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FOOTAGE: Deadly Third World Migrant Riots In France Are Now Spreading To Switzerland & Germany Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 15:45 Id: 7c56cd [Preview] No. 90730 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
FOOTAGE: Deadly Third World Migrant Riots In France Are Now Spreading To Switzerland & Germany

The ferocious migrant riots taking place for more than five days inside France, have begun to spread. In Zurich, Switzerland, a passenger train locomotive was set on fire (Video below) and in GieBen, Germany, Rioters hit the Eritrea Festival (video below).

We begin in Zurich, Switzerland as a train was set ablaze: https://htrs-special.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Zurich-train-burned-by-migrants.mp4

We now go to Germany where "African Migrants" stormed the Eritrea Festival, beating up random Germans as they encountered them: https://htrs-special.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/German-migrant-attack-festival.mp4

Those of us on the right hate to say "I told you so" but here we are -- again -- with another "conspiracy theory" that proves correct.

For years, we on the right warned that the left wing and corporate kikes were intentionally bringing in third-worlders to our advanced societies to use as sort of "shock troops" against us.

That is exactly - precisely - what is taking place.

You see, the radical left doesn't want an educated, comfortable, engaged society because such societies actually pay attention to what our lowly, sniveling, public servants in government, actually do.

What the radical left wants are useful idiots who they can use to rabble rouse. This disrupts the peace, dignity, and cohesiveness of society.

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Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 09:45 Id: efcd66 [Preview] No.91376 del
Americans are so batshit insane now that Americans scream buses must be banned because outlawing buses would be a life-saving measure.

Anonymous 10/24/2023 (Tue) 15:28 Id: 50a613 [Preview] No.91381 del
(162.36 KB 1240x696 AIDSkikes short bus.jpg)
Boycotts of buses are isolated regional incidents, not countrywide. Dipshit.

Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 09:26 Id: bf9a6d [Preview] No.91904 del
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when does the excitement start?
get ready bros

Anonymous 12/11/2023 (Mon) 13:37 Id: 618206 [Preview] No.91909 del
>Americans are completely retarded now.
>Courts uphold every law and Americans say that courts protect freedom.
>The US is a police state, everything is illegal, and Americans scream that the police don't enforce the law enough.
Death to Moscow. Go back to Leftychan.net you saboteur

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Push and Pull: New bill being pushed to ID all pictures on the internet. Even Memes! Anonymous 07/20/2023 (Thu) 20:52 Id: 7387c6 [Preview] No. 90791 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Duplicate thread for a /news/ thread I just made. This is really something

Kinda had a feeling this was going to happen / they were planning on doing something like this. There's no such thing as a free meal

>The future of "truth" on the Internet


Balenciaga Pope. Fake Pentagon explosions. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to tell AI-generated images apart from the real thing, sometimes to disastrous effect.

A solution remains elusive. But Microsoft’s making an attempt with new media provenance features debuting at its annual Build conference.

Launching for Bing Image Creator and Designer, Microsoft’s Canva-like web app that can generate designs for presentations, posters and more to share on social media and other channels, the new media provenance capabilities will enable consumers to verify whether an image or video was generated by AI, Microsoft says. Using cryptographic methods, the capabilities, scheduled to roll out in the coming months, will mark and sign AI-generated content with metadata about the origin of the image or video.
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Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 09:08 Id: 44fa61 [Preview] No.90813 del
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>meme factory
make'em while you can

Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 09:09 Id: 44fa61 [Preview] No.90814 del
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>remove kebab

Anonymous 09/07/2023 (Thu) 03:23 Id: 7387c6 [Preview] No.91044 del
That's not how meme works though. Looks Milhouse tier

>5 year old bait thread

Anonymous 10/23/2023 (Mon) 15:19 Id: 14b9fc [Preview] No.91368 del
The kikes say that vaccines will help you live forever, but who wants to live in a police state?

Anonymous 10/23/2023 (Mon) 18:07 Id: 26c7b1 [Preview] No.91373 del
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Meanwhile, jews said vaccines where killing their own in Israel. That word-filter couldn't have fit better, AIDSkike.

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What are the dangers of 4chan a prior to new captcha? Anonymous 08/06/2021 (Fri) 18:50 Id: c579b8 [Preview] No. 85136 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
So, I heard many awful things about 4chan that it's a fed honeypot and whatever.
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Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 12:17 Id: 08c224 [Preview] No.92789 del
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There's a reason for that. 4chan has been compromised for a long time. The difference here is: Many try to bring their "WHY WON'T YOU JEW YOUR NATIONAL SOCIALIST WORLD VIEW A LITTLE?" plots. They are then immediately shat on. Shills have tried anywhere from the "Liberalism defeats the jew" lie to promoting pedophilia or favoring Anders Brievik type Zionist shooters and promoting (((Atomwaffen))) violence. Or trying to sell Nazbol, illegal drugs, UFOs and aliens to sway us to act crazy etc. None of that works here. So fair warning.

Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 10:11 Id: 104eba [Preview] No.92875 del
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>like wtf
It has its own motivations if you refer to cointelpro and those motivations are simply make a pathetic attempt to make you believe you did something wrong and accept correction of the anger while you question what you did

For that from experience i can only advise you to demand an argument instead of letting yourself to feel shamed by that bullshitting with adhom fallacy and not step back by any means necceseary
Ah... The old optics cucking method
I cannot even count how many times i was presented with it
>Duuh dude you must acdept based niggers as your own kin
>Naaah you must do concessions to pre ious metal backing on currencies
>Duuuh you must be exclusive religious fanclub to some religion

Like the movement is some grasshopper limited hangout and not political worldview...

Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 16:50 Id: 08c224 [Preview] No.92877 del
>you must be exclusive religious fanclub to some religion
Don't let yourself fall into the following jewish trap either: Attacking any religion other than Judaism. Another red flag. Something jews will bait you into because of their hate. I have left the most popular religion in the United States (Christianity) and prefer the Æsir of ancient Germanics, Icelandics and Scandinavians. Men who fought for Odinn had far more courage than the modern religious nut who not only turns the other cheek but bends over for international jewry. This does not mean I need to focus hate on Christianity like the jew LOVES to do in his Talmud. In reality, as opposed to the jewish narrative, the only proofs of bible origin are in Greek not Hebrew. To say Hitler wasn't Christian was the entire focus of Francois Genoud's forgery of The Table Talks.

Whether you're an Odinist, Christian or atheist doesn't matter here. What matters is not falling for jewish traps of hating your Aryan brothers to distract from hating the jew.

Anonymous 03/10/2024 (Sun) 20:41 Id: 104eba [Preview] No.92879 del
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>Don't let yourself fall into the following jewish trap either
I wont as like i said and i dont know either here or elsewhere
When it comes to religions let them to say where they stand as i cannot satisfy anyone with party programe who seeks spiritual relevqtion and will never do it
>Inb4 but timmy said and this point in program
Shut up before i pull the point where they addmited basically a secularism and tolerance within framework of not trying to violate common law ie attempting something

If christians will plot against the movement as stauffenberg did and cannaris or white rose conspirators then as anyone will be removed acdordingly same for gnostics etc if they will try
And no now its not time to shout on eqch other on who has this and that that will be settled with archeological hammers and pickaxes
Simple as that and that comes from esoteric hitlerist from savitri devis school of tought

Anonymous 03/11/2024 (Mon) 22:30 Id: 08c224 [Preview] No.92883 del
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And Ghandi praised Hitler but in later years insulted his legacy through loyalty to Hindus and pacifism. With no regard for the plight of Germans, Ghandi insulted the necessity to fight back. Savitri Devi was a Hindu nationalist. What some India woman believes against religion matters not even when she appreciates Adolf.

Even when they appreciate the man but oppose some minor views of his words here are there. He is the absolute. The Primary Source. All others besides Hitler are ashes in the wind.

BLACK NOBILITY DIRECTORY.zip 47 MB Download .pdf and .docx Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 23:33 Id: 11bdcb [Preview] No. 92870 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
BLACK NOBILITY DIRECTORY.zip 47 MB Download .pdf and .docx



A massive collection of names and pictures of European royals and elites, along with descriptions of all of the evildoing activities they are involved in.

Anonymous 03/08/2024 (Fri) 22:59 Id: 538eca [Preview] No. 92858 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Mali? Zimbabwe? South Africa?

No, Oakland, California.

Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 09:20 Id: c43fee [Preview] No.92863 del
who the fuck cares

Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 10:33 Id: 3b7fa3 [Preview] No.92867 del
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And the same people laughted when they saw simmilar image when warsaw pact fell and cat was out of bag...
Speaking of commiefornia do you still have typhus issues there with plans to give niggers milion dollar "reparations"?

Ex Lefty Speaks ep. 1 - 15 Minute Cities are Impoverishing Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 13:11 Id: 98baa1 [Preview] No. 91969 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Imagine a city where everyone walks, cycles, and takes public transit. Every amenity you wish is within a 15-minute range from your domicile. So, you won't need a car to shop for groceries.

Sounds great, right? Except that this idea is extremely backwards at worst, and won't account for reality at best.

Public transport is mainly used by lower-income people to help them commute to their workplaces. Bicycle commuting has long been associated with poverty. As for walking commutes... you've already known which subset of people that usually does it. (I mean, not university students, but functioning adults)

An extra bonus: public transport is a free avenue for socialist alphabetists to do their heinous acts upon normal, "cis-het" people, man or woman! You'll definitely also at a higher risk of getting robbed or mugged.

If you're a car owner, prepare for daily fines given by your climate-lunatic mayors working on behalf of Moscow. This is because "cars are NOT beneficial for the climate" despite them having no effect on society whatsoever. If anything, it guarantees your freedoms and liberties, and it definitely gives you much more comfort and convenience. Imagine having to waste so much energy using those three transport methods parroted by the State Duma when you can use your very own car to commute everywhere!

Also, don't forget the mass surveillance, the constant tracking of your purchases and real-life actions, and the general overcoddling of society to make people stay in their current socioeconomic status instead of lifting them up society's ladder.

15-minute cities are dictatorial and impoverishing. It brings no benefit, robs your freedoms and liberties, and will certainly set up a real-life Universe 25.

Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 13:11 Id: 98baa1 [Preview] No.91970 del
If you're a car owner, prepare for daily fines given by your climate-lunatic mayors working on behalf of Moscow. This is because "cars are NOT beneficial for the climate" despite them having no effect on society whatsoever. If anything, it guarantees your freedoms and liberties, and it definitely gives you much more comfort and convenience. Imagine having to waste so much energy using those three transport methods parroted by the State Duma when you can use your very own car to commute everywhere!

Also, don't forget the mass surveillance, the constant tracking of your purchases and real-life actions, and the general overcoddling of society to make people stay in their current socioeconomic status instead of lifting them up society's ladder.

15-minute cities are dictatorial and impoverishing. It brings no benefit, robs your freedoms and liberties, and will certainly set up a real-life Universe 25.

Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 04:18 Id: b8d4fa [Preview] No.92846 del
>climate-lunatic mayors working on behalf of Israel

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Could Welcome Home be babby’s first redpill into Freegaysonry? OP 08/17/2023 (Thu) 22:13 Id: 7e5779 [Preview] No. 90929 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Is Welcome Home accidentally redpilling the TikTok LGBTQ+ zoomers on Freemasonry/secret societies?

Basically, to sum it up quick, it’s your standard, flavor-of-the-mouth faggot FNaF/Undertale-tier, horror YouTuber bait, that is for sure, but, if you dig into it, it’s full of a ton of occult references and the whole neighbor/neighborhood thing is clearly inspired by the whole brotherhood motif of secret societies/cults like the Masons and the like. There’s even a picture of ones of the characters posing like Baphomet and the neighborhood structure is similar to the Sefirot (someone on the comment section of the Gay Theory video even noticed this). Lots of kids are getting into it.

I’m pretty sure the person making it is familiar to these occult symbols (they had a picture of the Wally character posing as Baphomet). Their name is literally Clown, which may or may not be intentionally a reference to the Shriners.

Reminds me of when 4chan’s /co/ connected the dots and realized (((Steven Universe))) was satanic. Maybe some retarded purple-haired zoomer will connect the references back to Freemasonry and go down the rabbit until they reach the Jewish aspect of it.

Kind of faggy but I highly recommend Matpat’s theory on it, which touches on the whole neighbor/brotherhood aspect of it but doesn’t really tie it into Freemasonry. I also recommend Night Mind’s video on it. There’s specific videos hidden that NM finds that allude to human sacrifice subtly.

Night Mind’s videos: https://youtube.com/watch?v=vBgFxv5n_WA [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=_-_BvkzoShE [Embed]

Matpat’s videos: https://youtube.com/watch?v=kaKa6bnoXa8 [Embed]
https://youtube.com/watch?v=QuVHuJdRioQ [Embed]

This wasn’t targeted for children but, through shit like Matpat (whose audience is mostly impressionable CHILDREN). This is what your kids are watching in Weimerica, BTW. God, I hate the Antichrist.

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Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 13:59 Id: 319b92 [Preview] No.91084 del
Oops. Forgot to link my other post. I tried posting about this on /x/ on 4chuds and the thread suddenly was filled with people calling me a schizo.


Just trying to wake up the masses to this idea.

Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 17:25 Id: e47584 [Preview] No.91085 del
> courtesy to popular belief, he wasn’t a mason
yes he wasnt but however that doesnt redeem him much from his fall and yet another lecture that you cannot coexist with people that hate you (like that one sentence where he didnt wanted to understand his servant in saint helena that jewish conspiracy undermined him and still coped by military mistakes which were made) as he was giving concessions to them (and sending his generals to lodges to get more popular with them) because of his fatal mistake in internal politics to merge old with new and to be liked by everyone.

from freemasonry ideology organization and politics 1944 by dieter schwartz page 21
>In his attempts to make the lodges work for him, Napoleon
made the mistake of failing to take international Freemasonry
into account in his calculations. Thus, a determined enemy
•rose against him in the English branch of Freemasonry, an
enemy which furthermore received support from the Freema¬
sons of all countries oppressed by the Corsican

Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 17:52 Id: 319b92 [Preview] No.91086 del
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I agree with all that, anon.

Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 15:56 Id: 55def7 [Preview] No.92784 del
>TikTok LGBTQ+ zoomers
>flavor-of-the-mouth faggot FNaF/Undertale-tier
>retarded purple-haired zoomer
>Steven Universe

Everything about that makes me hurl. I really grieve for today's teenagers that grew up on UnderTale, Steven Universe, We Bare Bears, Five Nights at Freddy's, and other totally cucked and are currently obsessed with TikTok. When I was a young teenager the hot thing was Vine, Instagram, and Kik, and smartphones actually fit in your pocket and didn't take over every aspect of our lives like they do now. I hated UnderTale when it was new. All of this 2010s junk has the same art style to it and most promote some sexual degeneracy like the constant shipping of Undyne and Alphys in UnderTale or the queer tranny messages in Steven Universe I found out about from some video. I don't mean to sound like an elitist, but I'm glad to have grown up in the 2000s and remember a world without smartphones. Even when I was 11 you pretty much had a 50/50 chance of seeing either someone still carrying a slider, flip, or BlackBerry or Palm device instead of an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. I'd imagine there's a big difference between these young folks born during the 2008 recession and the twenty-somethings that were born before 9/11. There was no such thing as "Zoomer" until I was about to wrap up high school I think, so I was always considered Millennial, but now I'm lumped in with TikTokers with the broccoli haircut who are just now getting their driver's licenses.

Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 05:00 Id: cc5ee5 [Preview] No.92788 del
Friend, I was watching your generation slowly take the pollution when I hit adulthood. Emos. Screamo. Body glitter. Shitty ipods with even shittier repetitive pop music. Garbage graffiti became thought of as "art". Everyone around me thought they were Liberals because of (((Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz's))) The Daily Show. Shit hop bad negro music skyrocketed in popularity. Fucking blogs. Hipsters. Brokeback Assfucking Mountain. Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan. The stupid fucking Wii. Jersey Shore. (((Amy Winehouse))). More people obsessed with Britney Spears than in the 90s and Gwen Stefani realized she was a nigger.

90s. We had Cheers. Tim Allen before the drugs. Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't a National-Socialist-father betraying cuck to the the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The genie in Aladdin wasn't a blue nigger. The good Jurassic Park. Jews were either creepy (Ross) or stupid (Phoebe) in Friends. Ice Cube called out kikes for their depraved greed. Black shows where just a bunch of silly niggers. Rosanne and Peggy Bundy where a warning to all men not to marry shrill, obnoxious jewesses. The Sopranos beat the shit out of a kike and told him the Romans are still here. We had all white grunge. All white rock music. Maybe one starkly obvious black guy in a few insane bands like Prodigy. I was a teen in high school. I was a white guy surrounded by white girls. It was a pick whomever you want once in a lifetime experience. I have never experienced that since. Thanks to diversity and immigration pushing jews.

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Why Germans were the true heroes in WW2 Anonymous 02/23/2020 (Sun) 04:43 Id: 26d08a [Preview] No. 78664 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
When Hitler was elected, almost immediately prosperity and peace popped up. Why was this? The Germans kicked out the Rothschilds, the jewish bankers that controlled Germany. The German people were starving, dying, dehydrating, and they just laughed and shook it off as nothing. When Hitler came to power, almost everyone loved him. He issued out new debt-free money, and the German economy instantly began to recover. Hundreds of thousands were given grand public works jobs, and they started to build mighty infrastructure with the new money. The German society began to value the work of physical labor and held it in high esteem. World class stadiums and transport systems were created. German engineers became world class and Germany began to lead in science and health. Germans thanked Hitler for freeing them from the debt slavery of the Rothschilds. Hundreds of thousands of new modern houses were created throughout Germany. The Germans became wealthy because they dont have to pay interest to a privately run central bank. The new economic systems allows the German worker to reap what they sow. German Workers experienced the best working conditions in Europe and were given government backed holidays. Meanwhile, the rest of Europe suffered from the debt slavery of the Rothschilds. In 1936, Hitlers approval ratings hit 99%. In 1938, 99.73% of Austrians vote to join Germany. After the vote, Hitler kicks the Rothschilds out of Austria too. Their economy instantly recovers. The Germans loved Hitler because he put them first and stood up to the bankers. The Rothschilds hated Hitler because Germany was out of the grasp of their debt slavery. There was only one option left for the Rothschilds to stop the new economic system. War.
60 posts and 122 images omitted.

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 11:39 Id: 9c02c4 [Preview] No.92481 del
Your hoaxes have been answered. The entire point of the information flood was to prove Black Propaganda against Germany and I have done so.
>Why do you turn it on me?
Because you trust a Russian kike over facts spread across this imageboard.
>I know jews are the big problem and threat.
Then stop believing their lies. I have been more than lenient and have not banned you yet. Many lies such as those vague accusations of atrocities you made have been spread over 78 years and banned here since 2017. Many shills for jewish lies also claimed to be against jews. It's one of many tricks. I know you're not AIDSkike as others accused. Stop believing jews
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 02/04/2024 (Sun) 11:42.

Anonymous 02/04/2024 (Sun) 14:18 Id: 962f8b [Preview] No.92482 del
Is Rand Paul the only American who still cares about freedom?
This is AIDSkike. Shutup, AIDSkike.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 21:09 Id: 2d008a [Preview] No.92674 del
I miss him so much.
The greatest hero of the last 100 years vilified into oblivion. A terrible crime.

Anonymous 03/05/2024 (Tue) 06:30 Id: cc2e92 [Preview] No.92833 del
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>Thinking ever they had any other purpose than to be an terror provider of DDR becquse aidskike is what he accuses goyim off
>Never of course lived in post communist nation or when these were red
The irony in the hypocrisy of the aidskike is so high that is bigger than his mom
And thats a hard to reach meta even for jupiter planet itself

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The Graveyard Of Empires: What To Expect As The Unipolar World Order Collapses Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 12:00 Id: e4bcad [Preview] No. 90725 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The Graveyard Of Empires: What To Expect As The Unipolar World Order Collapses

“You have the watches, but we have the time.”

The Taliban often referred to this old Afghan saying when discussing their fight against the Americans.

Ultimately, they were proven correct.

After almost two decades of conflict, an insurgent army from one of the world’s poorest nations inflicted a decisive military defeat on the US, the global superpower that upholds the unipolar world order.

The US government’s total failure in Afghanistan — the longest war in American history — signifies a crucial moment and turning point in world history.

The Soviet Union collapsed about two years after the Red Army was defeated and withdrew from Afghanistan.

As we approach the second anniversary of the American retreat, could a similar fate be in store for the US?

While nobody knows the future, there is an excellent chance that the colossal failure in Afghanistan could accelerate the unraveling of the geopolitical power of the US and the shift to a multipolar world order.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 12:00 Id: e4bcad [Preview] No.90726 del
China, Russia, and Iran are constructing a vast network of land-based transportation infrastructure, making the US Navy’s control of the oceans less significant.

China’s New Silk Road project is central to this new system. It aims to bypass the US financial system and the US Navy’s control of sea routes. The project, planned to be operational by 2025, includes high-speed railways, highways, fiber optic cables, energy pipelines, seaports, and airports.

These Eurasian powers are also establishing alternative international organizations for financial, political, and security cooperation, separate from those central to the US-led world order, institutions like NATO, the World Bank, SWIFT, and the IMF.

Some notable examples include the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), launched by China in 2014 and is an alternative to the IMF and World Bank.

The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), a Russian-led trading bloc created in 2015, allows for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and people among its member countries.

Lastly, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) focuses on military and security collaboration between its members.

If current trends continue, it will result in greater economic, political, and security collaboration among the three main Eurasian nations—China, Russia, and Iran—at the expense of US geopolitical interests.

This scenario is exactly what Zbigniew Brzezinski worried would make the US “geopolitically peripheral.” It spells the end of the unipolar world order.

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Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 12:01 Id: e4bcad [Preview] No.90727 del
As the world order changes, I think there are two prominent investment outcomes we can bet on:

Outcome #1: The US Dollar Will Lose Its Privileged Position

The decline of America’s geopolitical influence is another enormous headwind for the US dollar.

Suppose the world thinks the US military is the ultimate backstop of the US dollar. What does it mean for the US dollar’s credibility when a ragtag group of insurgents from one of the poorest countries can defeat the military which backs it?

If the mighty US military couldn’t secure its partners in Afghanistan, how can it protect its other allies?

Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Western European countries, and the Gulf Arab states are likely pondering this.

It wouldn’t be surprising to see them make security arrangements with US adversaries—such as China, Russia, and Iran—that exclude the Americans.

In fact, this has already happened with Saudi Arabia, a crucial player in the US-led world order. Saudi Arabia is the linchpin of the petrodollar system, which has underpinned the US dollar since Nixon removed its last links to gold in 1971.

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Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 12:01 Id: e4bcad [Preview] No.90728 del
Outcome #2: Commodity Supply Disruption

The end of the unipolar world order means transitioning to a multipolar global trade regime—with serious implications for commodities.

As I see it, there will be two main geopolitical blocks.

First, there are the countries part of or allied with the West. I’m reluctant to call this block “the West” because the people who control it have values antithetical to Western Civilization.

The other block consists of Russia, China, Iran, and other countries favorable to a multipolar world order.

Let’s call them the BRICS+, which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and other interested countries.

Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, the UAE, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and numerous others have expressed interest in membership of BRICS.

BRICS+ is not a perfect label, but it’s a decent representation of the countries favorable to the multipolar world order.

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Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 12:01 Id: e4bcad [Preview] No.90729 del
MY COMMENT: This is very likely THE REASON most of the biggest banks like Wells Fargo are setting up new booths for "wealth management assistance" which includes options for foreign currency exchange options to swap with the US Dollar. Yes footage of this has been leaked online, along with whistleblowers working for some of the banks. They are getting ready for the time Americans start to panic and for bank runs. At the point they do this "Great Reset" and the BRICS+ nations announce their new gold-backed currency expect American and European banks to shut down temporarily to transition. Lots and lots of Westerners are going to lose their wealth and there will be assigned "wealth management" teams to transition them into exchanging currency or owned assets so they can keep living while the Western world faces rations and austerity measures.

Point is this: get whatever you need NOW, have backups of what you need, you should focus on all basic essentials and have at least one year backup of supplies. The more, the better.

Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 09:11 Id: d8bb57 [Preview] No.90815 del
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get ready bros
this is the big 1
2 moar weeks

101-Year-Old SS Guard Jailed for Holohoax Crimes Against jews Anonymous 06/29/2022 (Wed) 00:24 Id: 30fb2d [Preview] No. 87886 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A 101-year-old former SS guard was just put in prison for helping Adolf Hitler gas gazillions of Jews in fake shower rooms. Haven’t they run out of German soldiers to prosecute for fake Holocaust crimes yet? This entire schtick is getting really old. World War II happened almost 80 years ago. There’s almost nobody left alive who had anything to do with the events of that era. This man was in his 20s when World War II was going on. Even if you believe that the obviously fake Holocaust of jews happened, he would have had no command or decision making responsibility to gas six trillion jews. Jailing an old man like this over these Holohoax lies is sadistic and wrong. Unfortunately, questioning this dumb jewish hoax is illegal in Germany so there’s no real way for anybody to defend themselves from these stupid accusations.

4 posts and 12 images omitted.

Anonymous 07/02/2022 (Sat) 11:15:24 Id: b82587 [Preview] No.87897 del
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Anyway anyone reading this post mark my words

Holocaust hoax madness will escalate into the point where descendants of the accused will take their place since everyone who lived in ww2 will be dead and will get sentences to take for their forefathers

Because like i said
When it suffices it suffices

Anonymous 07/04/2022 (Mon) 06:41:04 Id: 30fb2d [Preview] No.87906 del
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Aside from when a German descendant acts submissive for all the laws kike occupiers have passed in Germany. Then jews will continue stabbing Germans (and all of Europe) in the back until every single European is displaced. I wish all would wake up. I've tried suggesting brainstorming here back when there was more traffic. Nothing but flawed ideas (where someone usually suggests promoting degeneracy) have been presented. Unfortunately, there is sad amount of visitors here and I know no other National Socialists in person. I do not know how familiar you are with English. In case you might mistake "sad amount" as an insult, it is meant for the low number not the individuals.

Anonymous 07/04/2022 (Mon) 19:26:12 Id: b82587 [Preview] No.87907 del
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>I do not know how familiar you are with English. In case you might mistake "sad amount" as an insult,

No i did not took it as insult since i had english added as part of my gratuation from technical school

>Nothing but flawed ideas (where someone usually suggests promoting degeneracy) have been presented.
Problem is when promoting NS is that its in position of controversy and not mainstream, thats the reason why any NS should not approve flashy nigger music 3rd reich edits as "zoomer NS material", NS became an idea of men abkve time and against time simply people who dont belong in this era and promotion will never go as same as in 1920s but in "scandal after scandal" method before 2016s kushners maga internet invasion
Just how many became unironic NS after edgy nathzee phase in highschool?
I say many here at least in this republic despite falling into after 2016 LSNS which i better wont mention further since its sad how fascist party fell into catholic putin fan club

Anonymous 07/04/2022 (Mon) 22:22:36 Id: 30fb2d [Preview] No.87908 del
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>after edgy nathzee phase in highschool
You're lucky if you knew more than one in any school. Here in the United States it's not just popular to hate National Socialists and support fags. It's very common, as is the tendency of NPCs to promote interracial mixing. If only I could find just one other who appreciates Hitler but no. This is a melting pot of degeneracy. This is Hell.

Anonymous 07/07/2022 (Thu) 19:09:11 Id: b82587 [Preview] No.87915 del
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>Here in the United States it's not just popular to hate National Socialists and support fags. It's very common, as is the tendency of NPCs to promote interracial mixing

From what i observe the jew in US unlike in europe is scarecrowing national socialism either as marxism or as danger to the present US identity thou art what thou art wilth (yes im pulling that freemason aliester crowley) thus making unlike here in Europe with attrocity tales an indestructible last wall against redpill, and logically it makes sense for him since the addicted wont let his dose to be taken away.
And with intermixing it speaks for itself "the might is right" screams to heaven about that lie in this hell of the zions razor words

>If only I could find just one other who appreciates Hitler but no
From what i learned it is not wisest idea to reveal power level overtly, whatever from panopticon effect or just to be sure or fear of loss ie the cancellation (which is also present here for NS or member of Domobrana and no lsns members dont count since they are not a third position party since post 2016)