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(317.72 KB 449x425 1449442445948.png)
I just realised something... something spooky as fuck.

You know how sumo is derived from some ancient rituals? How it was performed in shrines, to appease the kami, to ensure prosperity? It was only later professionalised, and is now performed on a national level by salaried wrestlers, but there are still many religious elements, from how the ring is consecrated by a priest before each tournament, yokozuna entering the ring with that big white rope around his belt, to wrestlers actually throwing salt into the ring before each bout as a means of consecration. It is a deeply religious ritual, somehow performed to appease the kami for the entire nation of Japan. Kinda like how the ancient Olympic Games were performed on temple grounds, and were a form of vitalist worship of Greek gods.

You know when's the last time sumo wasn't performed as scheduled? March 2011. The March of the earthquake and tsunami that rekt Japan. But guess what? The tournament was cancelled a month before. Because of some match-fixing scandal. Yep, that's right. And the earthquake happened 2 days before the tournament was scheduled.

The earthquake happened because the sumo ritual wasn't performed. Because the kami weren't appeased. They were pissed and caused the earthquake as a warning.
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Bernd 03/07/2025 (Fri) 14:38 [Preview] No.54156 [X] del
(375.19 KB 1920x660 2025-03-haru-basho.jpg)
Common Slov! Gimme the nuyen sauce on Sunday and we are in business!

Bernd 03/09/2025 (Sun) 08:09 [Preview] No.54161 [X] del
(27.61 KB 500x250 Oekaki-sumo.png)
Are we gonna start at 18:00?

Bernd 03/09/2025 (Sun) 12:24 [Preview] No.54162 [X] del
(187.98 KB 1200x800 sumo.png)
Slov, if you read this you better be: I have sauce for the videos from plvideo.

Bernd 03/09/2025 (Sun) 20:50 [Preview] No.54167 [X] del
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Was a good opening day. No Takayasu did not choke. In case Slov reads, I don't write more spoilers.

Bernd 03/22/2025 (Sat) 14:36 [Preview] No.54190 [X] del
(105.91 KB 270x474 Takayasu_2025.jpg)
Penultimate day of Haru Basho. Exciting tournament so far, not without surprises. The fate of all the lower division championships are decided already, but makuuchi will keep us suspense till the last day.
In juryo another new Isegahama lad, Kusano cut through the ranks for the title. He seems to be also from amateur sumo, so he started in makushita, but his results at this point weren't too impressive: 6-1, 5-2, 5-2, 4-3, 4-3. Now he is making a splash. Up till yesterday he had only one losses. We'll see if he can bag the last to points.

In makuuchi good, old, hairy Takayas' is leading the list, with 11-2. Onosato follows by one less point. Then half a dozen 9-4s, their ranks will be cut in half today, odds favour Takerufuji and Daieisho. If Takayasu fails on both days of the weekend, a 9-4 also could grab the yusho. In theory, since Onosato will have a major say in this.
Takayasu had been runner up for 8 times for the yusho already. He was an ozeki too, he'd really deserve to hold that cup finally.

Kotozakura saved his ozeki title, getting a kachi-koshi. However from a holder of that title everyone expects better performances.
Sadly yokozuna Hoshoryu had to go kyujo due to an arm injury. Hopefully he can recover. Terunofuji had to retire due to the massive amount of injuries his body suffered, hopefully Hoshoryu won't forced to follow and leave so early in his career. Well actually I'm quite positive he won't.

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Sports Bernd 11/07/2021 (Sun) 19:28 [Preview] No. 45473 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Does Bernd go to gym? Maybe Bernd does other sports?
If not, you should start!
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Bernd 08/10/2024 (Sat) 18:58 [Preview] No.52307 [X] del >>52310
5-7-6. But fugging Uzbekistan got above us with one more gold and eight less medals.

Bernd 08/11/2024 (Sun) 16:41 [Preview] No.52310 [X] del >>52312
Japan shot above us and they are now on 20 Gold Medals(and Australia is still stuck on 18). Japan did really well in wrestling and they also got a gold medal in women's Javelin and women's Breakdancing.
Our women's breakdancer became a meme... She wasn't very good.

Both China and the USA are on 40 gold Medals now and I am going to bed. The Olympics will be over when I get up and I hope that China will push ahead of the USA and manage to win. That would be something.

I would guess that you regret calling New Zealand a non-country, given that you are below even more of a non-country now. But New Zealand is doing really well, they have 10 gold medals at the moment. New Zealand is doing even better than Australia is per capita.

Bernd 08/11/2024 (Sun) 17:43 [Preview] No.52312 [X] del
>you regret calling New Zealand a non-country,
Will never regret such thing.
>you regret calling New Zealand a non-country,
Yeah, pesky Canada is now between NZ and us with Uzbekistan.

Bernd 08/12/2024 (Mon) 08:21 [Preview] No.52314 [X] del
Olympics came to their end. The sporting drama ended - they seem to be proud of such bs.
The final ranking established, both US and China won 40 gold medals, but the US medal harvest in volume was greater. Much greater by 35 medals. Many countries would be glad just with the half of that.
This table is chiefly weighs the gold as the metrics to establish the rankings. Purely if we count all the medals won, the order would change a bit. Not by much, but Brazil - with her low gold count - would jump a lot.
As for Hungary, the expected medal count was around 20, which "target" our competitors accomplished. Basically on the level of previous olympic achievements. Surprisingly no medals in water polo, which we are traditionally strong in.
If we take a look at the sports and the medal distribution - athletics, canoe, fencing, swimming, pentathlon, shooting, taekwondo - we can declare we "specialize" in canoe, swimming, and fencing pentathlon also include swimming, fencing, and shooting. Taekwondo is a fluke. It would be nice if our athletes could diversify, and bring results in other sports.
We'll see in four years how they fare. If we live that long.

Bernd 03/21/2025 (Fri) 09:36 [Preview] No.54189 [X] del
This season of Nations League our team isn't doing good. During regular group matches we only managed to beat Bosnia once, got 2 big suits from Germany and Netherlands I assume the both teams learnt from our last years results against the big teams, England, Germany, and Italy, and they went all in, the rest were thin draws. This was only enough for not get relegated from Group A straight away, we can fight to stay in.
We got Turkey as opponents. Yesterday we lost 3-1. I listened the short interview with Szoboszlai, his initial assessment of the team was that they sucked. Oh well. I know they are capable of more, they have 2 days rest and then they have to beat Turkey bad, but now on home turf.

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20rh August State Foundation Day Bernd 08/20/2018 (Mon) 06:19 [Preview] No. 18586 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
A year passed and again this day commemorates the foundation of Hungary, this is 1018th birthday. We celebrate this national holiday with listening to politicians mixing irrelevant daily politics into historical events in the morning and watching fireworks in the evening. Budapesterners can witness the procession of state founder Saint Stephen's Holy Dexter. Also all the local communities have their own little celebrations.
This is the third time I make this thread, and I won't post much, maybe I'll post something about what happened today - if anything interesting - later.
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Bernd 03/15/2025 (Sat) 15:48 [Preview] No.54181 [X] del >>54182
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#17 The start of the revolution in Vienna
Very romantic notion, the ladies tying ribbons on the arms of the gentlemen sending them to their mission for Freedom.
#18 Viennese mob attacks Archduke Albrecht
This is more liek it.
#19 Austrian soldiers fire at the revolutionaries at Hoher Markt on March 14
I think this event was inititated by the aforementioned Archduke Albrecht, who give the order to fire in the mass of people.
#20 Adolf Fischhof
Jewish-Hungarian citizen of Pest, physician in Vienna. He gained popularity with his public speeches, got into politics, a notable figure in the Viennese revolution. Today Orbán mentioned him in his speech.

Bernd 03/15/2025 (Sat) 15:49 [Preview] No.54182 [X] del >>54183
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Goddamit lots pics.
#21 Welcoming of the Hungarian delegation in Vienna
#22 Release of political prisoners in Vienna
#23 The fall of Metternich, cartoon
He takes censorship with himself as he leaves the country.
#24 Metternich as a street entertainer in Siberia, cartoon

Bernd 03/15/2025 (Sat) 16:02 [Preview] No.54183 [X] del >>54184
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Last round with some pics from 1848 March 15
#25 We wow that we won't be slaves anymore!
A line from a revolutionary poem of Petőfi. He recited this poem to the mass during the initial protests at Pest. The drawing is a romanticized depiction of the event, by Zichy Mihály.
#26 Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Same artist.
#27 A more realistic depiction of the recitiation of said poem.
The event happened at the Hungarian National Museum. Gonna post a pic in of it in the next post.
#28 A memorial of the revolution.

Bernd 03/15/2025 (Sat) 16:03 [Preview] No.54184 [X] del
(926.80 KB 2000x1200 nemzeti_muzeum.jpg)
That's it for today. Lots of material in the book I linked. Some are quite fun.

Bernd 03/19/2025 (Wed) 16:37 [Preview] No.54188 [X] del
How much did they have to worry about censorship?

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Proletics Serious Discussion - Nothing Changes Edition Bernd 07/18/2024 (Thu) 14:12 [Preview] No. 52219 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous thread: >>36217

Found fun informational. It's dated, I think from 2019 but things seems to be the same. Not sure about that Paris Climate Agreement tho.

As in last post in prev thread stated today EU Parliament voted back Ursula von der Leyen as the president of the EU Commission (EU govt. basically).
719 deputy
707 votes
401 yes
284 no
15 abstained
7 invalid votes
She's so dumb, and the dumbest statements she makes. She's also a bit dated, she was first elected in 2019. But it shows how strong the leftlib is, they stay in power as expected, despite all the bleeting in the leftlib press about far-right danger.
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cont. Bernd 03/11/2025 (Tue) 09:46 [Preview] No.54173 [X] del
I think to finish this, I want to add examples of individual actors in foreign politics.
Think of Elon Musk offering Starlink to Ukraine. He is a private person who mobilized the resources of his companies to intervene in a war of two states.
Or that tard who banned Russian IPs to download his software which was necessary to some crap, I don't recall the exact detalis anymore.
Institutions are more obvious: UN, NATO, EU, BRICS, etc.

Bernd 03/12/2025 (Wed) 08:54 [Preview] No.54174 [X] del >>54186
(137.21 KB 600x1000 rightfully_turkish.png)
Greenland held election, the great question was if they should secede from Denmark or not. Poor sods, little they know they are rightfully Turkish.
I feel this question of independence isn't really a question, since all but the smallest party is unionist. Apparently the current winner, the Demokraatit is also pro-independence, except they wish to take gradual steps in that direction, whatever that is.

Thing to know: Greenland is an autonomous region of Denmark, they have their own legislative and executive branches. Not sure about judicial one. Anyway they are quite independent and basically share head of state with Denmark, the Danish king. Should we call this a personal union?

31 seats in their parliament, and here's the result:
Demokraatit - 10 seats - gradual independence, liberals
Naleraq - 8 seats - pro-independence, orange populist
Inuit Ataqatigiit - 7 seats - pro-independence, soc-dems
Siumut - 4 seats - pro-independence, soc-dems
Atassut - 2 seats - unionist, conservatives

They need 16 seats for majority, I guess if the Dems want a balance they could involve the two smallest parties. I don't think there is any real difference between any of these parties, just shades of the same. The labels I wrote above feel quite "generous".

The spice of the election was Trump and his rhetoric of taking Greenland. I'm not sure if any of these would want a union with US after they left Denmark.
But I do see them making a deal, US getting basing rights if they don't have already. If they do have one perhaps some expansion of that.

Bernd 03/17/2025 (Mon) 21:24 [Preview] No.54185 [X] del
What a travesty.
Our government is initiating a "opinion expressing vote" about Ukraine's EU membership. They don't do a proper plebiscite, a referendum, but an advisory caricature of the institution which has no legal background in our Constitution, it specifically talks about only binding ones.
The Fidesz govt. made extensive use of this so called national consultations I already wrote about, where they send a list of loaded questions to the citizens who should fill the form and send it back to them. Now they take this one step further. I highly suspect they will twist the actual question Do you want Ukraine in the EU?/Do you agree to take Ukraine into EU?/Do you agree to give Ukraine EU membership? - or something similar that make you look like crazy if you want Ukraine in the EU.
We are further and further to actually have a say in our politics, and people are getting used to it.

Bernd 03/18/2025 (Tue) 00:53 [Preview] No.54186 [X] del >>54187
>secede from Denmark
This sounds like a collective joke. Nobody seriously believes Greenland can survive on its own as a sovereign state. Maybe if they ejected all of Denmark's privileges while still receiving Danish subsidies.

Bernd 03/18/2025 (Tue) 15:53 [Preview] No.54187 [X] del
I assume that's where the blonde prince on white horse from Washington would swoop in with the basing rights offers and whatnot.

(763.21 KB 1000x1414 ZZC 0296.jpg)
I'm looking for a car but I don't know much about them. I am thinking of a car like a Fiat 500 or a VolksWagon Beetle. What other cars are there like this, cars that are small so they are easy to park and don't use much fuel but that also look interesting and nice.
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Dutch bernd Bernd 11/12/2024 (Tue) 02:25 [Preview] No.52569 [X] del >>52572
(96.62 KB 1280x1280 squirrel fren.jpeg)

Back to posting here after taking a lil vacation break for a few weeks. What I miss?

Bernd 11/12/2024 (Tue) 07:51 [Preview] No.52572 [X] del >>52624
Not much, it's just me blogging, and sometimes I skip days now.

Bernd 12/04/2024 (Wed) 03:50 [Preview] No.52624 [X] del
(1.05 MB 1170x1314 1702811000709744.png)
Well ur posts are always good, so things must have been great then. :DD

I'm not really doing much winter season. I'm just staying inside. No enthusiasms to do anything lately. That happen to other bernds during winters?

Bernd 03/11/2025 (Tue) 01:25 [Preview] No.54170 [X] del >>54176
(79.25 KB 1920x868 tuhmma havva.jpg)
I have come to partially disregard what people say when they're angry. Even if it's an accurate portrayal of their emotions, I've found it's not an accurate prediction of their actions. Time and time again this person promises they'll get rid of X during a fit of rage, time goes on and X is still around.

Bernd 03/15/2025 (Sat) 10:07 [Preview] No.54176 [X] del
That's normal. Heightened emotions - not just anger - makes people say things they don't actually mean. This is why they say that time heals, as time passes tempers cool.
Rare are those people who can bide their time, and get their revenge served cold.

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Syria Thread - Iranian Backed Edition Bernd 02/22/2024 (Thu) 21:33 [Preview] No. 51681 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous: >>50296

Nothing much going on in Syria anymore. Bit of ISIS I see on the map, and the SAA bombarding rebels on the north east. Beside that Israel is constantly attacking into Syria, targeting Iranian backed terrorists, and Iranian backed militias, and apparently Iranian militias themselves.
In Israel, the IDF still wrestling with some Iranian backed, dirty, barefeet, stone throwing kids since October... Where Yom Kippur and Six-Day Wars disappeared? Anyway. In Gaza they bombing Iranian backed Hamas, in Lebanon the Iranian backed Hezbollah. Sometimes they have a cease fire to release hostages as the Iranian backed Qatar negotiates it.
From Yemen, the Iranian backed Houthis raiding the shipping lanes with drones and whatnot.
In Ukraine the Iranian backed RAF/RuAf is on the attack. The initiative is theirs, AFU tries holding their trenches, forts, and foxholes. I heard couple of interesting things today, but would need some drawing and look up possible sources.
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Bernd 03/09/2025 (Sun) 17:51 [Preview] No.54163 [X] del >>54164
>The European Union strongly condemns the recent attacks, reportedly by pro-Assad elements, on interim government forces in the coastal areas of Syria and all violence against civilians.

>Civilians have to be protected in all circumstances in full respect of international humanitarian law.

>The EU also calls on all external actors to fully respect the sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of Syria. The EU condemns any attempts to undermine stability and the prospects for a lasting peaceful transition, inclusive and respectful of all Syrians in their diversity.


Bernd 03/09/2025 (Sun) 18:07 [Preview] No.54164 [X] del >>54165
Well, as long as they strongly condemns them...
EU is such a fucking joke.

Bernd 03/09/2025 (Sun) 18:38 [Preview] No.54165 [X] del >>54166

The "joke" is that they condemn these dead pro-Assad terrorists who attack the new democratic government of the Free Syria.

Bernd 03/09/2025 (Sun) 18:47 [Preview] No.54166 [X] del
Where are the "dead pro-Assad terrorists"?

Bernd 03/13/2025 (Thu) 20:59 [Preview] No.54175 [X] del
Kursk salient is gone.
The DeepState map still shows some Ukrainian control, but Denys Davydov talks about full withdrawal, citing Ukrainian officials, and noting that most units are already out.

I've checked the catalog couldnt find any good youtube channel threads(delet if there is any)

share, shill and subscribe



These are about old guns about and stuff, which include muzzle loading ones as well.
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Bernd 11/13/2024 (Wed) 06:54 [Preview] No.52573 [X] del
These days I'm browsing videos on invidious, and use yt-dlp to get the video. But after a while I get error, apparently youtube limits the request rates, and I think their Invidious instance run out of it.
When that happens I use piped to browse. Problem is on pipe I don't see option to order videos. So the two platform has to be mixed depending on usecase, not to abuse invidious' limits...
Almost getting to the point when its just simpler to bite the bullet and suffer on the youtube.

There was one nitter instance that worked reliably. Was a short downtime when Musk got the 5 minutes and shut xtwitter in, but that's over.

Bernd Board volunteer 12/22/2024 (Sun) 16:30 [Preview] No.52687 [X] del
Matt's parents having a rooster tiles wall at the stove/oven is based. Nice allegory of fire.

Bernd 12/27/2024 (Fri) 11:46 [Preview] No.52696 [X] del
The fuck, DPA doesn't update his Odysee channel anymore! Last video is from 7 days ago...
If I remember correctly there is a service for youtube/odysee that yt videos can be pushed to Odysee as well. Did Google break this? They are fucking with ad blockers and frontends for a while, perhaps this is the result of their retardation.

Bernd 03/10/2025 (Mon) 19:43 [Preview] No.54168 [X] del
Matt's ain't doing better. He says he'll try stuff. I guess doing something is better than just waiting. Keeps the morale up too.
What doesn't kill you, you can tell anecdotes about it.

Bernd 03/11/2025 (Tue) 08:36 [Preview] No.54171 [X] del
Defense Politics Asia News channel:
Yewtube did not find today it when I searched for it by name, and ordered it "by channel". I got scared they took it down.

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If America is in decline, why worry? Maybe, real worry is Europe's decline and that we innovate things better?
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Bernd 03/03/2025 (Mon) 12:52 [Preview] No.54142 [X] del >>54143
(315.99 KB 1024x683 happy_merkel.jpg)
That's it for energy independence from Russia.
>Beijing could purposefully delay projects, harvest sensitive data and remotely shut down turbines if given access to wind farms.

Bernd 03/03/2025 (Mon) 23:09 [Preview] No.54143 [X] del >>54145
I think we stress ourselves too much over such killswitches.
Can't we just get a hacker to root it?

Bernd 03/04/2025 (Tue) 07:58 [Preview] No.54144 [X] del >>54145

Bernd 03/04/2025 (Tue) 08:10 [Preview] No.54145 [X] del >>54146
No. We should get more solar panels too from China with built in killswitch and tiktok.
Faggots in Brussels just came up with the genius idea to subsidize "clean" companies to make them competitive. They want to produce "green" tanks and shit. Srsly.

>>>/gas chamber/ >>>/test/ is that way

Bernd 03/04/2025 (Tue) 08:12 [Preview] No.54146 [X] del
Fuck, on magrathea that link looks all wrong. It doesn't know endchan's strikethrough formatting. And adds another slash in the middle.

Battles Bernd 07/16/2017 (Sun) 10:27 [Preview] No. 8950 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
I've already mentioned the book titled On Killing - The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society by Dave Grossman (Lt. Col. of US Army). It gave some food for thought and I'm planning to write some of my speculation.

But what did the author write? Let's summarize.
He starts with the observation that most men has a natural resistance to kill (only 2% of men - those who have "predisposition toward aggressive psychopathic personality" - can go on killing without becoming a nervous wreck). This resistance is so high that even at times that our life is directly threatened (like others shoot at us) still difficult to overcome it. This resistance is the reason why infantry fire was so embarrassingly ineffective in the past 300 years - with the exception of machine guns - despite the fact that infantry weaponry (rifles) are reliable and accurate enough to cause massive losses among the enemy.
The author gives examples and sources, such as a Prussian experiment in the late 18th century, several reports and notices from several authors during 19-20th centuries (American, French, Israeli etc.), and an interesting work by a US Army historian who (and his coworkers) made mass interviews with fighting GIs during and after WWII. Also he cites his own conversation with veterans of WWII and Vietnam.
He gives new ideas on what's really happening on the battlefield. He compliments the widely known fight-or-flight model with two other options: in reality the soldiers can fight, posture, submit or flight. And most soldiers choose the second option.
Then he ponders on what enables killing (I'm gonna write more about this later) and how modern (post-WWII) armies achieve this. Then he compares these methods with the ways of contemporary mass media. His conlcusion is (after pointing out the exponential rise of violent crimes) that mass media has an undesirable effect on society.

What interesting for me is this resistance, and the enabling part. These things are actually give an entirely new way of looking warfare, and how and why battles were won.
For example the part officers (the demanding authority to kill) play in the enabling. When people (professional historians, history pros and other armchair generals) comparing the Hellenic phalanx with Roman manipulus and why the latter was more successful they compare everything but the officers. In the phalanx he's only one among those who stand in line and do the poking with pikes, but a Roman officer is one outside the formation and pressuring the soldiers to kill. It makes a huge difference if someone shouting in your ears "stab! stab! stab!" and generally pressuring you to kill. Especially if this one person is an exemplary one, a veteran whose skill in killing surpasses all the others in that particular unit. However noone talks about this because noone thinks about it.

I'll continue this sometimes, maybe only next weekend, we'll see. If you wish to read the book you can probably find it on libgen.
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Bernd 04/30/2023 (Sun) 07:39 [Preview] No.50179 [X] del >>50180
I dunno. An article said they took 10 million pills in 1941 only. On the other hand the article looked more liek a sensationalist smearticle.

Bernd 04/30/2023 (Sun) 12:41 [Preview] No.50180 [X] del
I don't remember the full details of it, I just know it was banned for soldiers in either 1940 or 1941 by the army not the government I think.

However, it's a commercial product and as I said I think it was banned by the army, so civilians and the Luftwaffe(and maybe SS and Navy) might still have been able to get it.
I know that the allies gave pilots amphetamines to keep them awake, maybe something similar was continued in the Luftwaffe.

Bernd 04/30/2023 (Sun) 13:00 [Preview] No.50181 [X] del >>50183
A Deutshe Welle article says it was made illegal in 1941. I can't find the page that I was thinking of that mentioned the German army banning it because of the effect it had on soldiers though.

Pretty much everything that comes up are news tabloids and pop-history such.

Bernd 04/30/2023 (Sun) 15:25 [Preview] No.50183 [X] del
>news tabloids and pop-history such.

Bernd 03/02/2025 (Sun) 09:30 [Preview] No.54137 [X] del
Lookie, Bernd, what have I found!

VENEZUELA HAPPENING Bernd 04/30/2019 (Tue) 11:07 [Preview] No. 25388 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Venezuela coup has begun!

6 hours ago Reuters made an exclusive on Blackwater going around advocating for a 5000 PMC force to beat Maduro.

And now this is happening:

El PAIS live stream
https://youtube.com/watch?v=rqhhSJQRGkQ [Embed]
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Bernd 08/18/2024 (Sun) 00:33 [Preview] No.52325 [X] del >>52329
Events are unfolding in a completely predictable course. The opposition holds demonstrations but the military and police remain loyal. Maduro is content to sit on a throne of bayonets. Lula and other moderate leftists in the continent have offered negotiations, all of which have so far been rejected by Maduro. Lula is in an uncomfortable position, trapped between losing a longtime regional ally and losing votes for his party. Suggesting negotiations allows his ally to whitewash legitimacy without the PR disaster of directly endorsing Maduro's electoral results, which is precisely what Lula's party did. He has gone so far as to publicly disavow his party's position. Lately he called the Venezuelan regime "very unpleasant" and "authoritarian", but "not a dictatorship", which neither side was pleased to hear.
Negotiations could be a clever move by Maduro. He's done it before, goading the opposition into backing down from confrontation and fooling it with empty concessions. A repeat election would be even better, it would be a second chance to demoralize voter turnout and rig the results. Lula knows this, he's giving his ally a way out. Maybe Maduro will accept under further international pressure. So far he refuses to back down even on a rhetorical level, counting on his coup-proofing measures. The National Guard, Militia and even the colectivo paramilitaries are potential counterweights to Army unrest. Cuban advisors, even a handful of them, keep a watch on suspicious officers. Even then, all of this is a risky bet. Coup-proofing is always perfectly successful until it isn't. Individual officers know popular acclaim or even CIA cash await them if they refuse to disperse demonstrations.

Hispanophone Maduro apologetics resort to cheap claims like the voting tallies already having been submitted to the Supreme Court (whose presiding judge is a card-carrying member of the ruling party) or the release of tallies not being needed at all. Anglophone apologists resort to the beaten litany of color revolution, CIA-backed, upper class oppositionists and so on.
I've watched clips from Maduro's speeches and he's nothing like that. His rhetoric has some classical far left components (fascism, imperialism, bourgeois representative democracy is a lie, we're building a new democracy of the 21st century) but it's a chaotic mix. There's room for religion (reading the Bible, accusing his enemies of Satanism, mentioning the "Venezuelan family", describing himself as in a "spiritual fight between good and evil"), generation shock (uninstalling Whatsapp, attacking tech companies), Palestine-baiting or Jew-baiting (claiming his enemies are financed by international Zionism) and other colorful influences.
A much livelier personality than his defenders. He's funny in a buffoonish, unintentional way. None of Chavéz's charisma.

Also notable are the intelligence and police services running psychological terrorism through heavily edited footage of their arrests of opposition figures. Another bullet point to Venezuela's cyberpunk status. It's not cyberpunk because of purple filters and flashing lights (though these might appear) but from authorities publicizing a crackdown like it's a funny meme. It could even be awe-inspiring if they had a proper production quality.

Bernd 08/18/2024 (Sun) 00:38 [Preview] No.52326 [X] del >>52329
Older news: this regime also relies on "hate speech" to suppress certain kinds of discussion, much like advanced Western democracies. The big difference is that in Venezuela, it's hate speech against individual authorities.

Bernd 08/18/2024 (Sun) 14:16 [Preview] No.52329 [X] del >>52707
Sounds like Lula had to pick between two seats, and he chose sitting on the floor. Vaguely I remember him doing another failure of a balancing act some time ago, no?
>Maduro's rhetoric
He obviously has to refuse fascism. That is always a good move. Then has to claim he is democratic despite not fulfilling the liberal-democratic expectations of the West. Then have to ponder to the Catholic traditions of Hispanics, South Americans; they were always faithful, even commies. Then have to place himself within the geopolitical trends, USA is unfriendly, means have to align against Israel. etc etc. At least that's my impression from your sketch.

Hatespeech is ofc silly to begin with. And really if we say can do hatespeech against group X, then surely can be done against group Y. Since it's nonsense there are no rules where to apply.

Bernd 01/10/2025 (Fri) 21:30 [Preview] No.52706 [X] del
Memezuela update: half a year has passed since the elections and Maduro's new term has begun. Official electoral authorities have yet to publish 100% results (just the 2nd of August 96.87% counting) and a breakdown of the numbers down to the precint level. They haven't bothered to concoct an explanation for the mathematical magic of their earlier results and the National Electoral Council's website is still down. Relations with Brazil have soured but Lula sent the ambassador to attend the ceremony.

Bernd 01/10/2025 (Fri) 21:38 [Preview] No.52707 [X] del
>Vaguely I remember him doing another failure of a balancing act some time ago, no?
Might have been his comments on a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine war. He was good enough of a negotiator in his trade union days and decades of domestic and international puffery must have inflated his ego. To some extent he still thinks he can win a Nobel Peace Prize or a permanent seat in the Security Council.