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post some fucking video games this time

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minecraft Anonymous 04/30/2018 (Mon) 16:29:51 [Preview] No. 11466 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
i want to play minecraft

does anyone else want to play minecraft?

Anonymous 05/01/2018 (Tue) 08:14:30 [Preview] No.11467 del
i still remember my first minecraft world. i spawned in a taiga next to a beach and a desert, it was in r1.0 i didn't know how to play minecraft. i died a lot from monsters for a while, and eventually figured out how to craft. i then built a nice small house on the beach (it was small, but felt big to me), and eventually i realised i needed food. a placed some small farming blocks down by the water, and eventually expanded it, digging a bit deeper into the sand so i made a nice wheat farm. on the backdoor of the sand house there were stairs which led down to the farm (it was a bit deep down, maybe 2-3 blocks from the surface level). i never explored, i just sat by in my cozy beach area, but one day i realised i needed materials. so i ventured into the nearby cave entrance. it was scary. but after a very long trip and facing numerous foes, i finally made it to the surface with lots of iron, coal, redstone and a single diamond. i cherished the diamond, but i didnt know what to do with it, so i made it into a jukebox. now with all the riches i had aquired, i was sure people of long and wide would come here to make a new settlement, so i made a nice hotel. it had only two rooms, but was still bigger than my other house. i also discovered a cool technique, shearing leaves and then placing them on chopped logs to create room plants! by that point i hadn't disovered flowers, and wouldn't cotninue to do so for a very long time. other projects ensued, and eventually i had a small outpost in the desert 100 blocks from my other things, as well as a cactus-protected storehouse. then, something terrible happened. one night whilst hunting for monsters, i was low on health so i fled to the storehouse, but i poked myself on a cactus. everything i had was gone. it was one of hte most tragic moments. i had to venture into the depths of the caves once more. after many deaths and tries, i got a decent iron set again, and started to look around on the surface. i realised it was snowing in the taiga, and i could collect snow, so i made place and gathered snow and built a snow castle. it was cramped and awkward, so i wasnt satisfied with it. then, my mind was blank, and i didn't know what else to do. i looked out onto a swamp, and decided to build a few mudhuts there before leaving, it all felt pointless and meaningless. so i deleted the world and moved on to other things like smp and other games. i regret it to this day, it was the world i treasured the most, all those memories will be gone forever.

Anonymous 05/14/2018 (Mon) 16:04:08 [Preview] No.11473 del
I got tired of Minecraft because of its abysmall combat system. It took ages for the game to give the player shields and item enchantments or healing items. It took years for the stamina bar to affect combat.

However even with all of these things, I still can't justify the game, or purchase. The enemy variety is still abysmally poor, with the only unique enemy being the Spider-Jocky. But, even if there were more enemy variety there's another reason why I just can't get into Minecraft.

That being the combat animations. The combat animations to this day still sucks ass, and there's only one mod out there that actually gives the enemies animations and it's not a fully realized or finished mod at that. If you're interested in the mod's name it's Mo Bends.

There's also other things that have prevented me from playing the game though, it's not just the combat, but combat is the biggest culprit for me. Another big reason why is because I have to mod into the game Minecolonies and Millenaire to make the world feel alive, and have some sort of progression to it. However due to Java's limitations, as well as Mojang plus Microsoft's refusal to move the game to C++ these two mods are advancing at a snail's pace.

Moreover Minecolony has been abandoned multiple times and has had to scrap a lot of features such as fortress walls and militias. There's also the death of one of my favorite Trains and Blimps mods along with my favorite furniture mods made by a /v/irgin. It hurts to say, but I just can't go back to Minecraft. For me there's been two hotness ever since they were in a playable state, those being Castle Story and Timber and Stone.

Here's my opinions on them

Castle Story is basically old school Minecraft but as an RTS. Meaning no hunger systems, enchantments etc. but I don't care. The game let's me build giant ass fortresses that I have to defend against roughly 70 waves of difficult enemies. There's two other game modes, but one is a sandbox, the other is a boring control points thing that is better played against people, not the shitty AI.

The game has its problems though,for starters the wave difficulty is based on a dice roll, so the difficulty spikes can be really unfair at times. Additionally the AI has some big problems with its pathfinding, and the civilian units constantly like doing suicide attacks against enemies, even enemies that can one shot them. There's also a memory leak bug that creeps up if you play the game for more than 3-5 hours.

Also the devs are really incompetent at game balancing and when a bug is too hard to fix they remove features from the game. In the old days of the game your units wouldn't be able to phase in our out of each other, they actually colided with each other and could create traffic jams if you designed your castle poorly. Also in the old days you would be able to build armies of around 40 before the game would crash. Now the devs put in a population limit of 15. Which you can increase but you have to do it via the game's lua config settings, the Devs are total faggots and tell the community they're never letting the player base change this setting via normal menus too.

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Anonymous 05/14/2018 (Mon) 23:43:47 [Preview] No.11474 del
Timber and Stone, Timber and Stone is basically Dwarf Fortress lite to be honest, it's a very fun game if you go in without high expectations. If you go in expecting the full DF experience but in 3d you're setting yourself up for failure. I unfortunately don't have that many interesting screen caps for it, so herer's another castle story screen instead.

Anonymous 06/03/2018 (Sun) 18:46:45 [Preview] No.11498 del
Minecraft isn't about the combat though

Anonymous 06/12/2018 (Tue) 17:11:38 [Preview] No.11504 del
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It's a survival game where the most important resource (gunpowder) for terraformation is locked behind mob farming. The combat being shit severely detracts from the overall experience. Sure you could be an autist and design a mob farming machine to do the work for you, but until you have a steady supply of materials to do so, combat is still a crucial aspect. So no, one of Minecraft's key gameplay aspects is combat, and it's fucking garbage in singleplayer and arguably multiplayer as well.

Anonymous 06/07/2018 (Thu) 08:46:47 [Preview] No. 11499 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Why does he look so sad?

Anonymous 06/11/2018 (Mon) 19:52:19 [Preview] No.11500 del
HE Needs more AI.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=s2oCV2sM_ig [Embed]

Anonymous 06/12/2018 (Tue) 17:08:01 [Preview] No.11503 del
>todd was live posting memes about himself and bethesda games
>he even released Skyrim for the Amazon Alexa or whatever the fuck it's called

I don't know what to think anymore, but it's clear that the morons at 4chan are becoming much more influential now.

Ziggurat gog giveaway Anonymous 06/12/2018 (Tue) 07:16:05 [Preview] No. 11501 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
for the next 29 hours GOG is giving away Ziggurat, this is your heads up.

Anonymous 06/12/2018 (Tue) 07:16:28 [Preview] No.11502 del

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Anonymous 05/29/2018 (Tue) 21:40:26 [Preview] No. 11479 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Shiet, I wish I could play a song and teleport to my house.

Apple bans steam on phones Anonymous 05/25/2018 (Fri) 06:14:32 [Preview] No. 11477 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I wonder if gamers will switch to Android in part so they can use their steam games, assuming Google does what Apple didn't.

Anonymous 08/04/2021 (Wed) 01:06:44 [Preview] No.12300 del
oh no how will i play my shitty autochess on my iPhone guys????

Playing Games in Chronological Order Anonymous 04/28/2018 (Sat) 06:49:16 [Preview] No. 11453 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I posted this thread before but I think during the server change it was lost, I'm going to post it again for that reason.

I have this autistic thing where I can't enjoy games unless playing them in chronological order. Playing a sequel (or even a newer installment) feels wrong, but I don't really enjoy using the outdated mechanics of retro games so I'd like to start a thread in order to have an idea on where to start in a game series.

I figured I may as well start Metal Gear games from Metal Gear Solid 3, but I'd appreciate if you could give me a good place to start on the following Tom Clancy series';
>Rainbow Six
>Ghost Recon
>Splinter Cell

Feel free to ask for other recommendations too if need be.
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Anonymous 04/30/2018 (Mon) 08:55:13 [Preview] No.11464 del
I started with Zelda 1 when I was very little and only went back and actually beat it a couple of years ago. All around I'd honestly say it's the best one because there's really no hand holding although there is one moment where you have to give a guy a piece of meat to open a door and I don't know if it's a translation issue but I don't know how anyone was supposed to know that, I ended up using a guide in that part.
The second one I played was Link the Past on the SNES and I really really autistically loved that game as a kid and played through it multiple times.
Zelda 1
Link the to the Past
Link's Awakening
Oracle of the Ages, and Oracle of the Seasons
All of these games have a similar style of gameplay with a top down camera and swinging your sword, looking for items pushing and pulling objects etc.
The shift to 3d kept the gameplay the same, you're still doing the same stuff.

That being said either start with the NES Zelda 1, Link the the Past or Link's Awakening on the Gameboy. You can't miss with any of those three in my opinion.

If you want a 3d game go for Ocaraina of Time on the n64.
The pepper in fig1_sales denotes classic zelda style of game.

Anonymous 05/14/2018 (Mon) 07:25:52 [Preview] No.11469 del
>Minish Cap

It's one of the many Zelda games that plays like more of an action game with an unlockable open world, than a non linear experience like the original. With that said the art style is cute and has some of the most awesome palettes I've seen for pixel art, which is to be expected since the art is based on the Wind Waker game.

This opinion will catch me some flack but I don't fucking care. Egoraptor (yes that casual faggot from Newgrounds) was right about the first Zelda game being a timeless classic that the sequels just don't match up to. The map design lets you sequence break as does the item acquisition. There's multiple ways to kill bosses and very few times do you need specific gimmicks to kill a boss.

Windwaker from time to time came close to recapturing that feeling for me, but it has a very linear progression which AS FAR AS I KNOW you can't sequence break without doing some glitchy fuckery.The original Zelda is a seriously excellent fucking game, in what is to me a very average series and honestly the only other modern action game with a Medieval Fantasy setting that has let me relive the wonders of cluelessly wandering about in a very open world with shitloads of bosses, obstacles, and enemies in it is the first Dark Souls.


Yeah I don't know what caused Rainbow Six to be what it is now, a shitty gimmick tacticool shooter that tries to ape "twitch shooters" like CoD instead of what it began as, a counter terrorism manager simulator with FPS elements. Raven Shield is the pique of the series and the last entry in the game to have the battle planner in it, and it's really hard to get it running on windows 7, let alone any newer windows platforms. If you have a linux distro then you can probably try playing it on WINE.

This is just conjecture, but I think the reason why R6 moved away from the battle planner system was mostly the fault of Consoles. I remember Ubisoft really making a big fucking deal about AI companions following orders you spoke through the Xbox Live headset during E3 conferences and magazine interviews.

Anonymous 05/14/2018 (Mon) 07:45:16 [Preview] No.11470 del
Sorry for double posting, but my memory has been jogged in regards to Four Swords and its sequel, plus the Phantom Hour Glass.

Four Swords adventure is pretty much a Co-Op only experience, additionally the multiplayer for Four Swords is abysmally fucking laggy if you try to emulate it. Now how is the game itself? Well it takes Minish Cap's combat and makes it the focus of the game along with puzzle solving. The good thing is that Minish Cap's combat is actually pretty fucking good due to the fact that Capcom at least back then, understood how 2d combat works.

So why is the combat good? The enemy attacks are well telegraphed despite the low resolution of the game due to Capcom's talented pixel artists. The hitboxes additionally also correspond nicely with most of the attack animations as well as the enemy sprites themselves. The character move set consists of the traditional 2d Zelda mechanic of blocking, slashing, and ranged combat using bows, boomerangs or bombs, however there's also a nifty little combat roll thrown into the mix. If you're familiar with Capcom's Monster Hunter, or a Souls game then you'll know how obsessed Capcom and in general Japanese devs are obsessed with I-frames.

However this is not to mean the combat is excruciatingly hard or deep, just that this risk taking maneuver was added for those who wanted to try riskier moves within the game. Interestingly enough there's multiple recurring enemies who you literally cannot beat without another player's help because there's a small puzzle involved to striking their weak spot. Moreover there's also multiple puzzles you can't solve without 2 players coordinating with each other.

However as is most couch gaming experiences, there's a pitfall to it. The pitfall being that if your coop buddy feels like a dick he can very well sabotage and compete against you in the game. How? The game has two ways in which this is possible, the first one, which is the most obvious one, is the competitive scoring system, the second one which starts innocent at first but can lead you choking your buddy's neck if he's an ass hole is the player interaction system.

What is the player interaction system? It's basically you picking up your teammate to help him up ledges, or throw him across a ravine, or hard to reach place... Yeah, your coop buddy or you, can randomly pick each other up, and once you or him is picked up said player is at the mercy of the other player. This means it's perfectly possible to have players literally throw their buddies towards powerful enemies at any point of the game.

Anonymous 05/14/2018 (Mon) 07:56:34 [Preview] No.11471 del
So the combat works, but what about the level design and overworld?

Unfortunately the game does not have a huge, or even small overworld to open up and explore, not even a hubworld. It's just a series of dungeons and levels, each with their unique sets of enemies and puzzles. Like all Zelda games since a Link to the Past it's perfectly possible to level up so badly your own character is pretty hard to kill by even the end game bosses, let alone enemies. This is even if your COOP buddy/buddies are being assholes and stealing as much unique XP as possible.

With that said the game does a very good job of making it feel you're playing a Coop experience. Both players need each other to progress the game's many puzzles and obstacles, and they're all well thought out if you only have you and a buddy, or you and 3 other friends. The coop elements don't feel latched on, there's a reason why you're playing with other people.

In all honesty though it's a Zelda game only in name. It's literally a multiplayer only dungeon crawling action game, but it's still a good game.

Next posts will be about phantom hour glass and tomorrow I'll post an actual review of Minish Cap instead of bitching and whining about the Zelda formula.

Anonymous 05/14/2018 (Mon) 08:25:08 [Preview] No.11472 del
The phantom hour glass is just a hot mess of a game, it's a poor attempt at trying to implement the stylus touch screen to a zelda game while completely disregarding the limitations of styluses and the hardware itself. What's the result? Movement and combat controls that are nothing more than you tapping at the world or enemies mindlessly with a stylus. Puzzles that are retardedly easy, in a series that notoriously has had easy to solve puzzles since the third entry to the series. The reason why probably boils down to the fact that these puzzles strictly involves the stylus being used.

So unlike Metroid Prime Echoes or the DS Original Moon, the stylus did not help gampeplay at all, in fact it hinders it severely.

Localized games are still seeing censorship Anonymous 04/10/2018 (Tue) 02:53:33 [Preview] No. 11444 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
And this is why I've refused to deal with any big corps localizing shit. This time the culprit is Crunchy Roll who are looking to monopolize the anime subbing scene as well.


One can only wonder what anime subs will be censored by these fucks.

Anonymous 04/10/2018 (Tue) 02:56:48 [Preview] No.11445 del
Archive for the ones who don't want to give the news source any hits.

Anonymous 04/14/2018 (Sat) 09:20:08 [Preview] No.11446 del
At least post the key points you pile of fucking garbage.

>CrunchyRoll’s community team for the English release of the mobile dungeon crawler, DanMachi: Memoria Freese, revealed in a recent Reddit thread that they decided to censor the game for the Western audience due to what they felt was and wasn’t appropriate for said audience.

>The “touching” feature was removed from the English version of the game, yes.

>The community was not at all pleased with this turn of events.

Put fourth some effort and at least TRY to get people interested in the shit you post about.

Anonymous 04/28/2018 (Sat) 07:45:31 [Preview] No.11456 del
If you need green text to summarize an article for you, you're a nigger tier intellect fuck who doesn't deserve to be posting on Endchan.

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WORM Online General Anonymous 09/20/2017 (Wed) 04:51:54 [Preview] No. 11217 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This is a thread for documenting the development of my video game, W.O.R.M. Gear Online (subject to change in the future). I've been working on this for about 3 months now. Most of the Client/Server code is already done, because I'm salvaging it from a more ambitious project that was already quite developed. W.O.R.M. Gear Online is a 3D FPS, except instead of translating along the ground, the player is a flying drone, so we can translate vertically as well. The bulk of the weapons and drones are finished being developed, but still need a lot of fine tuning (e.g., is the shotgun too weak/OP?). I would also like to say that I'm on the look out for a level designer, and/or anyone else willing to contribute as a tester when the alpha is released. It's all so tiresome as a 1 man "team." Anyways, I keep my chin up, and plod on as always. Nietzsche once said, "An artist needs only his art, and his bread." In those days, paint and brushes were much simpler, notwithstanding period-blood paintings. Happy trails, lads. Will post progress here.
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Anonymous 09/20/2017 (Wed) 23:32:35 [Preview] No. 11221 del
Cool bukkake, anon. Want to bring it to the whitehouse? We should inspire more kids like you to make bukkake videos with anime toys. It's what makes America great.

Anonymous 09/22/2017 (Fri) 03:01:00 [Preview] No. 11234 del
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Today I put in a timer that coincides perfectly with a timer running on the server... unless the player joins in the middle of a game... Also fixed some minor bugs.

Anonymous 04/14/2018 (Sat) 19:32:48 [Preview] No.11450 del
Welp, I ended up getting a normal job as a software dev and no longer have much time to devote to this game. Plus, I sincerely doubt the world needs another unity game, let alone an FPS. I'm now working on my own game engine, when I have the time, which is much more rewarding - I'm learning all sorts of cool stuff about linear algebra, shaders, and so on. Peace and joy to you all, faggots.

Anonymous 04/15/2018 (Sun) 10:14:44 [Preview] No.11451 del
well thanks for sharing anyway man and good luck

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Witcher 2 Anonymous 04/14/2018 (Sat) 19:11:10 [Preview] No. 11448 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
How long do I have to play this game before it gets good? I tried it a few months ago but the combat felt clunky and weird and the quests were overly scripted. Only got a few hours in. I liked Witcher 1 though.

Anonymous 04/14/2018 (Sat) 19:22:01 [Preview] No.11449 del
I got to the first? fight with the bald snake school witcher guy and the story split that's probably like a third or a quarter into a game.
It is still pretty clunky at that point I'd say but not horribly so. I'd have kept going but my computer took a shit.

3DS said to keep going, again Anonymous 02/02/2018 (Fri) 12:20:13 [Preview] No. 11397 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Well, that's that. I'm not sure how long until this too becomes obsolete information, but for now there's going to be some more support for the 3DS, at least breaking the pattern of pushing a neat leftover hardware out (GBA Micro, Wii Mini, 2DS XL) just before the console's official death.
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Anonymous 02/06/2018 (Tue) 03:47:57 [Preview] No.11404 del
When is Microsoft going to get into the handheld console market? Sony needs to get back into it too.

Anonymous 03/02/2018 (Fri) 18:08:07 [Preview] No.11417 del
>When is Microsoft going to get into the handheld console market? Sony needs to get back into it too.
Nintendo's motivation is to make the tech anyway, so they're satisfied with returns enough to cover the fact that they're able to make their platform exist. In the grand scheme handheld gaming is not lucrative compared to international corporate interest like movies and OS. Microsofts and Sony's game R&D sections are also relatively small and they tend to treat it some kind of a given, like they're still forcing themselves into the market without the will being there just because the demand is there. My guess is that nobody really knows how to make the hardware manufacturing sector grow, despite the software being a massive market.

That's what I see in the background, different reasons may mold how the companies react to this. I think microsoft is about to grab towards gaming through windows 10 ubiquity attempts so that would mean MS handheld is just a matter of time. Probably in the form of Games for Windows mobile for android devices, to compete with Steam.

Anonymous 03/02/2018 (Fri) 18:10:06 [Preview] No.11418 del
also I made another autistic muck

Anonymous 03/02/2018 (Fri) 20:05:56 [Preview] No.11419 del

Anonymous 04/14/2018 (Sat) 16:21:39 [Preview] No.11447 del
DO IT, based banker



>These processing apparatuses are located inside stand-alone screens, and by touching two or more of them together, information can be relayed between them in order to produce new game experiences. Examples in the patent application show a finger being dragged from one screen to another without the system losing track of it, as well as a ball that seamless moves across the connection between the two. The screens don’t need to be necessarily making physical contact either, as one of the images shows a gap between the two with the ball still able to move from one to the next — perhaps more impressive is the ability to “bank” a ball off of the air so it approaches the second screen from a different angle