/v/ - Video Games

post some fucking video games this time

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Ecelebs / Youtube Sluts Anonymous 11/16/2017 (Thu) 11:33:31 [Preview] No. 11352 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Which ones do you watch? The only one I sometimes look at is Ross Scott who does Freeman's Mind (and game reviews.) I also used to watch AVGN but he got stale.

Freeman's Mind 2 Anonymous 11/16/2017 (Thu) 11:24:52 [Preview] No. 11351 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Rise and shine!

The first Freeman's Mind was more fun though.

Mario Geographics Anonymous 09/23/2017 (Sat) 03:15:57 [Preview] No. 11237 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>the two most prominent continents in Super Mario Odyssey
>the USA continent and the Mexico continent

Anonymous 09/24/2017 (Sun) 21:53:01 [Preview] No. 11242 del
map doesn't look at all like America or Mex

Anonymous 11/09/2017 (Thu) 23:20:47 [Preview] No. 11346 del
(29.73 KB 458x380 my otp ship.jpg)

Here's my cute OTP, Metroid's ponderous exploration and Doom's no bullshit carnage make the cutest couple that doesn't know how to progress together but are clearly meant for each other.

Anonymous 11/10/2017 (Fri) 00:08:29 [Preview] No. 11347 del
what the what did just resurrect a dead board into top 9 with single lazy shitpost?

endchan my man. get your shit together.

Initial D Sreet Stage Anonymous 11/04/2017 (Sat) 01:13:43 [Preview] No. 11333 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

ROM, the game

PSP port of Initial D Arcade Stage 3, the last one after the series underwent major overhauls.
For the uninitiated, arcadey racing game with a relatively fast pace and stylish driftan, you need to get accustomed to the controls but otherwise a fun game.
Yes you can use the gutter technique while listening to eurobeat.
Covers the happenings of the anime up to the end of 4th Stage, save for God Foot and God Hand. So no NSX or Fairlady Z, but I think this is the last entry to have the GT-FOUR ST205.
There are however some extra cars that manage to appear in 5th Stage.

>I dunno nigga, try tha chinese button!

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Anonymous 11/04/2017 (Sat) 01:30:29 [Preview] No. 11334 del

Anonymous 11/06/2017 (Mon) 23:24:18 [Preview] No. 11341 del
I used to love this but I played it to death in the arcade and they keep making newer versions with better graphics.

Anonymous 11/09/2017 (Thu) 07:26:21 [Preview] No. 11343 del
You're welcome to do an addon to the OP about teknoparrot and IDAS6 if that's your kind of thing.
"Newer graphics" is kinda a shit point however.

League of Legends Anonymous 11/08/2017 (Wed) 08:35:17 [Preview] No. 11342 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
So they're releasing a new character. This one seems a little more interesting due to the spell theft dynamic you can probably steal a lot of flashes during a team fight.

Unfortunately they're turning IP into Blue Essence next season and it will be impossible to buy champions you like for free without RNGing. I just knew they're gonna Jew out so I bought all of the characters I have the slightest interest in with my saved up IP before they devalue the in-game currency and make it nearly impossible to buy characters without real money.

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/lgg/ ~ Linux Gaming General Anonymous 10/12/2017 (Thu) 06:51:38 [Preview] No. 11290 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What are ya playing on your free & open source operating system, /v/?

Hard mode: no emulators or VM's.
9 posts and 2 images omitted.

Anonymous 10/14/2017 (Sat) 13:03:31 [Preview] No. 11307 del
Also thought I'd mention that the original dungeon keeper runs great using keeperfx. The GOG version is literally just dosbox and looks shit.

Anonymous 10/16/2017 (Mon) 06:18:12 [Preview] No. 11308 del
Native Linux games or gtfo.

Also fuck Sega for not making a *nix port of Mania, not to mention the whole DRM debacle.

Anonymous 10/20/2017 (Fri) 19:49:03 [Preview] No. 11315 del
Battle for Wesnoth and Dwarf Fortress

Anonymous 10/21/2017 (Sat) 17:23:33 [Preview] No. 11317 del
Old Linux Games (x86) magnet:?xt=urn:btih:44d736a4c3c39631aa1cad440845812ad8384ff3&dn=Old%20Linux%20Games%20(x86)&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3a6969&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3a6969&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexodus.desync.com%3a6969&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fzer0day.ch%3a1337&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.demonii.com%3a1337

Related link:

Anonymous 11/04/2017 (Sat) 18:36:51 [Preview] No. 11335 del
Any recommendations for me to play in DosBox?

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idea guy Anonymous 10/13/2017 (Fri) 18:11:29 [Preview] No. 11299 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Okay, a game idea:

It's golf, right? Everybody and their mom can make a decent engine that's fun at its own, but it gets better: in this one you golf down a snowy peak. Then the game generates a route through a vast pre-made mountainside that you have to slide down against an opponent, and what you want to do is look for 'Collide Airs': you tackle each other mid-jump, and that triggers a WWE style air combat a few seconds at a time where you try to pin the opponent and perform a style combo, which factors in what kind of a swing you originally did and how close to a checkpoint it lands. A really bad performance nets a few swings for the player where he will have to catch up playing normal golf, but every checkpoint launches another time you get to ride down the peak at the same time and try to fight.

Anonymous 10/13/2017 (Fri) 20:59:50 [Preview] No. 11301 del
What the fuck am I reading? I need to go lie down for a while.

Anonymous 10/24/2017 (Tue) 16:39:53 [Preview] No. 11319 del
Sounds more like a cutscene than idea for a gameplay mechanic. What are the control schemes on PC? What are the control schemes on a console controller? How many player inputs are required per movement?

Is there animation breaking allowed or not? If you don't want animation breaking, how long will the animations be? If you do want it, what's a sweetspot to avoid annoying exploits? What's the level design principles and loadouts that will allow for these complex movement systems to become viable? What level design philophies will you implement to avoid exploits such as getting out of bounds, or clipping through walls of the map?

This is my problem with "ideas guys" threads on old /v/ and 8cucks. It's filled with nothing but morons describing stories, or cutscenes but no actual gameplay mechanics.

Anonymous 10/24/2017 (Tue) 17:57:58 [Preview] No. 11321 del
(36.02 KB 502x359 whad you say mofo.jpg)
You hate when ideas are delivered less than 100% completely realized, as in just as ideas? Great! You will by scoffing every existing genre game because they're sold on nothing except "cutscenes" and rehashing of mechanics you already know, so you won't be needing them. With your money out of the industry, it will be more desperate to please me.
Because there's a process to the realization itself, and because gameplay is indeed the bottom line, being ready to kill my babies means that ultimate gameplay mechanics will be decided along the way based on what is technically viable and works as an entertaining product. Petty things like control schemes that children get to see the very last when all they know is the finished product in their hands and fuck all about how it got there, are things that will be finished last. Don't worry, I'd add plenty of sliders in the options menu.

Since I mentioned factoring in the swing into bouts I can add that preset value selection (character selection) should come as obvious to be more of a limiting factor to all characters having all the options in order to diversify the gameplay experience, so they can be added as needed, but my general idea is the weight of it being in the clubs, and the swing itself would lock you into a goal of some kind, a preset of what kind of actions will net you best score in bouts so the opponent knows from club selection somewhat what are the biggest threats he should look out for in defense, different clubs being differently suited for different swings. Play some golf games for more info, and don't suck at it, either.
Since I mentioned pre-made I should clarify that there would only be a few vast mountain environments with pre-made checkpoints stringed together into a route based on the direction you want to aim at with your first swing, which counts as replacement for level selection as the determined route works out into a level. The entire mountain should be applicable so there's a limit to how many can be crafted. Going out of bounds would just be less chances to earn points towards victory. What you want to do is look for a terrain with the correct features based on your swing, after you've earned the opportunity to lead the game by being first to a checkpoint.
Since I mentioned wrestling games and not fighting games or any other genre it should come as obvious that influencing animation cycles should be limited and area control is not much of a thing, but you unreasonably want me to answer for previous flaws of fighting game creators.
If you hate idea guys, it's because you bring into the conversation all the things that really just make you hate the idea of playing video games from your previous experience. That's your idea about games being shit in general, not mine, and your problem is that the first things about games that comes into your head is how terrible its going to be to actually have to play them.

Anonymous 11/03/2017 (Fri) 21:51:03 [Preview] No. 11330 del
(307.78 KB 1024x1280 16883_20150218171626_0.jpg)
There are cute magical girls and they are pretty homeless sooo, you need to cook them food and so on and maybe give them some refreshments right? And then maybe read them some bed-time story.
But they are still kinda shit and you discover to power them up you need to bring their happiness up and to finish the level up ceremony you need to cum deep inside.
That is my idea I think.

Anonymous 11/04/2017 (Sat) 00:54:44 [Preview] No. 11332 del
10/10 would play skip the cooking and go straight to the level up ceremony

(243.16 KB 643x800 chibi_kizuna_ai.jpg)
Distribution methods Anonymous 10/18/2017 (Wed) 17:28:35 [Preview] No. 11309 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I figured out the way I want to buy games. There should be platform that's marketed like a little greenhouse garden and your purchases would be handled like a growing stock. Let's say Shovel Knight was available on that platform, the way it should work is that you could buy the vanilla version in 2014 and it would be titled for instance "Shovel Knight 1500" for the 15 bucks you paid for it. What would happen is that just like Shovel Knight in fact did get a lot of free DLC for first time buyers, and was notably cheap early on but heftier by now, the platform should format free updates in a way so that your $15 purchase would grow by itself into a "Shovel Knight 2300" and beyond, and at that point the vanilla version plus all finished DLC would be 23 dollars to buy on the spot. It would handle DLC as a free early adopter bonus by default. Then I would be happy to even get double dipped with a full physical edition later on with my absolute favorite games, after my scant savings helped the company early on when it counted the most.

I wouldn't make it a mandatory to give free updates, but only to stick to the format. There would be companies that would release games with little to no "growth", but even then it would just be a neat and transparent way to market the value of those games. Customers could make their judgement if growth is the end-all worth or if they're happy with a good game that's samll but full experience right out of the gate. And of course it's exploitable with "over-valuing" a game by overpricing the free DLC, but I don't think trickery like that would get anybody very far or cause any real problems since you still get to buy the games you want to buy at the price they're available, not counting on always getting free enhancements is already just common sense.

Anonymous 11/03/2017 (Fri) 21:53:37 [Preview] No. 11331 del
(35.21 KB 562x861 im so fucking high.jpg)
I ain't readin' any of the shit o' yours.
But I need my physical back.

Halloween Vampire Savior/Dark Stalkers Anonymous 09/28/2017 (Thu) 10:48:05 [Preview] No. 11248 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
So I thought for Halloween I might try to organize a Darkstalkers/Vampire Savior tournament. Halloween proper is a Tuesday so the weekend before or after might be better. If anyone is interested let me know on here so we can solidify some more details. I'm up for whatever.

>Fightcade and Modding
Download and register for Fightcade here: http://fightcade.com/
Get the full rompack over here: F!EoJjwSLB!Tukuk9bZAa7YXXxKNVHorw">https://mega.nzF!EoJjwSLB!Tukuk9bZAa7YXXxKNVHorw

Anonymous 09/28/2017 (Thu) 19:53:03 [Preview] No. 11249 del
I know what I'll be doing on Halloween. Let's just hope the pre-order arrives on time so I don't have to double-dip in the web store. I don't mind the money but servers are going to be iffy that night.

Anonymous 09/29/2017 (Fri) 02:00:39 [Preview] No. 11250 del
<furries in >>>/v/
Prefer the following for repair gensokyo's seal day
Despicable. You have 350MB to upload both fightcade, ROMs, CHD, settings & configs, server and time frame, announcements, etc.. But no, you link to unsecure proprietary sites.
These ROMS are bad and ancient. You don't even have the latest vhunt2.zip dump made in this 2017-9-21.



Anonymous 09/29/2017 (Fri) 02:21:37 [Preview] No. 11251 del
(147.89 KB 640x1103 60683_front.jpg)
(1.18 MB 850x1200 vhunt2.png)
(1.31 MB 850x1207 vsav.png)
(22.33 MB vsav2.zip)
Forgot the last and most important one.

Unless there's a nice M.U.G.E.N. distro with all the latest characters and modes emulating Chaos Tower|Collection|Resurrection


Anonymous 09/29/2017 (Fri) 11:37:13 [Preview] No. 11252 del
Sorry, but that's why I'm making it this early tbh. Thank you for the resources.

Anonymous 06/29/2017 (Thu) 19:57:17 [Preview] No. 10902 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
There was this one thread in which platformers were being discussed really in depth. Specifically Sonic platformers in 3d, and I think I have an idea on how to fix the combat while adding to the platforming. Why not, when you destroy more than one enemy by jumping on top of them, the camera changes to bird's eye view?

This COMPLETELY does away with the shitty auto aim mechanics we see in 3d Sonics without compromising jumping speed like in the 3d Mario, Pacman or Crash games.
11 posts and 2 images omitted.

Anonymous 09/06/2017 (Wed) 20:29:02 [Preview] No. 11173 del
> you need to buy a very well made keyboard to take full advantage of inputs
First of all, before the sperglords make huge mess out of answering this in all their autistic droves, that is just simply wrong and not true at all.

If anyone wants to make a stab at the more fundamental question about install base ramifications on economics, you can now go ahead. Should people be forced to buy proprietary hardware and is PC the biggest culprit of that? Keep in mind this is entirely offtopic as well.

Anonymous 09/06/2017 (Wed) 20:49:39 [Preview] No. 11174 del
How about this: instead of dumbing down gear shifts to a press of a button like in Lost World, we start with an explorative, slow sonic game that controls much like Mario 64 and is evocative of how you first get into playing Sonic CD; then, on that base, we build levels around further options to shift gears upwards through multiple "jumps" that work like the triple jump, and each intiates a faster mode of running? They shouldn't of course all be consecutively more airy like it is with Mario because Sonic isn't really about that, but instead they'd be a similar premade set of different heighted jumps that you'd have to look for the correct terrain to be able to pull off without stumbling. Then in these modern times we can just stretch out the levels to start fiddling with velocity and slopes and possible routes to go rather than building routes you have to go.

Lately I've been pissed that there's basically no competition at all for 3D Mario. Devs just don't get the backflip platforming or the multiple jump thing.

Anonymous 09/10/2017 (Sun) 17:02:05 [Preview] No. 11181 del
Is there even a one 3D platformer besides Mario games that actually builds challenges around the platforming mechanic and not something tertiary like shooting the enemies before they push you over a ledge?

Anonymous 09/29/2017 (Fri) 19:24:14 [Preview] No. 11255 del
>there's basically no competition at all for 3D Mario. Devs just don't get the backflip platforming or the multiple jump thing.

A Hat In Time is seriously looking really damn good though. Better hope its such a massive hit that it gets a million copycats.

Anonymous 10/24/2017 (Tue) 16:45:17 [Preview] No. 11320 del
If you want things that have interesting level design I always return to these games: Sonic Robo Blast 2 the old Tomb Raider games for the PS1, the Croc series, I-Ninja has some good levels, Pandemonium 1&2, Qbert 3d, arguably Sonic Lost World.