their body and they can move around. Example: Human babies of Earth. Link:All beings,Diversity,Microorganisms
Unconscious: Unconscious states of the mind (outside of the awakening mind, like dreaming). Automated unsupervised thinking processes. Instinctive primitive way of thinking. Link:Mind,Always awake,Automation
Programs: Software without advanced artificial intelligence but with some complexity. Also, they can live in virtual realities. Link:Programming,Intelligence,Virtual reality
Robots: The enormous diversity of machines with some intelligence, they are capable of complex series of actions with precision. Link:Machines,Programming,Intelligence,Precision,Diversity,Actions,Automation
Plants: All types of flora, even plants with some intelligence. They usually stay in one place. Link:All beings,Intelligence,Microorganisms

<to further upgrade>

Some related ideas CoreGod 11/09/2020 (Mon) 18:03:39 [Preview] No.406 del
It is expected that, in a few decades, humans have to deal with robots in their daily lives.

A lot of humans still don't have a healthy relationship with Earth's nature.
Also, Earth's nature is sometimes problematic on its own.

Low consciousness [upgrade] CoreGod 11/11/2020 (Wed) 14:20:49 [Preview] No.408 del
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>>405 >>406
Low consciousness: Autonomous beings without a defined morality (mostly unconscious). Link:All beings,External beings,Consciousness,All consciousness,All ways to think,Incapable of morality,Morality,Whole,Self-sufficient,Unconscious

Animals: The huge variety of animals of the multiverse. They usually have defined organs in their body and they can move around. Example: Human babies of Earth. Link:All beings,External beings,Diversity,Bodies,Microorganisms,Motors,Actions,Life
Unconscious: Unconscious states of the mind (outside of the awakening mind, like dreaming). Automated unsupervised thinking processes. Instinctive primitive way of thinking. Link:Mind,Always awake,All ways to think,Automation,Full awareness,Nothing unconscious,Unknown
Programs: Software without advanced artificial intelligence but with some complexity. Also, they can live in virtual realities. Link:Programming,Programming language,Absolute control,Design,Intelligence,Virtual reality,Handling complexity
Robots: The enormous diversity of machines with some intelligence, they are capable of complex series of actions with precision. Link:Machines,Programming,Intelligence,Precision,Diversity,Actions,Automation,Behaviour
Plants: All types of flora, even plants with some intelligence. They usually stay in one place. Link:All beings,Intelligence,Microorganisms,Localization,Life

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/173/low-consciousness

A lot of humans have pets, specially dogs and cats.

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Unconscious / Matter [upgrade] CoreGod 11/03/2020 (Tue) 15:58:48 [Preview] No. 402 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Unconscious / Matter: Miscellaneous of beings/things within a range of low consciousness to none. Link:Consciousness,External,External beings,All beings,Unused matter,Nothing

Directed: They are directed/guided by us to a benevolent end/goal. Link:Good guiding,Director,Leadership,Government,Benevolence,Morality,Teaching
Incapable of morality: Not Intelligent enough to understand basic benevolent morality. Link:Morality,Intelligence,Understanding,Benevolence,Capable of morality
Evolution: It is possible that their consciousness or physical form improves. Link:Consciousness,Improvement,Ascension,Learning,Body,Growth,Physicality
No attachments: No exaggerated psychological attachments (obsessions) to material goods. Avoiding greed. Link:Purity,Well meaning,Self-control,Self-discipline,Will power,Attraction,Love,Heart,Global globalization,Conscious problems,Escape of loops

<to further upgrade>

CoreGod 11/05/2020 (Thu) 19:03:37 [Preview] No.403 del
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Some humans have some heavy psychological attachments to objects. For example: Hoarding disorder.
Hoarding disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experiences distress at the thought of getting rid of the items.

Added some meme.

Another upgrade CoreGod 11/06/2020 (Fri) 11:25:25 [Preview] No.404 del
>>402 >>403
Unconscious / Matter: Miscellaneous of beings/things within a range of low consciousness to none. Link:Consciousness,External beings,All beings,All ways to think,All physicality,External,Unused matter,Nothing

Directed: They are directed/guided by us to a benevolent end/goal. Link:Good guiding,Director,Leadership,Government,Benevolence,Morality,Teaching,Global goals,Global plan,Global boundaries,Intervention
Incapable of morality: Not Intelligent enough to understand basic benevolent morality. Link:Morality,Intelligence,Understanding,Benevolence,Capable of morality
Evolution: It is possible that their consciousness or physical form improves. Link:Consciousness,Improvement,Ascension,Learning,Adaptation,Body,Growth,Physicality
No attachments: No exaggerated psychological attachments (obsessions) to material goods. Avoiding greed. Link:Purity,Well meaning,Self-control,Self-discipline,Will power,Attraction,Love,Heart,Global globalization,Conscious problems,Escape of loops

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/203/unconscious-matter

Buddhists take seriously to have no attachments.
<related pic attached>

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Good beings [upgrade] CoreGod 11/01/2020 (Sun) 18:41:30 [Preview] No. 400 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Good beings: Clearly benevolent beings. Their existence doesn't represent a threat to God's Community. Link:Benevolence,Goodness,External beings,God's Community

Aligned to God's Community: They are aligned with the guidelines of God's Community; they are not against God's Community. Link:Global guidelines,Global plan,Global goals,God's Community
Fame/Popularity: We want to have good reputation among them. Good ratings. Link:Honor
Opinion: We want to know their opinion (though polls or other methods). Link:Requests,Curiosity,Methodology
Allowed initiative: They can have their own projects, as long as they don't create unexpected problems. Link:Free,Prosperity,Diplomacy

<to further upgrade>

Good beings [another upgrade] CoreGod 11/02/2020 (Mon) 17:45:31 [Preview] No.401 del
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Good beings: Clearly benevolent beings. Their existence doesn't represent a threat to God's Community. Link:Benevolence,Goodness,Recommended,Morality,External beings,All beings,God's Community,Beware of pretending,Bad beings

Aligned to God's Community: They are aligned with the guidelines of God's Community; they are not against God's Community. Link:Global guidelines,Global plan,Global goals,God's Community,Good guiding
Fame/Popularity: We want to have good reputation among them. Good ratings. Link:Honor,Nice,Shameless,Humility
Opinion: We want to know their opinion (though polls or other methods). Link:Requests,Curiosity,Methodology,Proselytism,Truth,Honesty,Handling external criticism
Allowed initiative: They can have their own projects, as long as they don't create unexpected problems. Link:Free,Prosperity,Free will,Tolerance,Blame-less,External events,Diplomacy,Untrustworthy

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/138/good-beings

If Earth were full of good beings, Earth would be a paradise/heaven.
Only is necessary one bad being to make Earth a hell. And we know that, currently, there is more than 1 bad being on Earth.

Added some meme.

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Angels [upgrade] CoreGod 10/30/2020 (Fri) 12:52:57 [Preview] No. 398 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Angels: Good helpers/assistants of God's Community. Link:Service,Assistance,Positive beings,Good beings,All beings,God's Community

Close to us: Eventually, if they want and meet the requirements, they can join the God's Community. Link:God's Community,Integration,Server
They care about us: They truly care about the well-being of God's Community. Link:Care,Well meaning,Well-being,God's Community
They help us: They help us in our goals/intentions (Global plan). Link:Cooperation,Service,Assistance,Global goals,Global plan
Following instructions: They follow (as best they can) the God's Community guidelines. Link:Command chain,Practice,Doing it,Global guidelines,Global plan

<to further upgrade>

Angels [upgrade] CoreGod 10/31/2020 (Sat) 17:30:25 [Preview] No.399 del
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(230.57 KB 1381x1353 Angels.png)
Angels: Good helpers/assistants of God's Community. Link:Service,Assistance,Positive beings,Good beings,God's Community,All beings

Close to us: Eventually, if they want and meet the requirements, they can join the God's Community. Link:Integration,Synergy,Union,Unity in diversity,God's Community,Friendly environment,Moral environment,Win-win
They care about us: They truly care about the well-being of God's Community. Link:Care,Well meaning,Well-being,Goodness,Recommended,God's Community
They help us: They help us in our goals/intentions (Global plan). Link:Beneficial,Contribution,Service,Assistance,Cooperation,Generous,Global goals,Global plan
Following instructions: They follow (as well as they can) the God's Community guidelines. Link:Command chain,Good guiding,Practice,Doing it,Implementation,Global guidelines,Global plan,Rules

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/137/angels

Currently, as far I know, God's Community doesn't have angels.