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post some fucking video games this time

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Giantbomb video piracy Anonymous 02/18/2018 (Sun) 16:05:10 [Preview] No. 11414 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
the tumblr page got taken down agens ago
the wordpress page got taken down recently

where is it now?

Anonymous 03/26/2018 (Mon) 23:28:23 [Preview] No.11439 del
I think they've done that to send all of their traffic towards their official website, most likely for the ad revenue.

Anonymous 03/27/2018 (Tue) 00:50:01 [Preview] No.11440 del
Who cares? It's not like they have done anything worthwhile since Ryan died.

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Anonymous 03/26/2018 (Mon) 04:21:45 [Preview] No. 11436 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Is there an RPG out there with similar movement mechanics like Silent Storm/Jagged Alliance but melee combat focused? No I don't feel like treading through FFT or Waifu Emblem, I need something else.

Anonymous 03/26/2018 (Mon) 05:20:25 [Preview] No.11437 del

Anonymous 03/26/2018 (Mon) 15:49:17 [Preview] No.11438 del
>actual board games


Anonymous 04/06/2018 (Fri) 14:03:21 [Preview] No.11442 del
>I want x but x isn't good, I want something else

I'm not gonna run through my list of 5% of all the games in the world to have them individually be shot down

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Anonymous 12/14/2017 (Thu) 04:38:28 [Preview] No. 11366 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Is Galgun fun? I tried it with a ps3 controller and it was boring but I bet it would be fun with the Occulus Rift. It's the only VR game I'm interested in atm.

Anonymous 03/15/2018 (Thu) 04:48:01 [Preview] No.11421 del
Boring as fuck, many of the girls are flat chested, there is an option to increase their breast size but you have to unlock it. However this doesn't change the fact that there's no jiggle physics, and the lighting engine is absolute garbage. Additionally the groping mini games are so quick and limit you so much it's hard to focus and jack off even if you can get a boner. With that said believe it or not it's best played with a keyboard and mouse. Of course this means the game is EASY MODO if you do it with mouse and kb, but fuck artificial difficulty by tool limitations.

splat-zero Anonymous 02/23/2018 (Fri) 08:40:33 [Preview] No. 11415 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
on solar freaking roadways

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Anonymous 09/12/2017 (Tue) 20:27:15 [Preview] No. 11182 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
hey japan stop being faggots
2 posts omitted.

Anonymous 09/15/2017 (Fri) 11:32:15 [Preview] No. 11201 del
if you want to insult my little asian friends in japan who make my pocky you need to go through me *pops collar on trench coat*

Also no more heroes 3 is going to suck I can feel it.
Please let me be wrong but I think its at the stage where everyone is trying to make references to the old no more heroes so the people who played it years ago can be like "I REMEMBER THAT XD" And they'll go the cheap route of making bosses feel more absurd and less quirky (in a good way) or fun than old NMH. I swear to fuck if there's a single goddamn selfie reference or 'this is how the world works now gramps look at my iphone' I'll 'switch' the game off.

Anonymous 10/12/2017 (Thu) 16:38:27 [Preview] No. 11297 del
>region free eshop
japan do stop being faggots

https://youtube.com/watch?v=zlX5YlGVr3o [Embed]

Anonymous 02/17/2018 (Sat) 06:36:38 [Preview] No.11410 del
(14.42 MB 640x360 GalMetal.webm)
tak fujii playing galmetal

Anonymous 02/17/2018 (Sat) 06:38:49 [Preview] No.11412 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=uS8_ZLBAT4k [Embed]

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consistent gripes Anonymous 02/15/2018 (Thu) 03:40:18 [Preview] No. 11408 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I'm considering the ramifications of what if Amiibos were empty game cartridges, that allow the holder to download an entire game from a digital marketplace and store it.

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Anonymous 01/13/2018 (Sat) 08:22:23 [Preview] No. 11381 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
If you like this game you're either a SJW or Generation ipod.

Anonymous 01/13/2018 (Sat) 08:37:05 [Preview] No.11382 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=CR93vAnwF9U [Embed]
GEMS anime song sounds similar at first but better.

Anonymous 01/13/2018 (Sat) 08:42:16 [Preview] No.11383 del
Meant this. Haven't found the full version yet.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=oxxKm_O1xwo [Embed]

Anonymous 02/02/2018 (Fri) 09:22:19 [Preview] No.11396 del
im fucking 30 i played it a couple years ago. its not a bad game a 7/10 or so. stop letting the internet tell you what to think so much.

Arcade games Anonymous 11/11/2017 (Sat) 18:12:29 [Preview] No. 11349 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Any decent arcade games to play in MAME?

Anonymous 01/29/2018 (Mon) 18:26:37 [Preview] No.11395 del
yeah theres a fucking lot. what are you into? You'll have to find mame roms that match up with the version of mame your using too remember that.

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Anonymous 01/03/2018 (Wed) 11:22:37 [Preview] No. 11378 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>all dlc is free
>at least a handful of servers with active players
>mod support
>swastika isn't censored because muh feelings and inclusivity
>100% playable on linux through wine
>probably other stuff I can't think of off the top of my head
This game is better than cod4 tbh.

Anonymous 01/07/2018 (Sun) 03:50:55 [Preview] No.11379 del
I actually did like it better than cod4 myself even though I feel cod4 is technically the better game. Search and Destroy was my favorite gametype to play. Loved War a lot as well.

Call of Duty is cancerous trash but the multiplayer for many of the games is at least fun. I think the series peeked with the first Black Ops game. The mobility shooter trend was so shit since games like this don't work well like that. That is better suited for arena shooters.

Anonymous 01/11/2018 (Thu) 14:03:46 [Preview] No.11380 del
They all copied Halo which was better.

Anonymous 01/26/2018 (Fri) 20:23:29 [Preview] No.11394 del
Nice game, glad I can see a game's title by looking at screenshots.

Anonymous 01/20/2018 (Sat) 08:39:47 [Preview] No. 11387 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Who killed the board?

Anonymous 01/21/2018 (Sun) 21:03:58 [Preview] No.11392 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=9KpCRpyH4e4 [Embed]