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Welding Machine Anonymous 10/11/2024 (Fri) 23:44 [Preview] No. 54084 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I'm looking at getting this welding machine to practice on before I start the welding course end of next year and it's stated that you can use a Tig gun on this and want to know which one would be the right Tig gun to get
26 posts and 2 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:04 [Preview] No.55076 del
(13.32 KB 369x399 z3HSivZ.jpg)
(9.69 KB 374x308 WnckKpsb.jpg)
Shut up spammer.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:06 [Preview] No.55128 del
A "pussy" would not help blow up the Nordstream pipeline that both his allies and political foes owned and benefited from.... I'll have to admit that... although Joe is getting pretty senile and has onset dementia, and he does have a long laundry list of dirty corruption in politics & industry at that. Otherwise, he's just another puppet, working for other corrupt crony higher-up interests.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:08 [Preview] No.55197 del
living (or not) the dream

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.55256 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:14 [Preview] No.55336 del
The real redpill is that god doesn't exist, Jesus was a fake prophet who could not have been the messiah according to the Jewish scripture from which he derived his legitimacy.

Depression Anonymous 03/22/2024 (Fri) 19:50 [Preview] No. 50549 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
As a child, I blocked out most of my past because I was bullied. I didn't really take care of myself because I hated myself. I didn't brush my teeth, I didn't eat, I felt unloved, and so much more that I can barely remember about my childhood. I could only recall certain events, like when this one girl walked up to me and told me, "Oh, your teeth are so white, I like them." I didn't know what sarcasm was at that time, and I said "Thanks," not understanding why she sounded like that. Another memory I have is when my "friends" started leaving me for no reason. Well, I think I know why they left me; probably because I was a freak. Another memory I have is of my teachers being mean. They would mark my test adding things like "Oh, you're so stupid" to certain questions. One question that hurt me very badly is when we had to draw hands, one hand having all the good things about a person and the other having all the bad things in a person. She wrote on the bad hand, "Just like you!" That really hurt me as a child. Another memory I have is when I confessed my feelings to this girl with a love letter. I didn't really know how to spell, so most of the words just seemed like gibberish. When I gave it to her in class, she laughed, saying that I should learn how to be smart before I asked her out. Her friends even said, "You're too ugly for love." It's honestly sad. One time, back in grade 4, I think I told my friend I liked this one girl in class. He told the whole school the next day, and she "was my girlfriend" for a little until breaking up with me 3 months into the relationship. She even said, "I only dated you because I got dared" when she broke up with me. I have bad memories of everybody in my life. Even my parents used to lie, saying "Oh, you're so talented" or "You're so good at this," even though I wasn't anywhere near as good or talented as most people. I was honestly hurt as a child mentally, and I think that plays a big role in why I'm so friendly, gentle, and frankly scared of how I act around people now that I'm 14. I honestly don't want to be myself because I'm scared people might be mean to me again. I try to brush my teeth every day. I try to eat. I sort of brush my teeth every day, and I at least eat around one meal per day, so I think I'm recovering, but I'm not sure. I'm also kind of in love with this girl in my class, but I'm frankly too scared to ask her to be mine. Well, the reason is that I'm sort of broke, and I don't have a lot of money, so I can't really buy stuff for her or take her on dates, and I don't want to tell her I'm broke because I'm scared she will not want to be friends or even more than friends anymore. So yeah, I don't know what I want to do with my life or what I'm doing. I'm starting to get suicidal thoughts every day, and I can't stop them. I hope someone at least can help me here one day. But all I want is to give someone my world, to show someone all the affection and love I have in me for them. Yeah, I don't know what else to say, but I hope that my life gets better, and I hope someone can help me with what's going on in my life. Thank you.
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:06 [Preview] No.55145 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:08 [Preview] No.55198 del
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To be fair, there is a trick that can work to make new friends and some lonely recluses do if they become desperate enough to try. Research alcoholism and learn all about it. Then pretend to have an alcoholism problem and start attending an AA meeting. There will be a few of those reforming alcoholics who will absolutely be obsessed trying to help and encourage you to stop drinking. They often make it their life mission to befriend random anons who have problems drinking and it makes them feel better the more they can help reform others.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:10 [Preview] No.55235 del
(17.76 KB 363x451 nMF75EmPw0O6c.jpg)
I'm looking at getting this welding machine to practice on before I start the welding course end of next year and it's stated that you can use a Tig gun on this and want to know which one would be the right Tig gun to get

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:13 [Preview] No.55324 del
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Women love sucking dick.
Just make sure you take a shower first.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:13 [Preview] No.55328 del
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Shit Bitch. Anonymous 04/16/2024 (Tue) 17:40 [Preview] No. 50931 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Shit Bitch.
That's a big ass building in fire.
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:04 [Preview] No.55067 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:07 [Preview] No.55172 del
not nice

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:10 [Preview] No.55247 del
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You were too young or maybe not even born yet, but that was the day America went to hell in a hand basket and has been getting worse ever since.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:12 [Preview] No.55296 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:13 [Preview] No.55327 del
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It's possible very few if anyone uses this p2p alternative but I rather see threads like this than one-lined spam threads constantly being force-bumped to the top.

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That is a big cloud.

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J.K. Rowling Anonymous 03/27/2023 (Mon) 12:56 [Preview] No. 46132 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
these are the very controversial tweets that got her hated globally and axed from everything she her herself created by the trans community and every leftest ran media Company and got her and her family to be harassed and sent death threats to, I warn you these are going to 'trigger' you and make you outraged and call for her to be canceled and justify her being sent death threats.

are you prepared?
11 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:06 [Preview] No.55130 del
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The left are scum.
If you're not shooting leftists, you're not changing anything...

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:09 [Preview] No.55204 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:09 [Preview] No.55216 del
So much conflict.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.55264 del
(21.54 KB 481x406 DGGjw.jpg)
Americans are cheesy.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:13 [Preview] No.55322 del
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(88.09 KB 1139x1010 dpsRyM.jpg)
I'm sorry, all I can say is be careful who you trust. We as Americans will do our best to reform our own government in the elections (Trump '24!!!!), if we can successfully do so without all the ballot rigging.... Until then - and unless that actually happens - do not trust us, do not trust our corrupt government, do not put yourself or family in harms way. Do not flee to Western nations either, they plan to draft the refugees because our governments are complete scumbags.

No nation wins in major wars. No one but corrupt governments and big banks. Remember both sides of the war are funded by the same oligarchy, always!

(34.21 KB 474x474 1086759786.jpg)
Hey anons. I was wondering what is the best media player for a modern 5 year old TV set? I need something that will work for 2TB external drives, x264 and x265 encoded video formats as well, whether mp4 or mkv. Something that will play most external drives. Any suggestions?

The older one I have only loads my 1TB drives and only works with x264 encoded video formats. It is completely outdated as far as what I would desire to work with now days.
13 posts and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:04 [Preview] No.55090 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:05 [Preview] No.55097 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:06 [Preview] No.55141 del
The Babes need Black COCK up their Asshole.

It's am American thing to do.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.55282 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:13 [Preview] No.55312 del
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Gaza Genocide Anonymous 01/11/2024 (Thu) 02:08 [Preview] No. 49443 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
An epidemic of starvation and disease in Gaza.
1.7 million people displaced.
66 posts and 6 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:04 [Preview] No.55086 del

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:04 [Preview] No.55094 del
Drink bleach, fuckhead

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:10 [Preview] No.55228 del

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.55262 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.55279 del
Embarrassment Babe.

(760.92 KB 905x6031 Linux Distros.png)
Hey anons, which Linux OS is your favorite to use, and why? I'm looking to try something new myself after trying Linux Mint, Ubuntu Studio and Xubuntu. I'm looking for a Linux that is media friendly and has most media codecs pre-installed. I also want something that has Wine pre-installed or that I can use Foobar2000 for (one of the best audio players out there capable of loading very large audio collections relatively fast). I would hate to have to go back to Windows 7 just to use Foobar2000 but that is my end-game option.
43 posts and 6 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:08 [Preview] No.55186 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:09 [Preview] No.55215 del

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:10 [Preview] No.55239 del
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she is argentinian, probably more nazi than jewish

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.55259 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.55277 del
Virgin Incel Gahoole.

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A Growing evil Anonymous 01/22/2022 (Sat) 02:41 [Preview] No. 38236 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
How do we stop the ever increasing growth of evil in places like the U.S. and similar countries, or is it inevitable?
262 posts and 44 images omitted.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:06 [Preview] No.55139 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:08 [Preview] No.55199 del
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Dying while feeling pleasure. There are worse ways to die.

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:09 [Preview] No.55226 del
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Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.55270 del
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I'm looking at getting this welding machine to practice on before I start the welding course end of next year and it's stated that you can use a Tig gun on this and want to know which one would be the right Tig gun to get

Anonymous 01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:11 [Preview] No.55274 del
>User is long gone,
That always happens on youtube. Some users quit, but more come in to take their place