10/11/2022 (Tue) 04:44
No.42503 [X]

>>42397>If you can manage one day completely offlinethats easy as fuck, but also boring as fuck, there is nothing to do these days, that doesn't require some kind of online tech, at least where i live
i dream for the day i can be able to just leave the house & enjoy nature, instead, i am surrounded by a few hundred miles of creosote, sand, and ghettos
>and be able to hang out with friends IRL offlinethe only non-online friend i have that isn't my father is an elderly man that i sometimes go to talk guns with
i legit can't see myself being friends with people my age, even a bit above, gen X is the cutoff generation for those who i can relate to, anything less than them makes me feel like i'm talking to a glorified child
i'm not even saying that "i'm so mature lol", its just that most "younger" people tend to have no self control or interest in independent activities, like, no shit a generation of people raised in front of a TV displaying the degeneration of america aren't fully functional adults, they're the progenitor of the ipad kids