01/22/2025 (Wed) 18:18

>>63762Another 8 classic movies, you will not regret watching these inspirational movies:
(An undercover cop decides to infiltrate a dangerous biker gang to investigate not only crime, but how these criminals live and their connections. But the bikers best not find out that he is a cop, because if they ever do, he's a dead man, 1974)
(Based on a true story, a former CIA employee and later NSA programmer decides to blow up one the biggest government secrets in American history by taking tons of data and delivering it to journalists in Hong Kong. This data is a trove of documents exposing vast Unconstitutional spying operations that even targets American civilians without warrant, 2016)
(An old senile man has delusions of winning one million dollars from a scam letter sent to his address. When his family tries to explain the scam to him he won't believe them, and he is willing to travel across country on foot to claim his non-existing fortune, 2013)
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
(A criminal pleads insanity and is admitted to a hospital for mental evaluation, but even though he admits he is insane he is brilliant at defying the rules and stirring up all kinds of trouble for everyone in very normal criminal fashion, 1975)
Taxi Driver
(A disgruntled veteran working as a taxi driver is faced with a deteriorating mental state while he is forced to live in the slums making money driving people around New York City at night. When he meets an underage girl prostituting herself he tries desperately to reform her and help her live a normal life without relying on pimps and prostitution, 1976)
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