/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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Storage [upgrade] CoreGod 10/08/2020 (Thu) 13:42:38 [Preview] No. 379 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Storage: Keeping in good shape all idle resources. Link:Body,Memory,Hosting,Server,Maintenance,Ready,Exercise

Abundance: It's highly desired to have plenty of resources (full is the optimum). Link:Excellent,Biggest,Optimum state,Whole,Preparation
Inventory: All classified/indexed resources; a fresh (up to date) complete list. Link:Classification,Coordination,Refresh,Checking,Upgrade,Localization,Clock,Ownership
Quantity: All available resources in exact numbers. Link:Quantify,Measures,Handling quantity,Precision,Math,Details,Progress,Growth
Never depletion: Never reach complete depletion (no even close to that). Link:Self-preservation,Life,Sustainable,Whole,All that it is needed,No weaknesses,Vitality,Abundance,Feeding,Generous,Nothing
Handling excess: To handle appropriately any material excess. Link:Density problems,Handling quantity,Solutions,Growth,Adaptation,Health,Well-being,Fluidity
No leaks: Avoiding to lose resources without conscious consent. Avoiding parasites. Link:Efficiency,Productivity,Shields,Filters,Gate,Recovery of energy,Come back,Contribution

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/198/storage

The image diagram is the same as >>270

The excessive storage of fat in a human body isn't healthy.

Have a nice day! CoreGod 10/07/2020 (Wed) 12:10:45 [Preview] No. 378 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Next is the attribute Storage to upgrade.

Some female humans "store" milk in their boobs.

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Creation [upgrade] CoreGod 10/05/2020 (Mon) 18:07:47 [Preview] No. 377 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Creation: The manufacturing of new physical creations. Link:Creativity,New,Physicality,Co-creation,Curiosity,Memory,Development

Generation: Factory/maker where everything is made as planned. From possibility to physical reality. Link:Doing it,Design,Implementation,Physicality,Productivity
Combination: Able to create any combination of matter. Link:All possibilities,Powerful,Atoms,Re-creation,Order,Geometries
Accumulation: Precise assembly of matter. Link:Precision,Base control,Absolute control,Details,Machines,Actions,Atoms,Order,Patterns,Cycles,Ethical assimilation
Father/Mother: It is possible to create good souls. Creating intelligent life is not a light decision. Link:Goodness,Benevolence,Life,Feeding,Positive beings,Decision making,Major decisions,Intelligence,New,Resurrection
Deterministic agents: Useful created products (basic units of consciousness, very small machines,...). Link:Useful,Absolute control,Patterns,Machines,Programming

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/197/creation
The image-diagram is the same as >>269

I created God's Community, but the difficult part is to keep it alive.

Originally, I didn't create myself, but, I re-created myself over time, and in a way, I created myself as a new being.

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Energetic systems [upgrade] CoreGod 10/02/2020 (Fri) 16:06:34 [Preview] No. 376 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Energetic systems: Coherent/numeric/geometric systems of energies. Link:Working together,Science,Space control,Time control,Programming,Geometries,Fractality,Flows,Math,Hosting,Base control

Negentropy: High level of continuous order or even gain more order (the opposite of entropy). Link:Optimization,Perfection,Order,Improvement,Synergy,Smoothly,Harmony,Purity,Renewal,Recycling,Absolute control,Chaos
Economy: Wise eternal energetic general management. Link:Prosperity,Universal aliveness,Wise,Eternal,Sustainable,Maintenance,Coordination,Distribution,Ownership,Leadership,Director
Energetic translation: Physical ascension/descent of energies in density/frequency or other systematic physical changes. Link:Top-down,Ascension,Systematic,Re-creation,Programming,Fractality,Coordination physicality and consciousness,Branches of government,Command chain
Key features: Top/base frequencies and other key frequencies/characteristics. Link:Base rhythms,Physicality,Time control,Space control,Base control,Essentials,Core method
Productivity: The idea is that energy is not wasted while doing any event/activity/process. Link:Efficiency,Productive,Doing it,Successful,Fluidity,Exercise,Rest

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/196/energetic-systems

The image-diagram is the same as this post >>268

At one moment in time, my personal diagram was similar to the diagram of God's Community.
Now days, both are different, but still they have some similarities and they are compatible.

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Source [upgrade] CoreGod 09/29/2020 (Tue) 10:14:48 [Preview] No. 374 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Source: Source of all energy and other physical resources. Link:Physicality,Sending,Start,Ready,Essentials,Life,Abundance

Self-source: The energy come from us. We feed ourselves eternally. Link:Self-sufficient,All that it is needed,The beginning and the end,Field,Eternal,Sustainable,Self-preservation
Distribution: Fair supply chain. Wise sharing/dispersal of resources. Link:Coordination,Administration,Economy,Universal good,Command chain,Wise,Sharing
Come back: It is desired that resources are not lost in the process. All energy sent have to come back somehow. Link:Efficiency,No leaks,Full circle,The beginning and the end,Loop,Reciprocity,Attraction,Ownership,Recovery of energy
Feeding: Feeding other beings that may needed it (if appropriate and if we have enough resources). Nursing mother. Link:Generous,Sharing,Assistance,Sending,Morality,Abundance

The image-diagram is the same as >>267

<to be continued>

Source [upgrade] CoreGod 10/01/2020 (Thu) 13:47:45 [Preview] No.375 del
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Source: Source of all energy and other physical resources. Link:Physicality,Sending,Start,Ready,Essentials,Life,Abundance,I/O

Self-source: The energy come from us. We feed ourselves eternally. Link:Self-sufficient,All that it is needed,The beginning and the end,Field,Eternal,Sustainable,Self-preservation,I/O
Distribution: Fair supply chain. Wise sharing/dispersal of resources. Link:Coordination,Administration,Economy,Universal good,Command chain,Wise,Sharing,Server,Ownership,Multitasking
Come back: It is desired that resources are not lost in the process. All energy sent have to come back somehow. Link:Efficiency,No leaks,Full circle,The beginning and the end,Loop,Reciprocity,Attraction,Ownership,Recovery of energy
Feeding: Feeding other beings that may needed it (if appropriate and if we have enough resources). Nursing mother. Link:Generous,Sharing,Assistance,Sending,Morality,Abundance,Never depletion

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/195/source

At the moment, we just "feed" people with ideas/theory (spirituality).

Some spiritual groups (new age groups) using the word Source as a way to name God.
For example: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SGxhi4pTh10 [Embed]

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Justice [upgrade] CoreGod 09/26/2020 (Sat) 12:34:14 [Preview] No. 371 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Justice: Complete system of correct applications of the laws/rules to irregular situations. Link:Rules,System

Over the rules: The current laws should help, if they don't help, they should be overruled and changed for better ones. Link:Rules,Can change,Eternal laws
Handling immorality: Sometimes (if appropriate), moral issues that are correct according to the law, are handled with the rightful methods of Justice. Link:Incorruptible,Impeccability,Purity
Law enforcement: Practical application of the laws in a upright/moral manner. Link:Practice,Moral ways,Implementation
Handling everything: Quick handle of major problematic beings or/and their problematic lawless actions. Link:Actions,Negative beings,Bad beings,Mediocre beings
Using force if necessary: Only using attacking force when there is no other way (as a last resort). Link:Peace,Invincible,Defense system

<to further upgrade>

CoreGod 09/26/2020 (Sat) 14:26:51 [Preview] No.372 del
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Justice: Complete system of correct applications of the laws/rules to irregular situations. Link:Solutions,Wise,Decision making,Rules,System,Tolerance

Over the rules: The current laws should help, if they don't help, they should be overruled and changed for better ones. Link:Rules,Can change,Upgrade,Improvement,Eternal laws
Handling immorality: Sometimes (if appropriate), moral issues that are correct according to the law, are handled with the rightful methods of Justice. Link:Moral practice,Morality,Incorruptible,Impeccability,Purity
Law enforcement: Practical application of the laws in a upright/moral manner. Link:Practice,Moral ways,Implementation,Rules
Handling everything: Quick handle of major problematic beings or/and their problematic lawless actions. Link:Actions,Solutions,Intelligence,Negative beings,Bad beings,Mediocre beings
Using force if necessary: Only using attacking force when there is no other way (as a last resort). Link:Peace,Invincible,Defense system

<To further upgrade>

Justice [upgrade] CoreGod 09/27/2020 (Sun) 15:31:14 [Preview] No.373 del
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Justice: Complete system of correct applications of the laws/rules to irregular situations. Link:Solutions,Wise,Decision making,Rules,Essential laws,Global boundaries,System,Limiting,Diplomacy,Tolerance

Over the rules: The current laws should help, if they don't help, they should be overruled and changed for better ones. Link:Rules,Ruler,Can change,Upgrade,Improvement,Supreme authority,Eternal laws,No promises
Handling immorality: Sometimes (if appropriate), moral issues that are correct according to the law, are handled with the rightful methods of Justice. Link:Moral practice,Morality,Incorruptible,Impeccability,Purity,Benevolence,Moral environment
Law enforcement: Practical application of the laws in a upright/moral manner. Link:Tranquilizing,Service,Practice,Moral ways,Implementation,Necessary laws,Rules,Intervention,Forced isolation,Expulsion/Disconnection
Handling everything: Quick handle of major problematic beings or/and their problematic lawless actions. Link:Actions,Solutions,Intelligence,Robust,Improvisation,Decisive,Fast,Clear laws,Confidence,Hope,Risky,Handling external criticism,Handling external manipulation,Negative beings,Bad beings,Mediocre beings
Using force if necessary: Only using attacking force when there is no other way (as a last resort). Link:Peace,Invincible,Defense system,Fearless,Shields,Responsibility,Rise with difficulty,Controversial action

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/135/justice

At human level, a justice system that is always correct, is nearly impossible or impossible.

Paradise PD (Paradise Police Department) is an animated sitcom that displays (using humor) corrupt and incompetent applications of justice.

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Bravery [upgrade] CoreGod 09/23/2020 (Wed) 14:58:25 [Preview] No. 370 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Bravery: Courageous resolution and remaining reasonable calm when there are problems of all types. Link:Imperturbable,Calm,Decisive,Maturity,Will power,Self-empowerment,Supremacy,Handling everything

Confidence: Bold enough to maintain a state of confidence in all situations. Link:Calm,Serenity,Hope,Bliss,Constant state,Guilty-less,Undisturbed,Self-love,Self-esteem,Normality
Rise with difficulty: Rising up (don't chicken out) when there are difficulties and problems (specially in vital/core systems). Link:Handling failure,Cheer up,Improvisation,Adaptation,Self-preservation,Responsibility,Core,Persistence
Fearless: Without fear. Fear just makes it worst. Link:Shameless,Strong,Will power,Maturity,No weaknesses,Imperturbable,Robust,Sanity,Awesome
Continence: To know when is OK to stop something dangerous. Bravery but without doing something unnecessary risky (prudence, careful). Link:Prudence,Risky,Wise,Intelligence,Sanity,Humility,On watch list,Strength,Tolerance

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/156/bravery

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil"

Human governments through history have used fear as a method to control people (usually with violence/wars).
Fear of terrorism was the fear-theme of the past decades, now days, the fear mongering is thought a virus.

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Solutions [upgrade] CoreGod 09/21/2020 (Mon) 15:15:49 [Preview] No. 369 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Solutions: A complete fix to all the variety of solvable problems. Link:Problem free,Impeccability,Purity,Effective,Completely safe,To fix,Intelligence,Re-evaluation,Handling everything,Diversity,Powerful

Early detection: Preparation before it happens (knowing the probable future); prevention is better than cure. Or before it gets worse. Link:Probable future,Preparation,Monitoring,Checking,Verification,Prudence,Healthy internal criticism
Fixing: Repairing everything to make it work again or even improve it. Link:Renewal,Upgrade,Improvement,Re-creation,Recycling,Handling failure,Fixing plan
Physical problems: Trying to solve all physical problems. To make all perfect. For example: Noise. Link:Maintenance,Refresh,Protect,Robust,Optimum state,Health,Harmony,Perfection,Healing,Clean,Resurrection
Conscious problems: Trying with serenity/calm to solve all conscious problems. For example: Recover the train of thought after interruptions. Link:Sanity,Intelligence,Enlightenment,Serenity,Calm,Healing,Inner peace,Forgiveness,Diplomacy,Handling immorality,Moral ways
Root problem: Usually it's really useful to fix the cause of all problems first. Link:Prioritization,Core,Useful,The beginning and the end,Consequences,Start,Trigger
Escape of loops: Escape of incorrect/vicious (physical or mental) circles/loops. For example: Unnecessary narrow/closed overthinking. Link:Loop,Full circle,Expansion,Forced isolation,Density problems,Fluidity,Handling excess
Temporal solutions: If it's not possible a complete fix, at least do something to make it better (and not worse). Don't forget about it, and try to fix it completely. Link:Compromise,Temp,Fast,Doing it,Peace treaty,Controversial action,The best,Development,Memory,Schedule,Progress

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/194/solutions

The image-diagram is the same as >>266
Panacea: "An answer or solution for all problems or difficulties."
Probably, there is no such thing as a panacea, because such an all-encompassing solution would be impossible.

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Indestructible [upgrade] CoreGod 09/20/2020 (Sun) 15:54:38 [Preview] No. 368 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Indestructible: Not able to be destroyed/killed; therefore, guaranteed eternity. Link:Eternal,Unstoppable,Self-preservation,Absolutes,Awesome,Being god,Hope,Knowing the limits

Completely safe: Without the possibility of being unsafe. Link:Security,Highly protected,Perfection,All possibilities,Imperturbable,Incorruptible,Undisturbed,Robust,The best,Peace
Invulnerable: To reach/obtain the highest defensive status that makes impossible that something/someone harm us or damage us; completely immune/impervious to security problems. Link:Strong,Robust,Consistent,Defense system,Protect,Security,Absolutes,Preparation,Excellent,Shields,Filters
Invincible: To become so powerful that it is impossible to be defeated or overcome by others. Link:Powerful,Strongest,Omnipotent,Absolutes,Absolute control,Divine,God of All,Using force if necessary,Handling everything,Rise with difficulty,Handling external manipulation
No weaknesses: No weaknesses of any kind (no even the small ones). Link:Problem free,Impeccability,Purity,Quality,Optimization,Verification,Effective,Handling everything,Never depletion

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/134/indestructible

We desire to be better than Superman. Superman has at least 1 weakness (Kryptonite).

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Security [upgrade] CoreGod 09/19/2020 (Sat) 13:52:44 [Preview] No. 367 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Security: All related with defense and administration of Justice. Link:Limiting,Limits to others,Handling external manipulation,Global boundaries,Justice

Protect: Keeping everything in a safe state (safe from harm). Link:Completely safe,Indestructible,Invulnerable,No weaknesses,Highly protected,Preparation,Robust,Maintenance
Prudence: Careful. Don't take high risks, specially if there is no necessity of it. Link:Continence,Responsibility,Patience,Calm,Early detection,Preparation,Beware of pretending,Untrustworthy,Risky,Fearless
Monitoring: Keeping an eye on everything. Link:All access,Checking,Omnipresent,Reaching all,Perception,Always awake,Verification,Analysis,On watch list
Defense system: All mechanisms/strategies used to ensure security, including weapons. Link:Invincible,Ready,Handling everything,Shields,Filters,Using force if necessary,Methodology,Logic,Machines,Motors,Programs,Efficiency,Effective

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/114/security

My fellow readers: Stay safe!

There is a section of EndChan that is called 'Eye of Sauron' that shows the new posts on EndChan: https://endchan.net/.static/sauron.html
Eye of Sauron is like an all seeing eye in the Lord of Rings (books/movies).