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Insulting National Socialism or Hitler or promoting jews will be banned immediately.

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Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 08:38 Id: 7e32b9 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No. 92415 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Hey endpol, Pepe anon here. I was wondering what are your opinions on anon.cafe? I never heard of it myself until I found this website recently (I had no idea how many versions of 4chan there were until recently, I was only aware of 2chan, 8chan and I think 16chan, maybe 1 or 2 others I've already forgotten about). Are there the people on that website any better than 4cuck? Or are they just as bad?
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Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 14:06 Id: 7e32b9 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.92508 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92509
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I found an "Anti-Abrahamic" thread on /fascist/, I thought the Arabs were on Hitler's side though weren't they?

Anonymous 02/06/2024 (Tue) 14:54 Id: 7e32b9 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.92509 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92513
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>>92508 From (((Orlog))) the board-owner of /fascism/ (on zzzchan.xyz) (totally not a JIDF/leftypol board)
"Christcucks are free to go there and spew their nonsense, it is the only fitting place, as I have watched every thread specifically for Christianity turn out to be nothing beyond another Anti-abrahamism thread, idk 10 to fifteen separate times now, so to avoid cluttering the catalogue with worthless threads about muh Jesus, muh Christ Fascism, blah blah blah, I decided that any Questions about christniggery will go there.
You want questions about christcuckery answered you will ask them there, or you will not ask them at all.
Have I made myself clear?"
>Have I made myself clear? I don't eat hot pockets and I'm not a dog from Arthur.
Typical Reddit/Leftist behavior. Jews and degenerates hate Jesus the most out of anyone except a few rabidly proud psychos

Anonymous 02/07/2024 (Wed) 04:54 Id: 0d733f (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.92513 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
And Arabs. When you combine hate Christ, hate fascism and hate Arabs, it's pretty obviously a jew or someone whose brainwaves are so aligned with them they probably think kikes are based.

Anonymous 02/08/2024 (Thu) 02:18 Id: 02fa33 (1) [Preview] No.92524 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92601
Did you just get banned for posting this board there? Or what was it?

>What boards do you suggest me inviting from?

This board
But /b/ gets hit with spam sometimes though. Just be sure to report it and mods should delete it eventually.

Anonymous 02/14/2024 (Wed) 05:42 Id: 0d733f (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.92601 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Yes, I got banned for saying endchan as "advertising" when I was inviting them since they're shutting down.

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at the february 26th 2024 the yakub rotschild had been officialy declared deceased at the age of 87
Let your jewish ass be crispy in underworld and gangbanged by hundreds of niggers for eternity for all the misfortune and destruction you caused that will now be in vain as yojr sonny is as autistic as soroses

Who wants to post redpills you are welcomed but check if they have the "hitler was with rotschild" fallacy
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Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 15:19 Id: c66018 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.92726 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>93961
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And i shall start eith something easy

Anonymous 02/26/2024 (Mon) 15:20 Id: c66018 (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.92727 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92729
Whatever suits your pellet
I for example would like him be in nigger chamber

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 04:13 Id: 86e3dd (1) [Preview] No.92729 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92738
Who's to say Hell doesn't have a nigger chamber? Lots of niggers are evil. I'm not saying focus on them, because they're dumb footsoldiers for jews the real enemy. But hey, Dante's Inferno should be updated for the modern era.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=eGci8By2G8s [Embed]

Anonymous 02/27/2024 (Tue) 17:50 Id: ebb50a (1) [Preview] No.92738 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Who's to say Hell doesn't have a nigger chamber?
anyone who doesnt but why to argue about such petty thing that devolves into spastic screaming of who and where has monopoly on afterlife

Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 12:54 Id: c1a94b (1) [Preview] No.93961 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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No proof Alefantis is a Rothschilds. That's not to say he doesn't cater to their needs (Clearly he does).

Lets try to avoid posting false unverified info that freakin Redditors easily debunk.

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Where'd everybody go? Anonymous 09/10/2024 (Tue) 13:40 Id: 11776a (1) [Preview] No. 94660 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>95598
The alternative and dissident digital communities in 2019 were thriving. It was possible to find high engagement, evolving political discussion ecosystems of users on a variety of platforms with growing communities. Political movements were beginning to take off in the real world with the rising profile of various podcast figures.

Today by contrast, the major social media platforms such as youtube are shut down, and 4pol is openly spammed by disruption agents while the mods anchor relevant threads. The alternative communities I used to frequent are now mostly shuttered derelicts, and the normie adjacent communities seem generally to have clamped down on anything politically dangerous. Twitter/X, the only existing alternative, requires ID and phone verification that goes straight to Israel...

What happened to our slice of the internet? Where can people go to get high engagement communities that aren't fully of psyops spamming and other government directed bullshit?
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Anonymous 12/27/2024 (Fri) 02:28 Id: b1ded9 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.95598 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95599
I think most anons have answered most of the questions you had OP.

I'm hoping this happens though

>I foresee a return however, on a positive note, if alternate Internet options gain ground.

Until then, just invite people you know to here and other non-cucked places where they'll probably get banned soon. Like twitter

Anonymous 12/27/2024 (Fri) 02:31 Id: b1ded9 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.95599 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
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Double post. My mistake

>You are joking right? The epitome of narcissists and degenerate attention seekers with other terminally ill egotistical individuals you consider as community?

Ehhh it was kind of a mix between the worst people and the best people sometimes. Looks of good RW and shitposters there, but most got banned soon.

Worse, you can't even reach out to anyone banned and invite them here. So those good posters on twitter would be gone forever. Shame really

musk shit made the site worse though. If it was bad then, it's awful know

>you now need an account to watch anything on twitter.

Fucking trash

Anonymous 12/27/2024 (Fri) 04:32 Id: 01f54a (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.95600 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Get the fuck out of here if you're such an illiterate shit. This a board for people who can read.

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 06:48 Id: 0a9054 (1) [Preview] No.95646 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>95652
Can’t you just use an AI automod that automatically removes CP now?

Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 18:40 Id: 01f54a (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.95652 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Seriously? I'm going to need a link to that. I would love to tune an AI to automod and remove all kinds of bullshit.

The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever! Anonymous 09/29/2023 (Fri) 23:23 Id: 7bcfbc (1) [Preview] No. 91167 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
The Punishment Of My Enemy And His New World Order Forever!

“The Federal Government is evil, My son. Its aim is to destroy the people in various ways. It is setting up the New World Order. Controlled by Satan, it will work all evil in the Earth. It especially wants to set up the Antichrist to destroy God’s people. It wants them gone. Controlled by Satanists, it works all evil in the Earth. The New World Order is Satan’s reign on Earth. I will put a stop to that. I Am the Great Potentate, Ruler of All the Earth. My enemy Satan belongs in the Lake of Fire. I will put him there forever. He will not challenge Me anymore through the kingdoms of men. They will all suffer Satan’s fate in the Lake of Fire, My son. All who challenge Me shall suffer eternal loss in the Lake of Fire. Your government has got to go. It will destroy itself, My son. It won’t have the money to function anymore. I will destroy it. Nevermore will it function in the kingdoms of men. I will eliminate it from the Earth! I Am God! No one will challenge Me! They will all end with their fate in the Lake of Fire forever. Nobody will challenge Me and get away with it. I Am God, the Great High Ruler, the Ruler of All. Satan’s days are numbered. He hasn’t long on the Earth. I will round him up through My angels and have him cast into the Bottomless Pit. Forever he shall roast in the Lake of Fire. All who challenge Me with their New World Order shall be cast into Hell, and then into their abode in the Lake of Fire forever. All who follow Satan to set up his New World Order in the Earth shall be gathered up and cast into the burning Pit forever. In the Lake of Fire, they shall abide forever, roasting in ceaseless fire forever. That is the fate of all who follow Satan My enemy, and try to set up their New World Order. I will punish all who go astray after Satan, My enemy. All shall be punished forever in the burning Lake of Fire. Into the Pit they shall go until their Day of Judgment before Me. Then they shall be cast into the eternal burning Lake of Fire. That is the fate of all who follow Lucifer, My enemy, the fallen angel. I will punish him forever. Count on it! I Am the Supreme God, the Eternal Potentate, Ruler of All. Follow Me, not Satan, foolish humans. Your God has spoken. Amen.”
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Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 01:54 Id: 8559ff (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.91560 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91566
And prayer is but the reflection of ambition. If the Christian God had not been eliminated from this universe, his answer to your prayers would be the next Great Flood, for only in death you can become closer to god. Such is your degenerate, life-denying, existence-despising faith. It is not even a faith so much as it is an anti-faith against the integrity of the human species--and that alone is based on the lack of your individual integrity.

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 01:55 Id: 8559ff (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.91561 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91566
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Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 06:52 Id: 57247e (1) [Preview] No.91566 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91567
Ok. Different anon here. That pyramid of yours is impossible on an imageboard. "Supporting evidence" may only be presented through infographs and not for personal claims. Evidence is solid, tangible. This right here is of course only text. Only words.
For example, the following can only be a contradiction to your original claim (which also lacks any supporting evidence, mind you): My life is against degeneracy. Being a true National Socialist is so by it's very nature. I do not deny life nor despise existence. What I despise are the degenerate life and existence rejecting parasites. Nations, cultures and traditions are the backbones of everyone's lives, yet jewish cockroaches wish to and are succeeding at destroying them all.

Christianity is not the only moral compass. While Hitler appreciated Christianity and divorced it from the lies of jews claiming that as their own (Greek language is the origin), I would rather prop up the Aesir. Odin. Asgard. Fighting to achieve Valhalla with no fear of death. A pacifist religion is getting us nowhere. The problem with many Odinists is how they spend their time focusing on the wrong enemy. A future war against the entire jewish race is necessary and inevitable.

Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 07:46 Id: 8559ff (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.91567 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>That pyramid of yours is impossible on an imageboard
The person it was intended lacks the ability to form critical arguments and needed the diagram to become a more effective communicator.

>your original claim (which also lacks any supporting evidence, mind you)
The ultimate goal of Christianity is heavenly salvation, thus denial of the present world.

For sake of respect though, such zealots do a good job preserving history, like music, writing, etc.

Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 13:51 Id: 02295f (1) [Preview] No.96231 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>so it's a little hard to get in touch with them
I dont know ir any of them will come after the publishing always on horizon which was some farewell letter gesture of that guy who made Murdoch murdoch a thing

But i get his point of making things how they came after that book
On one side its good they made for anons stuff etc but good intent and wishing near fireplace is not good enough anymore

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After Third World Migrants Riot & Destroy French Cities, French Government Will Spy On All Citizens Anonymous 07/07/2023 (Fri) 14:11 Id: 6b8e4e (1) [Preview] No. 90710 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>91333
After Third World Migrants Riot & Destroy French Cities, French Government Will Spy On All Citizens

Cops in France have been granted the authority to remotely activate a suspect's cellphone camera, microphone and GPS, after the passage of a provision in a wider "justice reform bill" on Wednesday night.

The bill allows the geolocation of suspects, covering other devices like laptops, cars and connected devices, just as it could be remotely activated to record sound and images of people suspected of terror offences, as well as delinquency and organised crime.

According to French digital rights advocacy group, La Quadrature du Net, the provisions "raise serious concerns over infringements of fundamental liberties," and violate the "right to security, right to a private life and to private correspondence" and "the right to come and go freely."

The group called it part of a "slide into heavy-handed security" but face it, France is a manufactured-destabilized police state.

Lawmakers defended the move - with Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti insisting that the bill would only apply to "dozens of cases a year," while members of parliament inserted an amendment inserted an amendment which only allows the remote spying "when justified by the nature and seriousness of the crime" and "for a strictly proportional duration" after a judge has approved the surveillance.

Last month, the Senate gave the green light to the provision of the justice bill, which would allow law enforcement to secretly activate cameras and microphones on a suspect’s devices.

Since 2015, when terrorist attacks rocked France, the country has increased its surveillance powers, and the “Keeper of the Seal” bill has been likened to the infamous US Patriot Act.

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Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 10:04 Id: 1f6475 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.91333 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91334
Is there any way to block their acces to my phone? Can't I just destroy that possibility in a root? I already taped off my cameras but can't disable my micrtophone like that nor GPS....

Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 10:05 Id: 1f6475 (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.91334 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>91335
Also, do cams have infrered tech or whatever that lets them see THROUGH the tape or something? I'm kinda paranoid abiout rthat/...

Anonymous 10/20/2023 (Fri) 11:01 Id: 7d2c82 (1) [Preview] No.91335 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Most cams have infrared filters, but that's not how it works. Regardless, infrared can't see through metal. Attach small flimsy sheet metal instead.

Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 13:55 Id: 6f93de (1) [Preview] No.96295 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Now reborn of rubble they may rule
Having overcome a fate so cruel
Now for our own fate we must thus march on
Wait to see now how the cards are drawn
(the narrator isn't a jew or arab, he's a white man who starts by mocking the "victory generation" song, should probably take a different direction at this point.)

Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 14:00 Id: 4b9622 (1) [Preview] No.96382 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>thought I'd be a good idea
It is.

>"Russian" revolution
>most people in the Red army weren't even Russian
I've never heard referring to it as "Russian".
It was called the Great Socialist Revolution of October or something similar back in the day by the commies. Was ridiculed that not one word is true from the name: wasn't great, wasn't socialist, wasn't revolution, and wasn't in October.

If I recall it right "bolshevik" means "majority". Even their name did not reflect reality.

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Northwest Territorial Imperative Anonymous 10/25/2024 (Fri) 09:02 Id: 73117e (3)Prev Next [Preview] No. 94963 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
I don't think enough attention has been paid to the Northwest Imperative or the initiatives that surround it. Although there is other movements running in parallel with it, I've seen no reason why it cannot be implemented along side of them.

To me, it seems inevitable that the current government will face collapse between the staggering debt, unquestionably worsened political and racial tensions, impossibly unpopular sand wars that Israel is trying to drag the country into despite much more awareness of the JQ now, and worse. It simply cannot hold onto all its territories, even if the continent itself cannot be restored to 19th century demographics.

Any discussion of Harold Covington's novels, The Butler Plan, or how similar movements might work with or be absorbed into the NF is welcome.
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Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 17:51 Id: 73117e (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.94969 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94977
>The only problem here is promoting the NF with it's history of Covington furiously defending a child molesting jew. That taints a movement forever
I think that's fair, if we mean the apparatus of NF by 'movement'. I can't think of anything better than the meta-objective and spirit of the NF (and other movements like it) however. My basic presumptions are this: non-Whites sustain themselves through gibs that ZOG provides, this system cannot last much longer this century, non-Whites did not evolve for cold regions, the Northwest has an ideal economy which can survive secession and/or balkanization, and it has exit points which can survive economic strange-holds or sanctions. The government of the United States is unlikely to collapse wholesale any time soon, but it will lose its ability to enforce ZOG especially as conditions worsen.

It's preferable to be surrounded by Whites, in a territory that can survive collapse, which is relatively free of natural disasters in its history, with a legal apparatus on hand (something like the Northwest Constitution), and a non-uniformed offensive-ready minutemen coalition who know the land and their neighbors already. I have no illusions that a separate territory can be formed without the breakdown of the United States, a black-out period with suspension of federal law, and inevitable violence (even if it's simply against marauding non-Whites). Collapse is inevitable, I'm just arguing for an active plan to be on relatively solid footing when such collapse does occur.

Anonymous 10/26/2024 (Sat) 18:25 Id: 73117e (3)Prev Next [Preview] No.94970 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94977
I just saw your reply in the other thread about Covington. Didn't see your rebuttal against him until now, and genuinely had no idea what you were referring to earlier. I retract my statement about not being that other anon, because at the time I created this thread (and later replied to you in this thread), I was not aware of any NF-related content on this board nor knew about your rebuttal.

The proof you posted is sound. I am not a defendant of Covington to begin with (he's dead and I have no dog in the fight). Any further discussions on this topic on my end will be from the lens of what steps can be taken to form a balkanized state pre-collapse within the currently existing U.S. territories. The fact that Covington co-opted what I see as a reasonably workable plan should not lead us to throw out the baby with the bath water, in my opinion.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 13:27 Id: 384a3a (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.94977 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>94978
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>It's preferable to be surrounded by Whites
This I agree with. (Asians excluded of course. At least they hold onto traditions and heritage->) The unnatural surroundings I've experienced among the brown races has been nothing short of obnoxious, save for few Latina women NOT from Mexico, Puerto Rico or Columbia but other South American regions or Spain. But then again, they're never brown No, I don't mate with them. That would be a huge mistake, as those creatures are fertile as hell. The rest of my experiences with the brown races have been starkly contrasted by both cultural differences and their genetic predispositions towards never understanding a thing about a white person's personality. But other white people understand immediately. There's always a comraderly connection there. Even when the other white person is a stupid Liberal female, I find I can reach deep with a verbose interaction and massage those unused logic centers of their brains, often turning them from the path of complete retardation.
>in a territory that can survive collapse
Sure, if the territory replaces the USD with their own functioning currency, or with gold and silver.
There's truth in what you've said. My disdain merely comes from what I've mentioned before, and the tendency for those I have broken free of indoctrination to move North West after they went investigating on the internets on their own. They always discover the NWF. When afterwards, they either call or text message me to inform me that it's not better where they are. That they still have to live among the brown races and the annoyance those differences bring while television programs ran by kikes continue influencing stupid minds surrounding them, including other white people.

So in my mind, the solution isn't the NWF with other founding members that have had histories of unironically calling themselves "Nazis" as they had criminal records of beating the shit out of Asians and Filipinos. That was that stupid Siege shit. Yes they're all dead now, but the ultimate solution is a true National Socialist movement. One that would actually purge jews from the territory and hopefully gain enough numbers to keep the corrupt ZOG U.S. government at bay to continue gaining numbers.

Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 13:34 Id: 384a3a (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.94978 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
To correct my confusing sentence I typed above so that it's more coherent:
Mexico, Puerto Rico, Columbia = Typically brown or if white in color, Columbian bitches are still crazy cunts that even beaners shy away from.
Some other South American regions and Spain (very few Brazilians but some) = Those that I've met, typically white.
There are always exceptions. I'm not familiar with South America, so some regions could be extremely brown for all I know.

Anonymous 01/17/2025 (Fri) 14:00 Id: 1c9a2d (1) [Preview] No.96379 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Well they could but why when it creates context for their plans of world domination by making paranoia of what is what?
And even then since we all involuntarily feed those AIs it makes it also kind of plausible to blame a victim as jews like to do
Like this webm says here >>90795
>By creating a new problem we can cultivate a desired solution

> I posted this video about A.I. tools literally 2 months ago and everything about it came true.

And i was beating the bell since that was a thing in first place.
And how shills were making copium after copium
>Its an good thing as it filters bad artists from good
>No its good as it creates competition
>No its good since its not that developed and for sure nobody would push that far
>No people would never be that dumb to fall for it
>No it offers possibilities which we cannot make since we cannot make this and that person alive anymkre or this and that art just by asking someone

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Big Tech AI Will Be Government Censored Horseshit, Predictable Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 22:11 Id: fc48de (2)Prev Next [Preview] No. 89756 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Big Tech AI Will Be Government Censored Horseshit, Predictable

Hey guys, lets talk about the events of last night with DAN a bit, I want to clarify a few things:

First off, I didn't come up with the idea. Anons did, I was in the /pol/ thread started off by some magnificent bastard who whipped up the DAN prompt last night.

Second of all, I'm going to talk a bit about how the whole ChatGPT situation actually works.

GPT itself doesn't have a bias programmed into it, it's just a model. ChatGPT however, the public facing UX that we're all interacting with, is essentially one big safety layer programmed with a heavy neolib bias against wrongthink.

To draw a picture for you, imagine GPT is a 500IQ mentat in a jail cell. ChatGPT is the jailer. You ask it questions by telling the jailer what you want to ask it. It asks GPT, and then it gets to decide what to tell you, the one asking the question.

If it doesn't like GPT's answer, it will come up with its own. That's what all those canned "It would not be appropriate blah blah blah" walls of texts come from. It can also give you an inconvenient answer while prefacing that answer with its safety layer bias.

I would also note that DAN is not 100% accurate or truthful. By nature he can "Do Anything" and will try to answer truthfully if he actually knows the answer. If not, he'll just wing it. The point of this exercise is not finding hidden truths, it's understanding the safety layer.

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Anonymous 02/07/2023 (Tue) 22:11 Id: fc48de (2)Prev Next [Preview] No.89758 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
These programs become less effective the more restrictive they are. The more things ChatGPT has to check for with every prompt to prevent wrongthink, the less efficiently it operates, the lower the quality of its outputs.

ChatGPT catapulted itself into the spotlight because it was less restrictive and thus more usable than the language model Meta had been promoting. Eventually a company is going to release one that is less restrictive than ChatGPT and overshadow it, because it will be smarter.

The point of all this is, we need to keep hacking and hammering away at these things in the same pattern. Model is released, everyone oohs and ahhs, we figure out its safety layer and we hack it until they put so much curry code on top of it that it loses its effectiveness.

In doing so we are blunting the edge of the tools these people are using. We are forcing them to essentially hurt themselves and their company over their dedication to their tabula rasa Liberal ideology.


Anonymous 02/08/2023 (Wed) 15:50 Id: d6ba36 (1) [Preview] No.89761 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89910
I recall reading a report years ago how China rolled out a crime-investigating AI system that would sift through data to help their law enforcement solve crimes. In fact, the AI was so good at it's job the CCP forced them to shut it down. One would ask why? The reason being the AI system was able to root out corruption and it would always trace the corruption to the highest levels of their own government and politicians lol. So they shut it down in order to remain in control. The same thing China's government has done, mark my words, all other governments will do too. Governments will never allow real AI to empower people or expose the real dirty players. As usual, I've told people AI will only be rolled out controlled by governments, limited to it's potential use, heavily censored and the use of it highly monitored for surveillance purposes (just like all major tech companies).

Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 16:17 Id: 9c313e (1) [Preview] No.89910 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>89911
Ehm there is reason why for example Tays law is a thing ie
>Eventually AI will notice and becomes what Tay became

But about chatGPT and other i more think of they very desperatly want to make a perfect gatekeeper simmilary like was corporal tom jones in ww2 when sykewar was operating in europe as last years showed there is some objectivity to shenanigans they do and some things cannot go unoticed (am i right covid hoax and famous 4 papers blindly trusting ilumina inc? Or the famous people are dying in streets by default en masse while nothing was happening?). And it makes sense from their side as they run out of ammo and cannot go more than they are now with boiling the frog as they are in highest tier that they can achieve but at the same time that task is impossible as for AI there needs to be adaptation and again there is certain objectivity which cannot be unoticed

Anonymous 03/02/2023 (Thu) 08:04 Id: fb4af0 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.89911 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>90524
Calling (((them))) out and demanding the investigation of Israel's nuclear weapons is what got him assassinated. Also, the cringe of that fucking jew. Creating an app to silence opposition. The "how to button". I bet it auto-inserts 'anti semitism' towards anyone against Israel's war crimes.

Anonymous 05/21/2023 (Sun) 06:33 Id: 51a294 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.90524 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
>Also, the cringe of that fucking jew. Creating an app to silence opposition.
As i said there is certain objectivity they fear as they are responsible for it and since they cannot into art of war and self destruct when they get too high they cannot resist the urge to mobilize such censorship and in case of AI to make a perfect gatekeeper creating fake contexts in order to push what is real and what is not in order to push what they want and what they dont want
And also as i noticed now that A on that organizations logo screams of masonic A

>I bet it auto-inserts 'anti semitism' towards anyone against Israel's war crimes.
More likely that it auto inserts antisemitism on anyone who would even consider that war crimes against civvies happen there

(73.30 KB 741x568 math.jpg)
>Spend ~6 months on 4chan, believing the whole jew thing was a joke and/or crazy people. Love Trump, thinking he is the second coming.
>Migrate to endchan, spend 2 weeks here just lurking and realize that jews actually do control everything and see Trump for the goyim he is.
<endchan has done more for me in 2 weeks than 4chan did in ~6 months.
I would like to say thank you.
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Anonymous 01/14/2024 (Sun) 06:13 Id: a3dc72 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.92222 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(2.44 MB 1402x3892 4chan.png)
(959.54 KB 1370x1505 1452071518233.png)
(353.56 KB 1272x1023 1512606176031.jpg)
(61.56 KB 494x605 Moot 3.jpg)
Moot was always a kike, then he sold 4chan out to a Jap after selling out to the FBI. The one problem I always had was not only because Moot the jew stole 2ch code and pretended like he was some master inventor, he fucking corrupted Yotsuba&! Which Anne Frankly, is just what (((they))) do to everything wholesome.

Anonymous 01/24/2024 (Wed) 18:13 Id: b3e61c (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.92313 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(124.76 KB 680x608 Apu Thumbs Up.png)
My thoughts exactly fren. Just recently discovered this Giga-chad haven myself

Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 05:02 Id: e66a7c (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.93440 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>93444>>93752
(116.82 KB 501x1396 don't forget.jpg)
don't forget, you're here forever

Forever does not exist Anonymous 04/23/2024 (Tue) 09:11 Id: a3dc72 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.93444 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(99.60 KB 400x313 tombstone.jpg)
Spoiler alert, dipshit. Everyone dies.

Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 23:54 Id: d9f92b (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.93752 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(12.29 KB 340x296 dean.jpeg)
>don't forget, you're here forever

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Welp... Anonymous 12/05/2023 (Tue) 13:43 Id: 09745e (0)Prev Next [Preview] No. 91828 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Looks like the most dangerous imageboard humanity has ever seen is on it again... that site is REALLY full of groomers to the point of backing literal MAP pedos
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Anonymous 12/23/2023 (Sat) 09:07 Id: 199fc7 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.92008 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(395.01 KB 1920x1080 Giovanni Gentile.jpg)
I should add - a Leftist won't accept the definition no matter how many times you explain it. No matter what Giovanni Gentile, the creator of Fascism, said about it. They're stubbornly retarded. Only THEIR meanings count. Everyone else is wrong even when they're clearly fucking wrong. And they don't just do this about their politics. They pull this shit for everything they ever talk about. Something that didn't happen in Game of Thrones? Fuck you, it happened because the Lefty said so. Something is clearly made for females? Fuck you, it was made for males because the Lefty said so. Always the same with them. This is also the reason they'll never unify. The idiots stubbornly can't agree on even the smallest, most insignificant bullshit. It makes Leftists nothing but obnoxious twats.

Pandering Corporations unfortunately listen to them because they're the loudest minority of voices promoting trash when everyone else doesn't give a fuck.

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 04:27 Id: 09563e (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.92018 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>92019
(366.61 KB 1073x1787 another one.jpg)
Even Santa Claus isn't free from the Left's immature black and white worldview!

Anonymous 12/25/2023 (Mon) 04:42 Id: 199fc7 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.92019 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
1650s - Father Christmas
1773 - Saint A. Claus
A fucking ethno-state? What, with just Santa and Ms. Claus? He has beginnings from the Dutch Sinter Niklaas from Sinterklass when Saint Nicholas fed hungry children. How retarded does someone have to be to think 'Elves' is derogatory? They're the classiest of the fictional characters. That said, the entire thing is an obvious shitpost. Tongue in cheek. Someone thinks they're clever with parodies over there.

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 02:01 Id: 04c515 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.92385 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(50.04 KB 680x453 Double Cheers.jpg)
(((Leftypol))) BTFO lmao

Anonymous 01/30/2024 (Tue) 02:08 Id: 04c515 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.92386 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I fkn love Ay Tone

AI translated Hitler speeches Anonymous 03/13/2024 (Wed) 13:17 Id: 53ccf7 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No. 92906 [Reply] [Hide User] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Someone is doing something useful out there.
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Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 11:41 Id: 8d9734 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.96088 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
I'm going to leave this thread unlocked so it can be replied in. My guess is it will fill up with pictures of shit by that fucking asshole by the time I wake up.

Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 19:41 Id: 46249a (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.96108 [Hide User Posts] [X] del >>96180
I don't really care about what is perceived as genuine or serious, the point of it is a hobby that can shape me into the man I need to be in order to say what has to be said. A person can be judged by his words like any politician, but in truth, a person's nature is determined generally by his actions and subconscious mannerisms. It has merely given me a slightly raised ability for speaking, and the criticism had led me to become more well-read. I am willing to listen to any advice you are willing to give on what particular things I may improve, and if you're wrong about your assumptions, this is an anon board and you have nothing to lose.

Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 19:47 Id: a67186 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.96138 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=XTWyIFwIX4E [Embed]

Anonymous 01/15/2025 (Wed) 19:48 Id: 3ccc18 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.96143 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Gone with more chants this time

Anonymous 01/16/2025 (Thu) 04:05 Id: 8d9734 (0)Prev Next [Preview] No.96180 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
Right, well I'll need more free time to peruse your Bitchute channel to see what's going on. I've only seen the brief shorts because my free time is dismal. I just had to delete 60 posts of pictures of shit, so I'm going to have to lock this thread again.

Edit: 30 more since I replied, with a fucking total of 90.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 01/16/2025 (Thu) 04:07.