10/01/2024 (Tue) 12:29
Id: 5a8b9d (2) Prev Next
No. 94834 [Hide User Posts] [X]
Sup op. The psych industry is coercive and extremely ineffective/blinkered and everybody knows that. It's like this across the western world. I don't care much about the politics here, because this isn't really political and how things are done everywhere, but I can tell you what to do to possibly restore your brain functioning from damage. If your problem is brain damage from psychosis: Take Dihexa on and off for several months with copious adjacent anticancer agents like methylene blue, gotu kola, tumeric etc. Go to hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which while expensive will stimulate stem cell release and circulate bloodflow to damaged brain regions. Take bdnf agonists like semax as a nasal spray or 7,8 dhf. Take ngf sources such as lion's mane in concentrate. Take the fundamentals of cellular repair such as omega-3,good protein intake, possibly uridine, a good multivitamin to avoid deficiencies etc. Start working out and take workout supplements designed to raise growth hormone, arginine for example. PQQ will increase the circulating number of mitochondria which is another keystone. Since Psychosis is damaging to the brain, within about a year or less you'll start to show signs of good recovery if this is your underlying problem. The other possibilities are it's a neurotransmitter issue, or even an allergy. Anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen and antihistamines can help. Neurotransmitter stuff is more complicated... if you are getting paranoid it is probably a sign of excess dopamine converting into norepinephrine. If you are getting intense mental imagery it is related to serotonin. Generally speaking your mind should compensate with time, but you want to reduce the firing of these circuits. Take magnesium threonate to cause more blocking action, and anxiolytic gaba raising compounds such as gotu kola etc to lower this activity. From my experience with time your brain does recover if you are very gentle and do not press it into a fast neurotransmitter recovery. The meds are all bad for you and can cause something called supersensitivity psychosis as the brain upregulates dopamine levels. There's also a thing where dopamine blockage may pave the way for glutamate excitotoxicity. Whatever you do don't taper quickly since that will totally fuck you on the rebound. Try to convince the docs over time that you need a lower dose. You may eventually be able to recover in a real way and then you can flee to alberta where you have the option to reject meds if you can demonstrate real sanity without. For you however, your younger age may represent the real neurodevelopmental onset of schizoprhenia. That's more of a lifelong problem whereas psychosis by accident may be more of a freak accident causing onset through brain damage. True schizos seem to be allergy/infection related. For example toxoplasmosis can be an issue, or wheat allergies, or various other antibodies causing chronic autoimmune issues might be part of it as well. For that you might want to consider metal and toxin chelation of the brain... for example cutler's ALA program for mercury, supplement store detox options, zeolite, NAC, black seed oil for toxoplasmosis, things of that sort