07/24/2021 (Sat) 22:33:58
No.44535 [X]

*sighsWell bernds, I'm bumping my lil thread
>>32287 up again to, sadly, inform you about my encounter with Irish "people". They were around me for only a little while (they had to leave) but it feels like I've known them a lifetime. The 5-10 Irish I've met were superbly rude and dumb. They just lived like such disgusting slobs and would always get into fights with people over absolutely every lil thing. They kept an extremely butthurt aura around them and would also keep a similar expression in their faces the entire time I knew them. Just announcing to the world that they're just unpleasant to be around. And other people I've know have also had the same issues tbh. It is not an isolated experience.
As far as their women go
>>41196The one Irish women I knew recently was a complete drunk. She would always be getting wasted and acting like such a sad slob. It was disgusting to look at. ngl she had a like a factory of alcohol around her all the time and would always drink herself silly. Liek, how do you even drink that much and so frequently? She had wayyy too many problems and was super scatterbrained. Always forgetting about things or showing up raly late to things tbh. The other Irish women were mega bitches and would act cold to practically everyone around them.
And I saw someone on /kc/ a lil while ago asking how it would feel like to be with a Ginger women. Liek, all women are the same for the most part. Gingers (Not Viking Redhaired women tbh) are actually kinda worse IMHO. A lot of attitude and a heap of personal issues. Blondes are better tbh. Well, any women at this point.