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Fio para falar mal de todo entretenimento e eventos Anônimo 05/25/2024 (Sat) 21:16 [Preview] No. 4149 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Fio dedicado à meter o pau nessa merda que é o entretenimento, nesses eventos merdas, nessas celebridades merdas, nessas pseudo-celebridades merdas, nesses (((influenciadores))) merdas.

Enfim. Para falar mal geral do entretenimento. Para expor tudo de ruim que ocorre nos bastidores do entretenimento.

Começo com essa merda da CCXP:

-Prometem 30 atrações, mas você, otário, só vai conseguir ver 2 ou 3, porque as filas duram 3 horas ou mais.

-Você, otário, paga um valor enorme, para não ter acesso à quase nada, devido às já mencionadas filas enormes.

-Se quiser evitar as filas, você, otário, tem que pagar extra, com o valor já passando dos mil Reais.

-Cheio de gorda fedorenta e horrorosa. Cheio de viado. Cheio de sojado/"macho" beta que morrem com um soco na cara mas se vestem como se fossem algum super herói de filminho merda.

-Premiações compradas em camelô de muambeiro, dadas aos otários que mais passarem vergonha em "concursos".

Um bando de (((influenciadores))) subornados para falar bem da merda do evento, mesmo se o dito cujo for literalmente localizado em um lixão.

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Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 21:34 [Preview] No.5313 del
Não engana ninguém, judeu impotente.
Continuaremos postando e destruindo seu comércio e toda lacração.

Quem lacrar vai falir. Nós somos invencíveis.

Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 21:35 [Preview] No.5314 del
Qualquer outra coisa é imitaçãoi tentando se passar por mangaka.
Criação de mangá não envolve apenas estilo visual e roteiro. Envolve toda a cultura japonesa influenciando os que já são da etnia japonesa, com seu jeito de pensar e ver o mundo.
Esses charlatões brasileiros ou de outros países são apenas fracassados querendo pegar carona no sucesso de algo que é intrinscicamente japonês.
E os japoneses sabem muito bem disso, e os colocam apenas como figurantes para aparecerem em entrevistar e elevar as vendas dos mangás. Afinal, japoneses são espertos, e público que consome ficção é otário por natureza.

A prática mais comum no Japão, até mesmo entre japoneses, é pegar alguém que tenha um público que a empresa (japonesa) ainda não tenha, e fazer essa pessoa assinar contratos dizendo que "criou aquele trabalho". Mas sem de fato criar, pois a empresa sabe o que faz e coloca seus próprios funcionários para criar o produto de fato.
É pura propaganda enganosa. Que só funciona porque fãs são otários e acreditam que "Fulano criou isso! Olha que fornicação!" só porque o nome do fulano está lá nos créditos.

Exemploe recente disso entre os próprios japoneses foi Hideo Kojima assinando contrato se dizendo "produtor" do Castlevania Lord of Shadows, quando na verdade nunca trabalhou no jogo. E isso só foi descoberto porque alguns membros da equipe que criou o jogo de fat foram demitidos e resolveram entregar o esquema em entrevistas.

Esse esquema, quando tem estrangeiro envolvido, é feito 100% das vezes. O Japão NUNCA coloca estrangeiro para trabalhar de fato em NADA que seja japonês. apenas contratam o estrangeiro para colocar nome nos créditos, para alavancar vendas.

Anônimo 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:10 [Preview] No.5326 del
Repostando de outro parênquima paliçádico:

Falando em Alexandre Nagado; anos atrás li de relance um artigo perdido em um blog sobre uma intriga envolvendo ele; na qual uns quadrinistas favelados pediram a opinião dele sobre uma história em quadrinhos que eles fizeram, e mesmo que ele não tenha faltado com o respeito para com esses favelados em nenhum momento, eles se ofenderam porque o Alexandre Nagado disse que eles teriam que refazer a história em quadrinhos porque estava amadora e isso seria necessário se eles quisessem vender, então os favelados vitimistas acusaram ele de ser preconceituoso e de destruir os sonhos dos quadrinistas da periferia. Lembro que li sobre essa intriga no blog por volta de 2018 (ou seja, já era época dos cancelamentos). Então, que fim essa treta levou?

Não vi nenhuma repercussão negativa para com o Nagado, à longo prazo.
Ele continua ativo nos grupos de fãs/retardados, e até dá entrevistas em streams sobre a situação dos quadrinhos no Brasil.

A lição nisso tudo é: além de sempre matar paixãos (o que é sempre correto), SEMPRE tenha preconceito com paixãos e nunca dê espaço à raça dos peles-de-merda.
Eles são de uma raça inferior, incapazes de criar qualquer coisa.
Quem vive em periferia junto com paixãos, acaba definhando o cérebro também.
Então ,trabalho de favelado ou de paixão é obrigatoriamente trabalho mal feito.

A realidade está aí mostrando pra todo mundo: empresas lacradoras que contrataram peles-de-merda estão todas falindo e seus produtos encalhando, pois ninguém gosta de olhar pra pele-de-merda e ninguém gosta do trabalho mal feito que os peles-de-merda fazem.

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:58 [Preview] No.5341 del
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Mais notícias sobre a falência da disney:

As ações da disney caíram para menos de 100 dólares:

E a empresa já perdeu uma de suas diretoras da bancada:

A falência da disney continua, provando que quem lacra não lucra. Lacrou? Faliu!

Não deixem seus filhos serem expostos à marxismo que adora viadagem, paixãos e feminismo.

Não deixem seus filhos serem expostos à nada que seja da disney.

Anônimo 07/26/2024 (Fri) 14:14 [Preview] No.5345 del
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Notícia velha, mas que serve para mostrar o quanto a indústria de entretenimento é um lixo.

O judeu e cartunista Kyle Carrozza, criador da série Mighty Magiswords do Cartoon Network, foi preso por possuir e compartilhar imagens de pornografia infantil:

E para variar, ele além de pedófilo, é comunista, odeia cultura japonesa e advoca contra animes e contra tradicionalismo.

E ele era frequentador constante de eventos de entretenimento similares à CCXP e BGS.
Era convidado constantemente para dar palestras para crianças também.

Todos os envolvidos com a indústria de entretenimento ocidental, incluindo esses dubladores brasileiros, são assim. Um bando de comunistas e judeus estupradores de crianças, que querem enganar suas crianças utilizando desenhos para atraí-las e estuprá-las e/ou levá-las à prostituição infantil.

Não deixe seus filhos serem expostos ao entretenimento.

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Nazista da web Anônimo 07/14/2024 (Sun) 21:26 [Preview] No. 5150 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

(MisanthropicDivision) - (AtomWaffen Division)
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Adm Anônimo 07/16/2024 (Tue) 21:36 [Preview] No.5204 del
>>5193 Não chore não, quero você limpo. Não cause a discordia entre os confrades não, irei te banir.

Anônimo 07/16/2024 (Tue) 21:52 [Preview] No.5205 del
>>5193 Contribua com os confrades camarada! Mas não fique nessa mesquinhez, precisamos de você Tambem.

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:32 [Preview] No.5338 del

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:44 [Preview] No.5340 del
Só bora.

Anônimo 07/26/2024 (Fri) 01:56 [Preview] No.5344 del
Pika demais, confrade!

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sou uma puta inutil de 16 anos, eu quero ser xingada e abusada.
me xinguem ate eu cometer suicidio!

meu discord: aireszx_
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Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 11:39 [Preview] No.5301 del
E não tem nenhuma outra rede social?

Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 18:29 [Preview] No.5302 del
Vaze do nosso recinto, paneleira fudida. Abra seu Discord e volte para sua raça.

Anônimo 07/24/2024 (Wed) 14:50 [Preview] No.5320 del
deixa uma rede sua aki gata, eu queria te seguir pra te conhecer e conversar, tenho muitos problemas tbm mais n desisti de tudo, acredite eu tô bem fudidokkkkkk

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:58 [Preview] No.5332 del
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Vá embora do recinto, depósito de porra. Volte para sua panelinha fudida e cometa um suícidio. Se continuar aqui iremos forniquer com sua vida e fazer você ficar com depressão e se sentir arrependida de ter entrado aqui.

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 22:00 [Preview] No.5343 del
Quer cometer suicídio? Enfie uma faca bem profunda no seu cu até sair pela sua garganta, sua vagabunda do caralho, paneleira fudida, fêmea desgraça, vaze do recinto imediatamente.

Anões, eu entrei em panelinha de discord para ver como os inúteis se comportavam, crianças de 14/15 anos vendo menina se cortando falando que da tesão sendo que se ver um sangue na vida real desmaia. Explanação de menores e doxxing para ter fama. Eu sou facilmente banido por falar server ruim ou server mal configurado, os donos dessas panelas são só crianças imaturas, inúteis.

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:46 [Preview] No.5330 del
Manda o link, vamos planejar uma raid contra essa escória.

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:27 [Preview] No.5336 del
Kjkkkkkkk sim.

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 21:30 [Preview] No.5342 del
>crianças de 14/15
Que serão adultos e irão lhe substituir.

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Algum confrade do recinto tem o link para o site do Estado Islâmico?

g4eth3rr Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:23 [Preview] No.5334 del
Postei aqui no chan, alfanoreplay360vghhjkkklll.onion

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 20:41 [Preview] No.5339 del

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material de ia Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 03:19 [Preview] No. 5327 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
se alguem tiver um material bom de ia, manda pra mim plz marciosantosss468@gmail.com

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:28 [Preview] No.5337 del
No Picsart tem várias funções

hacking Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 07:21 [Preview] No. 5328 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
alguem sabe ou tem link de alguma ferramenta de hacker bom? queria destruir a vida de uma pessoa que fica fazendo bullying comigo na escola

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 16:51 [Preview] No.5331 del
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Craxs Rat é uma boa ferramenta, com ela você pode controlar computadores de terceiros e de seus desafetos. Eu mesmo uso e recomendo bastante.

Anônimo 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:25 [Preview] No.5335 del
Tem milhares cara... Baixa o [hs hacker] no YouTube

Dos, SQL, nmap, etc...

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Sports Bernd 11/07/2021 (Sun) 19:28 [Preview] No. 45473 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Does Bernd go to gym? Maybe Bernd does other sports?
If not, you should start!
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Bernd 07/14/2024 (Sun) 21:07 [Preview] No.52208 del
2-1 final score, Spain is the champion.
First half went down with one actual shot on goal, although there was couple of attempts. Second half seen an early Spanish goal and the pace perked up. More Spanish attack followed then England leveled the score. In the 87th minutes Spain managed to score one more and despite a spectacular attack (3 consequent headers at the goal within one attempt) the score remained the same.
It was a relatively good match. Wasn't great, but was watchable at least. I'm glad its over within the normal time limits.

All in all the tournament was lacking, lots of boring games. The "big" teams didn't opened up to risk getting a goal, so they don't score either, their whole tactic made their games boring. Except Spain, and to a lesser extent Germany. This sucked.
Too bad our team was dropped out during group stage. Oh well.

Bernd 07/19/2024 (Fri) 18:39 [Preview] No.52222 del
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Surprising news.
The upcoming UEFA Nations League Belgium vs Israel match will be hold... not in Brussels but on the Hungary.
Because of
>hightened risks and serious security concerns
They can't guarantee the safety of the Israeli team and fans.
>The city officials said they did not want to take risks, amid the ongoing Gaza conflict and strong pro-Palestinian sentiment within the Brussels’ migrant population.
>Some observers argued Hungary’s choice was ironic, after the country received criticism for not opening its borders to migrants from majority-Muslim countries. Now, they say, Hungary appeared to offer Europe’s only safe location to organise a football game against Israel, without threat of terror or attacks.
>“Outside of a war situation, this is the first time, to my knowledge, that a European country has officially recognised that it is no longer master of its territory, due to an overly pressing Arab-Muslim presence,” said French political activist Damien Rieu.

This article also mentions other matches, specifically in Poland, that cannot be held.
I know that sometimes they organize matches for Israeli teams on the Hungary, but they aren't too publicized.

Interesting tidbit, from BBC:

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Bernd 07/20/2024 (Sat) 17:38 [Preview] No.52227 del
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I lift weights and run

in general i like to stay active do outdoor stuff like hiking kayaking etc

i walk for at least 30 minutes a day as well

Bernd 07/20/2024 (Sat) 18:05 [Preview] No.52228 del
That far your fridge is?

Bernd 07/25/2024 (Thu) 07:02 [Preview] No.52237 del
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Olympics is here.
For this year Paris was awarded to hold it, starting tomorrow. I heard about hordes of migrants and trashheaps everywhere. That's the gossip.
I dunno if I'll follow, perhaps gonna check the news occasionally. This is one sporting event - combining lots of sporting events - where Hungarians tend to fare pretty well.
Oh silly me. While the football circus went on the "water" euro cup also went on. We also tend to do well in those sports. Basically in everything, water polo, swimming, kayaking whatnot. I really should look that up too.

This should be official site for the Olympics:
Btw some football is already going on, not sure what's up with that. Have to look it up sometimes.

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luluzinho o bostil Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 06:42 [Preview] No. 5267 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
luluzinho e um viado que fez um massacre em são paulo, oque vocês acham disso?

Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 12:02 [Preview] No.5269 del
Vai depender de quantos ele matou..

Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 21:21 [Preview] No.5277 del
É preciso incentivar mais viados à matarem crianças e professores nas escolas.

Cada viado, aluno e professor mortos são comunistas à menos no país.

Anônimo 07/24/2024 (Wed) 20:41 [Preview] No.5325 del
Uma escória que matou outras escórias, nem precisamos mais sujar nossas mãos, as escórias se matam sozinhas.

Entrem no perfil dessa depósito e joguem ódio nela, ela defende LGBT e se acha superior a nós homens. Xinguem ela e joguem mensagens de ódio contra essa merdalher até que ela entre em depressão.

Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 22:57 [Preview] No.5286 del
Acabei de xingar ela.

Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 02:12 [Preview] No.5306 del
Imagina achar que tem exército pessoal aqui, kek.

Anônimo 07/24/2024 (Wed) 20:36 [Preview] No.5324 del
Tem é que fazer que nem Ted Bundy e matar essas vagabundas logo

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G4Eth3r Anônimo 07/24/2024 (Wed) 18:12 [Preview] No. 5321 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Anônimo 07/24/2024 (Wed) 19:35 [Preview] No.5322 del
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Anônimo 07/24/2024 (Wed) 20:34 [Preview] No.5323 del
Tem que fazer que nem os americanos e treinar isso nas escolas.

Movies & TV-shows Bernd 06/25/2021 (Fri) 08:20 [Preview] No. 44206 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous one is autosäging.

Wanna watch The Longest Yard, the original Burt Reynolds movie.
I only see two remakes, the Mean Machine with Vinnie Jones, and the Adam Sandler comedy from 2005. Probably the only good Adam Sandler movie. It's greatest selling point is the catchy tunes played in the background and the supporting cast. Judging by the screenshots it follows the original story quite tightly. The Mean Machine is adapted to the circumstances of a Bri'is prison and normal football. It was entertaining too.
One more remake was made, and Egyptian one: Captain Masr in 2015. Not sure if it's available anywhere, or has any English dubs or subs. Also features normal football.
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Bernd 07/08/2024 (Mon) 13:07 [Preview] No.52175 del
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Watched The Many Saints of Newark. A spinoff movie of the telly show Sopranos. The result is mixed.
The story follows Dickie Moltisanti (Many Saints), dad of Christopher (his actor, Michael Imperioli narrating some of the movie) who had a great impact on Tony while he grew up. I do not think the film really grabs this relationship, spends awfully lot of time on race riots and social justice issues instead. While the 1967 Newark riots really happened, the negro class/race struggle doesn't add any substantial to the story just takes away from the screen time. Since the movie was released in 2021 we can be 100% why this got so much focus.
Nice touch that the teenager, young adult Tony Soprano is played by Michael Gandolfini, son of James who played the role of Tony in the show. His voice helps make it believable, and one conversation with her mother, and his chat with the principal of the school (or whoever) does remind of the performance of his dad in the series, and feels authentic.
All the characters are there, Sal, Paulie, Pussy, the actors doing impressions of the originals, sometimes okay, but sometimes feel a bit forced. The character of Junior feels the most caricature like, which culminates when he suffers an accident breaking his hip while slipping. Did they really needed to recycle that? They could have spent time on creating a real enmity between him and Dickie.
Ofc the family is there, Tony's parents (I think John Bernthal does a good job as his dad, too little screentime tho) and Janice. Even the dog features, which was given away according to the mistress of Johnny (the giving away doesn't in the movie, the dog is there just for a scene). I miss the other Anthony/Tony B (played by Steve Buscemi in the show).
Ray Liotta also features in the movie, now not as a corrupt cop, but a mobster. Twice, he plays a twin.
Not sure if I'd recommend this. Even for those who are fans of The Sopranos, they might find it a sacrilege and offensive. I'm okay-ish with it.

Bernd 07/08/2024 (Mon) 13:09 [Preview] No.52176 del
Now thinking about it Bernthal's acting lacks some of the flair of the telly show's Johnny. That Italian loudness and wide gestures and whatnot.

Bernd 07/08/2024 (Mon) 13:28 [Preview] No.52177 del
Now thinking that Livia manipulated Junior to kill Dickie just like she did in the show. Huh. Also she might have known that Tony went to his uncle Dickie and ask for help getting his mom on that medication. But she couldn't go that far yet.

1 Bernd 07/08/2024 (Mon) 17:48 [Preview] No.52178 del

Bernd 07/24/2024 (Wed) 12:03 [Preview] No.52236 del
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Watched Pearl Harbor.
Actually the title should have been Pearl Habor & The Doolitle Raid.
Another movie where a young woman waits for her two most beloved men to return from a seemingly suicide mission where one of them sacrifices himself for Ben Affleck who can return to the beloved woman.
Quite a long (almost 3 hours), patriotic movie with a meaningless sidetrack of PoC placement. Otherwise the movie copypastes themes and tropes from the afore-implied Armageddon and Catch 22. Has that typical shitty camera work and pace which characteristic to many early 2000's Hollywood movies (but perhaps the trend started in the late 90s, Armageddon is similar), like Gone in 60 Seconds.
It was released in 2001 May, the year when another Pearl Harbor level attack happened against the United States. When they had to find their resolve and strike back. Just as in the movie. What a coincidence.

2001 seen other masterpieces worth watching more, such as Pootie Tang and Freddy Got Fingered not to mention Memento and Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back.

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Proletics Serious Discussion - Nothing Changes Edition Bernd 07/18/2024 (Thu) 14:12 [Preview] No. 52219 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous thread: >>36217

Found fun informational. It's dated, I think from 2019 but things seems to be the same. Not sure about that Paris Climate Agreement tho.

As in last post in prev thread stated today EU Parliament voted back Ursula von der Leyen as the president of the EU Commission (EU govt. basically).
719 deputy
707 votes
401 yes
284 no
15 abstained
7 invalid votes
She's so dumb, and the dumbest statements she makes. She's also a bit dated, she was first elected in 2019. But it shows how strong the leftlib is, they stay in power as expected, despite all the bleeting in the leftlib press about far-right danger.
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Bernd 07/21/2024 (Sun) 06:56 [Preview] No.52229 del
>that happened after she left
She picked the people she wanted to get the dough, she had her own share, she could left the job of actually doing the thing to others.

Bernd 07/23/2024 (Tue) 19:01 [Preview] No.52232 del
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They announced Biden caught covid.
They confined him.
Then suddenly he announced in a tweet he withdraws from the presidential race - despite he was adamant to do it.
Now CumAllah Harris is the nominee, leftlib media behaves like nothing happened.
Did they coup the old man?
Will we see Biden ever again?

Some questioned the authenticity of his signature of the "resign" paper. Here's a cool investigation by Wyatt of DPA:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=N5-RtKQir1Y [Embed]
Interesting comment:
>Wyatt : I examined this in detail last night Apparently, all of the signatures on his executive orders (with PDFs visible on the Federal Register website) going back to 2021 are exactly identical probably being copied and pasted If the signature on the Executive Orders is something copied from three or four years ago, it is plausible that his most recent signature (on the resignation document) is both different and genuine, because of the passage of time (and of course his mental deterioriation)
Does this mean he never actually signed any executive orders?

Bernd 07/24/2024 (Wed) 06:44 [Preview] No.52233 del
Well it was to be expected. After all, if Biden were elected for a second term he would just get worse as he continues to age.

I don't know that she is much of a better candidate really. I heard that people actually wanted somebody else entirely but due to how campaign funding works that would be difficult because all donations are to the Biden-Harris Campaign so there would be complications transferring it to a new candidate. Plus replacing her would be a bad look when she is Vice President, particularly as she is half black, half Indian and a woman, so dropping her would offend those demographics.

So it looks like Trump will be president.

Bernd 07/24/2024 (Wed) 06:45 [Preview] No.52234 del
Trump has already been a president before, so I mean it looks like Trump will be president again.

Bernd 07/24/2024 (Wed) 08:11 [Preview] No.52235 del
Oh now that he stepped down turns out he has no covid and can return to the White House.
They detained and threatened him. Infa 100%.

One thing I heard. Here's this:
>The Democratic National Committee is committed to electing Democrats everywhere – from the school board to the Oval Office.
They have a set of rules how these officials can be nominated.
There are four documents on the second link that:
>govern the Party’s Delegate Selection process and National Convention.
Including the President of the US.
What I heard, that for a new nominate they should have kept at least some part of the procedure, "at least a hearing", but they just switched Biden - whom the delegates legally pledged to - with Harris and the delegates declared they all supporting her.
Really shows that it is not a democratic process, there is a clique that can just say:
>today you support X
>tomorrow you support Y

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site foda Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 14:58 [Preview] No. 5309 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
fala anões achei um site fornicação chamado bleachbooru muito bom e não tem aqueles porno de preto que nem o rule34 o bleachbooru é destinado a nós brancos e tem muito porno bom

Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 17:41 [Preview] No.5311 del
Muito bom.

Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 22:05 [Preview] No.5315 del
Interracial. Pele escura. Viadagem.

Mentiroso do caralho.
É só mais um site merda como todos os outros.

vou te ajudar Anônimo 07/24/2024 (Wed) 00:01 [Preview] No.5318 del
>>5315 escreve bleached ou nazi na barra de pesquisa ai vc acha o porno bom recomendo um artista chamado andava

Anônimo 07/24/2024 (Wed) 02:08 [Preview] No.5319 del
Mesmo agente, sua pornografia é kosher.

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Já conseguimos os dados dos federais. Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 22:11 [Preview] No. 5282 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Vai ter federal sendo queimado vivo dentro de casa junto com a família.

Vão morrer, policiais federais de merda.


E não vamos parar por aí: vamos atrás dos juízes e promotres tmabém.

O Brasil É NOSSO.
Vocês se meteram com os donos do mundo.
Agora vão ser exterminados por isso.

Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 22:55 [Preview] No.5285 del
Tamo junto confrade!

Anônimo 07/21/2024 (Sun) 01:21 [Preview] No.5287 del
mesmo federal

Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 22:40 [Preview] No.5317 del
Tá tremendo de meod, policial DE BOSTA?

Vai ser queimado vivo junto com sua família.

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ATENÇÃO Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 10:55 [Preview] No. 5293 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
"complexo de Israel"

AQUI NO CHAN FOI ANUNCIADA A FACÇÃO 'COMUNISTA' DO CV (comando vermelho) Estampando a bandeira vermelha da 'revolução comunista' E É REALMENTE ISSO. (Sem falar que muitos ratos votam em quem? No PT)

A MILICIA É MAIS CONSERVADORA (formada por policiais corruptos)



Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 10:56 [Preview] No.5294 del
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Como é um judeu traficante?

Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 10:57 [Preview] No.5295 del
Muitos ratos pra eliminar, pena que a PM só enxuga gelo......

Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 10:59 [Preview] No.5296 del
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Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 11:00 [Preview] No.5297 del
Imagine uma guerra santa, tá maluco...
Já existe na verdade.

Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 22:35 [Preview] No.5316 del
-Sempre mate judeus.
-Sempre mate esquerdalhas.
-Sempre mate autoridades.
-Sempre mate traficantes.

Não existe Cristão judaico.
Quem sewgue Cristo, tem a obrigação de matar judeus.

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... Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 02:46 [Preview] No. 5307 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 17:43 [Preview] No.5312 del

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desculpa Anônimo 07/23/2024 (Tue) 15:01 [Preview] No. 5310 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
era fornicação e o corretor botou fornicação desculpa

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Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 20:06 [Preview] No. 32381 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I just realised something... something spooky as fuck.

You know how sumo is derived from some ancient rituals? How it was performed in shrines, to appease the kami, to ensure prosperity? It was only later professionalised, and is now performed on a national level by salaried wrestlers, but there are still many religious elements, from how the ring is consecrated by a priest before each tournament, yokozuna entering the ring with that big white rope around his belt, to wrestlers actually throwing salt into the ring before each bout as a means of consecration. It is a deeply religious ritual, somehow performed to appease the kami for the entire nation of Japan. Kinda like how the ancient Olympic Games were performed on temple grounds, and were a form of vitalist worship of Greek gods.

You know when's the last time sumo wasn't performed as scheduled? March 2011. The March of the earthquake and tsunami that rekt Japan. But guess what? The tournament was cancelled a month before. Because of some match-fixing scandal. Yep, that's right. And the earthquake happened 2 days before the tournament was scheduled.

The earthquake happened because the sumo ritual wasn't performed. Because the kami weren't appeased. They were pissed and caused the earthquake as a warning.
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Bernd 06/17/2024 (Mon) 14:29 [Preview] No.52069 del
Translation from Natto's shitcord:
The Yokozuna has taken his leave mid-basho for the second time in a row. But given that he was absent for three basho, then got the yusho, then for four basho, then yusho again, the YDC decided to take a "wait and see" stance.

"It's a shame he had to leave in mid-basho, but we also value his effort to participate and his sense of responsibility".

They are saying they'll be watching the progress of his healing and return to the dohyo until after Nagoya, or possibly Aki, and then decide. "It's absolutely not a situation for one of our official decisions (encouragement, warning, recommendation to retire). Chairman Yamauchi declined to say what happens after Aki. "The situation will become clearer. We believe Terunofuji, who has a great sense of responsibility, will make his own judgments."

About the 23 years old Komusubi winning the yusho within 7 basho from his hatsu-dohyo, he said "I think it's a sign that the World of Sumo is about to undergo a significant change. He is going to become Ozeki eventually, and I have hopes for the speed at which this takes place.

State of the sumo
Asked about the fact that for two basho in a row, newcomers have grabbed the silverware, he says "I wouldn't call it a collapse of the banzuke, but I can't deny that the banzuke has become fluid. If the top rungs don't stand up and block the way, the banzuke is only a ranking in name, not in reality."

Bernd 07/10/2024 (Wed) 07:35 [Preview] No.52184 del
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Nagoya basho starts on Sunday!

In juryo it's Onokatsu, who jumped from the 12th place to the 1st, and Takerufuji who is recovering from an injuri but did gigantic splash on his debut in makuuchi. If he has really recovered, we can expect good results from him. The third promising talent, Hakuoho struggled due to injury, had to sit out matches and now he is at #13 and I'm not sure about him being well enough either.

I dunno if Terunofuji is well enough either. He might enter the tournament again, and has to withdraw again. His joints and spine are fucked. No doubt about it.
Kirishima is relegated to sekiwake, Onosato elevated to the same rank. Both him and Abi are starting an ozeki run. Frankly Onosato has the better chance to get another 10+ wins.
Takakeisho is struggling this year on all the bashos. He is injured, in January he was out, in March he barely got an 8 together, had to sit out the last bout, then had to sit out almost all the last basho, and now he is kadoban, in danger of relegation. He is sitting on the ozeki laurels on a long long time. It would be an upset for sure if he'd had to leave.
Last time Atamifuji was a bit disappointing but close to the top of the banzuke, all opponents are tough. he managed to beat Hoshoryu last time - which is a feat in itself - , and Takakeisho before that. Will we see some good sumo from him?
Asanoyama drifted down after skipping the tournament of May. He surely can climb back, if he is okay.

I'm hoping it will be a good basho, but with so many talented rikishis struggling with health issues left and right it will be a surprise whatever we get.

Bernd 07/14/2024 (Sun) 14:46 [Preview] No.52205 del
Sumo today!

Bernd 07/14/2024 (Sun) 14:46 [Preview] No.52206 del

Bernd 07/23/2024 (Tue) 08:30 [Preview] No.52231 del
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It seems this is Terunofuji's basho now. He is going strong by 9-0 as of yesterday, and leading by two in front of ozeki Kotozakura and Churanoumi (M12).
Others don't fare this well. Hoshoryu has only 6-3, I'm fairly sure he'll reach 10 wins, perhaps even 11, but not 12. Onosato is kind of a disappointment with 5-4 and he'll be hard pressed to reach the 10+ wins if he wants to continue his ozeki run. Kirishima with 5-4 is okay, he won't be ozeki anytime soon, and 5-4 is a realistic score by him, just like Abi. But Atamifuji is only 4-5, just like Wakamotoharu! Takakeisho ditto and it is dubious if he'll make it to that 8th point that could save his laurels! Meisei at the back with 2-7???
The real shame is Takayasu getting injured. So he is out, he needs weeks to recover, no chance coming back early. But wait a minute! Is that... him playing that trumpet?!
Now something more cheerful.
Hiradoumi is a komusubi and has 5-4 I think this is pretty impressive by him - he always fights in good spirit but feels like an underdog and easy to overlook him when reading the banzuke, there are more "shiny and sparkling" talents there around the top. I think he's getting to become a favourite of mine. He's 24 years old, so he is fairly young, same age as Onosato. He might won't ever be an ozeki, but it's good to see his type of sumo.
Enho is also back, seems he is recovered, getting the wins.

Should note juryo. Takerufuji is back after he sat out 7 matches. He bagged 2 victories and needs to win all the remaining ones as well.
Hakuoho is a bit of a disappointment again. Perhaps he is not 100%, because we see very good stuff from him previously. I'm positive he'll get better.
Onokatsu is the other one not performing according to expectations, but perhaps we had higher ones than we should have.
Shishi is leading juryo now. 8-1. Good job!

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PAGANISMO Anônimo 06/18/2024 (Tue) 03:06 [Preview] No. 4641 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Hail Thor Protetor de Midgard.
O Senhor dos ventos e que luta contra os Jotnar das catástrofes.
Que as bênçãos de Thor, o de espirito forte, caiam sobre os que ajudam e sobre os necessitados.
Que não lhes falte vitalidade para reconstruir o que foi destruído.

O paganismo nórdico é a incorporação das práticas descritas em textos antigos (como os Eddas), rituais e cerimônias (geralmente aprendidas em grupos), incluindo oferendas aos deuses, cantos e o uso de itens tradicionais (como as runas). Também incentivamos a devoção individual e conexão profunda com a natureza.

É importante dizer que existem vários tipos de paganismo nórdico (o canal cobre todos, mas foca no Forn Sidr). O Asatru por exemplo, é uma divisão que adora apenas os Aesir e é mais liberal em suas práticas. O Forn Sidr é mais tradicional, tendo crenças e práticas mais rigorosas. Assim como deve ser a vida de um guerreiro.

Sigam o canal:
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Anônimo 06/19/2024 (Wed) 11:24 [Preview] No.4694 del
Triumph of Christianity over paganism.

Anônimo 07/07/2024 (Sun) 16:43 [Preview] No.5008 del
Os Deuses estão Conosco.

Gratidão a todos que se inscreveram e estão acompanhando.

Anônimo 07/07/2024 (Sun) 17:41 [Preview] No.5009 del
Desfrute do horror insondável absoluto do eterno fogo do inferno, jutuber corno.

Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 19:06 [Preview] No.5304 del
Festejem os solstícios.

Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 20:21 [Preview] No.5305 del
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Duvido que este "gothi" aqui >>4641 possa nomear as religiões nórdicas específicas e as suas tradições. Lembrem-se, confrades, que tudo isso foi predito e que, se permanecermos fortes e nobres diante de nossos adversários, seremos os maiores guerreiros de Cristo. Nunca abandonem a sua fé, e nunca trema ou tenha dúvidas diante dos nossos inimigos eternos. Os sionistas são seus inimigos. A terra de Cristo é a dos cristãos.

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Dicas Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 11:04 [Preview] No. 5298 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

- Geralmente os preços variam de (1500 a 5000)
- Geralmente muitos fazendeiros vendem
- Geralmente compra-se na favela
- Geralmente compra-se de algum narco na fronteira

Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 11:05 [Preview] No.5299 del
Um revolver está de 1500 a vista, é fácil comprar.

Anônimo 07/22/2024 (Mon) 11:06 [Preview] No.5300 del
Pra um massacre eu compraria uma 12 mesmo. Executa varios.

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とちゃき 06/13/2024 (Thu) 19:02 [Preview] No.159920 del

とちゃき 06/20/2024 (Thu) 11:31 [Preview] No.159927 del

とちゃき 07/18/2024 (Thu) 11:50 [Preview] No.159942 del

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Syria Thread - Iranian Backed Edition Bernd 02/22/2024 (Thu) 21:33 [Preview] No. 51681 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous: >>50296

Nothing much going on in Syria anymore. Bit of ISIS I see on the map, and the SAA bombarding rebels on the north east. Beside that Israel is constantly attacking into Syria, targeting Iranian backed terrorists, and Iranian backed militias, and apparently Iranian militias themselves.
In Israel, the IDF still wrestling with some Iranian backed, dirty, barefeet, stone throwing kids since October... Where Yom Kippur and Six-Day Wars disappeared? Anyway. In Gaza they bombing Iranian backed Hamas, in Lebanon the Iranian backed Hezbollah. Sometimes they have a cease fire to release hostages as the Iranian backed Qatar negotiates it.
From Yemen, the Iranian backed Houthis raiding the shipping lanes with drones and whatnot.
In Ukraine the Iranian backed RAF/RuAf is on the attack. The initiative is theirs, AFU tries holding their trenches, forts, and foxholes. I heard couple of interesting things today, but would need some drawing and look up possible sources.
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Bernd 07/12/2024 (Fri) 16:21 [Preview] No.52198 del
It's quite telling that the majority of the questions that reporters asked him in his NATO press conference were about his health and him still running for the presidency and not actually about NATO. Nobody believes that he is fit to run for president again other than himself.

Bernd 07/12/2024 (Fri) 16:25 [Preview] No.52199 del
Just wait. They make Trump's return so sure that everyone who does not want Trump will go and vote on Biden and reelect him (or whoever they switch to).

Bernd 07/16/2024 (Tue) 07:13 [Preview] No.52210 del
DPA skips reports now. Very disturbing.

Bernd 07/20/2024 (Sat) 07:34 [Preview] No.52225 del
Frontline constantly moving backwards/forwards (depending which side you on), Russians capturing more lands as noted above.
Big news is: no more Krynky.
Ukrainians created a bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnepr river at this small village back in 2023 November 6-7. Since then marines were holding the strip, bombarded and attacked by the Russians every day. Two or three days ago they withdrew giving up the place entirely.
I gathered from videos made by Matt of WillyOAM and Wyatt of DPA that DeepState communicated: ~250 AFU soldiers died and ~750 disappeared. Which also means died, I don't think many of them surrendered to their enemy. In the end 6 guys were holding the place, 3 of them died instantly after Russian bombardment, 2 still lived through fire exchanged with handguns, and only one left the place alive. He disappeared however, fate was unknown yesterday.
Krynky was a useless endeavor. There was never any chance to bring there heavy weaponry, they had to move soldiers (fresh troops in, injured and dead out) and supplies with tiny boats. How would one launch an attack from such a place?
Did it tie down lots of Russian troops? I highly doubt it. How much Ukrainian soldiers were in that slim strip of land which was reduced to rubble in weeks, less than rubble offering little to no cover to actually hide. So how many soldiers could be there at a given time? 100? Coupe dozen? That last 6 defender... how long they were there? For how long that six was holding that slice of clay?
The whole thing made little sense.

Bernd 07/21/2024 (Sun) 07:20 [Preview] No.52230 del
DPA says:
>we have 20 frontline changes constantly
I mean even if its a bit exaggerated claim and not all Russian captures, it does seem they advance perpetually.
Constant mention of peace in media.
Will this war be shorter than expected?
New NATO secretary, and probably new US President. They could say they bring change and shut things down.

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Maçonaria é merda de judeu. Anônimo 07/19/2024 (Fri) 01:33 [Preview] No. 5246 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
""A Maçonaria ou Franco-maçonaria é uma sociedade secreta organizada em lojas, que se autodefine como fraternidade filosófica e humanista, com objetivos de busca pela perfeição espiritual e social do ser humano, baseados nos princípios de Liberdade, Igualdade e Fraternidade. No entanto, essa sociedade tem escondido seus verdadeiros objetivos da humanidade, exercendo uma grande influência na história moderna e acumulando riqueza e poder.

A influência da maçonaria judaica é bastante significativa, com suas raízes profundamente enraizadas no judaísmo. Acredita-se que as lideranças da maçonaria obtiveram grande influência na história, derrubando impérios e influenciando a política de diversos países. A maioria dos membros dessas organizações são gentios, atraídos pelos ideais da sociedade ou pelo oportunismo, mas também podem incluir judeus em diferentes hierarquias ou graus, especialmente nas posições de liderança.

A maçonaria é vista como um instrumento secreto do judaísmo para promover seus interesses e estabelecer o domínio judaico mundial absoluto. Através de suas atividades secretas e oficiais, a maçonaria trabalha para destruir a influência da Igreja Católica e dos valores cristãos, promovendo ideais ateístas e anticristãos. Através de sua influência na educação, na política e na mídia, a maçonaria busca moldar as mentes da juventude e da população em geral de acordo com sua ideologia.

A maçonaria judaica está presente em diversos países, influenciando partidos políticos, sindicatos, mídia e até mesmo a educação. Seus membros ocupam posições de destaque na sociedade e utilizam sua influência para promover os interesses da judiaria e do comunismo. Através de estratégias astutas e hipócritas, a maçonaria judaica busca controlar o mundo e subjugar os povos não-judeus.

Apesar da influência e do poder da maçonaria judaica, é fundamental que o povo esteja ciente de suas atividades e trabalhe para resistir a essa conspiração mundial. A organização e a conscientização sobre a verdade por trás da maçonaria judaica são essenciais para proteger os valores e as tradições cristãs e defender a liberdade e a dignidade da humanidade. É importante estar atento aos sinais da influência da maçonaria judaica e resistir a suas tentativas de manipulação e controle."

Anônimo 07/19/2024 (Fri) 01:50 [Preview] No.5247 del
Operação de bandeira falsa tão convivente quanto o 11/9.

Anônimo 07/19/2024 (Fri) 01:54 [Preview] No.5248 del
Eu concordo. Mas devemos culpar a monarquia portuguesa que era maçônica e preferiu a república.

Anônimo 07/19/2024 (Fri) 14:57 [Preview] No.5255 del
Seu medo é palpável. Seu grupo vai ccair. Serão exterminados, judeus de merda.

Devemos culpar, e matar, os judeus.

Anônimo 07/19/2024 (Fri) 15:24 [Preview] No.5256 del
Ok mossad.

Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 22:13 [Preview] No.5284 del
Todo judeu será morto.
Assim como todo federal também será morto.

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Hack 55-h-Group Anônimo 07/18/2024 (Thu) 14:18 [Preview] No. 5234 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
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Anônimo 07/19/2024 (Fri) 02:03 [Preview] No.5250 del
>t. nеgro que nem sabe usar bash

Anônimo 07/19/2024 (Fri) 14:50 [Preview] No.5254 del
Tá com medo, federal de merda?
Eu posso tudo.
Vai morrer, federal de merda. Vai morrer, judeu de merda.

Por isso mesmo. Hackear os federais e distribuir as informações pessoais dele por todo lugar, para que outros inimigos deles os matem.

Veja que o federal de merda já cehgou com medinho aqui, ao ver a possibilidade de nos unirmos para hackear a croja dele.

Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 01:46 [Preview] No.5259 del
>>5254 Então.. Os únicos inimigos são o PCC, e boa camada da população brasileira!

Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 02:11 [Preview] No.5260 del
Aprenda a digitar antes de postar, preto.

Anônimo 07/20/2024 (Sat) 22:13 [Preview] No.5283 del
Nada que genocídio não resolva.
A população obedece ou morre junto.

Vai acordar um dia sendo queimado vivo, federal de merda.