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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

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Understanding National Socialism Arminius 07/28/2021 (Wed) 17:38 Id: 505c74 [Preview] No. 85077 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hey so I got a few questions just to clear up a couple things that some people say about national socialism as well as my general thoughts on things in general.

So I guess I start from the beginning the way I view a nation as it should be is as a garden where the government acts to grow a strong and powerful people. In that garden anything can grow which represents the myriad of talents with the strongest being allowed to propagate themselves and the weaker allowed to attempt but inevitably fail. In the propagation of the strongest both the people and nation benefit however there must be a recognition of the weak and the strong and that there are different weaknesses and strengths. I have talked to some people who say that if they were to ever get power they would institute universal basic income which I think just incentivizes laziness.

I guess what I'm trying to clear up do the people here believe in a hierarchy or do they believe everyone is equal?
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Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 03:29 Id: cc8648 [Preview] No.92252 del
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Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 10:58 Id: 204715 [Preview] No.92256 del
> You can't argue against facts
riddle me with this laddy
how could gestapo manage to be a secret police doing at the same time all tasks of standart police forces SD and abwehr with budget that was nothing compared to mentioned higher
riddle me with this how could Hitler invent "concentration camps" when rotschild and co had them in 1905?

Anonymous 01/16/2024 (Tue) 10:59 Id: 204715 [Preview] No.92257 del
and most importantly
how its possible to achieve around 2 milion kills of certain ethnicity more than was a whole europe if i am generous to count nations outside of axis camp

Anonymous 01/18/2024 (Thu) 16:33 Id: b8f98e [Preview] No.92260 del
why is NS superior in economy? and why does Marxism fail to address the rights of the workers where it supposed to actually support them? I know NS worked really well especially on addressing the welfare of the workers and businessmen, that's why there was an economic miracle

Anonymous 01/19/2024 (Fri) 05:08 Id: cc8648 [Preview] No.92261 del
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Because they cast off interest and became unchained from the world's banks with their own money. Money backed not by gold nor silver, but by the efforts of labor. It was a time when workers where appreciated for holding up the nation's economy. Finding respect for workers these days is like finding a fucking unicorn.

White Confederate Sikh National Socialist Post Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 19:36 Id: d72fec [Preview] No. 93941 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I pray every day for the spirit of the Aryan and the Sikh to be combined for the ultimate in theistic philosophies. Blasphemy or no, Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists, Fascists, and the Sikh are not only allies but a marriage of faith and militancy.
God bless the Soldier Saint. God bless the Spirit of the Sun, the Lightning in the Sky, the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler.
God bless the True. God bless the Gurus.
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Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 09:15 Id: c4a641 [Preview] No.93957 del
>His 21st century followers kneel to them.
That is the problem, yes. But don't believe I'm not aware of the scope. Personally, a job of over 6 years about a year ago: Some bitch was spreading her streaming-serviced church around. It was a church with a jew pastor meaning I didn't have to go but could watch at my leisure at home. He made sure his congregation sang el shaddai and apologized for jews being a "product of their times". Just like the (((Scofield))) bible. Kikes hijack what's not (((theirs))) and infiltrate to debase and tear down. It's basically all they're ever good for.
>God is the Truth. Constantly pray to it.
I'm not a jew so I don't despise God or Jesus as they do. As the Natsoc pretenders who come here do as well. The many centuries old feud between Asatru and Christians is just that. An old feud. One that was settled a long time ago. I don't view Odinn as a separate entity nor Jesus different from Baldr. When I was going through Catholic and Protestant private schools as my grandmother kept switching faiths, there was a lot they couldn't answer for. Blanks in the mythos to fill. Origins. I don't worship anyone or anything. I'm not capable of feeling that strongly. I've spent too long desensitized to the depravities of modern ZOG society. All I can muster is interest.

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 09:03 Id: 6f41a5 [Preview] No.93962 del
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I often wondered why some wehrmacht/luftwaffe/navy officers carried daggers with hangers on trousers rather on officer belt
I cannot find recordings over that why or if it was allowed in dress code and yet there are photos like that showing it was carried like that
And even how they carried it without attaching these on officer belts as clacks were srill used by ww2 Heer and schutzstaffel

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 14:51 Id: c4a641 [Preview] No.93963 del
The design was likely due to this man: https://www.paulcasberg.com
Though in 1944, the dagger was to be replaced with a pistol through new regulations.

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 19:02 Id: 6f41a5 [Preview] No.93964 del
Intersting but still i didnt find how in dress code it wasnt punished the carrying of daggers on underbelt instead of officer belt
I know that ss and SA had to have them on officer belts and in cases of navy this was also the case almost all the time
But i guess it maybe was one of the loopholes in dress code like the infamous white walking shako of Heer being converted as full fledged uniform in afrika or having collar rabs despite ban or disrespecting a helmet markings ban and other things i cannot remember right now

Anonymous 06/21/2024 (Fri) 20:50 Id: 462040 [Preview] No.93965 del
Sikhanon, again. I now carry a p11 and kirpan (dagger) on each side of my belt. Hail Hitler! Hail the Gurus

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Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 15:15 Id: c66018 [Preview] No. 92724 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
at the february 26th 2024 the yakub rotschild had been officialy declared deceased at the age of 87
Let your jewish ass be crispy in underworld and gangbanged by hundreds of niggers for eternity for all the misfortune and destruction you caused that will now be in vain as yojr sonny is as autistic as soroses

Who wants to post redpills you are welcomed but check if they have the "hitler was with rotschild" fallacy
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Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 15:19 Id: c66018 [Preview] No.92726 del
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And i shall start eith something easy

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 15:20 Id: c66018 [Preview] No.92727 del
Whatever suits your pellet
I for example would like him be in nigger chamber

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 04:13 Id: 86e3dd [Preview] No.92729 del
Who's to say Hell doesn't have a nigger chamber? Lots of niggers are evil. I'm not saying focus on them, because they're dumb footsoldiers for jews the real enemy. But hey, Dante's Inferno should be updated for the modern era.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=eGci8By2G8s [Embed]

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 17:50 Id: ebb50a [Preview] No.92738 del
>Who's to say Hell doesn't have a nigger chamber?
anyone who doesnt but why to argue about such petty thing that devolves into spastic screaming of who and where has monopoly on afterlife

Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 12:54 Id: c1a94b [Preview] No.93961 del
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No proof Alefantis is a Rothschilds. That's not to say he doesn't cater to their needs (Clearly he does).

Lets try to avoid posting false unverified info that freakin Redditors easily debunk.

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Inquiry: Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 04:15 Id: c61149 [Preview] No. 93954 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Did Jesus straight up troll the Jews?

Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 05:48 Id: c481b7 [Preview] No.93955 del
He was crucified by them and as a result Westerners have been governed by a kiked abrahamic moral code for the past few millenia.

Anonymous 06/19/2024 (Wed) 09:22 Id: c88652 [Preview] No.93958 del
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So have Libertarians. Well centuries, not millennia.
Blame the dead for what living kikes have done to fuck up our society.
I've seen many similar arguments against Hitler. Like he could control the entire world, even after death.
The dead don't care. The dead can do nothing after their passing. They can't affect change in our world any longer.
Blaming them is a distraction.

Lamenting over the past accomplishes nothing. We need solutions. I've pondered this over years.
Numbers. That's the best I can come up with. A variety of plots surrounding that. None very tangible.
What we need is help. We need some goddamn geniuses.

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One of the Vermin Speaks Out Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 11:36 Id: f04a4c [Preview] No. 93932 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
They like to call Jerry Seinfeld a “funnyman” but what he is most of all is one of the vermin, one of those Jews who metaphorically crawl on their slimy bellies out the sewers and onto the street, there to infect the population with the Jewish plague. They said that Seinfeld was a “show about nothing,” but that was never true; it was the latest in the long line of Jewish entertainment and “art” which hijacked the American sensibility, which put irony in place of sincerity, which put frivolity in place of seriousness — not that we had not been stuck in that mire for a while, but the show was the final nail in the coffin. It put the theory of Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (A Mad Magazine knock-off; another kike production) into high voltage mode — that is, it saturated the country with filthy Hebrew mores and thought. The fact that, to most, it was just “a clever comedy” shows us how brain-dead most are: It was a weapon in the form of a television series, and those who wielded it had designs on us. It brought the world to it knees by dint of its hyper-Jewishness. Now that the Jews are sailing some rough seas, Mr. Seinfeld is wiping that stupid grin off his face and saying that he can no longer be about nothing. No, he has to be about something and that something is, of course, he has to be about being a Jew. What else would he be about, being a Jew? For if anything is time-tested and time-honored it’s that, whatever else he is, a Jew is always a Jew. And whatever career or incarnation he has, the important thing is that he’s a Jew. And when the Jews are in their time of need (which will be more and more often), Jews the world over run to the defense of themselves, and let the world know they are Jews. Ad nauseam, as always, and reductio ad absurdum as well.

Apparently after some filthy kikes got killed on October 7, the Jews realized that now was the time for all good Jews to come to the aid of Jews. Seinfeld, who has been living in a senescent retirement, was no exception. He traveled to Israel to much ballyhoo. Had he ridden into Jerusalem on a donkey like Jesus allegedly did, it would not have been more obnoxious. Of course, after the whirlwind tour of the Hebe Homeland he had to give the big interview to sum up and encapsulate the trip, which was a travesty; so the smirking Comedy Jew trotted out all the tired bromides about the Jews; that is, he lied through his Jewish teeth in the only cause that matters to the Jews: the Jews. He started off by saying “we’re Jewish,” which is patently obvious to anyone who sees his ugly mug with its rancid physiognomy. Facial features do not lie and he has the map of evil written all over his. He says that, as a Jew, he feels very close to the “struggle of being Jewish in the world.” A struggle? That’s funny indeed; he is a funnyman! Hitler had his struggle (against Jews), but the Jews have never struggled or, if they did, the necessity was brought on by their own deeds — which is not struggle, but nemesis. And in today’s world the Jews don’t struggle at all, they sail though the world celebrated and worshipped; they are sitting pretty on their perch. That is changing a bit, but, once again, that is their own fault. And if they get knocked off their own self-created pedestal, few of us will mourn. It’s not a struggle if your difficulties are richly deserved. It’s sweet justice a long time coming.

Mr. Jewish Comedic Genius No. 8,942 then swerves into some soft-pedaling rhetoric wherein he practices the “safe fall” theory of verbal deception; where you seem reasonable by conceding a portion of the truth, only to mitigate it and soften the blow — that is, you camouflage the truth by that seeming show of taking on the negative quality, only to ultimately deflect it. That is, it is Jew language to the core — lies. He says that “people sometimes” think of the Jews as being “very on top of things” and as “being successful for the most part,” and “that’s somewhat true.”

Anonymous 06/15/2024 (Sat) 11:44 Id: f04a4c [Preview] No.93933 del
How many qualifications can a Jew come up with? — three in this instance, three in the short span of a short sentence: “sometimes,” “for the most part,” “somewhat.” Weasel words, they are. To simply blurt out the truth would be “too shocking”; the truth being that the Jews en masse are greedy bastards, that they sit atop the world of finance and government and education and entertainment and media, that they lord it over their hosts, that they control the money supply, that they solidify their position by a constant flow of lying propaganda, that they miseducate our youth, that they consume all possible attention with their “troubles,” and that they misrule and abuse us without let or reserve. Now those are two descriptions of the same facts, but one is slippery like a Jew, and the other is the radical truth as said by a White man. Base Jews like Jerry Seinfeld recoil from radical truth like a Negroid recoils from hard labor or a vampire from the rising Sun. Jews scurry from the truth like insects do from the light of day when you lift up the rock they were hiding under. And then the Revered Cultural Icon segues once more into what the Jews consider the kill shot of kill shots, their not-so-secret weapon not really held in reserve; that is, he transitions into lachrymose mode, where the old Jews take a break from playing shuffleboard at the Jewish retirement home (gefilte fish dinner, bagels round the clock), pull up their pants to near their chests, and say in unison (in the voice of their favorite son Jerry Seinfeld) that the “struggle of being Jewish” is also ancient and has been going on for “thousands of years.” His voice rises an octave or two on the word thousands.

Their struggle (such as it is not), he tells us, is one from time immemorial, from time out of mind, from even before the amoebas crawled out from the primordial ooze. Hoo boy, it’s been thousands of years of suffering, they damn near got wiped out any number of times, they survived pitchforks, and arrows, maddened raging mobs, bullets, pogroms, persecutions, shattered glass, and finally gas. But they made it, which is (as they will be the first to tell you) a “testament to their spirit”; that is, they are not just a people like any other, and certainly not like us (and they won’t even allow saying that now on pain of punishment), no; not just an off-the-rack or standard-issue people; they are “the eternal people.” But even if they were (they are not, as the future without them will attest), so are cockroaches. But then cockroaches, though a great nuisance and only slightly better-looking than Jews, never really hurt a soul: Unlike with Jews, no one ever died from allowing cockroaches to dwell among them. Then, near the end of his verbal show, comes the dire denouement: He says that “anti-Semitism has been rekindled.” I object to this, as this noble belief system has always been with us; and always will be with us, until its object is gone and it is no longer needed; that is, when — metaphorically, of course — the fires arise from the kindling lit by the awakened among our Folk; when the sordid likes of Jerry Seinfeld have worn out their welcome, and the Jewish game of dominate and deceive is seen clearly for what it is: a war. And when that war is joined, the Jews will no longer be the mouse — or the mouths — that roared; but will be what they have always been incognito: history’s pipsqueaks, who will be lucky if, in their winding sheets, we allow them to gibber and squeak through the streets on their destined return to the sewers from whence they came.


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Jewish genetic escape options Anonymous 06/08/2022 (Wed) 15:53 Id: ae82ff [Preview] No. 87705 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What are the inevitable ways that Jews will try to escape persecution as populations wake up to redpills?

Let's say goyim become dominant again and subjugate Jews. Gene tests would be an important way to out them. But genetic engineering will probably become eventually affordable and widespread, so Jews will be able to temporarily mask their genetic makeup, before inserting them in again. But this also means they can delete their Jewish genes and simply abandon that identity. And a large fraction of them would under pressure, as a third of Muslims birthed in the West abandon Islam. This calls into question what even makes up Jewish identity, and since there are non-Jewish-ethnics who converted to Judaism, it's clearly not just Jewish blood. But blood relations are the strongest ties in the religion, and removing the basis of this would severely weaken the fundaments of Judaism.

While that sounds dandy, this also means if Jewish overlords really crank up the planetary dystopia, they can forcefully genetically edit anyone into being Jewish, especially white supremacists, and if they corner the genetics industry, Jewish blood will spread like a world economy crashing virus.

Where do the genetic hijinks go from here? How would either side react to such subjugation? Obviously Jews will craftily look for ways to beat all sides of gene tech oppression.
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Anonymous 11/14/2023 (Tue) 07:21 Id: 77eb45 [Preview] No.91628 del
That's interesting. I say NatSoc quite a bit on the surface web and had for the past ten years. That kikel probably got it from me or someone I used to digitally hang with. It is a pretty decent term on its own--just a lesson that they can and will say and do anything in an attempt to chameleon in. Do not underestimate the smarter ones. They are dangerous.

I had been pondering for some time on the more serious nature of this board compared to other /pol/ instances I have liked over the years, and I suppose with all the automated shilling and whatnot, it has to remain that way. I miss when everything was open with basically no rules because it basically originated NatSoc beliefs again precisely because nothing was sacred. A lot of anons engaged in shitposting about the holohoax and kikes because they had quite literally said every possible offensive thing. It was only a matter of time, and it was a truly beautiful thing to be a part of. It's strange how NS beliefs really have to go through so many phases, and it's because of the enemy control and how much truth is suppressed. It's like tracing a path through a fucking maze, really.

I have my doubts that the tech will be cheap. Also, they are not going to make everyone one of them. They wouldn't have slaves anymore. I understand pondering all possibilities, but it doesn't seem likely. The real threat would be them forcibly downgrading everyone, but they are seeking to do that through epigenetics instead, probably without knowing what that even is because they have such an allergy to genetic health.

There really aren't any escape options for them and that's why they are so ruthless and amoral to an extreme degree, even relative to other ruthless peoples.

Anticonfusion seems to be the platform here, and it's distinct from most imageboards that don't naturally trend that way. It's probably the only answer to people with a lot of money who actually did destroy other boards, which I had witnessed in real time and fought against for years in some cases (where said board was good). HateChan is gone, and it was a truly amazing thing, seeing so many anons just revolt like that against that faggot m00t.

Anonymous 11/14/2023 (Tue) 10:50 Id: 96c670 [Preview] No.91629 del
Yes, it's unfortunate some who might not even be jews may be caught in the line of sight. This is why most times I have to poke and prod at their beliefs and minor details. Few have passed. Kikes can't stay calm. Yet some other people can't either. Naturally, waiting to see if an anon hates Hitler is the only guaranteed proof. Why would a non jew come here to shit on Hitler? Even the brainwashed wouldn't waste their time because they're not focused on that. But that is the very existence of the jew. The one character trait they cannot control.

Have a nice day, bro! Coppershask 05/21/2024 (Tue) 20:13 Id: 9a043f [Preview] No.93765 del

Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 11:31 Id: 96c670 [Preview] No.93897 del
You really think people here are gullible enough to email you, don't you?

Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 16:34 Id: f680a5 [Preview] No.93898 del
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Calling centre is on the east /sir/

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/rwg/ Revolutionary War General: The End Edition Anonymous 04/03/2024 (Wed) 21:57 Id: abfb7d [Preview] No. 93063 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
/rwg/ serves as a record of events; we do not endorse ANY illegal act. All posters in this thread are Patriots. NO FEDCOATS. By posting here you denounce the talmud and accept Christ Is King.
/rwg/ oppose the federal government in favor to each state's individuality. Our purpose is to discuss, share news, and share information on this subject

Anti-Fed States

>Declaration of Nullification Finalized
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sage NAMEFAGGING IS HARMFUL 05/10/2024 (Fri) 22:22 Id: abfb7d [Preview] No.93639 del
>Now you see why you don't come to end/pol/ in favor of that fucking shithole.
This is all actually far more than I care to think about.
Really no difference between a chan and a kun to me so long as my posts aren't being deleted and I'm not banned for being an uppity niggerfaggot.
>so far that's never happened here
Anyways the other retards and or glowniggers who were maintaining this 'general' thread on 4chen seem to have fucked off so I'm calling it a day lads.

Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 23:51 Id: cc5f7a [Preview] No.93751 del
Uhh ok. lol

>visiting 8krap

LMAO even

OP, visting that garbage website is no good for you. Do you remember how bad it was in 8ch?

That site owner screwed you over once in the past. Why give him a second chance to do it?

sage Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 01:59 Id: abfb7d [Preview] No.93846 del
>OP, visting that garbage website is no good for you. Do you remember how bad it was in 8ch?
>That site owner screwed you over once in the past. Why give him a second chance to do it?
JW at least hasn't done a smear campaign in the last 5 years.

Anonymous 05/30/2024 (Thu) 02:08 Id: 06dd44 [Preview] No.93848 del
He's a filthy jew pigfucker.

Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 16:01 Id: 44c36b [Preview] No.93892 del
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>JW at least hasn't done a smear campaign in the last 5 years.

I don't get it. How is defending a botnet with loads of spam free speech though? You know that speeches can be staged right OP?

Defending Hitler and National Socialism General Anonymous 11/27/2019 (Wed) 15:20 Id: 88987e [Preview] No. 77267 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ITT: We defend Hitler from claims such as that he was a jew working to establish Israel/etc.
From a "French" jewish anti-Hitler website:
<The shady things about Hitler sustaining the idea he was a zionist jew
Authored by "hexzane527".
>1) First of all, in a country dominated by jews as was Germany during the 20's and the 30's, it would have been impossible for a hostile goy like Hitler to come to power. When they control a country, jewish leaders don't let hostile goyims take back the power. So, the rise of Hitler is unbelievable, especially in such a short period of time.
hexzane527 seems to have no idea how revolutions work at that. 10 years isn't a "short period of time" first of all.
Hitler's takeover wasn't democratic or such at all. It was purely a result of the peoples' will. Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler the chancellor, and through that Hitler took over in 1933. He wasn't elected.
>2) The reaction of Hitler about Dunkirk is also incredible. He can capture the entire English army. But what does he do ? He let them flee. What !!? And the Hitler's pretext is that he had a great respect for England ! Wtf !!? No, only a traitor acts like that. A real nazi would never have done that.
>He did that because he was a zionist jew. And as the war was a fake one, he had to let the english army flee. Otherwise, England couldn't have continued the war. And the USA couldn't have made the D-day and won the war with the USSR as it was planned.
How childish. If you look at the two options here:
<Hitler respected England and the English people to the extent that he actually said he wasn't willing to shed their blood for war.
<Hitler was a Zionist jewish puppet which is why he let them escape!!
Which one is more reasonable and realistic?
Second, Dunkirk wouldn't have affected the war with England at all. It boils down to Lord Halifax or Churchill becoming prime minister. Halifax could've accepted the position of PM, and he was for peace with Germany. The mason Churchill being one of the worst warmongers of the 20th century he would have still been stubborn enough not to accept the peace if Hitler bombed them at Dunkirk.
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Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 19:34 Id: 79d640 [Preview] No.93720 del
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Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 19:21 Id: cdd050 [Preview] No.93785 del
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Posting this finding
>Claims stem thst this is photo of georgr soros in waffen ss

This is beyond pathetic attempt at making the stupid strawmann of they are deym yathzees
First of all that Waffen ss unterschar furer is oscar groening, the book keeper of auschwitz labour camp
The face is completly different than of young soros and especially soros had no glasses
Third and most important factor

Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 07:50 Id: 1d2868 [Preview] No.93787 del
What's more: That black and white image is of Oskar Gröning. He died before he could serve time for fake atrocities. Jews whine about this across many articles.

Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 10:22 Id: 8e4104 [Preview] No.93791 del
That is most definitely not him. But I'm not even surprised so many crap are made.

Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 15:58 Id: 3cf514 [Preview] No.93891 del
>this is soros
Nah that's not him. Too skinny and /fit/

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Invitation to Endchan's Fourth Christmas Special! Anonymous Global volunteer 12/15/2019 (Sun) 10:10 Id: 96d170 [Preview] No. 77736 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Discussion thread:

No politics. Please leave it up here for a few days, even if it's inconvenient, maybe someone is interested.
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Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 03:23 Id: fd2ca7 [Preview] No.93544 del
Right. Only Cary Grant and Fritz Feld.

Anonymous Admin 05/31/2024 (Fri) 19:24 Id: d0c9ef [Preview] No.93849 del
June 1st, at 9 and 20:00 UTC.

Ain't a lotta Jews here.

Win some lose some.

Anonymous Admin 05/31/2024 (Fri) 19:28 Id: d0c9ef [Preview] No.93850 del
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Forgot this.

Anonymous 06/01/2024 (Sat) 09:25 Id: fd2ca7 [Preview] No.93852 del
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Anonymous 06/08/2024 (Sat) 15:52 Id: 76f350 [Preview] No.93889 del
Ehh, it's a little pretentious. But I think this was the film director's first movie though. The other 2 clerks movies weren't so good though

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Vitality by Exercise Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 15:59 Id: 86e805 [Preview] No. 93708 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This idea of the niggers being remnants of Homo Erectus, the kikes being Neanderthals, and the european-asians being Cro Magnon. All competing for control over the planet. This idea made me rethink about an older idea I once had.

What does an athlete needs to stay in top form?

What does a nation, civilization, or ethnic group needs to stay in top form?
But not just moving the body, exercise here is meant in a more wide and general sense. Existential exercise. Exercise to keep existing.

Some guy once conveyed that same idea of "exercise" as "struggle", and that idea is much much older than that. Far preceding the world wars, but this is not the point.

Now, what about the niggers and the jews? From the point of view of an european or an asian?
They, niggers and kikes, particularly the kikes, are mostly destructive and often parasitic, inside european civilizations. The moreso if one accepts this idea that they are distinct humanoids entirely, and that they instinctively want to destroy all competition, and destroy all europeans and anything created by europeans.
So the first instinct, of any european person free from brainwashing, of just wanting to remove all the niggers (and other alien foreigners) and kikes from the european lands, is not a misplaced impulse.

What I'm about to propose, is about what to do with the niggers and jews living outside the european lands. Should they be eradicated too, or not?
Given an hypotetical scenario where they have already been completely kicked out of all europe (and america and asia, if you want to include them too), what to do with the niggers and kikes living elsewhere?

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19 posts and 20 images omitted.

Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 08:11 Id: 6a6e8a [Preview] No.93788 del
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>Same can be said about german national socialism, you can only judge the results. What lasting immunity did that short time grant the german people? Nothing.
Watch it. You can easily catch a ban for that kind of bullshit.
>were only a little bump over the total submission of germany to globohomo in the following decades
Because kikes overwhelmed little Germany with their corruption over major empires that were post monarchies.
>After cleaning up the damages done by the kike hold over europe, it's of most importance to reinstate the discipline of exercise
Again, you're projecting thoughts about the future and not a solid plan to first remove kikes.
>or as you summed up, everything gone wrong will just repeat itself.
No. You suggested everything would go wrong after jews are removed. I say otherwise.

>I don't think there is any particular plan or strategy in exercising the will to live.
I thought your particular plan was to keep the kikes around to build up an immunity? Right?
>random philosophizing about basic survival needs boiling down to "people need nourishment"
>it's all an individual matter, and the individuals will shape the group they are part of.
Groups have hive mentalities. The hive now, as they have been for decades, is bending over for ZOG. That's not just Germany. 14 nations of Europe have harsh penalties over rejecting the jew holocaust fraud.

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Anonymous 05/24/2024 (Fri) 08:29 Id: 6a6e8a [Preview] No.93789 del
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>There is no plan, just to stay in the midst of things, in the midst of people, in the midst of time, in the midst of the people who share your history and spirit, and to Live with great decision.
I live in the midst of the wrong people. The ones who surround me on a daily basis are not my people. That is thanks to jews.
>Dominance over manipulative people, like jews and not only, is best exercised by indipendence of thought and action.
I already possess that. It gains me nothing but bleak awareness.
>As there is nothing a manipulator hates more than being uninfluential and lacking control over others.
If only the others were more rather than so few.
>So if a jew, or if a byproduct of jewish corruptive activity, tries to block your path, or tries to divert your route elsewhere, you keep moving on where you intended to go, where you decided to go by your own will
>and judgement of reality, and if necesary you run over anyone blocking your path, never stopping, never slowing down, you make no concessions nor put up your own decisions to a trade in exchange for some tranquillity.
My path continues towards death, as does us all, with no end to the jewish control over my people with the intent to replace us. Our dominance has already been replaced. Those monarchs you labeled as weak at least held control for centuries. .You criticize National Socialism for the end result. Yet what Hitler did was everything you just described. His attempt at least resulted in 12 years of solid tranquility for Germans. What tranquility do Americans and Europeans have now? Not a moment of it.
>Anyone giving up on asserting themselves because of the fear of getting harmed, has already lost their will to live, and with the loss of that will has also lost his future.
Public shooters assert themselves without the fear of being harmed. Then they're harmed. They not only frequently fail at their tasks - they strengthen worldwide Zionist control through the jewish victim complex.
Your continued pontificating really doesn't offer any practical solution to the above mentioned problems. I feel as if I'm typing to Socrates. Philosophizing vaguely in a roundabout way does not solve issues.
>What are these traditions and things fought over by your ancestors you are talking about?
>You don't need to tell me, just, in that answer lies the vitality which your ancestors passed over to you, and the vitality over which you must act, or disappear if you fail to act.

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Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 00:23 Id: 301d1b [Preview] No.93856 del
>What I'm about to propose, is about what to do with the niggers and jews living outside the european lands. Should they be eradicated too, or not?
Jews have to be annihilated everywhere, domestically and to the ends of the Earth. Even assuming they hypothetically were all migrated to one containment zone on the opposite end of the planet, time and time again for millennia that they are incapable of not acting out their parasitical tapeworm nature from across the globe. They are responsible for cyber-terrorism and ransomware attacks, they conduct false flags as a regular matter, and openly engage in assassination / terror campaigns. Besides this, they control financial arms and -will- loop other countries into war with Europe even if it spells their own destruction. They have to be viewed as an alien species from a different universe, only thriving on death and evil, for that is what they are.

Mohammedians and the like were successfully beaten away by White Europeans and removed from maritime piracy very successfully for hundreds of years; they're just not really a threat when kept in their own lands and away from European and White soil. Blacks equally so just return to their traditions of eating each other and spending time in the shade, when aid is cut off-- I think the problem solves itself, except for when White territories are threatened such as Rhodesia or South Africa.

I don't view these people as an exercise in struggle to better one's blood and folk, I view them as a series of parasites damaging an otherwise glorious and healthy body. They have to be removed, and their presence doesn't build up one's strength or character.

Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 03:20 Id: 6a6e8a [Preview] No.93857 del
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Precisely. I only view OP's suggestion to keep jews around as a means to build up our immunity "because greater evil would show up" as a subterfuge. There is no such thing as a greater evil than jews. As you said, our white ancestors were always perfectly capable of fighting off any others. That is, until jews were thrown into the mix. Now there is influence we can't fight against. Only by freeing our own minds, not the masses. For those minds we free, the mind is often re-brainwashed in a short period of time and their opinion of the one who freed them sours.

I had a patient rant at me today about the W.H.O. and how much that org pisses him off. I said nothing. I've been at this for many years. I know to rant in the same manner would make me look as crazy to the dimwitted normie masses surrounding me. What this guy possessed was a minor awareness of the problem, believing he's onto something major, but what he lacked was an awareness of the solution. He clearly doesn't even know about kikes controlling these orgs.

Whether peaceful or violent, nothing is accomplished significantly by one-self. No lone shooter ever raised a massive revolt by picking off regular civilians, jews or not. No lone bomber ever raised a massive revolt by blowing up any populated building.

There is only one solution and many ways to accomplish it.
Are what we need on our side. How we go about this is the difficult part. Start with 9 men and walk door to door converting people who convert those they know - for 13 years with some minor press joining us until we amass around 11 million. That's a long fucking time and none of us has the willpower or patience for it. Besides, people will sometimes turn us away or re-brainwash. Maybe even most of the time.
Another means is artificial numbers. This solution is more of a pipe dream than the first. You would need to create an android brain based exactly off of the human version. One with failsafes to prevent tampering or anyone looking into the code or the brain self-destructs. Ensure the parts are cheap enough people can pay for one the same amount as a car, with monthly payment plans. Service centers may repair any part of the android besides their brain, the operating system. The failsafes have to exist because they'll have an underlying code to exterminate all jews - something no brainwashed twat should discover and re-write. The masses would pay you a lot of money to mass produce domestic androids who will do their chores for them. Yes this is more far fetched. You'd either have to be a millionaire able to afford people with specific educations, or much less likely- be a lone genius capable of creating this on your own.
Required employees might be: neurologists and human biology majors, electrical and mechanical engineers, electricians, network architects, software engineers, app developers, UX designers, chemists, machinist mechanics, technologists, roboticists, IT specialists, scientists, programmers, hackers, computer repairers, prosthetists, craftsmen and sculptors.

I don't know exactly. I'm just spitballing here. Daydreaming. Fantasizing.

Anonymous 06/04/2024 (Tue) 03:33 Id: 6a6e8a [Preview] No.93858 del
A third more practical and modern solution would be to amass 12 individuals of varying skills to hijack the public opinion and influence the masses. Fixers. All with the same goal but capable of actions such as hijacking news satellites and hacking popular websites. You could gain numbers that way far easier than taking the route of Jehovah's witnesses.