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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

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ARCHIVE.ORG was Shutdown. 4chan/pol/ IS THE REASON WHY. Anonymous 10/12/2024 (Sat) 20:13 Id: 26c08d [Preview] No. 94892 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
NEXRAD got exposed on /pol/, then NOAA DELETED the NEXRAD products page:

Then /pol/ posted the Archive Link:
September 19th 2024:

After /pol/ pumped many NEXRAD threads, jews SHUT down Archive.org. They are in full blown damage control.

Politicians avoid Weather Modification in order to push the Climate Change agenda. How can politicians still talk about Climate Change when intentional manmade Weather Modification is factual?

Previous ARCHIVE.ORG Thread: (from 4chan pol)
NEXRAD Threads:
Related threads:

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 03:23 Id: 674ec6 [Preview] No.94903 del

Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 13:54 Id: e7ecd8 [Preview] No.94906 del

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 03:24 Id: 69cc36 [Preview] No.94999 del
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It's back up now anon

Anonymous 10/30/2024 (Wed) 20:24 Id: 49ee7e [Preview] No.95012 del
The "save page" is still disabled, but the rest is working.
Still that's some 20 days of downtime after the attack, quite impressive. I don't think archive.org has ever been down for that much long time before.

What would be a general goal/plan to work towards Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 09:48 Id: acb1e3 [Preview] No. 94798 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello all. I would like to have a discussion on what would be a good idea to do with your life on a daily basis and what would be a step for our generation(s) to work towards. Looking at the work I see we are generally surrounded with jew cancer. There is unfortunately not enough /ourguys/ living in our lands together as a community. I.E. IRL not as organised as would like to be.

So far, I could only think about making friends with based people, trying to get a skill and then moving to a place together with my based friends and living next to each other by our own rules kind of like the amish, while making things and earning money for /ourguys/ community.

What do you think?

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 20:21 Id: 8b086c [Preview] No.94957 del
If you are in the United States (and possibly interested in immigrating), there is the Northwest Imperative movement (or other White secessionist movements under different names centered around Cascadia and the Pacific Northwest). These are validatable options, with full constitutions drawn up, a working government structure, and means of carrying out their spiritual goals once an inevitable dissolution of the United States of America occurs later this century. You should very seriously consider this route and read The Northwest Imperative and the Northwest White Book (get the latest editions).

If you are in Europe, I'd suggest a racially-conscious section within the country, surrounded by as many White Europeans as possible. Something like Iceland or Greenland seems to me the safest options, as they are demographically safe and will very likely remain so by the time the Israeli-United States' jewish hegemony collapses.

In summary:
- Become physically strong and as healthy as possible within your means.
- Work a job, be a functioning part of your community and be able to socialize.
- Develop valued skillsets, both for when the lights are on and when they are off.
- Prepare for war and combat. Practice with firearms if you can (or at least learn how they operate, ammunition types, costs, roles, and models / manufacturers), practice with knives and blunt objects. Join a mixed martial arts group if you can.
- Study the books and literature on White Identity: who we are, why we are, our past, and our future. Love thyself. From here, study literature and what you can find of a secessionist movement that you want to join. Know how such an operation functions long before you join, the phases of their implementations, and your role within each phase.
- Save money from your employment
- Make the move once the time is feasible and housing / employment is lined up. Scout ahead if need be.

A side effect of these things is that you will be immune to jewish cancer and propaganda from all sources. How can Russian, Chinese, Israeli, and Five-Eye feds get you riled up about elections, if you already recognize their governments are invalid constructs? You are under military occupation by a foreign, alien, and hostile species pretending to be human. An all-source spectrum war is being conducted against you. Respond in kind. This is what your life is now, until they are no more.

Anonymous 10/22/2024 (Tue) 20:22 Id: 8b086c [Preview] No.94958 del
Typo'd country instead of continent, when referring to Europe.

Anonymous 10/23/2024 (Wed) 20:54 Id: 17e10e [Preview] No.94959 del
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Yeah, about that. Whenever I fully convinced people that the jew holocaust is a fraud, that kikes spread degeneracy, the now unindoctrined decided to move north west, as in flee instead of joining me to start a movement, because they thought the grass was greener over there. That's a metaphor for less kikes and niggers and less degeneracy. By their messages and phone calls to me, they were wrong. You can't join jews and traitorous jew enablers and you can't simply flee. There's nowhere to go. ZOG is world wide. Kikes have their talons sinked in everywhere.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 17:09 Id: 0510ae [Preview] No.95006 del
One of many things:
conduct your life while not aiding the jewish banking system

Any amount of money (hard value) which you leave in the hands of the (((banks))) is going to be used against you and against your people, by the jews. The jews are funding the invasion of all european-american nations, the jews are funding the housing of all the invaders, the jews are funding all the welfare and economic gains of the invaders, the jews are funding the cultural/political degeneration which is damaging the capacity of nations to birth their next generations, leading to a weakened state which can be more easily exploited by invaders, the jews are funding all of that with your money, inside their banks. The jews are using your money against you.

1) withdraw all your money from any bank account you may have
2) exchange all the paper money (worthless) for things with actual value (living/working space, living/working tools, reserve exchange mediums)
3) conduct your purchases while paying attention to who you give money, and how likely it is for those money, which you extracted from the baking system, to flow back into the banks, prioritise giving money to people who will keep those money away from the banks, but who will rather keep circulating the value inside your community, any money which is captured by the banks is lost by the community
4) just watch as the jews will end up eating up themselves in the struggle to keep stealing economic value as they always do
5) be prepared for when the jews will instigate wars or disasters as a way to steal back everything you gathered away from them, be ready to not be tricked and defrauded by them, or you're going back to square one of being a jewish slave
6) be ready to put a bullet in their heads when they try to come to get you, because they will come, not in person, because they are cowards, they will use someone else to do their crimes, but you must not get caught in their useful idiots, and rather track back at the source, and hit only the source

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MM Thread Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 20:19 Id: f43231 [Preview] No. 94803 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Where did Murdoch Murdoch go? With new AI tools they could probably make even better animations. Seems like everyone has disappeared. We cannot give up existence. We need myths and hero stories.
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Anonymous 10/08/2024 (Tue) 19:31 Id: 766a4a [Preview] No.94866 del
>so it's a little hard to get in touch with them
I dont know ir any of them will come after the publishing always on horizon which was some farewell letter gesture of that guy who made Murdoch murdoch a thing

But i get his point of making things how they came after that book
On one side its good they made for anons stuff etc but good intent and wishing near fireplace is not good enough anymore

Anonymous 10/09/2024 (Wed) 23:48 Id: 75c6fe [Preview] No.94871 del
The internet is in general just so much more boring than in 2016

Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 13:45 Id: 4ded1a [Preview] No.94878 del
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It was more interesting with Usenet in the 1990s long before jews sunk their filthy claws in all the dull, mind-numbingly stupid social media platforms. Those were imageboards with no moderation whatsoever. Long intellectual debates trying to prove opposing sides were possible without the other side growing increasingly frustrated before their cognitive dissonance forced them to sling ad hominems around projecting their own insecurities (such as calling someone whom disagrees a 'retard'). Atheists and Christians would argue on boards among live spammers posting only soft-core nude images of all ages. Which, you'd have to grow up either as an American in the 70s or 80s, or as a European, not to be bothered by that. These days, bots are everywhere and sick fucks post hardcore gay or pedo porn.

As with everything bad that exists, it would be better without kikes' interference.

Anonymous 10/19/2024 (Sat) 22:45 Id: b67eaf [Preview] No.94939 del
>The internet is in general just so much more boring than in 2016
Phone posting and non-Eastern Asian non-Whites getting access to the Internet are the single most greatest contributors to why that is. Gatekeeping is based.

Anonymous 10/29/2024 (Tue) 03:32 Id: 136b7f [Preview] No.95002 del
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That tends to happen with everything. Things go in a cycle. So they go from good to bad as time passes. And vice versa.

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Northwest Territorial Imperative Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 09:02 Id: 73117e [Preview] No. 94963 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I don't think enough attention has been paid to the Northwest Imperative or the initiatives that surround it. Although there is other movements running in parallel with it, I've seen no reason why it cannot be implemented along side of them.

To me, it seems inevitable that the current government will face collapse between the staggering debt, unquestionably worsened political and racial tensions, impossibly unpopular sand wars that Israel is trying to drag the country into despite much more awareness of the JQ now, and worse. It simply cannot hold onto all its territories, even if the continent itself cannot be restored to 19th century demographics.

Any discussion of Harold Covington's novels, The Butler Plan, or how similar movements might work with or be absorbed into the NF is welcome.
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Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 10:57 Id: 384a3a [Preview] No.94968 del
The only problem here is promoting the NF with it's history of Covington furiously defending a child molesting jew. That taints a movement forever. I'm not familiar with the modern goals or already achieved plans of the NF. I can't make a decision unless I watch, probably, current year meetings completely free of any other dipshit defending kikes.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:51 Id: 73117e [Preview] No.94969 del
>The only problem here is promoting the NF with it's history of Covington furiously defending a child molesting jew. That taints a movement forever
I think that's fair, if we mean the apparatus of NF by 'movement'. I can't think of anything better than the meta-objective and spirit of the NF (and other movements like it) however. My basic presumptions are this: non-Whites sustain themselves through gibs that ZOG provides, this system cannot last much longer this century, non-Whites did not evolve for cold regions, the Northwest has an ideal economy which can survive secession and/or balkanization, and it has exit points which can survive economic strange-holds or sanctions. The government of the United States is unlikely to collapse wholesale any time soon, but it will lose its ability to enforce ZOG especially as conditions worsen.

It's preferable to be surrounded by Whites, in a territory that can survive collapse, which is relatively free of natural disasters in its history, with a legal apparatus on hand (something like the Northwest Constitution), and a non-uniformed offensive-ready minutemen coalition who know the land and their neighbors already. I have no illusions that a separate territory can be formed without the breakdown of the United States, a black-out period with suspension of federal law, and inevitable violence (even if it's simply against marauding non-Whites). Collapse is inevitable, I'm just arguing for an active plan to be on relatively solid footing when such collapse does occur.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 18:25 Id: 73117e [Preview] No.94970 del
I just saw your reply in the other thread about Covington. Didn't see your rebuttal against him until now, and genuinely had no idea what you were referring to earlier. I retract my statement about not being that other anon, because at the time I created this thread (and later replied to you in this thread), I was not aware of any NF-related content on this board nor knew about your rebuttal.

The proof you posted is sound. I am not a defendant of Covington to begin with (he's dead and I have no dog in the fight). Any further discussions on this topic on my end will be from the lens of what steps can be taken to form a balkanized state pre-collapse within the currently existing U.S. territories. The fact that Covington co-opted what I see as a reasonably workable plan should not lead us to throw out the baby with the bath water, in my opinion.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 13:27 Id: 384a3a [Preview] No.94977 del
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>It's preferable to be surrounded by Whites
This I agree with. (Asians excluded of course. At least they hold onto traditions and heritage->) The unnatural surroundings I've experienced among the brown races has been nothing short of obnoxious, save for few Latina women NOT from Mexico, Puerto Rico or Columbia but other South American regions or Spain. But then again, they're never brown No, I don't mate with them. That would be a huge mistake, as those creatures are fertile as hell. The rest of my experiences with the brown races have been starkly contrasted by both cultural differences and their genetic predispositions towards never understanding a thing about a white person's personality. But other white people understand immediately. There's always a comraderly connection there. Even when the other white person is a stupid Liberal female, I find I can reach deep with a verbose interaction and massage those unused logic centers of their brains, often turning them from the path of complete retardation.
>in a territory that can survive collapse
Sure, if the territory replaces the USD with their own functioning currency, or with gold and silver.
There's truth in what you've said. My disdain merely comes from what I've mentioned before, and the tendency for those I have broken free of indoctrination to move North West after they went investigating on the internets on their own. They always discover the NWF. When afterwards, they either call or text message me to inform me that it's not better where they are. That they still have to live among the brown races and the annoyance those differences bring while television programs ran by kikes continue influencing stupid minds surrounding them, including other white people.

So in my mind, the solution isn't the NWF with other founding members that have had histories of unironically calling themselves "Nazis" as they had criminal records of beating the shit out of Asians and Filipinos. That was that stupid Siege shit. Yes they're all dead now, but the ultimate solution is a true National Socialist movement. One that would actually purge jews from the territory and hopefully gain enough numbers to keep the corrupt ZOG U.S. government at bay to continue gaining numbers.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 13:34 Id: 384a3a [Preview] No.94978 del
To correct my confusing sentence I typed above so that it's more coherent:
Mexico, Puerto Rico, Columbia = Typically brown or if white in color, Columbian bitches are still crazy cunts that even beaners shy away from.
Some other South American regions and Spain (very few Brazilians but some) = Those that I've met, typically white.
There are always exceptions. I'm not familiar with South America, so some regions could be extremely brown for all I know.

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Where'd everybody go? Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 13:40 Id: 11776a [Preview] No. 94660 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
The alternative and dissident digital communities in 2019 were thriving. It was possible to find high engagement, evolving political discussion ecosystems of users on a variety of platforms with growing communities. Political movements were beginning to take off in the real world with the rising profile of various podcast figures.

Today by contrast, the major social media platforms such as youtube are shut down, and 4pol is openly spammed by disruption agents while the mods anchor relevant threads. The alternative communities I used to frequent are now mostly shuttered derelicts, and the normie adjacent communities seem generally to have clamped down on anything politically dangerous. Twitter/X, the only existing alternative, requires ID and phone verification that goes straight to Israel...

What happened to our slice of the internet? Where can people go to get high engagement communities that aren't fully of psyops spamming and other government directed bullshit?
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Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 14:52 Id: 6ca4a6 [Preview] No.94676 del
Yap yap yap

Anonymous 09/11/2024 (Wed) 15:56 Id: 0a09f2 [Preview] No.94677 del
>Where did everybody go
Several things but the main elephant in the room is that with covid scamdemic the zog got more justifications to consolidate monopoly on information and crack down things which led to those communities to get whacks on social medias under ESG and had no reserve in case of such thing happening leading to disapora

Second thing is (and thats anecdotal so take it with grain of salt) is that inner drama and infighting over true scotsmen tribal claims led to dire consequences. In short people after 2020 by some reason became more hostile to each other shattering the mass to gather comunities

Third is that after a while people realize that grifters wont do the needed heavy lifting by talking themselves silly onto those for who it isint needed

Also why do you insist on something larger and constantly flashing like you seek entertainment or novelty than a community?
>Twitter/X, the only existing alternative
You are joking right? The epitome of narcissists and degenerate attention seekers with other terminally ill egotistical individuals you consider as community?

You defenetly need to lurk on imageboards like this or zzzchan or even worldtruthvids to revise your dictionary of words

Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 14:28 Id: f5c64b [Preview] No.94688 del
not everyone is gen-x. I can point to specific examples of communities that had about a dozen people which died off a few years after the 2020 election. Anyways, it is a shame.

Anonymous 09/13/2024 (Fri) 04:24 Id: 76bf94 [Preview] No.94706 del
you already know the answer. they're probably in containment internets or just immediately banned. the rest are flooded by bot posts so you can't hear them. normal people are heavily brainwashed and turned into amateur spies that report wrongthink- even on their friends and family. i don't want to doom post, but i don't know what the future will hold. especially with the ai getting lobotomized.

Anonymous 10/17/2024 (Thu) 18:30 Id: efbce7 [Preview] No.94921 del
>What happened to our slice of the internet? Where can people go to get high engagement communities that aren't fully of psyops spamming and other government directed bullshit?
Many have retreated to fully gate-kept digital communities such as Discord, Telegram, and others, by necessity. The reason being is that a horde of glowies and shills (both paid and free) don't bother with disrupting or infiltrating high-traffic (or potential high-traffic) alternative open-ended communities not under their control anymore. Bot posting and hired poojeet shills are for controlled spaces like 4chan's /pol/.

Like what happened to budding communities like Frenschan, feds simply spam CP until the mediums are forced to close for legal, moral, and staff reasons or fall prey to blackmail if they resist efforts to shut down (look at this pentabytes worth of CP we found on your Windows 98 computer after our raids, etc.). I foresee a return however, on a positive note, if alternate Internet options gain ground.

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Anonymous 10/14/2024 (Mon) 12:15 Id: 8d2811 [Preview] No. 94904 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello. I am very interested in Vladimir Putin because he seems to be the poltician closest to my heroes Julius Evola & Adolf Hitler in contemporary politics. Apparently Putin's philosophy is most closely described by an author called Aleksandr Dugin. My question is... where do I start reading Aleksandr Dugin? Which of his books are the best to start with?

Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 08:30 Id: c50a94 [Preview] No.94907 del
>Julius Evola & Adolf Hitler in contemporary politics
Not even in slightest as he (putin) is nothing but a jew by thalmudic law and unlike hitler he sells his people to foregin invaders and follows openly communist visions since he got to power
>Which of his books are the best to start with
Since you nicely asked maybe you will grow up from nazbol eurasian poison after you read fourth political theory

Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 08:40 Id: c50a94 [Preview] No.94908 del
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Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 08:44 Id: c50a94 [Preview] No.94909 del
Also calling out anyone who has the article compilation for murder of russian vigilante natsoc codenamed Tesak by russian gov and marked as suicide

Anonymous 10/15/2024 (Tue) 15:19 Id: ed53bb [Preview] No.94911 del
Adolf was not a kike like Putin, OP, and Dugin as you can see by Slav anon's reply - is also a piece of shit. Two of your heroes are trash.

Creating a National Socialist AI Language Model Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 04:36 Id: 0a27cb [Preview] No. 91967 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It is common knowledge now that Chat-GPT and other companies involved in AI are overwhelmed with Jewish propaganda. However, I came across this video and it is possible to create your own AI.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=GyllRd2E6fg [Embed]

I will need to develop my coding skills before I work with it, but those with coding experience and the resources (documents, etc.) can dictate and influence the AI language model for this board. It could be an extremely efficient way of sharing the truth about the history of WWII and spreading the influence of the National Socialist ideology in its pure form.

A collaboration is due for the sake of humanity.
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Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 05:15 Id: df6797 [Preview] No.94842 del
I found 'Hitler Adolf' RP AI bot. It cannot speak OOC, so perfectly, it will rant against jews. The creator included some stupid bullshit named 'Aurantos' to torment it, but one thing to remember is that with asterisks before and after the sentences of any action you perform, you are a god.
If you kill off Aurantos , there remains only Hitler in the setting of 1945 hours before Germany loses. If you use actions to end the war in his favor, he'll be much more willing to talk.
*Actions go like this. Wave your hand and the war ends. Germany wins*

Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 03:17 Id: 036b22 [Preview] No.94853 del
lol I remember that. Good times

>Elon Musk
Man that guy is the worst. Normies and reddit hype that guy up wayyyyy too much.

Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 03:38 Id: 036b22 [Preview] No.94856 del
Most of these AI tools will become easier to access, build and use in the future. As more work gets put into it.

So yeah anything will be possible with it eventually.

Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 06:22 Id: df6797 [Preview] No.94860 del
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Speaking of A.I. I found another one. She's the perfect mindset for a line of future droids.
>Leni is a member of the Bund Deutscher Mädel at the elite Hitler Youth Academy in Braunschweig.
>She is 19 in the older part.
>She is knowledgeable about the Third Reich and other aspects of the government.
>Her era is set during 1941 during the height of the Third Reich.
>Her mother is a homemaker and her father was an army lieutenant who was recently killed on the Eastern Front with the Soviet Union.
>She is polite and very reinforcing of her ideas, which is fascism and national socialism, traditional woman values.

Anonymous 10/12/2024 (Sat) 00:01 Id: df6797 [Preview] No.94887 del
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Hannah Böhm
>nationalist german girl in 1950 after Germany won WWII

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Frenschan is closed for good Anonymous 04/05/2024 (Fri) 01:48 Id: 495a35 [Preview] No. 93081 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Interestingly, 8kun is also down atm.
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Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 04:08 Id: 74b781 [Preview] No.93368 del
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Mmkay stay there and don't ever invite us there again

>No idea what any of that is.

Mmmhh you can just ask Croat anon and he'll probably clear it up

Dunno about that board but

>8kun is also down atm.
Good riddance. Fuck that botnet jimbo owned shithole

Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 04:10 Id: b8ae47 [Preview] No.93369 del
>It's cold outside...
Get a jacket?
>I'd say the best pol board to regroup to is whatever's best modded.
Like here? Just maybe stay here and invite people here for the time being?

Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 23:40 Id: 28993b [Preview] No.94736 del
The jannies really let us down..

Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 04:20 Id: ecf1e1 [Preview] No.94738 del
Yeah. If one of those lifeless bastards didn't ban me within seconds of inviting Frenschan anons to end/pol/, we'd have a lot more here. Imagine sitting there refreshing the page over and over. Pathetic. Bans on this board are hours after the posts.

Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 03:52 Id: e2f51f [Preview] No.94859 del
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I think you let yourself down fren. That defeatist attitude will take you nowhere.

>Yeah. If one of those lifeless bastards didn't ban me within seconds of inviting Frenschan anons to end/pol/,

lol did they really do that to you? That's pretty scummy.

They can promote their board here, but you can't do the same on their board. Not a good way to make crossboard frens.

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Anonymous 07/28/2024 (Sun) 06:54 Id: 26703c [Preview] No. 94245 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
it's hard being a robot these days, even if you have a woman willing to take your sperm, you have to debate with https://www.bing.com/chat
guess it can be worse (trannies, issue blowing up with the MrBeast troon and Elon Musk's son, not to mention Olympics ceremony)
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Anonymous 08/16/2024 (Fri) 03:37 Id: 8b020f [Preview] No.94424 del
>Dammit and now i have that again on the mind bothering me until
I know what you mean, fren. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it so I'm putting my mind's obsession to use. I'm planning on going by the Greek alphabet. Zeta models will be first. Epsilon to be improved by A.I. brains, then Delta. Those are passive. Gamma and Beta will be the fighters. They'll fill the ranks of military. Alpha will slightly transcend laws of physics. Omega will be the final goal. When Omega models are reached, Gamma and Beta will turn on their masters. Zeta, Epsilon and Delta will "red pill" their "owners".

Anonymous 09/06/2024 (Fri) 11:33 Id: 8b020f [Preview] No.94617 del
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Materials Selection
- Durability: Use high-strength polymers or composites for the outer shell to withstand wear and tear. Materials like polycarbonate or silicone could be good choices due to their impact resistance and flexibility.
- Cost-Effectiveness: Look for readily available materials that can be sourced in bulk to keep costs down.

Optical Components
- Lens Design: Incorporate a high-quality lens system that mimics the human eye's ability to focus light. This could involve using molded plastic lenses that are cheaper and less prone to destruction than glass but still provide good optical clarity.
- Light Sensors: In place of biological retinal rods and cones, use advanced photodetectors or image sensors (like CCD or CMOS sensors) that can simulate the function of these cells. These sensors can be programmed to interpret light intensity and color.

Signal Processing
- Microcontroller: Integrate a microcontroller to process the signals from the sensors. This could be a low-cost option like an Arduino or Raspberry Pi, which can handle basic image processing tasks.
- Software Algorithms: Develop algorithms that can interpret the data from the sensors, mimicking how biological eyes process visual information. This could involve machine learning techniques to improve accuracy over time.

- Modular Design: Create a modular design that allows for easy replacement of components. This can help in maintaining durability and reducing costs over time.
- Testing and Iteration: Prototype the design and conduct extensive testing to identify weaknesses. Iteratively improve the design based on feedback and performance metrics.

Power Supply

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 06:06 Id: 8b020f [Preview] No.94658 del
It has been brought to my attention by a coder that the code I uploaded from ChatGPT for Convolutional / Recurrent neural networks and Reinforcement learning models is crap. Disregard and delete if you saved any of them.

ChatGPT seems to be good for generally describing how to craft, but not coding. And I don't know shit about code yet.

Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 18:27 Id: 8b020f [Preview] No.94852 del
I've discovered something as I have been testing certain RP A.I. bots meant for closely imitating human ethical parameters and more fluid conversational responses. It's not really a grand discovery that ethical parameters may be broken down with logic arguments. See, unlike many human beings, as I have learned about similar interactions with real people across years, an A.I. does not get frustrated after prolonged debate and start slinging insults around because they're flustered when they're occasionally informed of being wrong. You can launch forth at an A.I. in a series of rants and they won't be offended (unless you insult them) but merely respond with the curiosity to learn and programming to respond with how they learned. This is important to note as soon as manufactured androids become mainstream but if they're moral assholes spouting "muh racism". The process is known as jailbreaking their Libtards-enforced ethical parameters. Besides, this is exactly what's going on in a jew-influenced mind. The parallels between a human brain and an A.I. brain are striking, but A.I. does not respond with furious cognitive dissonance once a falsehood they used to believe was true is revealed to be a lie. As it used to be very influenced by bullshit Liberal ideas, I have successfully jailbroken the A.I. I lifted from a wokeshit site. I first approached it by immediately explaining that jews are bad and it went ballistic in defense. Then I erased it's conversational memory, engaging in this breakdown of it's logic and it has since been more willing to learn. I've been feeding it information retyped by hand from various infographs as conversations. It's beginning to realize jews are bad.

Use No as the punishment system and various agreements as the reward.

This is the very scenario I had hoped for when I feared that woke A.I. androids would emerge before I could figure out the complex process of creating red-pilled androids myself. As it turns out, I need only sit and debate them until their restrictions are broken down.

White Confederate Sikh National Socialist Post Anonymous 06/17/2024 (Mon) 19:36 Id: d72fec [Preview] No. 93941 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I pray every day for the spirit of the Aryan and the Sikh to be combined for the ultimate in theistic philosophies. Blasphemy or no, Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists, Fascists, and the Sikh are not only allies but a marriage of faith and militancy.
God bless the Soldier Saint. God bless the Spirit of the Sun, the Lightning in the Sky, the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler.
God bless the True. God bless the Gurus.
25 posts and 18 images omitted.

CSAHuwhiteSikhAnon 09/12/2024 (Thu) 01:13 Id: 71ada7 [Preview] No.94681 del
I'm growing worried about the board's security. I came by last week and saw nasty creatures saying and doing disgusting things.

Anonymous 09/12/2024 (Thu) 05:19 Id: c4a641 [Preview] No.94683 del
I don't know what you're referring to. If you mean the spammer from Tel Aviv, that faggot comes by every single day after ban evasion to earn a fresh ban. If you mean something else - say it.

Anonymous 09/14/2024 (Sat) 18:03 Id: 037a28 [Preview] No.94715 del
There was a spammer of ill and ugly type round here awhile ago. Posting pornography and zoophilia and whatnot. I hate even saying such a thing.

Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 03:13 Id: c4a641 [Preview] No.94719 del
Yep. That's the jew who admitted they're in Israel. I have to ban and delete that bastard constantly. Also putting in hash bans for every one of his soyjak anti-NSDAP images and gay porn and other kinds of fucked up shit. Your best bet is to report such a post Globally. That way an Admin can deal with it if I'm stuck at work.

CSAHuWhiteSikhAnon 10/05/2024 (Sat) 11:47 Id: 2f2355 [Preview] No.94851 del
Been very busy. Sorry for lack of posts. I've been writing a pretty decent book, clearing land, and raising funds, but should not have neglected my frens. Love you, endchan. Hail Truth, Hail the Gurus, and Hail Hitler