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Wages of Destruction Bernd 07/09/2019 (Tue) 20:28:52 [Preview] No. 27926 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
As I promised I'll write about this book.
It's quite lengthy but you'll reach the end if you read at your own pace. Most of the book isn't dense for me, an economic layman, with the exception of the parts about trade, which left me confused. I'll write what I manage to understand.
The author wrote it to argue in historiographical debates and make some points, but I read it just to add to my historical knowledge.

I'll write in sections, at most one a day so Bernd doesn't get overwhelmed, and will try to make the sections more thematic rather than just a sythesis of each chapter, as Hitler himself suggests in Mein Kampf for how one should mentally organize knowledge. I want to write about:

-Trade and controls of foreign currency and raw materials
-Budgets and revenue
-Businessmen and workers
-Consumer goods
-The fate of different industries
-General progression from 1933 to 1939

If I give up on writing I hope at least to cover the prewar period. I also hope to write on:
-Armaments priorities until 1940

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Bernd 06/15/2021 (Tue) 07:12:46 [Preview] No.43990 [X] del >>43994>>44037
Also. He is a good example of ideological bias. It is more than that "trust the plan" Q thing, they're getting their chops busted for. It's a whole world view and real motivation put into actions. A life built on it. Nowadays it's easy to claim "I'm a this or that" (think "I'm libertarian", "I'm anarcho-capitalist" etc.) when their life and how they live it doesn't really reflects anything. They just find things true and they voice their thoughts.

Bernd 06/15/2021 (Tue) 20:26:29 [Preview] No.43994 [X] del
At least it helped him sleep at night.

Bernd 06/17/2021 (Thu) 09:06:58 [Preview] No.44037 [X] del >>44046
>. Nowadays it's easy to claim
It was always easy to claim such things, I mean for example champange socialism is not a new term. Comformism always existed but it has never been such an overwhelming norm before. You go to twitter you wave your ideological flag, release your anger, relax and live like everyone else. This new way of life prevents any meaningful change as it comforts pretty much everyone. The illusion of change is worse than normal stagnation.

Bernd 06/18/2021 (Fri) 07:58:21 [Preview] No.44046 [X] del
"Moved" this discussion to the politics thread.

Bernd 05/24/2022 (Tue) 03:05:41 [Preview] No.47652 [X] del
Weird link

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Hi I decided to finally jump from KC to somewhere else.

Can I get cosy autistic discussions and sharing of media and OC content here?

regards ex old and 'new' KC bernd
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Bernd 05/17/2022 (Tue) 14:29:07 [Preview] No.47575 [X] del >>47582
Endchan location detection is like that sometimes. Just FYI me (board owner) can't do anything about it, if you want you can complain about it on /operate/ but this problem was known for years.

Bernd 05/18/2022 (Wed) 01:02:09 [Preview] No.47582 [X] del >>47584
How big is the userbase here lel. Goes quite slow, which is kinda cute.

Bernd 05/18/2022 (Wed) 07:19:01 [Preview] No.47584 [X] del >>47598
>how big
Small. Check endchan's board list for daily stat. It does not count Torusers, which is sometimes one.
Problem is, this band is together since 2016-17 and we expressed our opinion on every important topic twice from start to end and backwards. Also posted many interesting shit, most of not in the catalog anymore, and run out of things to post. Plus all of us has our lives, some moved away from imagebaords.
Plus plus, since we are only a few it is less likely that a post will overlap with another's interests, so might not provoke replies.
Plus plus plus, personally I feel less and less the "need to correct" wrong opinions on the internet (I did not have much of that to begin with, and sometimes I rather ridicule, especially if I smell trolling, also I'm busy and tired), and the others aren't keen on argue over bs either. So heated discussions are rare.
During busiest times we had ~15 posters. Now daily ones are me and that Australian fella. And we have some more posters who checks in once or twice per week. And other occasional posters.
If you post something we'll read it, maybe even reply.

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/19/2022 (Thu) 02:17:35 [Preview] No.47597 [X] del
>Can I get cosy autistic discussions and sharing of media and OC content here?

Sure. Welcome aboard new fren

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/19/2022 (Thu) 02:20:17 [Preview] No.47598 [X] del
>most of not in the catalog anymore

Search for archived threads here.

(60.94 KB 1000x800 fren.png)
Hello friends. Can I sit here?
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Bernd 01/01/2022 (Sat) 11:47:19 [Preview] No.46020 [X] del
>I'm actually the plushie bernd from Hungary.
>Finally tiem to tells the truth
And triples don't lie eh? Three is the Hungarian Truth/Justice

Bernd 05/15/2022 (Sun) 11:04:43 [Preview] No.47545 [X] del >>47546

Bernd 05/15/2022 (Sun) 11:07:02 [Preview] No.47546 [X] del
Do you come to sit here too?

Bernd 05/16/2022 (Mon) 10:43:47 [Preview] No.47555 [X] del >>47556
can sb help me?
about month ago I was using "Hello, anon" site to fine another interesting forums and news, but now it doesn't work... I can't open that site to find another sites

Bernd 05/16/2022 (Mon) 10:50:47 [Preview] No.47556 [X] del
Sorry, I dunno what site that is.

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PolandBall thread Bernd 01/12/2021 (Tue) 03:57:38 [Preview] No. 42021 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Polandball thread?
Polandball thread?

I have some comics saved up that I wanted to upload here. Enjoy. And remember to like, r8 and subscribe for more content
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Dutch bernd Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:24:09 [Preview] No.47528 [X] del
(56.47 KB 600x4200 Guatemala Date.png)

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:25:29 [Preview] No.47529 [X] del

Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:26:14 [Preview] No.47530 [X] del
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Dutch bernd Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:27:30 [Preview] No.47531 [X] del
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Dutch bernd Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:29:42 [Preview] No.47532 [X] del
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Bernd 04/09/2020 (Thu) 17:55:51 [Preview] No. 35770 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Strano Shari thread
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Bernd 06/07/2021 (Mon) 13:40:09 [Preview] No.43889 [X] del >>43890
the original was something like russia showing that they have tigers due to being so big

Bernd 06/07/2021 (Mon) 14:28:02 [Preview] No.43890 [X] del
(150.07 KB 719x599 Heinrich_is_of_slav.png)
Probably meant that particular one.

Bernd 01/29/2022 (Sat) 11:07:17 [Preview] No.46238 [X] del >>46239
Please more tigers and space art. Where find?

Bernd 01/29/2022 (Sat) 11:13:32 [Preview] No.46239 [X] del
Maybe there are some on Know Your Meme.

Thread fell off Bernd 04/20/2022 (Wed) 22:46:08 [Preview] No.47302 [X] del
need space tiger

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Bernd 03/23/2022 (Wed) 08:07:18 [Preview] No. 47016 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Ru**ian subhumans not only choke freedom of speech in their gas station not a country, but bribe foreign platforms and spread their kremlinbot paid patriots too.
They're rly trying to shut up everyone all around the world. LMAO. Such retards. This shithole should not exist.
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Bernd 03/30/2022 (Wed) 15:39:31 [Preview] No.47116 [X] del >>47180
There's a spare Russia.

Bernd 04/01/2022 (Fri) 00:02:42 [Preview] No.47127 [X] del >>47141
>This is a thing, confusing the government/political leadership with the country or the people.

Another interesting moment that westerners rarely understand political situation here. People here aren't subjects of politics, and don't want to be. Majority of Russians support government, but this majority is very passive and have complex doublethink from birth. Like people sincerely saying "yes, we need to crush that evil West, go Putin!", but then running to shop to stockpile food because same people don't trust any word from government (who says that everything is good and will be better). So this isn't situation like people suffering from evil dictator, nor situation when people support glorious leader, and not even middle. For all 20th century Russians had only ~20 years of relatively comfort life, and experienced few pretty serious genocides (revolution/civil war, WW2), so people subconsciously understand how things really work, and easily change their mind when it is about survival.

Good example of modern Russian mentality was 1991, when almost everyone didn't want USSR to fall but literally no one ever tried to save it, even by just going to street protest. There was referendum before and 77% said that USSR must be saved in new form, but only few old generals tried to make a coup that quickly failed.

And some naive westerners also think that Russians need to gather and overthrow the regime, and sanctions would help to move people to streets. But there was recent example from almost similar country: Belarus. It is small country that has less population than Moscow, and they've had protests on almost revolution level, with street fights, terrorism (both from police and from people), very large amount of protest supporters in population, and... nothing changed. Government used hardcore repressions and protests were crushed. Situation in Russia isn't different, there are huge amount of loyal police and paramilitary force that wouldn't surrender easily but can do any inhumane act without remorse.

Bernd 04/03/2022 (Sun) 10:11:25 [Preview] No.47141 [X] del
I know what you write.
It's literally an inherited helplessness, impotence. Like riding on rollercoaster you have no control of.
I think many people in every nation, country, culture have this, but depending on historical circumstances as we're going from west to east it is characteristic to larger and larger portion of the society. In the US where the American Dream exists (existed?) a lot more people have a "can do" mindset and they are more willing to changing their own fate, and they believe more that they can influence larger things outside their own lives. In UK where the entrepreneur spirit exists since liek Henry VIII, the birthplace of capitalism, the country which influenced global changes in the first time also have this.
But arriving to the continent it is less and less, actually in both direction, from west to east and north to south. Central Eastern Europe, the last 500 years, it's one failure after another (mostly talking about Hungarian history, but noone here had more bright fate), individuals long tied to the feudal system, bloody and unsuccessful struggles to reach nothing by own effort, but then the central authority reached down and gave certain freedom. Little democratic changes in the end, but then the two world wars destroyed everything and we found ourselves again under the thumb of tyranny.
But then we reach Russia, where communism followed feudalism directly, offering very little for the individual to feel that he can be master of his own fate. They only learnt to live in a way where others deciding what they can do and cannot. When all the people around made to watch each other so they don't do anything against the system. People don't know how to change themselves, and how to join forces with the others. In this system only those can be independent thinkers and doers who are really psycho/sociopaths, and even these will be just roadkills for those who are in the right position to do so. Being in the right place or knowing the right people is not enough however, most of these can only be yes men for a very few guys on the top.

Dutch bernd Bernd 04/09/2022 (Sat) 02:39:56 [Preview] No.47180 [X] del
I don't think we can fit all of Russia there doe

Dutch bernd Bernd 04/09/2022 (Sat) 02:40:47 [Preview] No.47181 [X] del
Spooky. Can mods verify what this is?

Syria thread - Putin edition Bernd 07/30/2021 (Fri) 02:19:43 [Preview] No. 44602 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Daraa insurgency flared up a lot.

> We host more than %50 of worldd refugees it will eventually bite Europe bad. When shit hits the fan blame your politicians for buying out erdoğan instead of encouraging their permanent return in syria
But there can only be a permanent refugee solution when the government recovers control of the whole country, and Erdogan delayed that from happening last year when he interrupted the successful offensive in Idlib.
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Bernd 03/31/2022 (Thu) 18:32:04 [Preview] No.47125 [X] del >>47129
I assume phase 1 would be crushing Ukrainian military if we go by Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy's speech? By that they want to liberate the (people's) republics, without the interference of the Ukrainian military. For this they have to neutralize it, because otherwise those could endlessly butt into the matter. So they opted with all out war on the whole Ukraine, and not on a limited operational area.
Now - if it is true what's in that speech - they crippled the Ukrainian army, and they are busy with holding Kiev, Chernigov, Sumi, Kharkov, Mikolaev and Krivoy Rog. In the South East corner god knows what the situation is.
Or maybe phase 1 is connecting Crimea with the republics? Because that crushing doesn't sound complete in reality.

Bernd 04/01/2022 (Fri) 01:23:31 [Preview] No.47128 [X] del >>47131
>but I doubt they will dislodge the positions north of Kiev.

Because the Russians are already leaving them on their own... I was not wholly wrong I guess. I thought they would try to stay there to keep pressure on the capital but then having them there is costly as it is right near the capital of Ukrainian, it's not strictly necessary for taking Donbas either.

Bernd 04/01/2022 (Fri) 01:27:09 [Preview] No.47129 [X] del >>47131
Maybe, it could also be surrounding certain cities, taking Mariupol(or near enough of it), connecting Crimea to the Donbass, taking Kherson and so establishing a foothold on the west side of the Dniper etc. Hitting Ukrainian supply depots and such would probably be a part as well.

Bernd 04/01/2022 (Fri) 11:14:25 [Preview] No.47130 [X] del >>47131
(7.43 MB 720x1280 belgorod1.mp4)
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Ukrainian (allegedly) helicopter attack on Belgorod fuel depot in Russia.

Bernd 04/01/2022 (Fri) 11:52:17 [Preview] No.47131 [X] del
>there is costly as it is right near the capital of Ukrainian, it's not strictly necessary for taking Donbas either.
They are tying down great amount of forces.

Perhaps. I'm really curious about phase 2. Right now in the north it's all withdrawing or regrouping (depending who says it).

That doesn't look good for Russia, getting struck at home.
If Ukrainians managed then:
- this makes Russia look weak;
- the demilitarization doesn't go well.
If Russians did this to blame Ukrainians:
- can be used as an excuse to continue the war;
- I don't think they really need any excuse to continue at this point;
- an Ukrainian strike makes them looks weak;
- it creates the appearance that the demilitarization effort doesn't go well.

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Hover thread Bernd 09/03/2019 (Tue) 09:49:00 [Preview] No. 28887 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
There might be interest on here for some of what I have to share

Like the Hans Coler device and the Schauberger imposive tech
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Bernd 06/20/2020 (Sat) 05:50:02 [Preview] No.37966 [X] del >>37969
I didn't even know we were having one. Well it misses my area completely as well anyway.

Bernd 06/20/2020 (Sat) 20:04:31 [Preview] No.37969 [X] del
there was a board on old 8ch called vril that used to have solstice ritual threads. not anything bizzare like satanic shit, just make a little shrine and meditate kind of stuff. was pretty neat.

Bernd 02/28/2022 (Mon) 12:34:59 [Preview] No.46753 [X] del >>46754
These threads are always the same.
>something interesting
>basic science
>aliens bro

The picture is of a shitty testla coil.
It would make a field, you could use that field to ionize atomic particles.
Yes they would probably glow

could you suspend an object in the field? If the field was strong enough, sure.
But that's not reversing gravity, while it may appear to be floating you've just countered gravity with another force.
I can float a ping pong ball above a fan- that's not anti gravity either.

Could you use this to make something fly?
Well then you would have something like the LHC at CERN- where you build a monolithic EM coil and try to fire particles down it.
The particle moves- the coil does not...well it might move to relative to the mass of the suspended particle, but it's the particle which is going to move.

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Bernd 02/28/2022 (Mon) 15:46:23 [Preview] No.46754 [X] del >>46755
But then how the Nazis travelled to the other side of the Moon?

Bernd 02/28/2022 (Mon) 17:22:41 [Preview] No.46755 [X] del
Hyperborean magick recovered from the expedition to Tibet.

language thread Bernd 01/21/2019 (Mon) 20:25:31 [Preview] No. 22574 [Reply] [X] [Last 50 Posts]
Are you currently trying to learn a new language?

I want to improve my english and learn russian at the same time.


site related, it's learn russian for Türks, plus there is a few things to learn about russia and soviets.
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Bernd 08/17/2021 (Tue) 17:19:13 [Preview] No.44780 [X] del >>44789

Bernd 08/18/2021 (Wed) 17:15:04 [Preview] No.44789 [X] del
Have you picked up some Russian since then?

Bernd 08/18/2021 (Wed) 17:55:21 [Preview] No.44790 [X] del >>44791
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Bernd 08/18/2021 (Wed) 18:40:34 [Preview] No.44791 [X] del
Can you use it?

Bernd 02/21/2022 (Mon) 12:48:12 [Preview] No.46522 [X] del
Yaghan is one of the tiniest languages as far as the amount of speakers goes, and its sole speaker died just now, essentially the language died with her. She said previously there are others who know it some but none use it as well as she. We can just accept her word that she was fully master of it. When does a language die? While some people understood her, wouldn't a language alive when an intelligible conversation can be done with it, where both sides are active speaker, and one of them isn't just a mere listener?
Yaghans are/were natives in the regions of the southernmost Chile and Argentina. They were hunger-gatherers in the past, now they do what South Americans do I guess.

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Merry Valentines day /KC/!!

Bernd 02/14/2022 (Mon) 07:27:47 [Preview] No.46430 [X] del
You mean Bálint Day?

Bernd 02/14/2022 (Mon) 09:49:24 [Preview] No.46432 [X] del
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It's Bismarck launch day.

Bernd 02/14/2022 (Mon) 11:47:39 [Preview] No.46433 [X] del
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It's actually the Bday of Hungarian assburger Esperantist and world traveler who spoke 22 languages (8 on conversational level).

Bernd 02/14/2022 (Mon) 13:15:01 [Preview] No.46434 [X] del
It's not any of those days at all! Stop trying to steal Valentines day from the Valentine.

The valentine does not get anywhere near enough attention I think, everybody forgets it existed even though they made 8,200 of them. That's only 300 less than the number of Panzer IVs that were made. It's such an important tank yet nobody ever mentions it.