/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 21:46:00 [Preview] No. 12329 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

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Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 21:45:08 [Preview] No. 12328 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

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Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 21:37:08 [Preview] No. 12327 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

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Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 21:32:16 [Preview] No. 12324 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>post some fucking video games this time

Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 21:34:34 [Preview] No.12325 del
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Anonymous 11/30/2021 (Tue) 21:35:40 [Preview] No.12326 del
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GMod General Anonymous 04/22/2020 (Wed) 08:21:55 [Preview] No. 12115 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Talk about GMod in general. (Could also use darkrp server recommendations)

Anonymous 05/13/2020 (Wed) 01:42:50 [Preview] No.12118 del
I had a lot of fun with wiremod back in the day.
Nothing really replaced it after Garry turned it into cancer.

Anonymous 08/16/2020 (Sun) 15:52:00 [Preview] No.12208 del
Gmod was pretty neat until it got flooded with furfags and little faggot kids. It's a fun game and has some great gamemodes, but most of the good servers are gone. I was a big SCP-RP fan but all the good servers died out because of laziness and degradation of gameplay quality.

Anonymous 09/20/2020 (Sun) 17:08:46 [Preview] No.12218 del
I was only in it for the rape mods.

Anonymous 11/26/2021 (Fri) 19:00:56 [Preview] No.12323 del
gmod and valve shit is fucking trash. fucking overrated trash.
>muh cake is lie!!11
>dood half life is revolutionary
talk about halo faggot, that was made by talented people.

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DMC thread Anonymous 02/16/2021 (Tue) 02:47:37 [Preview] No. 12253 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Let's have ourselves a comfy Devil May Cry thread.

Anonymous 02/28/2021 (Sun) 23:59:28 [Preview] No.12256 del
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Aw shit nigga. DMC is only the best game series ever.

>What game are you playing?
>Favorite game in the series?
>Favorite boss?
>Favorite stage?
>Favorite weapon and style?
>Dante, Vergil, or Nero?

Anonymous 03/01/2021 (Mon) 00:03:22 [Preview] No.12257 del
Posting some TrueStyle tournament videos for the thread

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ORgSuIIesIE [Embed]

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ma3zKo4IaLU [Embed]

Anonymous 09/06/2021 (Mon) 09:07:15 [Preview] No.12309 del
How many DMC games did you complete, anons?

Anonymous 10/24/2021 (Sun) 08:36:31 [Preview] No.12315 del
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Anonymous 11/23/2021 (Tue) 15:03:37 [Preview] No.12322 del
test 123

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Fuck Sony Anonymous 12/25/2020 (Fri) 03:22:08 [Preview] No. 12230 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Fucking arrogant assholes pulling Cyberpunk 2077 from their store. Please, CD Projekt, put Sony in its place. Don't let them put 2077 back in their store and laugh at them while they lose market share to the PC and Xbox because they don't have the hottest game of 2021. Teach those fuckers a lesson.
19 posts and 5 images omitted.

Anonymous 10/11/2021 (Mon) 19:58:12 [Preview] No.12314 del
Most recent patch 1.3 was in August. Can't tell you if it's worth pirating or not because the genuine fitgirl site requires javascript, as do their trojan bitcoin-miner encrypted pastebin links.

Anonymous 11/19/2021 (Fri) 11:13:11 [Preview] No.12318 del
test captcha

Anonymous 11/19/2021 (Fri) 16:30:08 [Preview] No.12319 del

Anonymous 11/20/2021 (Sat) 12:23:35 [Preview] No.12320 del
test 44 55 66

Anonymous 11/23/2021 (Tue) 15:00:11 [Preview] No.12321 del
test 33333

8chan Bunker Anonymous 06/02/2018 (Sat) 15:35:19 [Preview] No. 11481 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Any one from 8chan hanging out here during the downtime
111 posts and 27 images omitted.

Anonymous 11/12/2019 (Tue) 05:10:11 [Preview] No.12096 del
Emuparadise is decent

Anonymous 03/06/2021 (Sat) 22:57:22 [Preview] No.12267 del
Emuparadise killed their OST file section

Anonymous 06/29/2021 (Tue) 10:42:24 [Preview] No.12292 del
I was banned for requesting child photography. He read it the right way and STILL gave me a b&. Do fuck that place. Come to think of it I get banned from just about everywhere. I am the Jew of the interweb

Anonymous 11/05/2021 (Fri) 05:17:53 [Preview] No.12316 del
modern people are trash. the internet is deep into the dark ages.

Anonymous 11/19/2021 (Fri) 09:11:07 [Preview] No.12317 del
test captcha

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Portal 2: Community Edition leak PURPLE 10/09/2021 (Sat) 13:39:28 [Preview] No. 12313 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
When the imposter is sus!


Dear Nintendo
It is your fearless underboss, extendo not yet super extendo.

In good faith I request an actually very and extremely fun ge, beyond the ordinary moderately fun game.

I suggest: a Mario tennis game where you get to your ball like a super Mario 64 star to hit it. Besides that your character runs and jumps with the same or greater powers than super Mario 64 Mario. A super smash bros aspect added would be a good thing. Then after we all tee off we can chase each others characters down and squash their heads and punch them and stuff, it would be cool. I know some cohesion of dynamics would make the game playable in multiplayer. I like making Mario run and jump around in super Mario 64.

I think this requires about ten dark years in the think tank to brainstorm.