10/12/2024 (Sat) 19:15
No.54090 [X]
Yeah, this is just completely misunderstanding the problem. It's really not all that complicated. People are already programmed for sex. You either have to find the kind of woman who wants to be with a guy like you, or you have to be become the kind of man that a woman would want to sleep with. If you want a woman that will put work into having a relationship with you, you have to be willing to put that work into the relationship, too.
So many guys seem to treat a relationship as something that you acquire with initial effort, and then she's bound to you forever. She must keep putting in that same effort, but then you can go do whatever you want. But that's completely unrealistic. On both sides, a relationship is more like a campfire that keeps you both warm, but it has to be tended to relatively frequently. Sometimes, you can just toss a few more twigs, and that's enough, but you do have to regularly do the hard work of cutting down a tree, which itself does nothing for the fire. Then you have to chop the wood which does nothing for the fire. But, after that, you can coast for a while on the wood you've chopped.
To echo a bunch of the other commenters here, this image promotes misogynistic bullshit where "successful" men are somehow entitled to a set of holes to put their dick in. But, no, you're not. If you participate in and contribute to society (or literally cannot), then as a fuckin bleeding heart leftie, I do believe you're entitled to the basics of shelter and food, but if you want sex, you'll have to find someone who mutually wants sex with you.