/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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Underrail: Expeditions Anonymous 08/07/2019 (Wed) 20:44:01 [Preview] No. 11796 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
After the thread was so rudely interrupted on 8ch, let's talk some more about Underrail and it's newest expansion.

Anonymous 08/07/2019 (Wed) 20:46:15 [Preview] No.11798 [X] del
I'm running a pure PSI build right now on Dominating, and I'm loving it. Every encounter is hard, and every skill I nab ends up severely affecting my tactics. Reached the DLC area not so long ago, and the new enemies are completely different from their base game counterparts, holy shit.

Anonymous 04/07/2022 (Thu) 00:25:52 [Preview] No.12358 [X] del >>12367
I never thought to check 8ch for underrail threads. Oh well, kek

Anonymous 09/03/2022 (Sat) 14:30 [Preview] No.12367 [X] del
8chan has a board or thread for everything, shame you need the darkweb to access it

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Anonymous 05/11/2022 (Wed) 18:57:40 [Preview] No. 12363 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]

come draw some shit

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Anonymous 08/17/2021 (Tue) 09:04:42 [Preview] No. 12304 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
you liked her more than Maya admit it

Anonymous 02/03/2022 (Thu) 16:20:51 [Preview] No.12353 [X] del >>12356
cool gentoo necklace

Anonymous 03/17/2022 (Thu) 00:53:47 [Preview] No.12356 [X] del >>12361
kek i'm op. we really did try but people don't want to post here. I think faggots don't think they are missing anything in their shitty websites. or a better question, what are we looking for?

Anonymous 04/27/2022 (Wed) 03:13:01 [Preview] No.12361 [X] del
>we really did try but people don't want to post here

everyone's on sportschan or anon cafe right now OP

>what are we looking for?
Hating video games and fun. Or the opposite. Depends

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SS13 Hippie Station CKEY:CID Database Leak DeFactkDaemon 12/11/2021 (Sat) 14:44:23 [Preview] No. 12335 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>12343
I have been designing a Computer ID ("CID") spoofer--considering that the CID generation algorithm is known--for BYOND, and thought about adding an impersonation functionality to it. (i.e., you could set your CID to that of someone else's and basically steal their identity, or even get them banned on SS13 servers.)
So far it is working good, albeit a bit slow as it has to brute force all the possible combinations and match them against the CID obtained from BYOND's algorithm.

But this would require that you know the victims' CID prior to the spoofing process, and this means spending some time on first getting to find out their' CID's.
However, I remember that approximately one year ago there was a database leak of Hippie Station which contained a lengthy list of all of their (somewhat size-able) playerbase Client Keys ("CKEY") in addition to their CID's. (Meaning that you don't have to setup a trap to find out the victims' CID anymore.)

I been in search of said leak for the past few days now, but so far have had little luck in finding any clue as all the threads on 4chan or other forums would lead to dead links or only small portions of the leak. I was wondering if anyone here happens to have full access to it and is willing to share it with me.


Anonymous 01/15/2022 (Sat) 21:20:24 [Preview] No.12343 [X] del >>12354
don't give him the leak

Anonymous 02/05/2022 (Sat) 03:17:50 [Preview] No.12354 [X] del
no give it out. We need it

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Splatoon bunker Anonymous 08/05/2019 (Mon) 19:10:32 [Preview] No. 11575 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>12342
Post squids.

Current rotations:

Future (Salmon Run) rotations:

Anonymous 01/15/2022 (Sat) 00:44:36 [Preview] No.12342 [X] del
game's kinda ded though

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Portal 2: Community Edition leak PURPLE 10/09/2021 (Sat) 13:39:28 [Preview] No. 12313 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
When the imposter is sus!


Dear Nintendo
It is your fearless underboss, extendo not yet super extendo.

In good faith I request an actually very and extremely fun ge, beyond the ordinary moderately fun game.

I suggest: a Mario tennis game where you get to your ball like a super Mario 64 star to hit it. Besides that your character runs and jumps with the same or greater powers than super Mario 64 Mario. A super smash bros aspect added would be a good thing. Then after we all tee off we can chase each others characters down and squash their heads and punch them and stuff, it would be cool. I know some cohesion of dynamics would make the game playable in multiplayer. I like making Mario run and jump around in super Mario 64.

I think this requires about ten dark years in the think tank to brainstorm.

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Anonymous 08/27/2021 (Fri) 12:36:37 [Preview] No. 12306 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Our robloxian Lizzy Wrinkle commonly known throughout the roblox as "lizzy_wrinkle", has passed away after having cancer and heart disase
Press F to pay respects

Anonymous 08/10/2021 (Tue) 00:11:12 [Preview] No. 12303 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]

Found a new p2earn game based on CryptoBlades.
Air drops for the launch are already on!

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We need a game with new age themes Anonymous 09/14/2017 (Thu) 22:23:21 [Preview] No. 11194 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
So the new age people who collect healing stones (just rocks and gems).....do they think they're playing a RPG? I mean they seem to think certain stones will protect them from debuffs like cancer, poison, or bad energies that would power down their attack points.

Sounds like a great idea for a video game...picture yourself walking around Portland, Oregon fighting antifa, angry heavy metal fans, anarchist punks, Wiccans, and methheads on skateboards. Later you must collect the special rings from conservative sororities to unlock the seal on the dean's heart and free Evergreen University from liberal tyranny.

There could even be a level where you have to escort RICHARD DAWKINS past crazy liberals and Muslims into the heart of irrational America: Berkley. In his radiant presence all of the magical rings lose their effect.

Anonymous 05/06/2021 (Thu) 16:50:48 [Preview] No.12282 [X] del
>There could even be a level where you have to escort RICHARD DAWKINS past crazy liberals and Muslims into the heart of irrational America: Berkeley.
berkeley isn't actually that crazy ngl
t. resident