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Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 20:06 [Preview] No. 32381 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I just realised something... something spooky as fuck.

You know how sumo is derived from some ancient rituals? How it was performed in shrines, to appease the kami, to ensure prosperity? It was only later professionalised, and is now performed on a national level by salaried wrestlers, but there are still many religious elements, from how the ring is consecrated by a priest before each tournament, yokozuna entering the ring with that big white rope around his belt, to wrestlers actually throwing salt into the ring before each bout as a means of consecration. It is a deeply religious ritual, somehow performed to appease the kami for the entire nation of Japan. Kinda like how the ancient Olympic Games were performed on temple grounds, and were a form of vitalist worship of Greek gods.

You know when's the last time sumo wasn't performed as scheduled? March 2011. The March of the earthquake and tsunami that rekt Japan. But guess what? The tournament was cancelled a month before. Because of some match-fixing scandal. Yep, that's right. And the earthquake happened 2 days before the tournament was scheduled.

The earthquake happened because the sumo ritual wasn't performed. Because the kami weren't appeased. They were pissed and caused the earthquake as a warning.
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Bernd 09/14/2024 (Sat) 17:31 [Preview] No.52416 del
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Day 7, tomorrow we'll cross halfway, time for a bit of speculation.

Juryo has two probable champion: Takerufuji and Chiyoshoma, both unbeaten, showing great form. I'd bet on the former. There is Asakoryu with 6-1 but he isn't as good as the first two, and he is small.
That's about it. Shishi is commendable for getting 5 wins, keeping up with previous performance, although it's a bit painful to watch him fighting. He tries to go lower, but he just bends forward more, and not squatting as he should. Bend those legs!
Hakuoho got taped up, I assume his arm, perhaps his shoulder hurts. Only 4-3. I have no doubt he'll get another 4 wins, but that is slim for him.
Aoiyama is nearing to the end of his career.

Onosato makuuchi yusho. Ofc, he still can botch it up but I don't think it's likely. He can win this with 12-3 or even better. One fail is guaranteed. But he is very strong and quick. His mind is in it. But opponents only get harder. And of the sanyaku rikishis can stop him.
Kirishima is back in his form, doing good. He also needs an excellent result. For now according to the points, he is the sole contender who could snatch the yusho from Onosato. Unlikely.
And Kotozakura is also there, with 2 points minus, not too promising, but he'll finish with respectable score.
Wakatakakage is coming up like groundwater. Only 2 losses, but he is towards the back of the banzuke, he had to face relatively easy opponents.
Oho is a surprise, at M2 and pulled 4 wins. Beat both ozekis. Respect.
Talking about ozekis. Hoshoryu's performance is a bit of disappointment, 3-4. I have no doubt he'll pull it together, but an 8-7 isn't a shining result, and for now it does seem like he'll reach about that.

Bernd 09/17/2024 (Tue) 15:59 [Preview] No.52418 del
>see you when I'm back
Apparently he was kidnapped by Chechen and Kurdish terrorists. He did not show up, not Sunday, not yesterday. He has one more minute to show up today.

Bernd 09/18/2024 (Wed) 12:02 [Preview] No.52420 del
Hey. I was back on Monday but was tired and went straight to bed after unpacking in the evening. Yesterday I was showing photos to the family and such plus some other personal errands.
I can make it today...

Bernd 09/18/2024 (Wed) 12:30 [Preview] No.52421 del
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Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got nice hairy Churka gf in the Kavkaz and now making hairy babies together and you forgot about sumo.
There might not be juryo today, since they not released the video of that yet. But gonna check.

Bernd 09/20/2024 (Fri) 16:49 [Preview] No.52422 del

Bernd 12/23/2018 (Sun) 23:03 [Preview] No. 21503 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I've checked the catalog couldnt find any good youtube channel threads(delet if there is any)

share, shill and subscribe



These are about old guns about and stuff, which include muzzle loading ones as well.
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Bernd 08/30/2024 (Fri) 08:15 [Preview] No.52377 del
I can understand what he is saying and he isn't strictly wrong but what he is talking about refers more to cavalry archers than to Long-bowmen. Off the top of my head I can't really recall a battle that Longbowmen won by harassing a defending enemy to make them charge.

Whether Longbows or even crossbows were a weapon to kill or a weapon to harass is complicated given that the damage they both can do varies overtime as armour gets better and as crossbows get better and even as Longbows increase in draw weight. But most test have shown that neither can punch through plate armour. But the main advantage of the Longbow was that it shot the horses out from under enemy cavalry which caused a lot of chaos. Yes, shooting a longbow is exhausting, people like Mike Loades think that it would be a very fast but short and exhausting kind of event, they also don't think they would be shooting in volleys but instead each archer would be shooting as fast as he himself could. And that makes sense because there isn't much of a window for archers to shoot at an oncoming cavalry charge.

>Umm, those skirmishes barely larger than the clashes of football firms of '80s are don't count. I don't even know how are they part of military history at all.
There are some pretty major campaigns and wars as well, like wars against Scotland as mentioned but also the war of the roses and wars in Portugal and stuff. An English royal also brought an army that included many Longbowmen crusading alongside the Teutonic order and they did fairly well.

Bernd 09/04/2024 (Wed) 15:57 [Preview] No.52384 del
Paul Harrell has passed away
https://youtube.com/watch?v=M-gZuFcEu0E [Embed]

Bernd 09/04/2024 (Wed) 16:51 [Preview] No.52386 del

Bernd 09/04/2024 (Wed) 17:56 [Preview] No.52388 del
Sudden. He seemed fairly all right in recent videos.
I can't promise but I'll do my best to avoid trying pancreatic cancer at home and leave it to the professionals.
May the earth be light to him.

Bernd 09/18/2024 (Wed) 07:36 [Preview] No.52419 del
Well youtube fucked up invidious and piped big time. Nothing works at the moment. Sucks monkey balls.
Hopefully a fix is coming soon.
But then youtube will try fuck it up again. And they can do it.

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Syria Thread - Iranian Backed Edition Bernd 02/22/2024 (Thu) 21:33 [Preview] No. 51681 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous: >>50296

Nothing much going on in Syria anymore. Bit of ISIS I see on the map, and the SAA bombarding rebels on the north east. Beside that Israel is constantly attacking into Syria, targeting Iranian backed terrorists, and Iranian backed militias, and apparently Iranian militias themselves.
In Israel, the IDF still wrestling with some Iranian backed, dirty, barefeet, stone throwing kids since October... Where Yom Kippur and Six-Day Wars disappeared? Anyway. In Gaza they bombing Iranian backed Hamas, in Lebanon the Iranian backed Hezbollah. Sometimes they have a cease fire to release hostages as the Iranian backed Qatar negotiates it.
From Yemen, the Iranian backed Houthis raiding the shipping lanes with drones and whatnot.
In Ukraine the Iranian backed RAF/RuAf is on the attack. The initiative is theirs, AFU tries holding their trenches, forts, and foxholes. I heard couple of interesting things today, but would need some drawing and look up possible sources.
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Bernd 08/29/2024 (Thu) 07:43 [Preview] No.52369 del
>the buildings are still intact and there are still leafy trees
Ah yeah, I noticed that. They don't really drop FABs for sure and seems not much artillery and drone strikes are basically precision ones. Which means little to no resistance.
This is the "big arrow" offensive, they just have to take it slow, so no potential guerillas/special forces slip in, and no booby traps, mines remain in the way.

Hmm. Germany goes where the wind blows. Will they ever say no to US demands?
Monies should already prepared for a while, and they don't let the whole picture slip. Starting this year was the drama about the €50 billion - "oh my god will Orbán block it circus" - and it seemed it popped out from nowhere, while it was in the pipes since the start of the war basically. They rely on people not be able to track what's going on for a longer run. So god knows what's the situation now.
On EU level they were talking about using the frozen Russian assets. They are debating this for a while now.
>doesn't even have a functioning government
They don't really need it.
>defence manufacturing ramps up more and more
Indeed, the wheels started to spin. I guess they produce 155mm now.

Bernd 09/09/2024 (Mon) 19:40 [Preview] No.52393 del
New info to me, also CNN acknowledging problems...

Article writes about huge losses, tho a bit vague on this (whole units eroding).
Also mentioning the hardships on the frontline, with some data. In general units try to rotate troops sitting on the front every 3-4 days. However this could be as much as 20 days. And this is 24/7, it's not like "hey my 8 hours shift is done, I hang my hat". They can sit there, getting bombarded, or attacked by ground troops, replying with fire as they can. The article also says, they often cannot reply with artillery, can't help out the troops from behind.
The real banger is the subordination problems. The "newly" mobilized troops who aren't there on their own volition, they got enough of the fight very quick. Many leave, desert, or try to use connections to get somewhere else, just far from the front.
In the first 4 months of 2024 "prosecutors launched criminal proceedings against almost 19,000 soldiers who either abandoned their posts or deserted"! And things only got worse in the next 4 months passed since. This could mean as much as 40000 soldiers denying to face the enemy!
The author also mentions other problems such as lack of communications, lack of vital information sharing, skepticism towards the Kursk offensive.
For a CNN article this is quite shocking. What the regular readers could think?

Bernd 09/10/2024 (Tue) 04:57 [Preview] No.52394 del
The punishment for that kind of thing in most armies used to be death. We have really gotten soft now...

Bernd 09/10/2024 (Tue) 06:51 [Preview] No.52395 del
Indeed. When presented with the choice of facing sure death vs. possible death, most people will pick which gives them a (fighting) chance.
But it's not like they will execute 19 (40) 000 people.

Bernd 09/16/2024 (Mon) 15:42 [Preview] No.52417 del
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>The risk of Ukraine losing the war this winter
This, coming from Politico, is like a bomb. What their readers think? They were telling all this time that Ukraine is winning. That Russia is shit! SHIT! This is literally a 540 degree turn.

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Bernd 12/12/2020 (Sat) 14:00 [Preview] No. 41511 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I'm looking for a car but I don't know much about them. I am thinking of a car like a Fiat 500 or a VolksWagon Beetle. What other cars are there like this, cars that are small so they are easy to park and don't use much fuel but that also look interesting and nice.
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Bernd 08/13/2024 (Tue) 17:22 [Preview] No.52319 del
I dreamt they made a "negotiating table", a table with built in computer with on board "AI interpreter" and speech generator, which translates everything said around it in the voice of those who spoke - obviously for international meetings.
In the situation I witnessed the international parties were all the Presidents or PMs of Anglo countries, from all around the globe. So whoever spoke, the lines were repeated in English for the others present.
And not just that! The table picked up hushed talk, unrelated to the discussion, and randomly repeated them when it couldn't make out what was said by the one who was talking. Such sentence/half sentence was Biden's comment to some assistant about some diarrhea, so this was repeated occasionally. At one point after such occasion Ms Harris cried out:
>For fucks sake!
The situation was hilarious. All these politicians, from the top of their governments sit around, listened what each other said twice sometimes with that diarrhea comment mixed it. But they sat there with forced expressionless face, pretending not noticing the absurdity of the situation because those who manufactured that piece of furniture were those who financed their election campaign. It was a "the emperor is buttnaked" situation.
For me it was so funny, that started to laugh and woke myself up with the laughing. I did giggled for a while.

Dutch bernd Bernd 08/24/2024 (Sat) 15:51 [Preview] No.52341 del
It really isn't easy tbh

Maybe it's easier to say it that way

Bernd 09/05/2024 (Thu) 20:10 [Preview] No.52390 del
Dreamt another humorous that made me laff. Extremely unusual.
It was about a movie. I watched it and/or observed it made. It was an awful movie, amateurish, low budget, with noname actors. The actors and crew was an assorted one, it turned out one of them was Hungarian. He was looked a bit like Santiago Segura (Torrente), and he was dumb. He pretended he knew his job, knew how to act. He also pretended knowing languages, or at least English.
For some reason the movie got some award and he had to give a speech in English. He read some lines with zero English pronunciation, frankly like how he would in Hungarian, and one of the word sounded like a Hungarian profanity and that tickled me enough to laugh a bit. Then he gave another speech, or perhaps it was actually an interview. They asked him something and he did not know what to reply. He was like "uh, ah" and the situation started to get embarrassing as he was hemming away. Then an associate there on the stage tried to save the salvageable and gain some time and said he is actually Muslim and he has to pray to Allah first. Here I laffed again, and shook me up to wake.

>Maybe it's easier to say it that way
It is. Hungarian language does not like consonant congestion, and would insert a vowel inbetween consonants. Second best would be adding a consonant after, which gives the impression that the word consists of two syllables.
Lidl -> Lidel or Lidil / lid-li

Dutch bernd Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 21:03 [Preview] No.52404 del
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>Dreamt another humorous that made me laff. Extremely unusual.
>It is. Hungarian language does not like consonant congestion, and would insert a vowel inbetween consonants.


Bernd 09/14/2024 (Sat) 16:19 [Preview] No.52413 del
Breddy gud frog.

Music Bernd 09/07/2020 (Mon) 15:53 [Preview] No. 39873 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Since the previous thread is autosäging, here's the new one.

This little faggot is making covers for all kinds of popular music.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0Gd-jNKhTC8 [Embed]

Previously Venezuelaball posted some songs of a sludge metal band, Acid Bath. Managed to put my hands on some of their songs. Here's a couple I liked.
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Dutch bernd Bernd 08/24/2024 (Sat) 16:05 [Preview] No.52345 del
I think there's one more unreleased album that's coming out from the band soon. But I dunno

Bernd 08/25/2024 (Sun) 06:44 [Preview] No.52346 del
Is that Terry Davis on the right?

Bernd 09/04/2024 (Wed) 15:46 [Preview] No.52383 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0NJCpJZ19n8 [Embed]

This is also one of the OPs for Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.

Dutch bernd Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 21:08 [Preview] No.52405 del
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>Is that Terry Davis on the right?

>Davis is a surname of English and Welsh origin.

>As an English surname it may be a corruption of Davy or a reference to King David in the Old Testament. As a Welsh surname may be a corruption of Dyfed, related to Irish colonists who occupied an area of southwest Wales in the late third century and established a dynasty there which lasted five centuries.

>Davis is the 45th most common surname in England and 68th most common in Wales.

>According to the 2000 United States census, it is the seventh most frequently reported surname, accounting for 0.48% of the population, preceding Garcia and following Miller.

Maybe they're distant cousins or sumthing?

Bernd 09/14/2024 (Sat) 13:23 [Preview] No.52412 del
I thought that dude's name is really Davis. Would be a hoot.
I really should listen to them. This >>52383 too.

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Vidya thread Bernd 02/08/2021 (Mon) 15:37 [Preview] No. 42507 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Because the previous >>28357 is autosäging.
From the last posts:
>>42501 Crusader Kings 3 first impressions by Rusbernd
>>42504 unkown vidya making fun of Australia due to the lack of certain biome by Ausbernd

Last year I found out there's native Linux version of the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Editions. They are working well but I don't think I'll ever finish a playthrough again. Back then I finished original BG, and BG2, but not the Throne of Bhaal expansion. Damn long games.
Enhanced Edition makes it possible to play this classic DnD based crpg on modern steel, fixes bugs, changes some rules, adds new NPCs with quests, new items, two new expansions (The Black Pits - arena fight generator?, and Siege of Dragonspear - which is a module for the original story, taking part between BG1 and BG2). It seems okay all in all.
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Bernd 08/30/2024 (Fri) 17:31 [Preview] No.52380 del
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Egypt Old Kingdom
Turn based strategy, empire management. Build up your city, found your dynasty, pray to gods, open techs, place cards of workers to act out your will. Kill crocodiles and hippos, build houses, barracks, temples, plant flax fields and grain. Assimilate tribes.
The map view has two levels. One is your capital and neighbouring area, the other is the Nile-Egypt view. I played only little when that opened up finally.
Fairly repetitive and actions are restricted. Can just click away mindlessly, but have to pay attention to the resources to be actual successful, calculate with all the decimal numbers.
There is a story mode with timed events that matter a lot, and free build, where events more like flavors.
Gets a thumbs up from me for the theme, and they build upon the ancient Egyptian aesthetics for the controls. I really liked that they show the name of your capital in the upper left corner with the hieroglyphs: Inebu-hedj, White Wall - which were named Memphis by the Greeks. The devs also offer historical facts to read through, very educational.
It's an okay game.

Legal Crime popped on my radar last week. I played the demo over 9000 years ago, I found it on a demo cd of a pc mag. I loved it. It allowed some maps to play on unrestricted.
Not that much to do in the game. Extort businesses, convert them to illegal operations - Let's sell some boooooze! -, bribe the army, police, fbi, and politicians, recruit various thugs - Ready for the Cause! -, and do a drive by with a car packed with tommy gunners. Copito, Capo.
Most surprisingly it runs on Wine. And to my great surprise serials were given to the game to open the rest of the maps! Awesome. It was offered as abandonware, I dunno about the legality...
Next to it, a Russian version was offered, with the title: Capone. It is a full game, with Russian voices, and replaced pictures, and some textures. Too bad everything is Cyrillic. Although don't have to read too much in this game. Still I stick with the original.

Bernd 08/30/2024 (Fri) 18:18 [Preview] No.52381 del
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Buzzed by the success with the previous game - success, I mean managed to run - I looked for another one with the same theme.

Gangsters: Organized Crime
This one also I only had as a demo. But contrary to Legal Crime, this was way more gimped, and only allow a couple of turns to play. So I was robbed from the joy of extorting businesses and building a criminal empire properly.
I got a version, but does not work. It's probably the Wine. The menu colors is fucked (its 256 color and it looks weird and text is unreadable), but the game starts properly and looks all right. Problem is it lags like hell. Have to Alt+F4 to close the window.
Robbed against.
Perhaps in a Win XP virtual machine it could work.

While I was looking for this I found something else.

City of Gangsters
This one really grabbed my attention, and played properly, actually spent hours on it on the weekend and even some during the week. Very good. Finally creating the mob that doesn't exists. Some of our income comes from unofficial poker nights, get it, Meadow?
Here you have a player character to start with, and a beater to run around do small businesses, selling a couple of jars of brick wine. First have to establish an illegal booze producing operation in a backroom of a legal business. Then create a front next to it, expand to neighbouring corners and extort all possible businesses. Meanwhile sell the produced alcohol, recruit more mobsters (only able to just a few), buy cars.
One important and original mechanic is the relation and favor system. Each character in the game has a network of relations - family, friends, acquaintances - and they can influence each other as your actions influence them. You sell booze to people they'll like you and owe you favors. You can use it to find new people who are willing to buy your product, who are willing to host fronts, offer missions, get you in touch with other people (simple business owners, thugs, police), teach you skills (such as how to produce more advanced booze), open more and new possibilities.
The game is turn, action, and movement point based. You move your mobsters around in cars, use AP-s for interactions and fights, and when you are done with all the people, finish the turn.
There are other gangs, the FBI and politicians. There are elections. I'm not far enough to know what's that about.
Your crew members have traits and they gain XP and level up. They need weapons to fight better, a variety is available from switchblade knives to tommy guns. A variety of vehicle is also offered. Everything can be bought or gained through missions.

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Dutch Bernd Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 21:16 [Preview] No.52408 del
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I think they just finished the Duke Nukem restoration project. Looks liek it's good for downloading and playings nows.


There's some gameplay videos on yt right now if bernd is interested.




Bernd 09/12/2024 (Thu) 07:34 [Preview] No.52410 del
What do you mean
>Duke Nukem restoration project

Literature thread Bernd 01/15/2019 (Tue) 14:28 [Preview] No. 22380 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I think we had one of these long ago, before the ameriball slide.

I have been looking into ancient literature recently and have a list of two but was hoping Bernd could help bulk up my list:
Epic of Gilgamesh
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Bernd 12/30/2023 (Sat) 20:54 [Preview] No.51451 del
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Finished Joe Abercrombie's second trilogy set in the world of First Law. I enjoyed it very much, although I'm not fond of the modern theme and setting for I'm not fond of modern history. I understand Victorian era novels (like Oliver Twist) are considered the golden era of Bri'ish literature, it's just doesn't hold much of my attention at all.
Anyway despite this, it is still entertaining, and I'm looking forward to the next trilogy when Bayaz claims back what's his.
Meanwhile Abercrombie has other books, I think even in this setting. He is very good at what he does.

At the moment however I'm organizing my MAGUS novels, and filling the gaps, getting those which I do not have and have not read yet. Some might be even good.

Dutch bernd Bernd 08/24/2024 (Sat) 15:58 [Preview] No.52343 del
Just read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Really dark book about Belgian expansion on African countries during the Scramble for Africa.

This book actually inspired most of the scenes and content from the movie "Apocalypse Now"

The Horror! line actually comes from this book.

Bernd 08/27/2024 (Tue) 08:46 [Preview] No.52366 del
That cover looks very familiar.
>Belgian expansion on African countries during the Scramble
>inspired most of the scenes and content from the movie "Apocalypse Now"
But Apocalypse Now is Vietnam. I assume from the cover it's the boating upriver.
I think I'll check it out/put on the list.

Bernd 08/28/2024 (Wed) 07:24 [Preview] No.52367 del
I figured out. The cover reminds me of The Island of Doctor Moreau.

Dutch bernd Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 21:11 [Preview] No.52407 del
>But Apocalypse Now is Vietnam
I think you can say that some of the lines and settings are inspired by the book. You can read then watch both and you can see the comparison.

>I figured out. The cover reminds me of The Island of Doctor Moreau.

Same creepy environment so I can kinda see that

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Proletics Serious Discussion - Nothing Changes Edition Bernd 07/18/2024 (Thu) 14:12 [Preview] No. 52219 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous thread: >>36217

Found fun informational. It's dated, I think from 2019 but things seems to be the same. Not sure about that Paris Climate Agreement tho.

As in last post in prev thread stated today EU Parliament voted back Ursula von der Leyen as the president of the EU Commission (EU govt. basically).
719 deputy
707 votes
401 yes
284 no
15 abstained
7 invalid votes
She's so dumb, and the dumbest statements she makes. She's also a bit dated, she was first elected in 2019. But it shows how strong the leftlib is, they stay in power as expected, despite all the bleeting in the leftlib press about far-right danger.
13 posts and 9 images omitted.

Bernd 09/10/2024 (Tue) 15:41 [Preview] No.52398 del
Second topic of the day.
Hungary makes strategic partnership deal with Chad.

Back in 2023 November the Hungarian Parliament decided to send 200 troops (with 400 in rotation) to Chad, to do various tasks, advisory, support, battlefield monitoring, protecting Hungarian citizens and local Hungarian interest, supporting fight against terrorism. Main goal is to "reduce the pressure of illegal migration on Europe".
Since the US and Western Europe destabilized all the Muslim countries of the Mediterranean with the Arab Spring, most of those still can't plug the holes. Basically making the Sahel stable reduces the migration. For the same reason went our dear Ursula went to Egypt to talk to their dictator el-Sisi this year.
Here's article about it:
And another one from 2024 April, using a French paper as a source:
This also mentions that:
>Hungary has signed military, educational, health, agricultural, and energy memoranda of understanding with Chad.
And that in Chad Hungary substitutes Russia which is busy elsewhere, and this cooperation is very anti-EU.

News from yesterday: Chadian Prez Mahmat Déby visiting the country (I think it was mentioned last week this event will happen). Sunday evening Orbán hosted a dinner for him and had a nice chat. Our foreign minister Szíjjártó told stuff about the parternship:
So the parties signed:
- strategic cooperation,

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 04:14 [Preview] No.52399 del
I just watched the US debate. All I can say is, bleh...

It was not really a debate, they would often ignore the questions that they were asked and instead they had their own talking points that they would try to shoehorn into their answers even when it was not relevant to the topic. These talking points are the same we have heard before, Trump talks about Immigration, Harris brings up project 2025. Neither of them had anything interesting to say and neither had any real policies.

The only thing of interest in this entire debate was that apparently Harris owns guns or at least a gun(she brought that up in response to Trump saying she wanted to ban them).

But still, I don't think either candidate did well but I don't think they did terribly either, there were no Biden moments this time. So I don't think this debate well affect the election much.

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 06:27 [Preview] No.52400 del
Heh: >>>/qrbunker/145100
It's not like they didn't read everything from a teleprompter in the debate with Biden...
I bet the debate was just a marketing event for these earpieces.
Finally one instance played one video:
Randomly clicked into the middle
>Viktor Orbán said
I'm sure some of his voterbase likes to hear about Orbán and what he says about Trump, but I'm not sure if can win voters from the middle, those who aren't committed to either side. For voters on the other end, Orbán is literal Hitler.

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 15:07 [Preview] No.52402 del
I think most Americans probably don't actually know what a Victor Orban is.

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 15:11 [Preview] No.52403 del
I dunno, he was shilled by Tucker Carlson quite a few times.
But I bet much more Americans have 0 idea than who has.

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Bernd 09/18/2018 (Tue) 11:39 [Preview] No. 19362 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
> "He got tazer!"
> Shot him
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Bernd 07/31/2022 (Sun) 19:44:43 [Preview] No.48425 del
I have found this:
Apparently it happened more than a year ago, but the case has been "in review" since the video above was revealed. The dude in the floor was a nignog suspected of having participated in a deadly shooting. The police claimed they shot in response after he produced a gun and shot a policeman in a leg. However, this is disputed by other people who believe he was unarmed and the shot came from another police (probably that woman seen in the video)

While looking for that I found vids related.

Bernd 08/01/2022 (Mon) 10:15:25 [Preview] No.48426 del
Bloke pulling a gun while that many officers manhandling him doesn't sound plausible. One fucking up and negligibly discharging his/her gun is more like it.
>1st vid
Couple of bullets really can make an uncooperative person placid. I bet they have several classes on this in police school.
>2nd vid
He played too much vidya.

Bernd 01/14/2023 (Sat) 19:11 [Preview] No.49643 del
Bloke stabbed three cops with a knife. One dead.
They shot him in the leg and arrested him...

Bernd 07/08/2023 (Sat) 08:24 [Preview] No.50632 del
(30.08 KB 780x438 Nasrat-Ahmad-Yar.jpg)
(563.47 KB 1280x720 shooters.mp4)
>flee the Talibans
>get shot
look like four neger teenagers, who else...

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 06:54 [Preview] No.52401 del
>wrestles gun from officer
>get shot
I'd really watch the whole thing spiraling out. That cop whose gun was taken looks incompetent, how he let that happen? Obviously there is more to it.
Then the dude walking up towards the arriving cop cars, calm as a cucumber. Did they just blast him, or did he went for a shot first? The branches covering the scene.
Tried to search about this but who knows when was this taken.

Movies & TV-shows Bernd 06/25/2021 (Fri) 08:20 [Preview] No. 44206 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Previous one is autosäging.

Wanna watch The Longest Yard, the original Burt Reynolds movie.
I only see two remakes, the Mean Machine with Vinnie Jones, and the Adam Sandler comedy from 2005. Probably the only good Adam Sandler movie. It's greatest selling point is the catchy tunes played in the background and the supporting cast. Judging by the screenshots it follows the original story quite tightly. The Mean Machine is adapted to the circumstances of a Bri'is prison and normal football. It was entertaining too.
One more remake was made, and Egyptian one: Captain Masr in 2015. Not sure if it's available anywhere, or has any English dubs or subs. Also features normal football.
386 posts and 275 images omitted.

Bernd 08/26/2024 (Mon) 14:04 [Preview] No.52357 del
>it's an example of R being replaced by B.

Ehh, I'm an idiot. That's not right. The B replaces V. R is replaced by the aa sound.

Bernd 08/26/2024 (Mon) 14:44 [Preview] No.52358 del
Have to crack out Wikipee.
No l.
And there are categories in that table of consonants which contain pairs. These I think depending on dialect or grammar could act as stand in for the other. So b could replace p.
Also note. They have no v, but w, which sounds perhaps more like ua than a distinctive v.

Bernd 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:34 [Preview] No.52359 del
I think the L/R division is very complex and not very well understood in the west and so people just use R even if it can also sound like an L.

Japanese has separate P and B letters and sounds. Here are there alphabets(well not Kanji of course that's way too massive to post).


You can hear it in the video I posted here >>52356 if you want. The very first thing that's said in this video is koko wa Japari Parku daiyo.

V is complex, they do sort of have V sounds but they are not listed in the alphabets I posted for some reason. Victoria as in Queen Victoria is spelt ヴィクトリア with ヴ being vu, so it's vuikutoria. Weirdly enough for some reason Victoria the state in Australia in Japanese is ビクトリア, so it's bikutoria. So that shows how the V sound in the same name can be made with different Japanese letters and sounds. I don't know why the two names are different to begin with though.
But yeas, the V sound is pretty rare and usually replaced by a B or even an fu such as in Otto von Bismark オットー・フォン・ビスマルク.
フォン is the von part with フ being fu and so von is spelt like fuon.

Bernd 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:42 [Preview] No.52360 del
>Otto von Bismark オットー・フォン・ビスマルク.
>フォン is the von part with フ being fu and so von is spelt like fuon.
Because the German letter v fau stands for the sound f. So quite rightly the Japanese use f.
One thing that have to keep in mind, we are writing about sounds and not letters. Live speech and not written. As an Anglo you must very well know how much the two can differ.
Letters are consensus on how to represent sounds on paper (on wood, stone, steel, any recording material).

Bernd 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:51 [Preview] No.52361 del
Ohh yes. Sorry I forgot about V actually being F in German... And I was also thinking in terms of English but that makes no sense as the Japanese would be translating German from German to Japanese not German from English to Japanese.