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China thread Bernd 04/19/2020 (Sun) 08:45:55 [Preview] No. 36032 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
I'm not an expert on China at all, so half of statements here are assumptions, but I'll try to start.

First the official story about how China became economic powerhouse and pretended to world leadership.

After Mao period with hardcore stalinism and local craziness like Cultural Revolution with destruction of everything or killing sparrows because they are pests, China was in pretty bad economical condition. Government even had no proper statistics about economics, local government official were corrupted and selfish as always, there were food shortage and overall goods deficit - typical for planned economies.

Deng Xiaoping and his political group took control of Communist party, replacing old Mao faction, and started to do economic reforms, program called "reforms and openness". First they took agricultural sector. In 1978-1984 government replaced communes and brigades in agriculture with formally private plots of lands for families and local collectives.

In all parts of economics there was process of decentralization, local management got more freedom, private-like enterprises were allowed in some form. There still was a planned process with mix of fixed and market prices, different types of control from state and other thing, but overall economy moved from planned socialism to state capitalism. Foreign investment was supported, free economic zones were created.

Economy became more market in 1990, when system slowly transformed from plan-market mix to market with heavy government control, without noticeable plan part. Even typical capitalist traits are emerged, like income inequality and liquidation of inefficient, but important factories (that is always a heavy hit to local population).

Yet growth was tremendous. China transformed from mostly agrarian state with ruined economy to industrial and scientific leader. While in 80-90s it was just an outsourcing that was loved by everyone by cheap labor and low bureaucratic restrictions, now it is independent and self-sufficient country that actually competes with "old leaders" even in innovation. And even considering income inequality and some social problems, average Chinese now lives much better than in past. It is hard to compare average numbers like GDP per capita or wage, because China is too large, but there are plenty of places where average wage is already about 1000$. Different sources say that population already have income comparable with EU periphery.


Actually, it would be better to see someone with Chinese background to discuss this, because China is pretty "closed" to outsiders, but has large amount of historical materials and cultural things that we don't know.
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Bernd 07/10/2021 (Sat) 12:29:11 [Preview] No.44351 [X] del >>44352
>The Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party guarantees it's absolute lack of bias
Who doesnt?

Bernd 07/10/2021 (Sat) 12:59:58 [Preview] No.44352 [X] del >>44353>>44354
It's the old joke truth that something can't be biased if it's state owned.

I forgot to finish the sentence here: >>44350
>Proofs of highest
...amount commence.

Bernd 07/10/2021 (Sat) 13:31:05 [Preview] No.44353 [X] del
Many western think thanks and news channels are very biased despite being private owned, in fact I can't recall any unbiased one. It's just pot calling kettle black because a particular group makes their propoganda in a less obvious way which is mistaken for "totally not propoganda".

Bernd 07/10/2021 (Sat) 14:30:39 [Preview] No.44354 [X] del
Australia's national broadcaster is actually the least biased Australian media due to the fact that it is state run and therefore not beholden to the support of mining companies or any other company so it will even criticise the government for their close relationship with said mining companies.

Bernd 07/11/2021 (Sun) 17:51:24 [Preview] No.44363 [X] del
Wanted to find a site dedicated to Chinese issues, but from the other side of the fence. My search was unsuccessful. However I figured, the most closely involved countries' papers must have dedicated Chinese blocks, or at least more frequently publish news about China.
Three examples.
Beside these it would be nice to find Taiwanese and South Korean news sites in English, maybe from some other countries as well.

This one basically monitors the Chinese internet censorship:
And here's a list about the blocked websites:
Mysteriously blocking this one guy from Nepal:
What's up with this?

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Films, tv-shows and related media Bernd 01/01/2020 (Wed) 18:08 [Preview] No. 33703 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
The previous thread is at 499 posts, on the brink of autosage. So I open up a new one, because I have a thing to discuss as well with Bernd. But first thing first.

Finally I wanna watch these in their entirety, a series of Japanese films from the 70s The Yakuza Papers or Battles Without Honor And Humanity - which is also the title of the very first one.
I think the first five (what I'm planning on consuming) cover one full story, based on an OG yak's memoirs, published in a newspaper first. Then they made another three in the 70s, all standalone, and three more, two of them in this millennia.
They are in a certain subgenre of yakuza movies, which were fresh breeze at that time with their more realistic narrative and breakup with the "honorable samurai" romanticism of the previous era. They are also filmed in a documentary style, with handheld shaky cameras, and sometimes they even timestamp certain events as the movie plays - as far as I can tell based on the first one which I seen (but will rewatch).
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Bernd 06/20/2021 (Sun) 08:07:46 [Preview] No.44070 [X] del
Yeah, i havent played the game but apparently it plays out from season 3-4 of the show.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 11:08:40 [Preview] No.44130 [X] del >>44135
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Brand new show is out there (two episodes aired for now it seems), The Republic of Dave Sarah. The cast is properly diverse, with a story dominated by stronk women, but the premise of story made me thought this might be worth a look (I haven't yet).
So the background is that a small town just at the border of Canada and the US lays on an area which isn't really claimed by either country, and the residents want to stop some evil company to do drilling for some resource there, exploiting this particular detail.
Maybe it would be better as a comedy, but they made a drama. We'll see.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 13:02:15 [Preview] No.44135 [X] del
Its a CW show. Keep your expectations low.

Bernd 06/24/2021 (Thu) 07:27:09 [Preview] No.44193 [X] del
Ended up dropping the show on season 4. Its just too different. I liked season 1 and season 2 but i feel like the show got worse after those.

Bernd 06/24/2021 (Thu) 07:28:11 [Preview] No.44194 [X] del
Ended up dropping the show on season 4. Its just too different. I liked season 1 and season 2 but i feel like the show got worse after those.

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Friends, Girls, Hobbies, Activities Bernd 12/25/2020 (Fri) 15:50:12 [Preview] No. 41778 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
How to find friends and girls? Where?
How to initiate conversation with people or girls in different situations? How to talk to a stranger?
What places can you go outside home? What can you do there?
What activities can be performed by humans? In what places? How to go there and do them?
How to sex people?
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Bernd 05/25/2021 (Tue) 09:19:11 [Preview] No.43785 [X] del
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Moved this lonely heart's thread here.
Fugg, how to spoiler images again?

Bernd 05/25/2021 (Tue) 12:51:28 [Preview] No.43786 [X] del >>43787
>Unavailable For Legal Reasons
>This request may not be serviced in your region.
Does anyone know what's wrong with Kohlchan? Can you reach it? Is the entire site down?

Bernd 05/25/2021 (Tue) 15:12:21 [Preview] No.43787 [X] del >>43848
(123.21 KB 933x751 timestamp-right-nao.png)
Hello. I can reach it. See picrel.
I dunno what can be the problem. Give it a day, try again tomorrow.
Until then, feel free to hang out here, check catalog, maybe you find a thread you are interested in.

Bernd 06/01/2021 (Tue) 23:49:03 [Preview] No.43848 [X] del >>43849
>Turkish female supremacy is better than Islam

XDDD what's that all about?

Bernd 06/02/2021 (Wed) 15:35:03 [Preview] No.43849 [X] del
The thread was about types of Muslim converts. Basically European people converting to islam. I'm guessing that Norgeball is Turkette dominatrix appreciator.
I just opened Kohl and made a screenshot however.

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Language Bernd 09/23/2019 (Mon) 22:01:49 [Preview] No. 29287 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Let us create a language thus we can protect what we say from outsiders.
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Bernd 04/12/2020 (Sun) 21:50:09 [Preview] No.35878 [X] del >>35897
>So input IPA instead of english for translation?
Oh no, I mean for the letters used to represent sounds when the language is typed/written.
For example, if a word includes a "TH" sound, such as the one used in "that", it would be written with an IPA "ð"

Bernd 04/13/2020 (Mon) 19:14:23 [Preview] No.35897 [X] del >>35899
why not the slov-sound-spelling alphabet?

Bernd 04/13/2020 (Mon) 20:55:25 [Preview] No.35899 [X] del >>35945
I'm not familiar

Bernd 04/15/2020 (Wed) 16:04:19 [Preview] No.35945 [X] del
Sorry for the delay. It's very similar to IPA but a little more complete. There is a fantastic article in kohlzine 13 & 14. Well worth a read if you are thinking IPA anyway.

Bernd 05/20/2021 (Thu) 16:41:23 [Preview] No.43724 [X] del
Berndese supa sekrit lang.

Bernd 12/24/2018 (Mon) 16:30:19 [Preview] No. 21518 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Let's post something more substantial, we're gonna read about a crime for Christmas.
The crime is the murder of duke Béla, ruler of Macsó and Bosnia, at that time (13th century) parts of the Kingdom of Hungary.

The idea was given by an article in this blog:
The historical background was presented very awfully so that's my own work as in I read some secondary sources and wrote the text below but for the stuff about the bones I used this article exclusively, I got most of the pictures from there too. At the end the author notes this article was based on another in an archaeological magazine.
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cont Bernd 03/03/2019 (Sun) 07:37:23 [Preview] No.23525 [X] del
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The origin of the story is twofold. Once there is the ideal of the western chivalric knight and the other root is in the eastern scytho-hunnic culture. And not just the motif of the bride kidnapping, there are some goldsmithing work of art which depicts similar themes.

Bernd 09/20/2019 (Fri) 18:43:30 [Preview] No.29218 [X] del
I'm gonna save this too, I've something in mind to post here.

Bernd 10/12/2019 (Sat) 09:26:49 [Preview] No.30322 [X] del
down with the refugee threads

Bernd 04/15/2020 (Wed) 20:54:45 [Preview] No.35956 [X] del
And this one.

Bernd 05/20/2021 (Thu) 16:40:57 [Preview] No.43723 [X] del
Savin this for posterity.

Bernd 05/19/2021 (Wed) 19:33:34 [Preview] No. 43697 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
How to use endhcan irc?

t. not knower
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Bernd 05/20/2021 (Thu) 13:30:45 [Preview] No.43717 [X] del
That's very typical.
You can see what is written in discord. On Odili's server in the #endchan room. The IRC is bridged there. Private messages can't be sent via that, but the group chat works.

Bernd 05/20/2021 (Thu) 13:36:07 [Preview] No.43718 [X] del >>43719
I am Shiban on IRC and Shiban2 as well.

Bernd 05/20/2021 (Thu) 13:36:42 [Preview] No.43719 [X] del
I'm yolo

Bernd 05/20/2021 (Thu) 15:19:29 [Preview] No.43721 [X] del >>43722
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There are interesting bug that can explain "nobody is there": link on main /kc/ page to IRC is wrong (at least for me):


It opens web UI with #%endchan channel as default, so, if user doesn't know about all these channels, he'll get into empty channel.

It is pretty strange, because link on thread page (i.e. /kc/res/...) is ok: https://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=endchan

Link on main page is also ok, although it has different case: https://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=Endchan
IRC channels are case-sensitive by RFC, but looks like rizon or web ui ignore it (don't know who doing it though, looks like UI).

I don't understand why there are different links - do this site really has different top headers, at least in board/channel interface? They look same, so why different templates?

But whatever, here is the possible problem.

Bernd 05/20/2021 (Thu) 16:29:13 [Preview] No.43722 [X] del
Heh, you are right.
Home page: #Endchan
First page of a board: #%endchan
In a thread: #endchan
Fun. Gonna ask Odili what's up.
>I don't understand why there are different links
Maybe to deceive the enemy.

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Bernd 01/25/2021 (Mon) 09:36:18 [Preview] No. 42242 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
croat bernds... how do we SAVE croatia?!
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Bernd 05/08/2021 (Sat) 09:11:29 [Preview] No.43534 [X] del
I called it an Eastern EU - as in European Union -, not Eastern Europe.

Bernd 05/08/2021 (Sat) 14:41:22 [Preview] No.43535 [X] del
Huh, they have Mig-21s.
I still think we should have refurbished our Mig-29s.

Bernd 05/09/2021 (Sun) 01:34:59 [Preview] No.43540 [X] del >>43546
So Habsburgs were bad for Eastern Europe I can presume?

Bernd 05/09/2021 (Sun) 06:58:59 [Preview] No.43546 [X] del >>43565
They had a large impact. But - if being unbiased - I can't say categorically they were bad for Central Eastern Europe. I don't know what would have happened without them, so no basis of comparison. I know however what's going on now and I believe it could be so much better. If I define "better" as a more independent, self reliant Central Eastern Europe, with higher living standards (although I see problems with this living standard thing - for example being indebted forever and capable to buy a new iShit and bluetooth refrigerator every month and having three cars per family counts as higher living standards?)
Could have been the nations turning on each other here prevented? No. Different constellations of the nations could have rise (instead of Czechoslovakia or Yugoslavia), but simply just the "who will be the top dog in this region" would have caused wars, most likely with the tint of ethnic hatred after the birth of the third large political ideology, the nationalism.
I don't blame nationalism, because it is great for uniting people to act together for a common goal based on common interest. But it's easy to fall over to the other side of the horse and hate on the other group just because it's another group. And lotsa people don't have that maturity to see that other people can love their own, how we love ours, and respect that, and can't see that cooperation can exist between these groups.
So Habsburgs exploiting this shortcomings of the people, especially in those times when nationalism was young and it was very much alive, its flames rising high, is unfortunate but it's just a different kind of bad.

Bernd 05/10/2021 (Mon) 22:14:33 [Preview] No.43565 [X] del

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Flag tests. Bernd 10/11/2018 (Thu) 15:14:36 [Preview] No. 19975 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Just testing flags. Endchan staff only! Please, no posting in here, thanks.
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Bernd 10/11/2019 (Fri) 20:45:27 [Preview] No.30301 [X] del
haha, these fat flags are fucking great! Saved that Welsh one.

Bernd 04/09/2020 (Thu) 17:57:00 [Preview] No.35772 [X] del >>35778
This one too, to be honest. And a couple of others.

Bernd 04/09/2020 (Thu) 18:32:36 [Preview] No.35778 [X] del >>35779
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Do you know why there is a red dragon on the welsh flag? It's like some secret among the welsh. It's because of Merlin, as in the wizard from the round table of king Arthur. Lord Vortigern,a warlord of the time, was attempting to build a castle in dinas emrys. The building works kept getting destroyed by mysterious forces so Vortigern sought advice from those with an understanding of magical forces. Merlin, a young magic half-ling at the time, told of two warring dragons that lived in the hill, one red and one white. Vortigern dug them out and they battled to the death and the red dragon won.

Bernd 04/09/2020 (Thu) 18:38:41 [Preview] No.35779 [X] del
Actually even earlier than that, it is mentioned in the mabinogi that an ancient king imprisoned them there. That's less well known though. Most Welsh history is full of magic.

Bernd 05/10/2021 (Mon) 16:42:27 [Preview] No.43557 [X] del
Saving flag thread.

Joe biden had a senile moment earlier today and promised everyone black gfs during a speech

Would you gf a black woman?
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Bernd 03/15/2021 (Mon) 15:32:38 [Preview] No.42933 [X] del >>43261
ok this just convinced me, I'm emigrating to US

Bernd 03/15/2021 (Mon) 17:46:27 [Preview] No.42936 [X] del
Only if she's polish.

Bernd 03/15/2021 (Mon) 17:47:25 [Preview] No.42937 [X] del >>42938
Are there many Polish ethnic negresses?

Bernd 03/15/2021 (Mon) 17:53:49 [Preview] No.42938 [X] del
I only know one mulatta.

Bernd 04/09/2021 (Fri) 21:45:27 [Preview] No.43261 [X] del
Slovberg pls

compiled ac. content Bernd 04/09/2021 (Fri) 13:50:50 [Preview] No. 43246 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts] >>43253
I'm looking for somewhere on the Dark Web where people have collated a massive database of eBooks (and poss. also audiobooks, lectures, etc.) w/o adherence to any [archaic] rules of copyright. I started with piratebay (TPB) for books, where a few individuals have made their own library compilations, but noticed there are MANY books (esp. mathematical/philosophical/scientific) on the Z-library (https://b-ok.cc/) that I cannot find on TPB. Unfortunately, one can only DL a single book (and a restriction of only 10 books in one 24hr period) from Z-library. So, wishing to DL entire search results at a time, I was wondering if there's a more efficient way - a place where "I click (but do not drag) zee button that says
and pref. ALL books from an entire category (or at least a search result) in one go? I'd be most grateful. Thank you.

PS I'm a complete n00b to the Dark Web (this is my first time even visiting a forum on it), so
1. if anyone can direct me (more specifically than dark.fail) to a site with massive compilations of academic content, then I can be out of everyone's hair, as...
2. it seems this is not quite the right forum* for such a request; if so, my apologies.

* On that note, what is the idea of this site? Most posts are just of pics of rather attractive women. Steganographic images, perhaps? Or just media interest? Bit more varied on this thread.

PPS Feel free to email me (qhat@protonmail.com) as I don't know if I'll see anyone's response. Thanks.

PPPS Apparently needed a pic to post, so... some idea of sort of books I'd like to DL - Q Computing! lol
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Bernd 04/09/2021 (Fri) 14:59:03 [Preview] No.43249 [X] del
Look around in the catalog of:

Bernd 04/09/2021 (Fri) 15:31:55 [Preview] No.43250 [X] del >>43252
>Something like libgen is good enough for most people, but that only seems to have fiction books (e.g. no results at all for "Quantum")

Libgen is mostly about different academic books. How did you search? There are 8k results


>and multiple books (or ALL books) downloadable in a few clicks.

Do you really need large amount or randomized nonsense that mostly duplicates itself? You also can't read so much anyway, so it is easier to download few recommended books instead of everything.

But if you really want, there are torrents for some collections. Like libgen (text version) on rutracker (500gb).

Main problem is simple - if you want to have multiple collection of books of different type, you need to have community of specialists, and community of specialists wouldn't work on copyrighted books with restricted access because it is tedious task without reward. At least in non-computer spheres of knowledge.

Bernd 04/09/2021 (Fri) 15:33:03 [Preview] No.43251 [X] del
Ty. Will hit them up. Cheers.

Bernd 04/09/2021 (Fri) 15:41:14 [Preview] No.43252 [X] del
>Do you really need large amount or randomized nonsense that mostly duplicates itself? You also can't read so much anyway,
Reminds me the imageboard preppers who hoard informationals and survival books to "prepare" for some kind of catastrophe or big collapse. And they don't realize all those stuff would be useless at the moment when the problem arises. They would be better off with one book - what they read and test in practice before the shit hits the fan. Then if they have the time, they could process another one.
I have a large collection of e-books, but I only downloaded once in bulk, which contained liek 2-300 books, and they are all fiction, "best sellers" or some such shit were they are. It's useless if I don't know what I'm getting.

Bernd 04/09/2021 (Fri) 16:47:26 [Preview] No.43253 [X] del
>* On that note, what is the idea of this site? Most posts are just of pics of rather attractive women. Steganographic images, perhaps? Or just media interest? Bit more varied on this thread.

Its endchan. Its a forum where various boards are run by the users and dedicate it to whatever topic they want. You need to picture other boards as a somewhat separate entities.
On /kc/ we have discussions on a rather broad spectrum of topics. If you look around you'll probably get it how it is here.