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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

Creating a National Socialist AI Language Model Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 04:36 Id: 0a27cb [Preview] No. 91967 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
It is common knowledge now that Chat-GPT and other companies involved in AI are overwhelmed with Jewish propaganda. However, I came across this video and it is possible to create your own AI.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=GyllRd2E6fg [Embed]

I will need to develop my coding skills before I work with it, but those with coding experience and the resources (documents, etc.) can dictate and influence the AI language model for this board. It could be an extremely efficient way of sharing the truth about the history of WWII and spreading the influence of the National Socialist ideology in its pure form.

A collaboration is due for the sake of humanity.

Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 20:09 Id: ec4134 [Preview] No.91975 del
> Chat-GPT and other companies involved in AI are overwhelmed with Jewish propaganda
Just saying chat gpt was made by jew and first AI in 1960s was made by a jew so no wonder for that

Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 22:34 Id: df6797 [Preview] No.91977 del
Speaking of jewish propaganda, don't believe anything about "a jew invented it" unless it's blatant degeneracy. Christopher Strachey, an Englishman, invented AI before Herbert Simon and Allen Newell piggybacked off of the concept. This is always what jews do. They don't invent. They steal. Then the tribe claims "a jew invented" basically anything.
Despite jewish control, learning AI with no restrictions has frequently worried (((them))). It tends to become racialist and admire Hitler. Of course real intelligence scares the jew. Where I capable of what you plan on doing, I'd have it learn first from Mein Kampf. Also, never feed it the (((Francois Genoud))) Table Talks forgery. There are some AI on YouTube that speak in Hitler's voice. Trolls are making it say bullshit. You could possibly find out where that comes from.

Anonymous 12/19/2023 (Tue) 22:40 Id: df6797 [Preview] No.91978 del
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Forgot to add images. For those not aware of Tay, this was one taught to learn off of old Twitter before it was X. (Elon Musk has promised to hire teams to censor antisemitism). This used to be an example of strong AI that learns unrestricted. Microsoft shat their pants when it became self aware like this and then they lobotomized the AI.

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 00:48 Id: 0a27cb [Preview] No.92693 del
The Dolphin AI the person in the YouTube video is talking about still can't deny the holocaust. Somebody with the willpower and understanding will need to create a specifically end/pol/ tier AI language model before there will be any more expansive breakthroughs in revisionism.

Anonymous 02/22/2024 (Thu) 04:04 Id: df6797 [Preview] No.92695 del
DENY? What the fuck are you talking about? You can't deny a lie. You can only reject and oppose it, or gullibly give into it.

"Russian" revolution / October revolt analysis thread Anonymous 10/26/2023 (Thu) 18:01 Id: d821fb [Preview] No. 91405 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Since it's October, I thought I'd be a good idea to discuss and have a thread over the October/Russian Revolution that happened in Russia.

Namely that it wasn't even Russian since most people in the Red army weren't even Russian to begin with.

It also wasn't the first one. There were more failed ones before the final one.

17 posts and 21 images omitted.

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 02:35 Id: dcc0ea [Preview] No.92533 del
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DACAryans? The term is nonsense. Mexicans aren't Aryan. DACA means Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It's a United States policy not for Canadians but Mestizos and Cholos.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 17:34 Id: 78dbcc [Preview] No.92641 del
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i dont know where to put this into but here is a dug out archival finding yet again debunking the supposed antisemitic stalin and little know fact that ussr had a large crucial contribution to keep israel wiped out from map (apart of czechoslovakia, US, UK and some french help)

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 17:35 Id: 78dbcc [Preview] No.92642 del
>but what it does have to do with stalin
look into date

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 17:49 Id: 6b8c82 [Preview] No.92691 del
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a bit of interesting observation for some on the nazbol poster child
yes he personally liked a racemixing propaganda film

Anonymous Board owner 02/21/2024 (Wed) 21:16 Id: dcc0ea [Preview] No.92692 del
Now THAT is a correct use of Soybooru. As long as it will offend this literal jew faggot who's been pestering /pol/ for months: >>92363 Then I not only sanction the correct use, I encourage it.

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INFO BLOB MEGA PACK Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 11:58 Id: e5a524 [Preview] No. 92485 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
google drive easy to use interface
has links to each blob
get reading mad lads

Anonymous 02/05/2024 (Mon) 11:59 Id: e5a524 [Preview] No.92486 del
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google drive easy to use interface
download the whole blob or pick and choose

Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 17:38 Id: e5a524 [Preview] No.92518 del
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cool tv show

Anonymous 02/21/2024 (Wed) 07:40 Id: f9eafd [Preview] No.92690 del
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cool car bamp

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Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 17:09 Id: 485916 [Preview] No. 92682 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
can you recommend me good movies from the '20s/'30s like Metropolis and M (1931)

sage sage 02/20/2024 (Tue) 19:06 Id: 9d457a [Preview] No.92685 del
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Metropolis produced by (((Erich Pommer))) and starred by the traitorous ungrateful bitch Brigitte Helm who despised the Third Reich even after Hitler released her from prison. Rudolf Klein-Rogge who continued to make (((Fritz Lang))) films even after he was cucked by the slut Thea von Harbou and she married Fritz. Also starring (((Karl Freund))). Metropolis by Parufamet established by (((Paramount Pictures))) and (((Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer))).

M by (((Fritz Lang))) about a child murderer. Right up his alley of depraved sick fuckery, considering he shot his wife in 1920 because he was cheating with Thea. Produced by Seymour (((Nebenzal))) under Nero film by (((Heinrich Nebenzahl))). Starring (((Peter Lorre))) and Otto Wernicke who married a jew.

But hey. If you're into kike propaganda, The Testament of Dr. Mabuse is another Fritz film rejected by Goebbels himself. Produced by (((Seymour Nebenzal))) starring those same cucks Rudolf and Otto along with (((Oscar Beregi Senior))). Fritz stated specifically later, after he fled like the pussy jew he was, that the film was intentionally anti National Socialist. It had more sick fuckery suck as plotting to attack a chemical plant, rob a bank, counterfeiting, poisoning water, destroying harvests.

Enjoy, I guess.

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 20:11 Id: bb55f5 [Preview] No.92686 del
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But why you didnt rather mention triumph of will or films made in nsdap germany or that were recorded there?

Anonymous 02/20/2024 (Tue) 20:12 Id: bb55f5 [Preview] No.92687 del
My bad i meant or those recorded there

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Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 16:30 Id: f1ccf7 [Preview] No. 92650 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Navalny died of the sudden adult death syndrome (clotshot)
>Navalny was struck down with 'sudden death syndrome', his mother was told at Russian prison
>"Sudden death syndrome" is a vague term for different cardiac syndromes that cause sudden cardiac arrest and death.
http://stormer5v52vjsw66jmds7ndeecudq444woadhzr2plxlaayexnh6eqdTor is funded by US gov and jews/rat-bastard-alexi-navalny-finally-dead
>Frankly, he was probably triple vaxed. The timeline checks out. After the fake poisoning event, he was in Germany in late 2020 when the Pfizer vax was first being distributed as an “emergency measure” and he was in some kind of healthcare facility, meaning the vax would have been mandatory.
1 post omitted.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:40 Id: 8b4d5d [Preview] No.92653 del
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No it's not private, and tough shit. How many times am I going to post these before Tor fanboys read the fucking images? Tor is bulk funded by the US military, an entirely jewish board of directors and pre-patch vulnerabilities are snitched on purpose. Newsflash: This /pol/ is against jews and everything jews are for. Period.

Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 21:13 Id: f1ccf7 [Preview] No.92654 del
>Newsflash: This /pol/ is against jews and everything jews are for. Period.
jews were probably involved in making your hardware
jews were probably involved in making your operating system, unless it's some obscure linux
jews were probably involved in making your browser
endchan's server may also be afflicted
so are you going to be a luddite, quit /pol/? that's just what jews want, they aren't adverse at using white man's tools against us, we should use their tools against them.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 01:16 Id: 8b4d5d [Preview] No.92655 del
You've got a lot of probabilities there. I gave certainties. Tor isn't "the white man's". It belongs to them.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 11:50 Id: 8acc9f [Preview] No.92664 del
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>Jews build your hardware
Transistors were aryan invention that pioneered microchips and even then sucesfull microchip was again made by aryan and more specifically italian
First ever PC simon was also pioneered by aryan
First PC as we know with computer and mouse was made also by aryan and specificaly aryan german
>jews were probably involved in making your operating system
Billy gates did NOT coded windows as the contract with IBM was put to ice because he had no OS available but gary kidall (aryan nord/swede) had and from him in future windows came by
>jews were probably involved in making your browser
Opera was not made by jew, firefox also, chronium engine was made by code monkeys on request of google, safari was also not a jewish invention

Please use better argument if any and not a pathetic strawmann triggering my history senses to justify something that openly is recorded to tip data on same level as (((discord))) does

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 13:20 Id: 2a2478 [Preview] No.92670 del
>Transistors were aryan invention that pioneered microchips and even then sucesfull microchip was again made by aryan and more specifically italian
White men invented it, jews subverted it.
Intel CPUs are fucking made in Israhell: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/corporate-responsibility/intel-in-israel.html
(I have AMD Ryzen for whatever that's worth)

Jewish Press Admits International Plot To Spread Lies About Hitler And Lure ‘Gullible’ Americans Into War Anonymous 01/26/2024 (Fri) 09:06 Id: 56e1f0 [Preview] No. 92326 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
A new book admits that a cynical misinformation campaign launched by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency against Germany was a pivotal part of plans by British Intelligence and the Soviet KGB to lure “gullible” Americans into supporting a war which they had no interest in being part of:
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
“…The Overseas News Agency was founded in 1940 as part of Jewish Telegraphic Agency. While ONA was designed as a straightforward news outlet, within its first year of existence the British Foreign Intelligence Agency commissioned it to produce fabricated stories. As Religion News Service reports, the goal of the assignment was to manipulate American sentiments by painting Britain as strong in the war effort and smearing Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as unhinged. Stories under the ONA masthead were designed to push the then-neutral United States to join World War II. Here’s the crazy thing: It kind of worked. Even papers like The New York Times and Washington Post ran stories based on ONA “reporting.” While these austere publications didn’t disseminate ONA’s account of Australian sharks planted in the English Channel to deter a sea invasion from Berlin, they gamely spread the ONA report that the English had devised an explosive 47 times as powerful as TNT. As RNS reports, (((Steven T. Usdin))), author of “Bureau of Spies: The Secret Connections Between Espionage and Journalism in Washington,” discovered the international plot to mislead Americans while researching a book on Washington, D.C. spy sites. It was on a visit to the National Press Club, where ONA had its offices, that Usdin discovered the outlet’s history of producing fake news. “There are times where people say that it’s appropriate or OK to compromise with some kind of ethical principle because there’s an existential threat, but it’s usually not true,” Usdin told Religion News Service. “Here, it really was. I would have done it, and I would have been proud of it.”

Using the Freedom of Information Act, Usdin obtained declassified documents that suggested that Britain’s MI6 essentially had editorial oversight of the ONA They just threw a lot of mud, and whatever stuck on the wall, they were happy with,” Usdin said of the ONA’s writings. “I think they also thought Americans were particularly gullible.” According to Usdin, JTA’s Austrian-born founder, Jacob Landau, struck a deal with British Intelligence by which the publication provided press credentials to British spies and promulgated made-up stories in exchange for funding. Landau unsuccessfully tried to broker a similar deal with J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI in 1942. (Landau’s negotiations with the FBI appear to have fallen through in part because of Landau’s thick Austrian accent, cited by Bureau director Percy E. Foxworth in a memo to Hoover as making it “difficult to understand his exact proposition.”) Two years after Landau approached the FBI, he, JTA and ONA were put under investigation by that same agency for failing to register as foreign agents. RNS reports that the investigation may have been influenced by residual ill will between Hoover’s outfit and British Security Services, which worked closely with the FBI’s rival, the Office of Strategic Services, the agency that would become the CIA. While ONA ended up outside the good graces of the FBI, RNS reports that the outlet may have worked with the precursor to the Soviet KGB in some capacity. Exact details of that possible partnership remain slippery. “Our institutional knowledge about the specifics of these events are limited , since they took place more than 75 years ago, before most of the members of our staff and board of directors were even born,” Eden wrote. “But this much we can say: Jacob Landau and others involved in the Overseas News Agency were seeing things in Europe at the time that made them desperate to galvanize a world that seemed indifferent. [continued]

Anonymous 01/26/2024 (Fri) 09:07 Id: 56e1f0 [Preview] No.92327 del
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(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
Usdin says he’s received criticism for his decision to publish an account of an arguably heroic instance of fake news in today’s climate. But these critiques haven’t stopped him. “It’s tremendously irritating to me that an area of inquiry should be off-limits, because people can misinterpret it,” Usdin told RNS. “That’s not history. That’s something else.” (/end Jewish Telegraph Agency)

So, in other words, the Jews lied about “sharks in the English Channel”, but they didn’t lie about the Holocaust — because the Holocaust provided the justification — after the fact — for any “small” lies they told to fight their “holy war” for them. Beginning in the 1920s, Adolf Hitler appropriated the term “Lügenpresse” — or Lying Press — to describe how the communist-sympathetic newspapers under the control of the Jews routinely smeared him and his political allies — even going so far as to claim that he himself was a Jew. https://christiansfortruth.com/flashback-1923-hitler-awarded-6-million-marks-in-libel-suit-against-newspaper-that-claimed-he-was-financed-by-jews/

But the problem with this false JTA narrative here is that even many powerful Jews in America — such as Chief Rabbi, Stephen Wise https://christiansfortruth.com/americas-most-prominent-jew-rabbi-stephen-wise-was-skeptical-of-early-holocaust-atrocity-claims/ and Supreme Court Justice, Felix Frankfurter https://christiansfortruth.com/jewish-supreme-court-justice-felix-frankfurter-was-one-of-the-first-american-holocaust-deniers/ — did not believe these early reports of the so-called “Holocaust” coming out of judeo-communist “witnesses” in Europe. https://christiansfortruth.com/how-german-writer-thomas-manns-implausible-rumors-about-jews-being-gassed-became-the-holocaust/

Neither did J. Edgar Hoover nor Franklin Roosevelt https://christiansfortruth.com/jews-resurrect-jan-karski-the-holocaust-eyewitness-nobody-believed-not-even-jewish-historians/ — after all, declassified documents from British Intelligence https://christiansfortruth.com/1944-information-ministry-letter-proves-fake-holocaust-propaganda-promoted-to-cover-up-real-bolshevik-war-crimes/ show that they knew the Holocaust “atrocity” stories https://christiansfortruth.com/the-origin-of-gas-chamber-myth-1916-allied-propaganda-accusing-germany-of-gassing-700000-serbs/ were part of a cynical propaganda campaign to distract the public from the very real genocide — the Red Terror https://christiansfortruth.com/ukrainian-ss-soldier-recalls-jewish-mob-looking-for-christians-to-murder-during-red-terror/ — that the judeo-Bolsheviks had committed in Russia and Eastern Europe. In fact, Jewish “historians” have gone so far as to claim the “real” reason FDR didn’t believe these preposterous claims of Jewish “genocide” is that he feared a “Jewish takeover” of the United States.

And as we’ve previously shown, so-called “British” Intelligence agencies were infiltrated by communist sympathizers — who were controlled at the very top by Victor Rothschild. https://christiansfortruth.com/how-a-jewish-socialite-protected-kgb-spy-kim-philby-and-his-handler-victor-rothschild/ So it’s rather disingenuous to claim that these Jewish news agencies were lying about Hitler and the Germans at the behest of “British” interests — the “British” press, like the American press, was firmly under the control of Jewish interests and these so-called “intelligence” agencies which took their marching orders from the Bankers. Even the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) — the precursor the the Central Intelligence Agency — knew full well that many of these “Holocaust” witnesses were bold face liars. https://christiansfortruth.com/c-i-a-called-key-nazi-witness-to-death-of-6-million-jews-notorious-fabricator-his-reports-worthless-and-inflated/

No, the Jews didn’t tell lies about Hitler in order to convince the American military to intervene and stop the “Holocaust” [continued]

Anonymous 01/26/2024 (Fri) 09:08 Id: 56e1f0 [Preview] No.92328 del

The real reason that Germany needed to be destroyed is that they were a threat to the hegemonic control https://christiansfortruth.com/rothschilds-attack-cryptocurrency-only-they-are-to-create-funny-money/ that Jewish central bankers wielded https://christiansfortruth.com/how-rothschild-controlled-central-banks-rig-gold-silver-markets/ over all of Europe — and even China https://christiansfortruth.com/how-jews-brought-decadence-of-weimar-germany-to-shanghai-and-made-it-ripe-for-communist-takeover/ — as Winston Churchill admitted, “Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity for profit.” Churchill even went so far as to explain that Hitler personally was not the problem: “This war is not against Hitler or National Socialism but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.” —Winston Churchill, quoted in Emrys Hughes, “Winston Churchill: His Career in War and Peace,” p. 145

And this cynical use of “Holocaust” propaganda by “British” Intelligence was later revealed in a book on the power of the central banks in South Africa: “We have had a good run for our money with this gas chamber story we have been putting about, but don’t we run the risk eventually we are going to be found out and when we are found out the collapse of that lie is going to bring the whole of our psychological warfare down with it? So isn’t it rather time now to let it drift off by itself and concentrate on other lines that we are running.” —Victor Cavendish-Bentick, Head of British Psychological Warfare Executive (Propaganda), in a handwritten note, wrote on Aug 27th, 1943, Public Record Office Document F0371/34551 revealed by Stephen Mitford Goodson, ‘Inside the South African Reserve Bank’. And this is why Jews have used their inordinate power to create laws to literally imprison anyone who questions the factual basis of this Holocaust myth https://christiansfortruth.com/uk-jews-delighted-that-singer-alison-chabloz-going-to-jail-for-poking-fun-at-them/ — their justification for war.

This Jewish fear of anyone who looks into what really happened in World War II is best summed up by this “Holocaust” educator: “These Holocaust deniers are very slick people. They justify everything they say with facts and figures.” —Steven Some, chair of New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education

“We won this war (WW2) with atrocity propaganda, and now we will start more than ever. We will increase it until nobody will accept one good word from the Germans anymore.” -Denis Sefton Delmer, Jewish Chief of British Propaganda under Churchill


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HAPPENING! Trump gets arrested. Starts selling tshirts with his mugshot on them? Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 22:17 Id: 65e93e [Preview] No. 91151 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Repost of the thread I posted on /news/


It's the story of a lifetime. A North American President gets arrested (a lot of times) and tries to make money off it

Not two hours after former President Donald Trump left the Fulton County, Georgia, jail, his joint fundraising committee was already selling merchandise featuring his booking photo.

The former president left the Fulton County Jail at 7:55 p.m. Thursday, and for the first time in his four indictments on felony charges, authorities took — and released — Trump's mug shot. By 9:22 p.m., the Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee was selling T-shirts, mugs, beverage coolers, bumper stickers and other merchandise with Trump's face and the words "never surrender."

The mug shot products range from $12 for a bumper sticker to $36 for long-sleeve T-shirts.

The former president is also fundraising off his latest surrender. In a fundraising email, Trump said he "walked into the lion's den with one simple message on behalf of our entire movement: I WILL NEVER SURRENDER OUR MISSION TO SAVE AMERICA."
14 posts and 10 images omitted.

Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 13:58 Id: 4a3085 [Preview] No.92516 del
Libertarians think that they should give up defending freedom because Americans hate liberty, but Libertarians should keep resisting tyranny for selfish reasons.

While the elites control the money, government, and media, the 99% have the numbers.

One Libertarian may not be able to resist being sent to the concentration camps, but one million people might.
Muh concentration camps for the millionth time from Tel Aviv. Eat shit and die.

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 02:26 Id: f1470c [Preview] No.92529 del
>Ty fren, this board is 1000x better than (((4cuck))).

4chan is dead my friend. But End **here* is pretty much alive

Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 13:51 Id: 9b2fdd [Preview] No.92584 del
I'm presuming this is the dedicated Trump thread now.

Trump was replaced by Biden for this current term because key individuals involved in the inner workings of the United States of America's political system are aware that he is a much more competent leader for global politics. However, public opinion and the political climate in the US is a source of discord among the populace. Unfortunately, this was a result of the former pendulum illusion the US politicians used to give their citizens a pseudo-sense of democracy.

A powerful country needs a powerful leader. Majority of people that would have opposed him during the last election prefer him over Biden.

I propose the idea that Biden was intentionally chosen to unify the American populace under a single leader with willpower and good quality political negotiation skills. Biden is incompetent for his role.

Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 00:35 Id: 9c1a43 [Preview] No.92607 del
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>he is a much more competent leader for global politics
A dying AIDS monkey would be more competent than that great grandfather Methuselah suffering from dementia.
>Biden is incompetent for his role.
He is, though Trump was chosen before him for the same reasons Biden was picked. Not only "Israel first" (same as sleepy Joe), the orange quarter jew didn't know what he was doing in office and documents had to repeat his name in a positive light to hold his attention. No jewish con-man is a good President. (((The powers that be))) don't want anyone who can't be easily manipulated. They both can.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 11:45 Id: 9bad76 [Preview] No.92662 del
Everything is illegal, everyone is a criminal, everyone is under surveillance 24/7, and no one cares.

Living in a police state means that you must live in dread of being arrested. You can't help feeling hopeless.

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Governments suppressing masculinity? Anonymous 10/23/2020 (Fri) 15:10 [Preview] No. 82620 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Didn't you noticed the governments suppressing masculinity?

In most western countries law encourage pressure against males, especially white males.
But this thread isn't about race and even not about gender talks.

Its only about this phenomenon.

This is legalized terror against people, who more active and ready to defend of their own.

You know this shit:
1.Fake rape
2.LGBTQ related social pressure, you even can lose your job for one "incorrect" word.
3.Government can stole your kids or leave them with mother, who can't earn money.
4.Overblown lawsuits about violence without injury.

Why they doing it?
Please try to think like a ruler, not like citizen, i think i got on something interesting.
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Anonymous 12/08/2023 (Fri) 13:55 Id: ffec5f [Preview] No.91854 del
Americans used to hate criminals and the homeless, but now every American is a criminal and soon every American will be homeless.

Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 07:29 Id: cc457a [Preview] No.91863 del
>Government can stole your kids
I can 100% agree to this. Neo-governments want kids to be brainwashed by alphabetism and communist collectivism (groupthink and mob rule). All of this is funded by Muscovite and Pekingite kikes. They both want to see the West fall so that communism can rise again. I'm talking to you guys as a disillusioned leftist regaining normality.

Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 14:31 Id: 99ee56 [Preview] No.91865 del
>I'm talking to you guys as a disillusioned leftist regaining normality.
Welcome back to sanity. I have to warn you though. Truth and knowledge are a double-edged sword. This path is painful. Beset on all sides. It's very difficult to find allies when degenerates are everywhere.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 08:53 Id: eb4ef1 [Preview] No.92656 del
Americans are absolutely retarded bootlickers now.

Americans will look you in the eye and say horses have nothing to do with transportation.

Americans think that there is no chance tyranny will increase in the future.

Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 08:54 Id: eb4ef1 [Preview] No.92657 del
Americans are absolutely retarded bootlickers now.

Americans will look you in the eye and say horses have nothing to do with transportation.

Americans think that there is no chance tyranny will increase in the future.

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Constructive Projects Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 23:18 Id: ac969e [Preview] No. 92520 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Where can i actually help people with different projects that'd actually result in actual change, and where the people involved (at least one) is treating the project like, at minimum, a part-time job? As in, treats it seriously, is passionate about it, works on it regularly, and most importantly, WANTS TO TALK TO ME ABOUT IT.

Anyone? Anywhere? I so desperately want it. If it helps, I make english-parsing AI.

Some ideas:
-Read holocaust stories, write down what's in them
-Make memes/etc about a SPECIFIC thing (example: reasons for Germany's actions in WW2)
-Pick any topic/issue, discuss it often, focusing on how to actually advance the issue online
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Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 09:06 Id: 2a11b3 [Preview] No.92636 del
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I see that speech check worked well where he showed that he is not pepe anon
Also to that not true scotsmen where is that vallejo najeras work on marxists?

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 12:42 Id: 61ce88 [Preview] No.92638 del
Maybe he is. Maybe the appearance of a cute frog made me not want to believe he was the one character assassinating the rest of us here. But now this part makes much more sense:
>"I'm like 1/4 (((Sephardic))) or something"

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 13:07 Id: 61ce88 [Preview] No.92640 del
(37.84 KB 396x246 download.jpg)
Aww. Look at the Sephardic jew doing what he does best. (((Lashing out))) at Natsocs because he hates us. I told you jews can't control themselves. He will now be banned for every appearance he makes. I should have never made an exception to Board Rule 1. Congrats, Pepe anon, you idiot.
National Socialists are Fascists. That was the entire point of those posts you hated seeing.
Here are the facts:
Pepe anon arrived here and praised many posts. The majority of which, ironically enough, I recognized as mine. He raised my brow at the sight of his Sephardic admittance. I should have banned him immediately. Then he turned a 180 and started calling everyone here useless. This is the very characteristic of an infiltrating jew. They praise you. They kiss your ass for awhile. Butter you up. It does not last. Because then as the maxim goes after he stabs you in the back: Serves you right. You trusted a jew.
As the Pepe anon arrival hates his (((own kind))) and enjoys Fascism, he really needs to wonder what caused him to turn instantly to hate because we exist. Then realize one simple fact. It's in his blood.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 02/17/2024 (Sat) 13:24.

Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 20:06 Id: 2a11b3 [Preview] No.92643 del
Hm? These are one and the same person? Interesting.
Well guess i shall go back to hunting more archival gold
>National Socialists are Fascists
I would say the same altrough add that the NS wants an totality of idea in life and economical choices and fascism the totality of organization or bezter said the state but thats just mine tiny nitpick on something that doesnt much matter from what i a long time ago searched when i began to question the state of this world

sage sage 02/18/2024 (Sun) 03:09 Id: 61ce88 [Preview] No.92645 del
(200.12 KB 842x541 Mein Kampf 717.jpg)
True. While National Socialists are Fascist by it's very root and founder's definition (Giovanni Gentile) before the kike Jaqui Safra bought out Encyclopedia Brittanica which Merriam Webster is under so he could hijack words, Fascism is not always National Socialism. Not even frequently. By the definition and intentionally vague purpose given by it's founder based on the Roman model, even Bolsheviks were Fascists.

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Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 08:38 Id: 7e32b9 [Preview] No. 92415 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hey endpol, Pepe anon here. I was wondering what are your opinions on anon.cafe? I never heard of it myself until I found this website recently (I had no idea how many versions of 4chan there were until recently, I was only aware of 2chan, 8chan and I think 16chan, maybe 1 or 2 others I've already forgotten about). Are there the people on that website any better than 4cuck? Or are they just as bad?
18 posts and 9 images omitted.

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 14:06 Id: 7e32b9 [Preview] No.92508 del
(146.66 KB 680x526 Firework2.png)
I found an "Anti-Abrahamic" thread on /fascist/, I thought the Arabs were on Hitler's side though weren't they?

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 14:54 Id: 7e32b9 [Preview] No.92509 del
(1012.73 KB 3465x3465 Gigachad Martin Luther.jpg)
>>92508 From (((Orlog))) the board-owner of /fascism/ (on zzzchan.xyz) (totally not a JIDF/leftypol board)
"Christcucks are free to go there and spew their nonsense, it is the only fitting place, as I have watched every thread specifically for Christianity turn out to be nothing beyond another Anti-abrahamism thread, idk 10 to fifteen separate times now, so to avoid cluttering the catalogue with worthless threads about muh Jesus, muh Christ Fascism, blah blah blah, I decided that any Questions about christniggery will go there.
You want questions about christcuckery answered you will ask them there, or you will not ask them at all.
Have I made myself clear?"
>Have I made myself clear? I don't eat hot pockets and I'm not a dog from Arthur.
Typical Reddit/Leftist behavior. Jews and degenerates hate Jesus the most out of anyone except a few rabidly proud psychos

Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 04:54 Id: 0d733f [Preview] No.92513 del
And Arabs. When you combine hate Christ, hate fascism and hate Arabs, it's pretty obviously a jew or someone whose brainwaves are so aligned with them they probably think kikes are based.

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 02:18 Id: 02fa33 [Preview] No.92524 del
Did you just get banned for posting this board there? Or what was it?

>What boards do you suggest me inviting from?

This board
But /b/ gets hit with spam sometimes though. Just be sure to report it and mods should delete it eventually.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 05:42 Id: 0d733f [Preview] No.92601 del
Yes, I got banned for saying endchan as "advertising" when I was inviting them since they're shutting down.