/ratanon/ - Rationalists Anonymous

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Anonymous 11/18/2019 (Mon) 21:06:03 [Preview] No.6750 del
Lel, these are basically MBTI types for normies. Imagine believing this pseudoscience.

Anonymous 11/29/2019 (Fri) 14:20:38 [Preview] No.6751 del
0/10 no gwern

Some more pastebin gems Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 12:29:14 [Preview] No. 6749 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
https://pastebin.com/51k03xth - Senpai noticed! Anyone know where the original is from?

Scott on cuddles Anonymous 11/14/2019 (Thu) 07:32:49 [Preview] No. 6748 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
"For me, cuddling is the opposite of objectifying. I go into social encounters viewing most people as a combination of scary and boring. I can sometimes overcome that most of the way by spending months getting to know them and appreciate their unique perspective. Or I can cuddle with them for ten minutes. Either one works." - https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/27/cuddle-culture/

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Anonymous 09/20/2019 (Fri) 10:50:20 [Preview] No. 6709 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What happened to Luna, The Official Rationalist Dating App That Mysteriously Disappeared (and to people who paid millions for tokens)?


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Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 16:19:27 [Preview] No.6719 del
>Hide the sauciness!

Excepting full service Skaven fan-service. For obvious reasons we're OK with that.

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 21:31:46 [Preview] No.6721 del
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> It failed due to mass banning furry fetish identified users. Talk about a bunch of weirdos for admins.

I don't believe this at all. Even in the worst-case scenario, more than 90 or 95% of users would be non-furries, and the hypothetical furry creeps could be warned or banned without taking the entire service down.

I also didn't hear any official update or explanation from any team member. What happened with the money from token sale?

Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 19:13:26 [Preview] No.6722 del
The proper ratanonic way to figure out how many rats are furries is to have a poll.

Anonymous 10/09/2019 (Wed) 21:47:13 [Preview] No.6724 del
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Well friends, the numbers don't lie...

Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 22:18:17 [Preview] No.6738 del
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Miscellaneous tidbits and links Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 08:34:40 [Preview] No. 5769 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Post interesting things for which you wouldn't make a separate thread.

This thread is a superset of >>5529 meant to be more easy to notice.
185 posts and 58 images omitted.

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 20:30:46 [Preview] No.6668 del

Anonymous 08/14/2019 (Wed) 18:02:41 [Preview] No.6680 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=25pX6JacK20 [Embed]

Anonymous 08/15/2019 (Thu) 11:28:51 [Preview] No.6685 del
I stopped watching after the guest came on. The guy kept saying the guest was a she, but when "she" came on, it was clearly a tranny. I can't take people seriously who act as though transwomen are actually women, and not confused men.

Anonymous 08/28/2019 (Wed) 16:56:23 [Preview] No.6691 del
Imagine surfing on a kyeboard

Anonymous 10/06/2019 (Sun) 03:42:22 [Preview] No.6723 del
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Porn Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 03:17:03 [Preview] No. 4937 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What porn does ratanon like? What are your favorite tags?
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Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:08:50 [Preview] No.6626 del
I could in theory nut to whatever's on the front page of pornhub, but usually when I'm horny and have to fap, I'm already thinking of something specific because why else would I be about to fap?

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 13:09:08 [Preview] No.6627 del
>Do you guys really use these elaborate tag-based hentai classification systems?
But of course. How am I supposed to satisfy my used goods fetish without being able to search for "eng virginity -defloration"?

>Do you all masturbate to 2d pics?
See pic related.

>m I the only one who will just load up pornhub.com, scroll down and click on "Sloppy spit covered facefuck deepthroat by epic throat fuck slut" or whatever?
Fucking casual.

Anonymous 09/07/2019 (Sat) 11:11:33 [Preview] No.6700 del
(1.89 MB 680x383 1567340574383.gif)
It is amusing, meta, but not really unexpected that porn fetish fetish porn content exists.

Anonymous 09/07/2019 (Sat) 11:13:55 [Preview] No.6701 del
(2.94 MB 270x290 1567340862613.gif)
This GIF is a little disturbing.

Anonymous 10/01/2019 (Tue) 15:29:37 [Preview] No.6712 del
Mostly 2d. I don't think I have a favorite tag. Depends on whichever character I'm obsessing over at the time. Monstergirl/furry is fine, but not exclusively. My interests vary considerably. Although, the scenes I conjure up in my own theater of the mind tend toward certain common fetishistic themes, if not characters.
Fetishes have existed since the dawn of humanity. It is what it is and always has been, a part of humanity.

Depends on the age of the consumer. The young tend to like others young, no surprise. An oldfag with an obsession for it is highly suspect. Like everything else the Japanese get their hands on it can be pushed into a humorously bizarre story line everyone can enjoy. "She has the body of an 11 year old, but she is actually a 13 million year ancient succubus. And she's on the rag for the first time ever? LOOK OUT!" Etc.
Lolicon does nothing for me though. I like my characters with adult personalities and curvature.

>Tag fags?
Tag based systems for searching something/someone specific on a booru? sure.
>Do you all masturbate to 2d pics?
Not all as seen in thread. With a strong imagination what else does one need but slight prompting?

Anonymous 09/11/2019 (Wed) 01:16:45 [Preview] No. 6705 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What is the onset of schizophrenia like? Is it a sudden complete break from reality, or is it more like a series of delusions creeping into one's consciousness and slowly replacing their normal beliefs?

Is there any record of a former rationalist developing schizophrenia?

Anonymous 09/11/2019 (Wed) 06:37:26 [Preview] No.6706 del
I think Scott has some posts about it.
My impression is that it comes slowly. You become more likely to interpret random chance as significant, but a convoluted conspirational belief system needs a lot of time to build up.
Treatment is more effective the earlier it starts.

Anonymous 09/11/2019 (Wed) 08:07:47 [Preview] No.6707 del
I found the post: https://slatestarcodex.com/2018/09/20/treat-the-prodrome/

I am wondering if I'm developing schizophrenia. For the past few months, I have been occasionally slipping into a mode where my understanding of the world shifts into a stereotypically schizo one, where most of what I perceive is in fact some kind of test by the Other, certain events directly reference my private thoughts, etc. I am steadily adding new details to this worldview as these episodes happen.

But most of the time, these beliefs are obviously silly. My main alternative hypothesis to "I am developing schizophrenia" is "I am entertaining certain delusions on purpose so that I can larp as schizophrenic and thereby excuse my failures with a mental illness. I am not actually losing touch with reality." So I'm trying to figure out which of those my current situation fits better.

Anonymous 09/13/2019 (Fri) 22:47:40 [Preview] No.6708 del
Consider seeing a psychiatrist about it or something. It could be dangerous.
I often notice odd coincidences, but I don't narrativize them.

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Greed Anonymous 08/28/2019 (Wed) 22:12:03 [Preview] No. 6694 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Is greed real? Does it actually exist as an independent psychological trait or is it only a combination of the Big Five, the dark triad and IQ?

Anonymous 08/29/2019 (Thu) 14:20:25 [Preview] No.6695 del
I dunno, you really need to start out with a solid definition of greed first. Every human is inclined to collect resources for themselves, so everyone is at least somewhat "greedy".

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Other boards of EndChan Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 16:34:31 [Preview] No. 6665 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Did our forced migration here lead you to explore EndChan? What have you found? How do you like it here?

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 16:43:14 [Preview] No.6667 del
I must say that I enjoy this site. Lynxchan is considerably faster for a backend, as well. When/if 8ch comes back I'll go back there, but it's likely that I'll keep visiting this place. All in all, very enjoyable, but I miss the hours of exploration I can do on 8ch.

Anonymous 08/14/2019 (Wed) 16:32:53 [Preview] No.6678 del

Anonymous 08/14/2019 (Wed) 20:30:31 [Preview] No.6683 del

Anonymous 08/17/2019 (Sat) 08:37:23 [Preview] No.6686 del
You can already see the results of /ratanon/ visiting.

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blog.jim.com Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 05:20:13 [Preview] No. 5283 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A fascinating mixture of brilliance and retardation.
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Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 05:34:07 [Preview] No.5294 del
Does any anon here have a burner Twitter account? Or is Twitter a bad way to contact Peterson?

Anonymous 08/13/2019 (Tue) 05:34:55 [Preview] No.5297 del
I don't but just imagine his face the first time he sees the post-meritocracy manifesto.

Homosexuality and male friendship Anonymous 08/14/2019 (Wed) 17:54:20 [Preview] No.6679 del
Do you think Jim is right about them?
>Gay destroyed men’s friendships. It used to be possible for men to walk together down the street and even invite each other for sleepover without anyone having the faintest suspicion that anal sex is involved. To have successful cooperation, we have to be able to meaningfully bond with each other, but meaningful bonding is absolutely impossible when signalling “I love you bro” translates to “I want to fuck your ass.” Without gays in society, we would be able to express legit affection and signal brotherly loyalty to each other, and without the nagging need to perpetually explain that we are “no homo.”
If he is, what solutions are there that do not require nuking America?

Anonymous 08/14/2019 (Wed) 20:22:55 [Preview] No.6681 del

Anonymous 08/14/2019 (Wed) 20:27:22 [Preview] No.6682 del
I don't really have anything wrong with homosexuality, but it shouldn't be the assumption, it should be the exception. He's right about the fact that you can't really express brotherly love. The only friend I had that I was close enough to say "I love you bro" to was gay though, ironically.