10/27/2024 (Sun) 13:27
Id: 384a3a (2) Prev Next
No. 94977 [Hide User Posts] [X]
>>94969 >It's preferable to be surrounded by Whites This I agree with. (Asians excluded of course. At least they hold onto traditions and heritage->) The unnatural surroundings I've experienced among the brown races has been nothing short of obnoxious, save for few Latina women NOT from Mexico, Puerto Rico or Columbia but other South American regions or Spain. But then again, they're never brown
No, I don't mate with them. That would be a huge mistake, as those creatures are fertile as hell. The rest of my experiences with the brown races have been starkly contrasted by both cultural differences and their genetic predispositions towards never understanding a thing about a white person's personality. But other white people understand immediately. There's always a comraderly connection there. Even when the other white person is a stupid Liberal female, I find I can reach deep with a verbose interaction and massage those unused logic centers of their brains, often turning them from the path of complete retardation.
>in a territory that can survive collapse Sure, if the territory replaces the USD with their own functioning currency, or with gold and silver.
>>94970 There's truth in what you've said. My disdain merely comes from what I've mentioned before, and the tendency for those I have broken free of indoctrination to move North West after they went investigating on the internets on their own. They always discover the NWF. When afterwards, they either call or text message me to inform me that it's not better where they are. That they still have to live among the brown races and the annoyance those differences bring while television programs ran by kikes continue influencing stupid minds surrounding them, including other white people.
So in my mind, the solution isn't the NWF with other founding members that have had histories of unironically calling themselves "Nazis" as they had criminal records of beating the shit out of Asians and Filipinos. That was that stupid Siege shit. Yes they're all dead now, but the ultimate solution is a true National Socialist movement. One that would actually purge jews from the territory and hopefully gain enough numbers to keep the corrupt ZOG U.S. government at bay to continue gaining numbers.